Actionable Insights for New Quizzes Success: A Panel Discussion


Get ready to kickoff your own New Quizzes success story! Hear from a panel of Canvas users as they share their journey. Leaders from a range of institutions will discuss their collective experiences with the assessment engine, share their tips for a successful transition, and discuss New Quizzes releases on the horizon.

Video Transcript
Alright. Thank you everyone so much for joining us for the new quizzes panel. Thanks for your patience as we had a little technical difficulty getting started. We're so excited to have a great conversation with some of our amazing admin have been working through their transition. In just a moment, we'll have them introduce themselves, just really quickly so you know who the moderators are. My name is Jody Saylor.

And I am the director of product for Canvas LMS. And I am Kevin Meredith I am a senior product marketing manager over Canvas as well. Perfect. So our goal for this session really is for you to hear from other admin and teachers who are working through their transition to hear the successes they've had, some of the challenges and how they've overcome, and then also to just give you advice as you start embarking on this journey yourself. So before we get started, Angie, if you don't mind, since you're there on the end, we'll just go through if you wanna say your name, what institution you're from and where you are in your transition.

That would be awesome. Yes. Hello. My name is Angie Bo Garthick. I'm at the Iowa State University.

At Iowa State, our instructors have the option to use new quizzes or classic quizzes when with all of their courses. I'm Gretchen Anderson, also from Iowa State University. And as Angie explained, we are letting them, use it as they want. I am James Wally from Cornell University. And we're in the same boat.

New quizzes are open. Nothing's being enforced yet. My name is Becky Mulder. I work at the Warton School at the University of Pennsylvania. We are four years into our transition, and, a little over forty percent there.

My name is Jessica Gutierrez. I'm with St. Lucy County Public Schools, I am the Canvas admin for our district. We've been doing new quizzes since they first rolled them out. So it's been probably about three years or so, and we are mostly fully implemented at this point.

Hi. I'm Dan Burgess. I'm with the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, service owner for Learning Management. We are at let's see. We enabled it for opt in, December twenty twenty one.

So when the instructor's select to create a quiz. They can choose a new quiz or, or, classic quiz. So Yeah. Justin, I'm like Indiana University, think we talked about this, and I think we were one of the first institutions to turn it on in our instance. And so we have it available for any instructor to use as a opt in as well.

Awesome. Now just to let the panel understand a little bit about who is in the audience, we have quite the group here. If you are from k twelve, raise your hand and give us a shout out. Awesome. How about our higher ed? Alright.

Any partners or other ed tech providers? We don't represent. Amazing. Awesome. Alright. Well, we're gonna go ahead and get started.

We had another poll, but are not able to get that working. So we're gonna skip right past that. And I'm gonna start actually with Becky. I'd love for you to take this first question. What criteria did you consider when planning for your smooth transition? And before you start, I'm gonna give a quick plug to Becky is doing a session tomorrow about their smooth transition to new quizzes.

So tell us a little bit about it, Becky. Sure. We decided to answer the call of the squeakiest wheel, and that was a professor who had a lot of numeric questions in his course and also a need to regrade. And he was pretty dissatisfied with that experience in classic quizzes. So we looked at his course.

It was a very large enrollment course, five hundred students, and an an introductory operations course, and we decided to start with him as a pilot and, use that course. And so we looked at, what features of new quizzes would solve a problem for someone else. That was our main criteria. And the regrading tool works really well in new quizzes, and it regrades all the question types so we rolled out a pilot starting with that course, and it was really successful. Fantastic.

Anyone else wanna share any of the criteria you were keying that? James, go ahead. Yeah. So, when we looked at moving to new quizzes, some of the big things we're looking at why would somebody wanna move to new quizzes other than they have to? And some key things that came out from early faculty who were using the tool, were the expanded regrading abilities, as well as, the bulk accommodation being able to change time on all new quizzes for a student. So those were big reasons to push people to move. But we were really We were we tried to be safe in identifying some keys that would cause some faculty not to wanna move right away, and I think that's important.

To know what are common things that they use that might not be ready yet. And for us, at the time that we were looking at it, those were like CSV ports of the student results from quizzes, as well as the new rich content editor, the came out, and I will sing its praises in a bit, as well as the bulk migration, especially when it comes to folks using question banks, getting them into item banks. Fantastic. So we've answered some of those for you. We're getting there on the others.

Right? Yes. Definitely getting there. Definitely getting closer. What was that? Definitely getting closer. Perfect.

Gretchen, you guys have already started your transition as well. And I know you've been talking a lot about what is success criteria that you had set, and also what are the metrics that you're using? Can you tell us just a little bit about what you set and then how you're tracking those metrics to to work success. Sure. So some of the things that we're looking at is the functionality and the usability for the instructors. In terms of, is it there, is it meeting their needs? And then also we're looking at the amount of support that's available to them.

And that's not just from a, instructor perspective, but also from an internal perspective. So we've worked hard to set up some things to support all of those faculty. We've really targeted specific faculty and instructors to make sure that, we're really able to support them and provide them hands on, instructional designers to help. And so as we look at that, we are able to have a really close relationship with each of them and make sure that they're constantly able to give feedback when they need it and to make sure that we're adjusting and adapting. And how did you set that up for them to be able to get that feedback on their work that they're they're creating? I'm sorry.

One more time. That rain is amazing. The question was sorry. That really threw us off. How do you have your instructors asking for that help? How did you set up the system so that you know when they need that help? And then how do you step Sure.

So we actually set up, we had local support in each of the colleges. And so we intentionally drew them in to help us pilot this and make sure that they were all aware of the ins and outs of all of the tool functionality. And the expectations from the university's standpoint in order to make sure, that they were up to speed, that we were all moving in sync, that there weren't any communication gaps. And then we met regularly with those subunit admins. Once every other week, I think it was, initially, and they were meeting weekly with each of their instructors.

And so there were, opportunities for that individual, in person feedback, but then also we did satisfaction surveys throughout that part too. And so that really helped give us some data. That's fantastic. Part of what we talk about a lot at Instructure is just how critical it is to do good change management, right? As you're doing this transition planning, and we'll have a few more questions about change management here in just a minute. But it sounds like with that communication, the follow through all of the things that you're doing along the way is really pushing towards not just enforcing something, but helping them lock step through the change, which is really incredible.

Becky, we're gonna come back to you real quick on the next one. You had shared that you would love to share just kind of some of the challenges that you've experienced and how you overcame Yeah. We definitely hoped we wouldn't still be in a transition stage four years later, but here we are. And the biggest challenge we've faced because of that is having to support two different quiz tools at the same time. It's very often the case that we get requests from instructors, for help, and they don't say which quiz tool they're using.

They just say, well, I created a new quiz, and is that a new new quiz, or a classic new quiz, and, so we have to often do a lot of investigating where we go in and and search and see what type of quiz they're using before we can give a response because there are some features that work differently, such as being able to add time to an in progress quiz. You can do that in classic, but not yet in new quizzes, respond to lockdown browser work much better with new quizzes and in classic. And, so trying to understand where they're coming from and support that do has been, the biggest challenge for us. Excellent. Anyone else wanna talk.

Jessica looked like you had a thought. I think coming from K twelve, the biggest thing that we faced was just getting them to change over or like the buy in for new quizzes. What's so different about it and what's better about it, and it was just making sure that we provided enough training and enough support consistently to the teachers so that they had that confidence to be able to move forward with that transition. So I think, I had open office hours multiple times. I set up what I called a canvas chat for new quizzes, every month for them to come.

And, I give them we have we use Microsoft, so we have bookings and they have a link. They can book time with me to come out to them in person or even just, virtually to walk them through transitioning over their from classic over to the new quizzes. And I would add intentionally finding the instructors who are excited and want to talk about it and how awesome it is. Agree. We've actually done a panel at our university of instructors that are using it trying to get buy in because I can say all day as a structural designer, you should use this tool, but when they hear it from other faculty who are using it, they're more likely to buy in.

Absolutely. I know as a former administrator myself in k twelve, oftentimes if I shared something, it was like, oh, yeah. I'll get to it when I can. Right? But when they hear from their fellow teachers, from others who are trying out the tools. It just means something different.

Perfect. Dan, let's let you answer a quick question. We'd love to hear a little bit about the role the communication has played in your transition and just how you made sure everybody was on the same page, knew what was coming, what was changing all of the things. Well, sure. So we, we used the playbook that we used for trans positioning from our previous LMS to Canvas.

And that consisted of, a group of ambassadors, we call them. And that were, that were folks, from the nineteen schools and colleges, agreeing to be part of this process and helping us with the communication, so feeding out to, to their, respective schools and colleges, but also feeding back to us the concerns that they have because with nineteen schools and colleges, there's gonna be a variety of different types of issues that have to be addressed. And so I think that's been really critical for us. And then I would add that, the new quizzes, how kudos to you for that. That that's really made it, much easier to communicate out, for what's continuing the continuing development with new quizzes.

So when the, when the announcement was made, that the timeline was lifted, right, some took that to say, well, then they're kinda not going forward with new quizzes. And you're like, No. No. No. No.

They're they're definitely And matter of fact, they've they've actually increased the amount of efforts and an easy way for you to be able to see that is to go to the new quizzes hub. So you can see it is continuing to to develop out. So, the Ambassador Group, using that playbook right from what we use for our transition from our LMS has just been really critical for us. Fantastic. And Dan, can you tell us just a little bit? How did you choose these nineteen ambassadors, were they a specific role that they were already playing for each of the schools, or were these people that got to, apply for the position, or how did you figure that one out? Some of them are your, your, you know, the folks that you always go to.

You have a close working relationship with. So there are some that you just go, please. We want you. You know, we've worked with you for many years. And then others, it is just it was a call out to campus, and those folks joined us.

Awesome. Jessica, the next slide is one that actually you prepared and shared with us that you've shared as you've been out training. Do you wanna tell us just a little bit about this? I know you spoke just a moment ago how you were making sure folks were trained. But tell us more. So I started with a training because a lot of the questions that first came out was the look of what those icons look like when you're looking at a new quiz versus a classic quiz.

And we had teachers that we're confused. Well, how do I know which is my new quizzes? Well, how do I know which one is my classic? You know, because they all have that rocketship. So we pulled this, I actually got it from you guys from Instructure at one point and put it together as part of a training slide. So they knew what to look for. And I had teachers that would they took a screenshot of it, and they're like, I printed this out and put it on my computer so that I knew what I was looking for, when I was pulling my quizzes up.

So the training was huge in this and talking to our teachers about it. So we needed to make sure they understood what it looked like because it does look a little bit different, with the icons and the coloring in of the icons and so far. Awesome. What I love about that is you've given them something very easy to use in reference, right? The fact that they are printing it out and putting it on their their monitor or whatever, just makes it so easy for them to go back to, which is great. Angie, I think the next one is for you because we're talking about training, and you've done an credible job at your institution with all of the training and the materials that you've created.

Will you tell us just a little bit about how you made sure everybody's getting trained if you provide a training which roles students' teachers' staff. We focused primarily on staff only because in our initial pilot, the pilot, the feedback that we got from instructors was that students really required very little. They they caught on to it very quickly. So I created a, public canvas site for the instructors that we shared on our website because I wanted them to be able to get the information they needed very easily. Now there's also directions for them to ask to be added to the Canvas course, and then we provided training sessions that instructors signed up for, when they signed up for any of our training sessions, we added I added them directly to this Canvas course so they can experience a new quiz as a student, because that was important to see what it looked like for the students so that they could see what their students were experiencing.

But training sessions were varied. We started off during our pilot phase of just what is new quizzes, how is it different? And during that phase, it wasn't available, it was only available our pilot instructors to use with their actual students, but anybody who attended any of those training sessions about what is new quizzes could request a sandbox course to be added to the new quizzes. So they had kind of early access. Then in June of last year, we turned on the option to for them to choose new or classic when creating. And at that point, our trainings, sessions changed where we provided a building a new quiz from scratch is one of our training sessions, migrating a simple quiz, and we definitely emphasize simple quiz.

Was another session that we did, and then we also had a a session on settings and accommodations. And we just continued to offer those frequently. And then what I've heard from previous panelists, we also make sure that we have, bookings available at all times. We have, ticket system that they can email, it really is just about providing the training, but also providing support after the training. And then this link to this public canvas page has all of the links to the instructor canvas guides, because I didn't wanna re reinvent the wheel when you all were already doing an amazing job with those guides, but I had kind of a what you should know beforehand at Iowa State, and then the links to the guides on all of those pages.

Fantastic. What I love about what you've just said is that you scan olded. Right? You made sure they started simple. A lot of times, I think as educators, we jump right in, and we tried to do it all and then realize, oh, if I just back off a little bit, it might be a smoother transition. Justin, we also have something from you and also Dan, Hira on the screen.

Is there anything else you'd like to add about what you've done with trains? Yeah. I think, you know, similar for us, we definitely have been encouraged faculty, even just throwing new quizzes as extra credit, like, that just something that's low stakes gets you familiar with it, gets you ready going. And I think you know, our next step is gonna be how do we show faculty some success stories out of it? Right. So, getting with the faculty. So we know we have small base.

I think we were looking at the stats. It's around every semester around five to ten percent that use it religiously. Can we get those faculty to start talking about what it means to use it and use it well. Right. And I would just add to the site that we had, and I think it's very much, similar to what you you did with yours.

I wanted, we wanted instructors to have the experience of taking a classic quiz and and then taking a new quiz. And then the in the classic quiz, we would present them, oh, this question type is not available in a classic quiz, but it is a new quiz. Right? Because you can go through and see all the screenshots and everything in the documentation, which are wonderful. But when you actually experience it and you're like, oh, this is a different, right? I mean, it's, it's a, it's a different experience, and I think you get it when you are actually interacting with the tool. Yeah.

Absolutely. I know that for myself as an educator, it means so much when I'm finally playing with it. Right? Versus just sitting in a training. And I think we've all heard the stats around you remember retain and use about forty percent at most from a training. So with that scaffolding, with that continual release of information, that really is so helpful.

Jessica, we're gonna start with you, but I think we wanted to hear from most of you on this next question. What are some of your instructor's favorite features available in new quizzes and why. So one of the biggest things is that it saves them time and from carrying home, so many papers. It's one of their big one of our biggest buy ins was what was gonna give us our biggest buy ins. So one of the first things I bring up when I'm sitting with teachers is, guys, you can set up quizzes, and a lot of the questions are self graded.

Then that's gonna give you it's it's time saving for them. You still have other questions that you manually would have to go in and grade. But that just provides so much, it's just it gives them a little more flexibility and a little bit of their time back because we know a teacher's schedule is always so busy. Grade pass back is probably one of the biggest things that teachers were like, Wait, what? I I can send this to our SIS. Yes, you can.

So you no longer have to pull those from Canvas to then manually pull it into RSIS. And I think that's one of the things students just like the easy it and the immediate feedback that they're getting, the instant feedback that they're getting, when they're completing a quiz. And that's what we've heard. The ease of use for the students was huge. They're like, oh, this was really easy.

It was very clear, you know, it wasn't too busy, and we could just do what we needed to do and move on. Absolutely. I think we actually have a quote that will come up later, but we'll jump ahead just a second. We had some students in Jordan School District I don't know if any of my Jordan school district peeps are here today. I think I heard one little clap.

I get the awesome privilege of talking to a lot. It's students in Jordan School District because it happens to be where my kids go to school. And they find out that Braxton and Bailey's mom works on Canvas So I get a lot of really great feedback. But one thing that I've heard from them over and over and over again, the the best when they say, you have this new thing that we just used today. And one of them had continually told me, Hey, we just used this new quizzes.

What is It was so great. I knew exactly what I needed to do. I was able to show my teacher what I knew. I wasn't concerned about all the other stuff on the page, and then also I could pin questions to come back to at the end. So definitely have heard similarly from students across other districts.

Anyone else, what are your what are your instructors' favorite things? Go ahead. They really love stimulus. They like the ability to have you know, stimulus attached to questions. Item banks is also very, popular, especially, work at a higher ed. Where you have multiple teachers teaching across different sections, the ability to share those banks easily across all the sections.

Has, been very successful. Fantastic. Accommodations being able to set it once. That was by far a comment shared by a number of faculty, being able to set that once and then have it persist. Absolutely.

Yeah. So my group does a lot of support for Iu online. And so we're rolling out a lot of new degree programs right now. And so being able to align outcomes to single questions is been a really big one for us. And then what we found too is I think that's gonna be a future success story for us because what Most of the times when we roll out new tools, new services, new ways of doing course design even, throughout you online, it trickles down to the face to face courses.

And so I think when they see that, the power of that, that's gonna be really big. Yeah. Absolutely. For any of you in the, audience that are new to new quizzes, the ability to align to a single question or to an individual quiz is available in a very different way than in classic quizzes where it's only allowed through the bank. So you get that granularity, and you can really look at that data in a different way.

And I know Lynn and others at your institution are doing this regularly. Awesome. Go ahead. There's a quote from one of our faculty, so I'll I'll just share. They really appreciate having the more detailed quiz logs.

And, the analytics and new quizzes are really great. You can't download the report yet, but you get more detail. And, our instructors have been able to look at that and to see where students might be struggling and offer some intervention. Fantastic. James, did you have anything? I don't wanna leave anyone out.

Perfect. Alright. The next one, I think Justin is back to you. Again, have instructors or students shared any other insights about the student experience than what we may have already said. You know, I I think overall in general, there's a lot of stuff like it.

I think the question banks are was have been a big one for us I think, in general, it's just getting that faculty buy in, right? I think we've already talked about it earlier. And, and just in general, they wanna use it. They're ready to use it. I think we just gotta push them over the edge, right, if that makes sense. So I don't think there's anything necessarily feature specific or experiences, it's just really more about, and that's why I'll go back to what I just said about Iu online.

I think when we have examples of more examples experience is that we can show that our concrete being used not just as a extra credit thing, but something where this is used in programs where we're our goal is to triple enrollment, and this is why we're using it. We should use it everywhere else in the institution. This is why. And so I think that's a big part of that. And I think I don't think we've done enough to get the student experience personally.

And I think that's something that we're gonna work on this semester is to get more of that student perspective, because whether it was for those of you who may or may not know, like, we've transitioned away from Bach and some other large scale, institutional service providers, and the student perspective was huge in making that transition. I think we need to make sure we include that as part of that before we move all the way through. Yeah. Absolutely. I think we often underrate that student experience.

Right? Any other thoughts? Our our instructors love knowing that when they give exams, it it's making it easier on students and not you know, having to have them worry so much about the formatting and just getting in, like, if that's more comfortable to them, if you know, you're using lockdown browser, for instance, saving them time. They can be more focused on the content of the exam and the the ability of that rather than the technology. Yeah. Great. James.

Let's let you take the next one here. Of all the recent releases, which has provided the most benefit to your users. Yeah. So as I said, when we first looked at moving one of the top three things that was holding us back was the rich content editor it wasn't as fully featured as the rest of Canvas. But recently that changed.

I, in fact, as I waited for it to come out, a consult came in. I said, I have to meet with you next Wednesday so you can look at this first I think it's gonna solve this for you. And we have an instructor who really needed to put in, more robust it's an embed of a graph, from econ graphs dot org. You can see it on the screen. They're interactive graphs.

But they needed to put it in in an iframe, and so they needed the HTML. And they they had backdoor ways of trying to do it in quizzes, and in new quizzes with the old content editor, and nothing was quite right, or it caused them a lot more work. And the second they got this, they were just so grateful Like, we had taken so much work out of their hands and made it that much easier for them to use this amazing tool with their students. Yeah. I think we have a quote actually, maybe on the next slide.

Maybe we don't have it. But one of your instructors said said specifically. The thing they loved about new quizzes was not only just the quick recall questions, how easy it is to create, but that they could do these deeper application questions as well. So alright. Let's hear from a few others.

Are you hearing from your instructors with most recent releases? I know Gretchen Years was also RCE. That was a that was a very big one. It was huge. Yes. Having that ability to link to, your course files and things like that in your quizzes instead of having to manage them separately, it just really made a huge difference in being able to integrate with some of the LTIs that we have installed.

Just really bumped it to the next level. I didn't mean to laugh at you. I'm just beginning to think I need to do some intervention. With Kevin. Make sure.

Who else? I'd say I'd have to agree because the RCA was one of the biggest things that our teachers were asking for. And because we blueprint So it's our curriculum developers that do a lot, the bulk of the building. So it was one of my biggest pushbacks when I was working with my curriculum team asking them to we're we're we're moving to new quizzes. I need you guys to build them all in new quizzes, until we got that RC, we didn't have that functionality that they needed. When they were creating those assessments for students, and that just opened up a whole new world for them.

And they were like, okay, I'm in now. You gave me what I needed, so we're good. I can keep moving forward. Yeah. I think we've also heard not just does it add functionality, right? Just the familiarity of I know I'm using the exact same thing across all of Canvas.

I don't have to remember you this thing here and then it's different. I need to remember where to click and all of those things. Yep. Dan Justin, any other? You know, I I can't remember if it's recent or not. I'll be honest.

It's because we've done so much. Right? Right. Yeah. But, you know, talking to my team, it seems like a lot of faculty are bringing up stimulus questions. And being able to use that and answer, multiple questions with that.

Like, that seems to be something that we're using a lot right now too. And I just whether it's an hour that even the instructor experience question we talked about earlier, I think that's something that's worth mentioning because I think that's it's another thing that shows the value of why you wanna make that transition. And are you hearing that they're using stimulus in certain courses, certain aspects across the board? I think it's mostly stem that we're seeing it in. But we're trying to get it to be used everywhere. And so, again, you know, working hands on with the faculty in the courses that we help the design, it it's really helpful to get them to see, hey, it doesn't just have to be stemmed that this can be used, and it can be used in a lot of other situational places, and it and have to be just this one thing to where it's useful.

Right? Right. Dan, I am gonna come to you, but Justin, you just said something really important, which is stem. Right? We hear all the time. How can you better support our STEM teachers? How what are the things that are in new quizzes that you feel helps them to better achieve the goals that they're trying to accomplish versus what might be in classic I didn't warn him in advance of that one. You know, actually, I don't know how many people are familiar with this.

There's a tool out there called, WebWork, and we we've run our own server for a long time. And I'm I'm actually working with my team right now to see can we recreate that tool somehow in new quizzes. And and even if there are shortcomings or things that we need, then coming back to instructure and say, Hey, what can we do to replicate this? In particular, because, the state of Indiana just announced where ACP high school courses, you're not allowed to charge for them anymore. And so they used to actually charge for that server and now they can't. So I need to find a free way to do it and I and I'm hoping new quizzes can get there.

And from what we've looked at so far from the accessibility perspective and some other things, it's it's close. And then I think once we do that full review, hopefully, it could facilitate that. But that's what we're looking at is using more something like new quizzes to facilitate us being able to remove those barriers, remove that cost that allow us to offer those things to our students. Amazing. We'll have to keep in touch, and then maybe write a blog post, do a webinar or something to share with everybody.

Dan, did you have another one? Yeah. And I wanna talk to you about that web work. I guess we have that as well in Michigan. For the recent release, I'm just repeat at the RCE, and it was because of the external tool, to be able to use external tools. That was a big point, part for us for our our media hosting service to be able to plug that in.

Yeah. The RCE really brought a lot to the table, right, being able to use those course files, like, you were talking about Angie and Gretchen, to being able to use the third party tools, to just having the consistency, just all of it really brings a lot to the table. Let's talk about migration. Awesome. Another one that's, I can't remember where exactly we are on the delivery of that if it's just out or coming soon.

But making that migration option available for our instructors, individually, and bulk just has really made a difference. Yeah. Absolutely. Just to make sure everyone in the audience is aware, we have, of course, single quiz migration that has been available for a very long time, where a teacher can just go in, three dots, right, on the quiz the kebab menu. You all taught someone called it the skinny snowman the other day.

But you just go in and click migrate, it migrates automatically. We have also been working on a bulk migration where within the workflow of the the teacher's typical workflow for course cop they would be able to migrate all of their quizzes at one time. That has been in beta for quite some time as we were getting RCE done and as we're working on a few other things that just make that a more seamless experience. We are looking within just the next few weeks to release that. So you would be able to turn it on in your production instance for whichever instructors you'd like.

That's huge. That's huge. Huge times ever. That's the second huge. You have a couple courses that aren't fully migrated just because of that, because they have so many quizzes that to individually migrate each pieces Yeah.

It's amazing to see how many quizzes are created across courses. Right? We have some where they just have a few. We have others that do a weekly quiz for every single subject. Especially in K12. So they've got a lot of quizzes that they need to migrate.

Alright. We are getting close to our time, but I do want to us just real quickly, any last minute advice that you would give for those that are just starting to embark on this journey. Take small wins. Right. Like, I mean, really, like, what does it hurt to try one new quiz? Right? It should be simple to be able to create one general extra credit or just even just in there as part of an introduction to the course.

Get the faculty used to it, get the the students used to it. To me, like, that's the biggest thing is is just just try it out. Right? And and then to to us too, you know, and I'm sure you wanna hear this too. That's how you also get that feedback. Right? Absolutely.

Like, you know, I think there's still a lot of instructors at India and university who haven't used new quizzes, and they could be providing feedback whether they like this or don't like this and just you said. Absolutely. I'd say don't be afraid to ask the questions because you never know what's out there or what possibilities they are. So we'll reach out to your, like, either your admins or your teacher leaders and any of that and ask those questions, because if you're not sure I can almost guarantee that somebody has encountered it, or has tackled that task, or, you know, because that's one of the things we get teachers asking us, like, Can I do this? Yeah. I couldn't figure it out, but, you know, a lot of us will have that some background information that can get them that.

So don't be afraid to ask the questions. To get done what you want. Excellent. We have one last question about road map, and this is more like a little teaser about what to come in our development. I know Dan, you're really excited about one particular thing on our road map.

Do you want to tell us a little bit about it? Build on prior attempt. That's it. Right. I mean, that is gonna be a key differentiator. We've had faculty be asking about that for quite some time now.

That. And, oh, a little farther on the, on the time horizon on that also is, the student analysis report. And, to be able to download file submissions. And I've got, one school that says you get all those. And I think we can really make this strong case to let's transition right on over to new quizzes.

Awesome. Any others that anyone is hearing a lot about, Becky? Yeah. A plus big, big plus one to the student analysis V download, that that is gonna expedite our transition, by a lot. And I actually just thought of one that, recent release that isn't the new RCE, and that's, grade by question type, huge time saver. Absolutely.

I actually used that for the first time. You guys, this is, again, an admission that maybe I shouldn't say on in this big of a group. But I, every summer, make canvas courses for my children also. And I use grade by question with them just to make sure I'm trying it out myself and even with that small group, it was just an awesome improvement. So alright.

Well, as we were getting ready to close, you can go ahead to the the video. We do have one quick video that we want to to show, and we'll highlight Kevin's amazing voice sent he didn't get to talk as much here. But just a quick video to highlight a lot of the re recent releases as Dan mentioned, when we removed the, date for you all to have to switch we were certain that some of you would be concerned that that meant we were going to slow down and we absolutely were not going to let that happen. So we accelerated. We rallied teams together.

You'll hear this in the keynote as well tomorrow, and really, really started delivering on several of those things. I think James last year, you presented And there were three items, and we have those three items there now. So, go ahead and roll the video. Hopefully. I just wanna say how excited I am about my impending demotion that's coming up.

So, yeah. Well, this video isn't loading. I would wanna I do wanna give a special shout out to Jody. She has been immensely dedicated to optimizing the new quizzes experience. So much so that she is up on stage with two cracked ribs.

Wow. That is not a joke. She is she could have stayed home. Yeah. Yeah.

She could have stayed home and made me run this panel, which you can see would have been a delight for everybody. However, she's playing through pain and, the Denver Bronco's could learn from you, Jody. Okay. Very proud. So check that this video will be out on the community.

And in the study hall, imminently, it just basically highlights a lot of the the work that our product and engineering. Oh, you know what? Canvas' new quizzes has released many powerful updates to make assessments more impactful and engaging. First, if you have a classic quiz with items from a question bank, you can bring those banks over into new quizzes. Migrate your classic quizzes in your course. And your banked questions will be added to an item bank and new quizzes to edit, share, align outcomes, and more.

Additionally, When creating an item bank, instructors now have the default option to share that bank directly with the course to ensure availability. Instructors gain even better visibility into student performance by aligning course level or account level outcomes for individual items or the entire quiz. Creation of a new quiz just got easier with the addition of the rich content editor available throughout Canvas. Upload media record directly into the RCE, add third party tools like YouTube, or leverage the an editor to add more engaging content to your quizzes. If you want to simply create a practice quiz, that does not count toward a grade.

Teachers now have the option to exclude the quiz from the grade book, cleaning up the grade book and experience for educators. New quiz has brought a fresh quizzing experience for students, beginning with a clean, focused interface, and the ability to pin questions for review. Recent updates have made quizzing even easier, with options such as clearing multiple choice questions. New quizzes now allows for drag and drop on fill in the blank items that include a word bank to use with other enhanced item types such as hotspot and more. Once a student has submitted their work, teachers can now more efficiently access the Canvas SpeedGrader from various pages.

Further, new twizzes now allows instructors to easily and intuitively grade by question, saving time for educators. Lastly, dig into student performance on your outcomes aligned quizzes, with the added ability to export this data as a CSV, giving a more comprehensive view of student performance. Learn more about what's new and what's coming at roadmap dot instructure dot com. And be sure to join the new quizzes in the Canvas community. Let's give Kevin a huge shout out.

Comedy. And awesome. So as Dan mentioned, and as well as in the video, we do have a new quizzes hub in our community where we have some awesome product managers that are doing blog posts all the time, quarterly updates of all the work that is being done. By just an incredible team of engineers, designers, product managers, product marketers, just to name a few behind this work. On that page, there's also a new quizzes transition toolkit, where we've been putting all kinds of new, materials and things to help you as you're planning your transition as well.

Including a change management plan that you can use that has a communication plan, a training plan, just samples that you can use so that you can start moving down this road at the the path that you want to go on. So please make sure and, scan that QR code if you'd like to see it if you have not seen it before, that will take you straight to the new quizzes, hub, the community. And on that note, thank you so much to our amazing panel of admin. I cannot tell you the work that these guys are doing. This is only a little bit of what they've done at their So thank you so much for joining us today.

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