Custom Development Services

Where Education
Meets Innovation.

Does your organization have a technological need, but can’t find the right-fit product or have the in-house development expertise?

Our custom development team builds web apps, integrations, and data visualization solutions branded with your organization’s identity.

Your Ideas, Our Expertise.

Program Finder UI Webpage Screenshot

User Experience

Canvas has the highest-rated (and most-loved) UX in the industry. Instructure’s team can create dashboards for your organization’s community to use.

Program Finder was designed to connect students in California K-12 Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways to Community College Career Education Pathways


Data Visualization

Instructure creates a visualization for customers who need our data expertise, visualizing data from tens of millions of students every day.

The Launchboard Webpage screenshot
Program Pathways Mapper Webpage Screenshot

Badging & CBE Solutions

As a leading solution provider in the credentialing space, we have the expertise to drive success in integrating CBE into your existing curriculum.


Canvas Customizations

Extend Canvas functionality, establish integrations, get advanced reporting, and access consultation services to help aid your development teams in doing the same.

Canvas Webpage Screenshot

...and more

Custom Web Application - Backend Development - Data Analytics - Application Integration - SIS Integration

Learn about our work and the talented team that makes it happen:

Salt Lake Community College eLearning software development services, educational software development services

Progress Tracking in Open-Entry Courses

A custom solution for tracking student progress in relation to their enrollment date, their learning pace, and their learning method.

California Community Colleges

Clear, Visual Pathway-based Course Catalogs

An innovative, pathway-based visualization of the traditional course catalog created by the Custom Development Services team.