Hundreds of educators and technologists from throughout Europe came together for a learning celebration in Barcelona: CanvasCon Europe 2019.
The signature event provided a forum for attendees to network and exchange best practices on design thinking, student engagement, student success, and personalised learning analytics. They could also learn new ways to use the Canvas Learning Management Platform.
This event was packed with edtech goodness, and here are a few takeaways:
New capabilities
Our company announced new capabilities in Canvas, including enhanced Canvas mobile apps, live events, video quizzing through Canvas Studio, improvements to Gradebook and Quizzes, and deeper Canvas Analytics with interactive and action-oriented insights. Student Access to Canvas Analytics, providing actionable data to help students take control of their learning journey. In-depth access to analytics and data will empower students to make wiser decisions about how they allocate time associated with their learning habits and behaviours.
David Price, author OPEN: How We'll Work, Live and Learn In The Future was the featured CanvasCon keynote speaker. Price discussed the importance and urgency for schools, colleges, and other institutions to evolve for the future and prepare students with skills required for the digital workplace. Price presented three points in “An educator’s ‘rules to live by’ in 2020”:
-Ensure students have skills that can’t be easily automated
-Any educator that can be replaced by YouTube should be
-”Every educator needs to be a futurist”
Later in the conference, Instructure hosted a roundtable discussion on the skills gap with customers and an expert from the UK’s Education Policy Institute and released a new report, The Instructure Skills Study: Preparing for the 2030 workplace.
Session presenters told of their experiences using Canvas to benefit students. Participants included Akademiet, Belfast Metropolitan College, Fontys ICT, Glasgow School of Arts, Lund University, Middlesbrough College, Preston College, Reykjavik University, University of Agder, University of Twente, Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium, and Vlerick Business School.
Success stories
Instructure honored three institutions with Canvas Innovation and Inspiration awards. They are Arteveldehogeschool (Belgium), Grimsby Institute (England), and Globalskolen (Norway). Congratulations to the worthy recipients.
We want to hear more about Europe’s exceptional teachers, lecturers, headteachers, and professors who help students aim high and achieve. We announced the launch of the inaugural EMEA Educator of the Year Awards. If you want to nominate someone, enter here.
Customer impact
Nothing’s quite like a Canvas event. We love to be able to mingle with passionate educators and learn what was most impactful to them.
CanvasCon had one of the more elegant locales for networking - poolside at the Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos hotel in Barcelona.
Thanks to our customers, innovators, Canvas Advocates, Instructure partners and everyone who attended for making this year’s CanvasCon Europe such a success. We hope to see you next year!
Keep learning,
The Canvas Team
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