Canvas by Instructure

New Mexico and Canvas LMS

To provide equitable learning experiences for all students, leaders must ensure high-quality instruction, a viable curriculum for all, a teacher workforce supported by consistent professional development, and a scalable digital learning environment. An effective learning management system is critical, and the New Mexico Public Education Department leverages Canvas LMS to support these initatives.

New Mexico

Choosing Canvas LMS

In June 2020, the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) procured Canvas LMS for all New Mexico local education agencies (LEAs). By implementing Canvas statewide, the NMPED supports a scalable and consistent foundation for student instruction, communication, professional learning, and educator evaluation. Statewide licensing provides cost savings to districts, eliminating difficult financial decisions while providing access to every student, parent, teacher, and administrator in the state.

Supporting Statewide Initiatives

Through the use of Canvas LMS, the NMPED supports several initiatives, including instructional best practices, substitute teacher training and professional development for literacy programs, such as effective reading instruction and identification for students at-risk for dyslexia. Additionally, NMPED provides courses in a range of topics, including a series related to the NM Multi-Layered System of Supports model, training in culturally and linguistically responsive instruction, early childhood observation training, and child abuse and neglect training.


Canvas LMS allows NMPED to provide meaningful professional learning at scale and help teachers become the most effective and impactful educators possible. Even if districts choose not to use Canvas as their LMS, the state uses it for all NMPED-created professional learning, including a robust professional development program and micro-credentialing initiative to reach all teachers.

Canvas-ing New Mexico


50 districts and charters utilize Canvas for blended or hybrid learning.

27,732 active local courses have been created in Canvas.

85,207 distinct LEA Canvas users


All 3 NMPED Deputy Secretary Divisions using NMPED Canvas

312 unique PD course offered by NMPED

The Elevate New Mexico program includes 895 courses rolled out to 1,150 school administrators and 22,360 educators.

After adopting Canvas LMS statewide for remote learning during the pandemic, the New Mexico Public Education Department selected Canvas as their digital delivery tool for their teacher evaluation program, Elevate New Mexico. In support of the Elevate New Mexico program, Canvas LMS is used to train teachers and school administrators on the professional domains as identified in Elevate NM to improve educator effectiveness. Using Canvas, teachers have the opportunity to easily submit artifacts that support their mastery of educator standards, including self-reflection and video evidence of authentic practice. Evaluators can provide meaningful feedback, support, and resources after thoughtful review of teacher submissions.

By the 2022–23 school year, Elevate New Mexico grew to include over 140 LEAs (districts & charters), 895 school courses, 1,150 school administrators, and 22,360 educators. In short, nearly every school in the state of New Mexico is using Canvas for teacher evaluations and all educators and school administrators have Canvas LMS accounts.


Canvas LMS helps schools provide a better teaching and learning experience by serving as the hub of a digital classroom—whether students are learning in-person, online, or in a blended environment. With one system to navigate, a single source for all communication, and one place to connect all the digital tools teachers and students use, districts can create a unique learning environment that works for all students. LEAs are not required but highly encouraged to use Canvas to manage local online and blended student learning.

The current and continued use of Canvas in New Mexico significantly impacts achievement by charting a unique course for success for all learners across the state. It supports personalized learning by providing tools for self-reflection and goal setting, individual learning pathways, competency-based progression, choice activities, feedback/support, differentiated instruction, authentic assessment, and learning mastery.

Benefits from a Statewide LMS


One platform for efficient and effective curriculum distribution and implementation

Scalable and ongoing professional development and educator evaluation

State implementation, training, and 24/7 support


Unified communication and experience for all

Access to consistent and actionable data across schools

A holistic approach to professional learning and support


Streamlined technology for teaching and learning

Open platform for future initiatives and rollouts

Cost-effective licensing for all districts

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