Instructure Professional Services Giveaway

Educational Excellence:
Ed-Cosystem Explorer Starter Pack

Thank you so much for visiting the Services Lounge or one of our team’s sessions at InstructureCon! Ready to collaborate with the Instructure Professional Services team on your next project? Use our form and that collaboration might be… FREE!

At ICON ‘24 we’re giving away the following to a few intrepid ed-cosystem explorers just like you:

  • 4 seats to a Certified program of the ed-cosystem explorers’ choice
  • A services software trial bundle, including:
    • Ready-made course templates
    • Certified program seat
    • Ready-made training course
    • Accessibility Instructional Design course
    • Ready-made credentials course
    • 10 Flex Service Package hours

Enter the Giveaway

Upcoming Webinar

A Consulting Story: A Customer’s Journey Through Credentials Consulting

In this webinar, Instructure’s Strategic Services team will take a deep dive into top considerations for organizations considering (or re-considering) a credentials-based education offering.


Explore the full customer journey, from initial consideration to successful implementation

Dive deep into key considerations for credentials-based education offerings

Share insights to help you refine your planning methodologies

Offer valuable experience-based advice to maximize the value of Credentials for your institution and students

Strategic Services Webinar - Credentials