Welcome to our Further Education Webinar Series!

In the ever-changing world of further education, colleges face several challenges. These include increased competition for learners, the need to maintain and elevate teaching quality in accordance with evolving inspection frameworks, and ensuring learners develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviours necessary for their successful progression and achievement.

We’re excited to present a series of webinars discussing how your VLE can help you address some of these challenges. Check out the topics below:

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Course Design for Sticky Learning

Are you designing online courses that keep students fully engaged and wanting to return? The ‘stickiness’ of your online course is not just about how much great content there is. It is also how you use content and the course design to keep students wanting to come back over and over again. This webinar will demonstrate ways to make your courses exciting with real examples, proper takeaways and fab ideas - all to keep your learners coming back, wanting more and to create some powerful learning that will truly ‘stick’


What can you take away from this session?

  • Understanding the online course journey — Every course is a three act structure
  • What we can learn from video games — Digital badges/credentials/micro achievements
  • The design of experiences vs the experience of design — Course journey’s/learning paths 
  • What makes something sticky — Good content vs great content - learning that works
  • Building courses that retain students… and learning — Course structures/mastery paths

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Outcome-based Assessment in Further Education

This webinar offers a comprehensive guide to modernising and optimising the FE assessment process, focusing on mapping qualifications to clear Learning Outcomes and ensuring every knowledge, skill and behaviour is at the core of every qualification. We'll introduce innovative evidence-capturing strategies and discuss the significance of the Open Badges 2.0 standard, and the role of micro-credentials in showcasing real-world value. Furthermore, participants will learn how to furnish learners with a holistic portfolio that integrates learning milestones with practical workplace evidence, priming them for future success.


What can you take away from this session?

  • Mapping a qualification — Outcomes & Rubrics
  • Assessment (complex/evidence-based) — Assignments, Marking (against Outcomes), & Quizzes
  • Tracking learners’ progress & Formalising vocational skills — Outcomes & Credentials
  • Capturing evidence — Portfolium (Folio)

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Driving Success With Data

This session will explore the power of data-driven insights from your VLE, and how they can be used to revolutionise course design and outcomes-based assessment, ultimately enhancing student performance and the overall educational experience.


What can you take away from this session?

  • The importance of data and analytics in driving success - Admin Analytics, Impact, & Canvas Data 2
  • The role of quality and consistency — Using data to see what works and what doesn't to scope long term improvement*

    *Topic linked with sessions 1 & 2

Our Speakers

Graham Raddings Solutions Engineer and Former FE Educator

Graham Raddings

Senior Solutions Engineer and Former FE Educator
Silva Solutions Engineer

André Silva

Solutions Engineer
Alex Carey Senior Solutions Engineer

Alex Carey

Solutions Engineer at Instructure
Joe Stafford, Account Executive Instructure

Joe Stafford

Sr. Account Executive Instructure