A Year in Review: Canvas New Quizzes Enhancements in 2023

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    As we wrap up another eventful year, let's look at how Canvas New Quizzes evolved in 2023. This year, we've made significant improvements, changing how teachers, students, and administrators use assessments.

    The updates brought substantial benefits across the entire educational ecosystem. Teachers got better ways to grade, administrators found solutions that work for entire institutions, and students got more personalized learning experiences.

    In education, assessments are crucial for understanding how well students are doing. Whether for high-stakes exams or practice quizzes, making quizzes more engaging, easier to use, and adaptable to different teaching styles is essential. These changes weren't just about adding features; they aimed to create a better way of assessing students across diverse learning environments.

    Feature Highlights

    In 2023, New Quizzes represented more than technology—it's about making assessments meaningful and enhancing education for all. Standout features include:

    Bulk Migration: Instructors and administrators can seamlessly transition classic quiz content, including question banks, directly into New Quizzes. This feature ensures a consistent, updated appearance for all new content, offering more diverse item types to enrich student learning while maintaining the integrity of question banks.

    product screenshot of bulk migration

    Build on Last Attempt: Instructors can empower students to build on their previous quiz attempts, focusing on specific areas of improvement. This saves instructors valuable time and allows for a more targeted approach to student learning and assessment.

    product screenshot of build on last attempt

    Grade by Question: The introduction of a question focused navigation bar facilitates more efficient grading for instructors. By evaluating one question at a time, instructors can maintain better instructional focus and streamline their grading workflows.

    product screenshot of grade by question

    Improved Item Analysis: A revamped interface providing enhanced insights into individual quiz question performance, including student responses, distribution, and difficulty evaluation. Latency is greatly reduced for this report, too, giving educators nearly immediate access to the data. This leads for quicker opportunity to take action on quiz results by equipping instructors with valuable data to tailor their teaching strategies effectively. 

    product screenshot of improved item analysis

    Looking Ahead

    As we wave goodbye to this year of upgrades, it's not just about what's changed—it's about the huge impact these changes have had. They've set the stage for a brighter, more inclusive future of learning.

    By considering the comprehensive aspects of quizzing, New Quizzes aims to provide an environment where educators feel empowered to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights while students find quizzes more enjoyable and relevant to their learning journey. This holistic approach is about making teaching easier for educators and learning more fun for students.

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