FE Colleges Need to Improve Students' Digital Experience - and Here's Why



FE Colleges that are not engaging their learners will have high dropout rates, low student achievement rates and falling revenues. That’s the stark reality facing the sector.

Ofcom research shows that over 90% of 16-24 year olds own a smartphone. They currently spend nearly 2 hours per day using these devices. They spend 27 hours per week online, up from 10 hours per week in 2005. However, according to Jisc, over 50% of FE learners do not access their VLE on a mobile device.

Today’s generation of learners have been using networked technology since birth. Their expectations of technology have changed. No longer do they put up with slow and unintuitive software. They carry their personal technology around with them and they know how to use it to connect and communicate. This same technology should be used to engage them in their studies and to help them communicate and collaborate with their peers out of the classroom.

As much as quality content, colleges need a VLE that drives real student engagement. A proven platform that is mobile friendly, intuitive and open. In 2018, it is just as important to have an outstanding virtual learning environment, as it is having an outstanding physical learning environment.

Canvas VLE is increasingly the chosen platform of successful FE Colleges. Grimsby Institute, Salford City College, Middlesbrough College, Highbury College, and 16 other FE Colleges have all chosen Canvas in the last 2 years. More information and case studies can be found here.

Graham Raddings, Executive Director of Marketing and Innovation from Hull College Group, said, “we’ve been able to put the classroom in our students’ pockets to create a unified, intuitive experience, which just wasn’t possible before.”

So why make the change? As digital natives, your students are tech-savvy, app-happy and always connected. They won’t settle for anything less than an exceptional digital learning experience. But let’s face it:


If your learning platform doesn’t empower teaching innovation and student success — through ease of use, native-cloud reliability and personalised learning—it’s time for a change. If you want to try out Canvas for yourself, you can request a free account by visiting this page


Keep learning,

Martin Lewarne
Regional Director, Canvas



Ofcom research: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/latest/media/media-releases/2015/cmr-uk-2015

27 hours per week online: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/digital-media/11597743/Teenagers-spend-27-hours-a-week-online-how-internet-use-has-ballooned-in-the-last-decade.html

Jisc Student Digital Experience tracker: http://repository.jisc.ac.uk/6662/1/Jiscdigitalstudenttracker2017.pdf


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