Learning to Adapt: Drive Student Recruitment Through Transnational Education



The pressure for universities to compete internationally is fierce, and goes beyond just attracting international students to a country to study. It also requires higher education (HE) institutions giving students the opportunity to take advantage of transnational education (TNE) - i.e. the access to study their courses from abroad.

This idea of exporting education isn’t new, however. Transnational education has long contributed significant revenue to higher education institutions. In fact, the 2018 Universities UK International study found that more than 700,000 students were on TNE programmes in the year 2016-17, which is 150 percent more than the number of international students in the UK for the same academic year.

While TNE offerings from mainland European higher education institutions are not currently reaching quite as many students, the Academic Cooperation Association reported that more universities are exploring the possibility, signalling real growth potential in exported education.

Beyond monetary benefit, higher education institutions also have an opportunity to drive the addition of new and higher quality courses. Working with other institutions provides exposure to different teaching methods and approaches to programme management. This not only has the potential to inspire new ways of thinking but also encourage innovative teaching and learning that improves student outcomes and results.

The Tech Selling Point

Today’s increasingly tough education landscape presents an opportunity for universities to embrace change that both helps efficiently facilitate study from abroad and become more appealing to a wider group of international students. As such, educators are consistently required to scale teaching across a significant student base which requires a new delivery method. This means that technology is no longer a luxury, rather it’s fundamental to improving student outcomes. 

Technologies like Instructure’s cloud-based learning management platform, Canvas not only helps institutions reach more people but enables them to  fundamentally alter pedagogy through the delivery of a flexible, progressive, and student-centred learning approach, regardless of whether  students are located in London, Paris, or Beijing.

Ultimately, operating internationally is a tough path, but one that institutions must navigate in order to stay relevant and successful. Instructure works with universities across the world to help them operate in a hyper-competitive global market. One example is the University of Wolverhampton, which is leveraging Canvas to deliver TNE to 12 different territories worldwide. Wolverhampton uses Canvas to give students access to a consistent experience wherever in the world they’re studying.

See how Canvas can help you deliver on your TNE vision and join a learning community that includes the top universities in the world.


Keep learning,

The Canvas Team



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