K-16 Archiving Presentation

Video Transcript
Right. I'm like, I'm glassing. Or going in the hospital. That's funny. They could, but we really wouldn't mean anything. No.

Not that. I've been like to, you know, presentation. The twenty year old is destroyed and how far. So, and sixteen is actually gonna walk them through. Couple things, including Kyle, touching on the topic I talked about earlier.

And then we'll do a final q and a and wrap it up. I mean, it's Tammy Moving from k sixteenth Solutions. Uh-huh. Did you also have Donovan Hartman here in the back? Thanks for having us out here today. As Ryan mentioned, we'll go through it a little bit.

We'll touch on AI a little bit. And at two sixteen is a data company. Alright. We started with migrations years ago. We worked very closely with the structure as schools are moving on to Canvas platform, we've automated those processes through API integration.

So, really change the speed at which those kind of projects take place. From there, we led into archiving and then into AI detection. Okay. And our latest, solution we're working on is called Data X. It's integrations between the Canvas environment and the SIS and CRM.

But today, we're here to talk about archiving. So Probably about four years ago, we began archiving as schools were leaving other platforms coming to Canvas, Blackboard data needs to archived, legal data need to be archived. We started doing that. We started archiving all that student submission data along with the course data and setting it up. So it was integrated with the Canvas environment.

That of course led to Canvas archiving out. We had a lot of schools asking us build a solution that allows them to offload some of that content off of the Canvas environment, store it in a secure place that's still accessible and and manageable for CAM Smart. So we'll start with a quick video here, then we'll get into demonstration. It's letting me play my volume. Yeah.

Please be back with that file so I'll continue to see you. Okay. If you you you share screen. Sure. To share some and mute your mic in the Zoom.

Yeah. I'm sure wreak chair with sound. I'm all too sounding nice. Now let's try it. Hold on.

This one? Yes. Oh, there we go. So you're using Canvas as your learning management system, but do you have an archive strategy in place to back up your files and maintain a secure and clean instance of your LMS. If you need to back up your data, control user access and maintain a cleaner version of your Canvas LMS, then we have some good news. A Canvas integrated archiving solution does exist.

Introducing Canvas archiving by k sixteen solutions. Canvas archiving allows Canvas customers to store course content and student data on an archiving platform that fully integrates with their canvas insights. With a literal click of a button, it's institutions can fully back up their data and retrieve content at any time. No longer will your institution be at risk compliance issues because of mishandled student data. Finally, you can archive your aging content, secure your sense its student data and maintain a cleaner version of Canvas.

See why better data hygiene is critical for your institution's data secure Sorry about the technical difficulties there. Okay. We'll see that here. Me yourself. Yeah.

So let's let's talk about this a little bit. Name is archiving. Step away. So the ARPOP solution is an archive environment for your campus environment. One of the first schools here to, start this and start working with it was our very own seminal state.

And what I'm going to demonstrate today is a version of their database that's been, completely randomized, though, where it's not actual student data here we're looking at. But what this allows you to do is connect with your Canvas environment offload courses based on terms. That's the default. So you can go in and grab, you know, all those twenty fifteen, off twenty sixteen, or individual terms, move it out of the Canvas environment. Lead it out of canvas, and then you have it sitting in your archive connected to your canvas was really easy to use.

So here's an example. When we set up an instance for you, it takes about a week from start to finish seven environments. Start losing the course. The first part of the process is your archiving wizard. Really easy.

It's gonna ask you to simply input the direct URL to your environment and set up a username and password using system added level branches. That's all it takes to set this. We'll process up. Next step with new logos, invite some users, and then the fun part, pick your terms. Here's where you choose the terms that you want ingested into the archiving environment.

Just check the box, hit finish, and all those terms will come in. Now, as I said, we've randomized this, so I'm not going to pull an additional terms right now. But once the courses come in, It takes you to your dashboard where it will show you all the courses that you've queued up to ingest into the archive and how they're tracking. If anything fails, it notifies the team internally to take a look at it. And they'll resolve.

Otherwise, all these reports will go through this progression and move to complete, and they'll all be in your arm at that point. Once everything's been archived, this will generate a CSV file up for you, which is how the forces get deleted out of the kims. Once course are in the archive, really easy to use. You can search through really any parameter. And once you go into it, of course, you'll see everything is here they would normally see a canvas force.

Connection is a little slow, but all the users, the enrollments are captured, full grade book captured. If I wanted details about any of these, I can actually drill down and see time stamps, questions, answers, in line feedback, everything's captured. Now the nice part is I can actually do some work against this Gradebook as well. Export a raw CSV, export discussion post by students. So quite a bit of work you can do.

The idea here is it's not a full storage. You're not just dumping a bunch of files onto a drive somewhere. It has a full UI. You can interact with it very easily. And if you ever need your course level information, back in Canvas.

Really easy. You have two options. You can restore the course, which will push your content back into your old SIS ID. Or you can sync to LMS, which creates a brand new shelf numbers. Multiple ways to push this across, but this platform is meant as an admin pool.

Most of the schools that were coming to us were asking for, you know, a way to clean up their environment. They've been on a canvas for, you know, three, four have ten years and there are a lot of courses in there now. How do we streamline that? How do we clean it up a bit? Well, you can move it all off. Put in a secure admin tool like this, yet still have access to it. From a user perspective, You can add as many seats or users as you want.

You actually create different roles as well. You've had schools that needed to, go through an audit or an accreditation disk, and they didn't want to give, somebody full access to LMS environments. I'm in here, create a new role. Auto audit. Make it so it's must be enrolled to view, of course, read only and disable syncing.

In a case like that, I can create a new poll. Go back to any course and add that user to the course. Now if that user logs in, all you're going to see are the courses they're actually connected to. Great way to provide access to your historical data gets restrict access so that that person sees only what you want. Any questions so far? Mark having something that you considered at your campuses.

Anyone running into trouble trying to navigate a bit through the environment because of all the force that are in there. It's most of what I've been hearing. I I have a question. So this may be very simplistic, but So with your product, is it more cost effective to reveal courses with you guys than it is to keep it with Canvas? You can you can keep it with Canvas, but now you have ten years of data sitting out there in your LMS environments. There is a cost to this.

It's a it's a FTE model. There are a few different price ranges starting from twenty eight thousand down to twelve thousand depending on the size of your institution. But the cost involved, what it's doing is securing your data off of the LMS, an admin level, platform, and it's cleaning up your LMS environment. You said TE and not based upon the number of courses. It's a combination.

The three different price points based on FTE and then maximum number of courses in the archive starts at fifty thousand. So it's pretty, pretty big archive. Is that too small for you? I mean, you see our students. And we've been on canvas for since twenty twelve. So The base product starts at fifty thousand courses.

Additional bands can be added thousand dollars per year for each band of ten thousand courses added. And we run about seven to eight thousand courses a semester. Semester. You have to estimate what your data retention policy look like. I usually see a five year or seven year data retention policy.

So what does that look like? We don't need to archive all seven years. You would really archive Right. The models that I'm seeing most schools go with is, maybe three years or five years in the LMS, and then years five through seven or five through ten. Archive. You may not need as much as you think because you're not moving everything but this way you're able to gain all those courses, gain the student data, and keep it secure.

We've had other institutions who wanted to do that and actually wipe out the student, the inside of it, and just retain the course for you in a longer period. Could do that within the environment as well. More questions. Seems like this would, keep you from doing a lot of longitudinal, analysis on student activities with, like, Canvas data products. So if your data retention policy, you know, if you don't have one, store everything, you can do full analysis of every student who's ever gone through Canvas, has anybody looked at that problem and said, hey, doesn't matter.

Student learning has changed so much in the past ten years. Or is it I'm I'm guessing this isn't featureful in terms of talking to Canvas data as well. Right? So It's not, but, like, touched on earlier, are doing a data x product that is precisely for that. We can extract the data from this platform, the data from the Canvas platform, and combine it all into a new model for you to work with So whether it's still sitting in canvas or it's moved off into archive, wouldn't make much of a difference. Question.

Yes. Did the messages sent within the course go into the archive too? All interactions in the force are captured. Other questions. So he sent messages within the course. What about the conversation messages from the users? Like inbox with the student.

The inbox? Because it's not always tied to a course. Yeah. The inbox would not be captured in a course archive. That's something that you'd want to retain or need to retain for some purpose? There'd be communication between student and teacher. Wouldn't be in the course in that case? Could be.

In a course archive scenario, those definitely would not be the team. When you but when you delete the course from Canvas, I don't believe that'll be deleted either. That'll still be your candidate messages. So you should be okay there. Lots questions.

How do you handle deleted objects with the core archive. Take more of them. What do you mean the expand on that? Feature deletes something they deleted discussion forums. Right. The discussion forum had some stuff in it.

The course gets archived, and those anything that was deleted is permanently deleted at that point. Right. But if others In the canvas world, if you delete something, it's not really deleted, it's off deleted. I'll tell you hard to lead. Right.

So if it's soft deleted, it's not going to archive. Right? So if a teacher's deleted something before the archiving process, it it would not give That got spent. The undelete area was still going to be there. Yeah. It's it's just I'm I'm just thinking about hundred percent.

And typically, you're archiving courses that are that have aged already. So they're three plus years old. This is what I'm usually seeing. So there really shouldn't be anyone going and changing at that point in most courses. So we have a lot of cases where we move a course at the end of the semester.

We move a course out of its original term. Let's say if a student has any complete because, you know, we need to give them extended accents. So if we had if if we had a student, a course that was moved out of its original term, we archive that term. And then that student finishes or incomplete, we wanna move it back. Does that then do we move it back and then have to we have what would we have to do to then archive that course with the rest of the courses in its original term? So when you move it out of that term, you've changed the term of that course.

You could archive wherever you're putting those courses as well? Or you, you know, the term that the other term is deliberately left when ended for students that need to satisfy income. You can grab individual courses if you want. To, or you just have to re archive that term, which if you re archive that term, all it's going to do is catch the Delta. Just wanna pick up the additional courses that we're That's what it is. We'll duplicate anything.

Questions. This view this is your product that we're looking at right here. Yes. Is this built on basically the same canvas framework? It's not just a separate platform. Okay.

Their own platform that we know. Okay. I mean, Canvas was open source. So I was just wondering if it was if it had, like, a lot of parity between them or if it was fully independent, it would be kind of completely separate. But integrated.

Other questions? For LTI integrations, specifically for student assessments. How's that information captured in the archive think generally. Yeah. LTI will be captured and it'll be stored in the archive. The l the information is on whatever platform that LTI is pointing to.

And it'll be retained there. So that information would not get adjusted in the markets. But for a turnitin assessment, let's say. Captured in Canvas. This if the results are captured in Canvas, they'll be in capture in the archive as well.

And LTI will also be captured. So if you ever push that course back into the canvas environment, the LTI will be there. Everything will be functioning up yet. Answer your question? Questions about archiving? Process is really simple because we can spin this up for you in about a week, and then you self-service ingest your terms as you want them adjusted. Simple to do.

All the orders are placed directly through your instructor reps. Then pricing and on the size of your institution starts at about twelve thousand dollars per year, and goes up to about twenty eight thousand dollars a year. Right? Small, medium large size FTV accounts. Now, in addition to this, as Ryan mentioned before, we do work with GPT zero. And we have an archive or an AI detection solution that we we work with them on.

And it's probably quite a bit different than what you've experienced with turn in for those of you who have tried it. Turn it in is about showing, yeah, Simon does will potentially plagiarize. And as several people pointed out, or potential risk, we can take that kind of approach with the eye and the eye detection because it's never perfect. And so, approach that I was referring to is a a more holistic view of what is happening across the entire platform. We're scanning list assignments, discussions, quizzes, basically everything within the LMS environment and running that through GP zeros, AI detection technology.

Returning results. So it's high level results looking at what's happening across the entire LMS within a specific course and then down to student level as well if the user wants to drill down to look at it in that way. So slightly different view give you an idea of what's happening across the campus. Where is AI being utilized? How is it being utilized? Which forces, have I AI usage and why. There might be courses where it should be used.

It might be courses where the instructor doesn't want it used, but the approach that we use gives you that ability to look much deeper into what's happening in forces. If anybody's interested and wants to talk more about that. Please do reach out to me. I can help you set up a demo. Question.

I am very interested, but I wanted to ask you, do you have plans to improve the faculty view, the instructor view in psychamas? Improve the faculty view inside campus. Have you seen the product then? Okay. You have lots of plans to continue expanding the Right now, you've seen that side. It's just it's an LTI launch, that shows exactly what assignment has been flagged as potentially ai gen. There are plans to integrate, into SpeedGrader and into the Gradebook, plagiarism framework but those are on the release.

There's a lot of interest in AI. So we'll continue building it out. That's it for me. Appreciate everyone's time. We're gonna wrap up a little ahead of schedule.

If you want me to give me a time for the airing of grievances. First off, I wanna make sure, I wanna make sure you all had a chance to meet, your account teams, Doug, Laura, that, Kylie. You always wanna come up and help me feel questions. I wanna make sure we got to your questions. And if you have questions, hopefully, if you didn't even get them answered, you know, gonna go to now to get them answered, that's what we're here for.

And so it's our commitment in Florida. We we the the date you all have been amazing to work with. We hope we've been in good work with as you've been to work with us. So we wanna make sure we maintain that relationship and make sure that you know who who to talk to. So any questions at this point? Specific, not specific to everything that you guys have talked about.

Yeah. I think I sent you a new one back, but, we're transitioning obviously, you know, that too. We got the extension. Yeah. You got an email about somebody that you conditions, ma'am, can you? It was the information from July.

On data you want. We're not gonna be available. Yeah. That's possible on data too. And we're using red shift just to cleared.

So we just wanna clear. Yeah. Yeah. So I've been talking with Chad McGuire today and yesterday, our director of services. And have been writing an email. It's fine.