Get up close and educational with Canvas in your region.
Hear from educators and administrators who use Canvas to support learning wherever it happens - whether that’s fully remote, blended, or in person.
Learn how our solutions support high-quality content and instruction, allowing teachers to better meet individual students’ needs and engage in meaningful professional development.

What’s the plan with the caravan?
The Canvas Caravan is a series of teacher-led, virtual events across Europe, and on 20th October 2021 will be connecting educators with their communities in the UK and Ireland - because good things happen when open, innovative minds start sharing ideas.
All roads lead to learning
We can’t wait to connect Canvas ambassadors with Canvas-curious educators across your region.
What you'll learn:
How education technology has impacted learning positively during the pandemic
The importance of a post-pandemic ed-tech strategy with no one left behind
How technology is adapting to the 'new normal'