Opening hearts and minds - Our journey of encouraging adoption of Canvas

Video Transcript
Hi. My name is Mike Meagan. I'm learning consultant a table. And this presentation is all about opening hearts and minds are any of encouraging induction off-campus. Thank you very much for selecting. My talk to wash.

This presentation could help you. If you are thinking about moving to,. So maybe you want to increase the usage of compass. You might even have a different projects, which you think this could really help you with by adopting some of these tips and tricks. Which one is for you throughout the session.

So scarce. So, first of all, listen and understand. Spend some time, speaking with staff and students find out my gripes that desires that wants their needs. And by understanding what they're after, that will allow you to better adult Compass. Irish decision.

It's important that you listen to them, not just hear them. So to do that. You can also check on the standing as well. So you can ask question. Like, so I believe what you're saying is this and explain, what you've just been told about.

And then they can then check to then say that's not quite right. Maybe they might think. Yes, that's exactly what I'm talkin about. That's great. But try to keep an open mind as well.

They might have to take you the issues or desires that you might think that's not quite what I have in mind. By keeping an open mind and allowing some to to discuss on to open up about what they are. You will then be able to use that information to help with your planning later on to then hopefully satisfy those desires. Those ones needs. Just being listened to is incredibly powerful.

I can own you tremendous amount of support from stuff just by going around, speaking to them individually, speaking them in in teams and groups, even team meetings. It'll allow you to really understand where they're coming from and allow you to have a most successful at auction because you understand the needs of your audience. So when the questions I was asked, when I was going around, speak to staff was. Oh, does that mean that I have to set everything up again? If you are intending to just change everything cuz I know. No.

Not at all, will give us out the template for you in Compass by saying all the templates. You'll have everything laid out for you. You just need a sloth in your resources, get your sinuses. You normally would and then you have your way. So providing that reassurance.

It's immensely helpful. Cuz then it makes them more likely to adopt. It's more, likely think? Yeah, I think I can't do this. The next thing is a plan. So only after listening to your stakeholders.

Can you really stalks you making the plan finding out things like that? Talk on Sansa, how you're going to dress. It is looking like she going to be All of these will keep the key components within your plan. Example, the exit strategy with your reality. You might be thinking should we have a clean slate or should we migrated some Bach on Pandora and there are benefits to post. If you go for clean-slate, allow you to complete start fresh on used canvas to its full potential.

If you my gray the content will that you might get a faster Stars. If your content is good, but it might also help you as well, because of your migrating contents is so Papa and maybe not fully compatible with compass. I can call some issues letter and Byron might as well. The Countess has a lot of extra features and utilisation that you can use that is typically with Above & Beyond or the search for learning environments where I live in Texas. So, I'm just simply copying and pasting migrate in the content across, you might not be getting the most out of canvas.

Also speak to come as themselves because they have a huge amount of experience in his pick the field and they'll build a check over your plan and see what works. What doesn't work and so on. It might be cuz it might not be, but it allows you to do that. Check to make sure that you're on the right path for myself. When I came up with the plan.

I walk through the pain with Congress and I said sounds great. You seems like you quit everything. I'm just having that. Reassurance was very helpful because they reinforce the fact that was on the right track. I recruit you as well to think about how you going to measure success.

And you might be thinking, well, success is rolling out Compass. It's getting it online at getting it working. Encourage you to think a little bit more beyond that about what success is going to look like once you fool. Compass. So is it going to be something like how many students engaged for the platform is increased based on how many used to have engagement platform? In our case, we looked as an audit structure.

So we came up with the notice trucks yet. And I said, here is the things which you can have within your canvas core switch. And it was developed in support of measure. Not punitive one. So it was you doing an audit of account is cost and it's a out his something that's really really well.

Let's actually get us and share is good practice across the board to other parts of the institution. I love you a lot of pots where this maybe not utilized quizzes or Simon. Not much. Then we can speak to Ahmed. Mostafa and say would you like some of the most the time they would be great or I'm not really sure what would be helpful.

So then you can have that discussion. And then again, most the time they said, oh, yeah, sounds great. I will be really helpful for this reason all that reason. It is really helpful. How is this supposed to measure rather than a few new phone? Because otherwise you just end up beating people with a stick and people won't start disengaging from the platform because they feel like I have to do this rather them.

They want to do that. Not having a plan, can create a situation where it ends up being quite murky. And Free self show leading the piglet project. You do need have a carb your vision to see exactly where you're going with this but is also very important for anybody who you're working with to also as well. And I includes the stuff you need to be able to communicate that cross about where your intent be where you are going.

I don't want stage that you currently are. Stop and is in particular that they have lessons to plan for and they'll need to know when this is going to be all mine. Is important as well with your plan about ambition. Now ambition is great. But being too ambitious can make it on the TiVo.

So make sure this achievement will not talk. It's pretty simple to help you with this. But make sure that you keep it realistic. For this appointment considered the infrastructure in place. I'd restitution.

So, do you have the communication methods that you're going to be using to speak to your mental stuff for them to communicate back to Do you have things like Wi-Fi? So you going to see network your devices to link up to Compass? Do you have your management information system and is linked up with us on this one? Spend some time figuring out who you need on Bold and recruit to your calls. So speak to them. Tell them what you are intending to do and how they can help and try and get them to buy into what you're attempting to achieve. Speed cameras as well and your csmm find out if they can help if there's any support mechanisms that they have to be able to push you forward even further. You might be able to put you in touch with somebody who is already been through a problem.

Give you a solution. Leslie. I encourage you to consider that will support package, you going to have a compass. So whether it's going to be, you have a couple of administrative staff on site to build a mister canvas yourself, or where you going to go for a 24/7 package, where any member stuff at any students can get in touch with Thomas directly and receives to call that way. I'm not depends on the size of in.

It depends on the local, if you caught quite disparate sites across the country, perhaps, it might be an option but not something. The next thing I can think of is a reason. So imagine this as an elevator pitch. Imagine this in a way that somebody says, so why you attempting to move, Center institution? Why is that? You'll need to have a one-liner that explains in a nutshell why you're attempting to do what your attempting to do. So it's easy for them to get the heads around, why? That's the case.

It allows you to have Clarity of vision and it puts your best foot forward to say. This is You may have several reasons for why you doing this, depending on the feedback we've had from stuff. Go by incorporating all of those little surprises together. It starts creating a very murky picture to try and have in mind, the reason depending on who your audience is say, this is the primary reason. So for example, you could say we are moving to campus to provide a more stable and accessible platform for all students and stuff.

Text message. You go. That's the reason why you moving there, lots of those assholes around why this is happening. Consider for a moment. Gryffin It weaves through the S, using the easiest path head Style with me and has run.

Now, people tend to work and some other way they will try to go through the easiest route, Biolage, rothem, the hottest. So with that in mind try and make it as easy as possible for staff members. I'm just unions to adopt Compass. Give them the training. They need, give them the support they need.

But I know this key phrase here opportunity. Make sure they have the opportunity to be able to get Hands-On with a platform to use it to get to know it. For them to be able to understand how it's going to be able to help them in that particular environment with that particular setting. There is a wonderful phrase. It says someone who's drowning kind of learn how to swim.

So if you have picked be activate my stuff. If they are drowning in paperwork that drowning in Simon Street blocked. So on they are going to have the opportunity to call the doctor change date to be able to engage with this platform and it'll just be I know that thing for them to do. So by taking some of the pressure off them in through and through processes, or whoever is going to be able to say yes, and I have to head space to be okay with what you trying to achieve here. And again, that will promote the amount of success that you can get in the adoption of Commerce.

Communication is one of those frequently misunderstood things that people think I sent an email out a communicating. An email going out is a form of communication. But wanting her, you think of is that rather thinking about it. Just being talkin. What's being sending think more community? Sirata communication and Community, I think about bringing people together and having a way of gathering people and pointing them towards a particular goal and then a courage in them.

Reference the fact that you listen to stuff here that concerns. This is how we're dressing it. So in our case of our institution and I was going around speaking to people, they would say one of the problems we have with our current reality. Is how we engage with our students, how we communicate with us. Humans? Are we sending a message or something's going wrong? With compass, they can do that now and it would then be a matter of fact of saying his the issue that you brought up with it, because the communication here is the element Encompass, the child, and all the announcements will allow you to solve that problem.

It's about engaging people and inspiring people, and getting out there, having those conversations on, making sure that you hit every Avenue of communication. So that's on the card or that kind of thing meetings as well as official meetings. Teams, Kohl's bulletin boards. Email the whole lost. Consider your whole communication strategy and consider the ethos that you're trying to build around campus that you're trying to ensure the people.

I listen to on that. They are enacted upon their feet Bach and that,, this will be a solution. What are the things I did? Was all recorded view messages for people. And again, it was partly based on the feedback bar on from stuff, where I would actually be able to engage with the most common things that people would ask about compass. And I was dressed them in a video message and then people would then wash it.

Then it see me in the card. On this day off. Watch TV looks really good. Some of my questions. An act is stacked.

The law people rush to and I would encourage you to say yes, you'll say what you going to do and then do it. If you don't find it, cost you doing it, but ensure that you've got everything in place before we hit the big green button that says go. If things aren't going to go well, or on going well, speak of getsupport have a back-up plan ready. Tres, Picos highways. A place that was the one that people tend to rush towards this is the one that people tend to skip over.

Spend some time posing. Listen, how are things going with your staff, does more support a people in place without news that a new students. Are? They engage with a platform really? Well? What about the measure of success? They had previously is, is it being successful as an opening successful process for the orders, we were able to do an additional order and then see the progress was being mad. And we could talk as particular Department, take the people with support and say I noticed you're not using this tool is much. Would you like some help with that in the vast majority of times people would say that, be great.

I took two or even, I don't have time right now, but that would be great later on down the line. Speak to people again. Is it size find the issues that they provoke previously? And also think about the future as well. Are you wanting to have that much better? Success change? Are you willing to Simply increase? The number of Better Call Saul? Is that you've gone? I want increase in the number of students. He having catching with the puff phone.

Having a success that will allow you to have that. Y'all stick to be able to say. Yes, it's going. Well. Well, no not going so well.

So what you should find is that you have all these component blocks. Do you need to stop solving the puzzle by listing by understanding. Having a plan supporting us having a reason? Option. D between education and acting Thanks very much for watching. I do hope you've gained something from this talk. If you'd like to chat about what I did, and you can check out what he believed doing by going to hybl. Cool.