Canvas VLE

Headspace: Transforming Mental Health Education with Canvas VLE

Headspace Case Study Logo 2

Santa Monica, CA

400+ Users

Canvas VLE + Catalog (2023)


Headspace, renowned for its commitment to advancing mental healthcare, embarked on a transformative journey after merging with Ginger in October 2021. With a culture steeped in passion, hard work, and innovation, the team at Headspace set out to leverage Canvas VLE to revolutionise their training and continuing education programs for mental health coaches, therapists, and the broader community.

The Challenge

Headspace started the search for a Learning Management System (VLE) after the development of their Approved Health and Wellness Coach Training & Education Program by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC), designed to be accessible to both internal employees and the public. While the previous VLE served primarily for staff compliance training, its cumbersome user experience prompted the team to seek a more comprehensive and user-friendly solution. Enter Canvas VLE, identified as the ideal platform to streamline training efforts and provide a seamless user experience for learners of all ages and backgrounds.

With the Headspace Training Institute's Mental Health Coach Training Program approved and accredited in April and the launch scheduled for August, Headspace faced a short ramp-up period. They used the Free-for-Teacher version to kickstart the program, appreciating the opportunity to get things moving promptly. This decision was made with confidence, knowing that approval was imminent. It was a strategic move that allowed them to begin preparations while awaiting official confirmation.

Key Insights

Headspace adopted Canvas VLE to streamline training tools, simplifying the user experience and reducing manual administrative tasks for therapist training and continuing education.

Recognising the importance of user experience, Headspace chose Canvas for its balance of visual appeal and functionality, catering to diverse learners. Previous positive experiences with Canvas further reinforced this decision.

Looking forward, Headspace plans to scale its training programs with Canvas Catalog, offering self-enrollment in customised courses. This commitment reflects their dedication to advancing mental health education and empowering professionals.

The Solution

With approval to adopt Canvas across the organisation, Headspace embarked on an ambitious implementation journey. The platform also housed procedural and onboarding training resources for clinical programs, streamlining continuing education initiatives for therapists. With an initial cohort of 400 users and plans to onboard their entire care team, Headspace described Canvas as the perfect balance between visual appeal and functionality, allowing them to cater to diverse user needs.

Learning Management At Scale

Headspace's adoption of Canvas extends beyond mere course delivery, encompassing a multitude of training initiatives catering to various roles within the organisation. From its origins with the Headspace Mental Health Coach Training Program, Canvas now serves as the backbone for various training initiatives, including onboard training for coaches to clinical onboarding and continuing education for therapists.

As Headspace's requirements continue to expand, Canvas stands ready to scale alongside them. By centralising diverse training programs within a single platform, Canvas enables Headspace to cultivate a culture of continuous learning and professional growth, laying the groundwork for future success and innovation.

The close collaboration with Instructure’s support staff played a pivotal role in the successful implementation of Canvas. Headspace praised the support team’s responsiveness and expertise, highlighting the importance of a strong partnership in navigating the challenges of adopting a new system.

The Results

The adoption of Canvas brought about significant improvements, notably in reducing manual administrative work associated with therapist training. The Headspace team continues to work closely with Instructure's support team to configure the Canvas environment to meet their evolving needs. Looking ahead, Headspace aims to continue to scale its training programs as a state-of-the-art resource for mental health professionals. They plan to leverage Canvas and Catalog to offer self-enrollment in courses tailored to individual needs, empowering learners to chart their professional journey with ease.

Headspace's partnership with Instructure represents a paradigm shift in mental healthcare training and education. With Canvas at the helm, Headspace is poised to empower mental health professionals and learners alike, driving innovation, accessibility, and excellence in mental healthcare education.

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