Intelligent Insights: Data-Informed Decision-Making at Scale


You have many decisions to make. Accessing and using data to inform your decision-making process can help you feel more confident about those decisions, and ultimately improve teaching and learning effectiveness.

Intelligent Insights by Instructure uses AI and analytics to surface the data educators need, revealing what's working, what's not, and how to enhance your educational initiatives. Pinpoint best practices, understand LTI usage, proactively identify and address learning needs, and use data to improve outcomes for all.

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Instructure Intelligent Insights uses AI and analytics to provide self-service analytics and proactively surface actionable insights that inform strategic initiatives such as better teaching and learning experiences, student retention, and graduation rates. Let's take a closer look. Analytics Hub provides admins with a one stop shop for all the analytics capabilities that help educators make data informed decisions. Instructure's recent addition is intelligent insights, which provides insight into strategic goals and enable the reports admins are requested throughout the year. It includes students in need of attention, course readiness, LTI usage, and also delivers an AI powered natural language tool that helps users explore data and generate ad hoc reports and visualizations. Administrators need to manage and measure course readiness and effectiveness at the start and throughout the term to ensure the best teaching and learning experiences.

Institutions can now customize the criteria to set the standard for course readiness, make data informed decisions, and take action to improve teaching and learning consistency. For example, the institution established expectations for grading criteria and learner outcomes. Institutions need visibility into which LTIs are being used. With LTI usage, admins can see and understand which LTIs are being used by whom, when, and how often. Who are our LTI tool champions? Admins can then decide to deepen adoption or deprecate specific tools.

Educators and staff who support students must know which students require outreach and support due to their underperformance or low participation. Identifying these students in a timely manner can be crucial for their retention and academic success. Like course readiness, Canvas administrators set the standard to define students needing attention. Standards may include criteria like engagement with pages and discussions, course performance, including assignment scores and on time submissions, or any combination of factors. Even with all these prebuilt analytics, administrators will always have ad hoc requests for data.

They need to ask their own questions and get results on the fly. Ask your data uses modern technologies like artificial intelligence and natural language generation to empower admins to find answers to their own questions. Even nontechnical users can generate queries using natural language. Data teams and BI analysts can use our platform to quickly explore Canvas data, generate queries, and improve enables you to define standards and surface the insights educators need to make better decisions faster with data and AI.

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