26 Questions Today’s Educators Can Ask Their Data

teachers looking at data together

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    Schools and colleges are swimming in data, from attendance and behavioral records to grades and technology usage. We’ve said it before, and we’ll continue to say it: large amounts of data are useless on their own; they need to be used to benefit teaching and learning.

    School leaders, teachers, and tech specialists are uniquely positioned to make the most of their data, and the best way to overcome the overwhelm is by getting started. But where should they start? It’s helpful to remember that not every question has to be answered right away—small steps make a difference on the path to becoming more data-informed. Technology can help ease the manual lift of sifting through data.

    We've compiled a list of 26 questions that your school’s data can help you answer, categorized for easy reference. 

    Let's dive in.

    Student Success

    1. Who is the most improved student this year?
    2. Which students are failing two or more subjects? Which courses have a high fail rate across all students?3. How do course completion rates vary across different subjects or grade levels?
    4. Which courses have the most at-risk students?
    5. What does a student’s grade look like compared to their class?
    6. What are the participation rates for students that are underperforming?
    7. Which students have/have yet to log into the learning management system (LMS)?
    8. What is the average time spent on each assignment across different courses?
    9. How long does it take learners to complete an assignment?
    10. How many students still need observers (parents/guardians) paired with them?
    11. When was the last time students viewed their courses online or submitted an assignment in the LMS?12. Which students are performing at or below the percentage for athletic eligibility/grad requirements?

    Course Readiness

    13. How many courses are published online?
    14. Which instructors do I need to check in with on getting their online courses up and running?
    15. How frequently are instructors sending out announcements?
    16. Have all courses published assignments, quizzes, and discussions?
    17. Which courses still need to be set up correctly (e.g., currently have less than two assignments, no syllabus, no rubrics)?
    18. What are the most common submission types being used?
    19. What grading standards are being assessed, and how often is each used?

    Usage and Adoption

    20. Which LTIs are being used?
    21. How many times has an LTI been launched?
    22. Who are my top LMS champions?
    23. Is overall tech usage trending upward or downward?
    24. How does technology usage correlate with student performance?
    25. What is the average turnaround time for grading assignments across different teachers?
    26. How does attendance correlate with academic performance and engagement?

    Intelligent Insights: Scale Your Data-Informed Decision Making

    While these questions are crucial, answering them manually can be time-consuming and it can be easy to make mistakes along the way. Intelligent Insights can help ease the lift. Our AI-powered analytics tool is designed specifically for educational institutions so that you can transform raw data into actionable insights.

    Here's how Intelligent Insights can elevate your data analysis:

    • Explore Data with Conversational AI: No need for a data science degree. The AI-powered query tools in Intelligent Insights enable you to ask natural language questions (like the ones above) with a response and explanation of the methodology. 
    • Identify Learners Who Need Support: Set the standards students need for success and track their progression through real-time monitoring in Intelligent Insights. 
    • Set the Standard for Course Effectiveness: Create standards for excellent courses across your institution and track how courses are meeting those benchmarks.

    In an era of abundant digital data, the ability to extract meaningful insights and translate those insights into action is what sets successful schools apart. Intelligent Insights harnesses the power of AI to transform your school's data into a powerful decision-making tool. By answering these crucial questions and many more, our tool empowers you to make informed choices that positively impact student outcomes and overall school performance.

    Ready to unlock the full potential of your school's data? Contact us today for a demo of Intelligent Insights and take your first step towards data-driven excellence.

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