VIP Panel Discussion

Unlocking The Potential of Technology in Education in the Middle East

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Join us for an exclusive VIP panel discussion followed by a lunch meeting with leading educators and technology experts as we explore the Potential of Technology in Education in the Middle East. 
Participants will receive a FREE* TRIAL OF CANVAS LMS for up to 6 months, along with migration consultancy services and AWS credit.

  • Learn from the leading experts in the field of technology in education.
  • Discover how Canvas LMS can be leveraged to improve teaching and learning outcomes.
  • Gain insights into the latest trends and best practices in education technology.
  • Network with other education professionals and share your experiences.

Panel of Experts

Hervé Marchet, Head of Education, MEA, AWS

Hervé Marchet

Head of Education, MEA, AWS
Nathan Thomas, Regional Director - Middle East & Africa, Instructure

Nathan Thomas

Regional Director, Middle East & Africa, Instructure
Jeronimo Silva, Sales and Partnerships Manager, CTS

Jeronimo Silva

Sales and Partnerships Manager, CTS

Education Technology

The Vital Role of Canvas LMS in Shaping the Future of Education

In today's rapidly changing educational landscape, a Learning Management System (LMS) has transitioned from being a luxury to an absolute necessity. Educational institutions worldwide are seeking top-notch solutions to meet their evolving needs. That's why CTS and AWS have joined forces with Instructure to revolutionize the learning experience for students. Together, we are reshaping the way knowledge is delivered, ensuring that students thrive in the modern era of education.

Understand how important it is for your customers to digitize their business.

How is technology going to catch up to us?

Amplifying the power of teaching and inspiring everyone to learn together

Learn more about Canvas LMS and how your institution can benefit from the digital revolution.

men working together

*Disclaimer: This offer is contingent upon the type of LMS contract currently held by the institution.