Extending Canvas - Oxford's In-House Tools


This talk will introduce some of the learning & administration IMS LTI tools developed for Canvas at the University of Oxford.These tools were developed in order to

  1. extend the functionality of Canvas to match some of the capabilities of the University’s previous VLE
  2. make common tasks carried out by departmental administrators and course leaders easier to manage.

The tools address calendaring, managing sections, tutorial / seminar ‘sign-up’, end-of-year course rollover, user management, sub-account navigation, module navigation and RCE editor plugin to aid with page authoring.Brief ‘demos’ of some tools will be given plus information about the open sourcing of a selection of the above. The talk will not be overtly technical but will include a brief behind-the-scenes tour for those who are interested in that sort of thing!

Explore additional resources and support materials tailored to your needs by visiting instructure.com/en-gb/resources/case-studies.
