Canvas LMS

Knox County Schools

Personalized Learning through Technology

Knox County Schools - Case Study Logo

Knox County, TN

62,099 Students

Started 2013


Using technology to personalize learning was the heart of Knox County Schools Technology Challenge, which began with implementing Canvas LMS. At a time when many students prefer to work digitally, Canvas was rolled out to more than 5,000 teachers and sta and is helping drive new levels of engagement and student success.

The Challenge

Knox County Schools (KCS) currently serves more than 57,000 students in 89 Tennessee schools. In September 2012, KCS applied for a Race to the Top grant for a districtwide, personalized learning initiative. When their proposal wasn’t funded, administrators didn’t give up. Instead, they launched the School Technology Challenge, a district-funded grant program focused on helping KCS schools use technology to personalize learning.

Among the 30 KCS schools that applied for district grants, 11 received funding. Before launching their programs, the winning schools sought guidance from teachers and administrators at one KCS school that had already implemented a successful 1:1 initiative. Their advice: start with an LMS.

“We realized that the LMS was a critical component of this new initiative,” said Knox County Schools Director of Instructional Technology, Theresa Nixon. “It is really like the glue that holds it all together.”

Key Insights

After one year, teachers report an increase in student engagement and participation.

Favorite features: ease-of-use, LTI integration, and the feeling that Canvas “speaks” K-12

11 schools, 650 teachers involved in the initial 1:1 rollout, which later expanded

The Solution

In spring 2013, KCS formed an LMS evaluation committee that included teachers from a broad range of disciplines who would be involved in implementing programs funded by School Technology Challenge grants. After reviewing eight learning platforms, the committee chose Canvas because of its ease-of-use, LTI integrations, and the overall feeling that it really “speaks” K-12.

“After seeing all the vendor demonstrations, we were most impressed with Canvas and what its possibilities were. When you see Canvas in person, you just get it—right away … it quickly became everybody’s number one choice.”

-Steve Glenn, Technology Specialist, Knox County Schools.

Within a week of signing the contract, KCS leaders met with Canvas to develop implementation goals and to create Canvas accounts for all of its sta members. As part of the School Technology Challenge, participating schools received two additional personnel to help with the implementation and 1:1 rollout. Canvas trainers provided onsite workshops for a select team of KCS teachers and coaches who then provided training at their respective schools.

The Results

As part of the grant program, KCS schools began using Canvas in fall 2013. All students in grades 4-12 had access to Canvas and 650 teachers and coaches were set up with accounts. The district also used Canvas to deliver professional development for teachers as a way to increase familiarity with its interface and features.

“Our middle school students prefer to work digitally, and a majority of them are using Canvas every day. They think it’s cool and they love to have their laptops open during class. Engagement is higher and students are finding success where they never had before.”

-Theresa Nixon, Director of Instructional Technology, Knox County Schools

After their first year with Canvas, participating teachers reported that some of their favorite things about the cloud-based learning management system include its openness and ease-of-use.

“At the elementary level, we love how easy it is to assign and assess student work,” says Zack Brewer, technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPaCK) coach, Knox County Schools. “And SpeedGrader has really made grading assignments so much easier. With it, feedback is easy and intuitive and student work can become an instant conversation…it’s just so much easier than paper and pencil.”

“Overwhelmingly, teachers like the assessment piece. The quiz and assessment tools allow us to assess in multiple ways, and we are discovering even new ways that kids can respond to us beyond the keyboard.”

-Candace Greer, TPaCK coach, Knox County Schools

In fall 2014, KCS created Canvas accounts for more than 5,000 teachers and sta members. As the district gradually expands its 1:1 initiative to include every school and grade level, teachers have the option to begin using Canvas at their own pace. Administrators say Canvas has become an indispensable part of the district’s existing and future 1:1 program.

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