Amplifying the Effectiveness of Your LMS


Canvas customers understand the importance of an LMS elevating and enriching a student’s capacity to learn, but what about outside the classroom? In this session, two institutions share how Pathify’s integration with Canvas further drives the same personalization and engagement gained from the LMS to other core technology.

Video Transcript
Alright. Hi, everyone. My name's Chase Williams. I'm the CEO and one of the co founders, at Pathify. And before I get started on this session, I just wanna thank Everyone in this room for attending a five fifteen session at the end of the day. Yeah.

So thank you for that. And while a gin AI Microsoft session is on in some other room. So don't scut all out of the room once I've told you that. But really today, just to give you a quick overview of what we're doing, we'll we'll go over a little bit, about Pathify and what we do because that will create some some context for the work and the partnership we have within structure and how we integrate the Canvas system into to our front end web and mobile platform. We're going to hear from a couple customers that we work with, Utah State, and the University of Denver.

And then, hopefully, if we've practiced this well enough, we'll have some time for some Q and A at the end. And and a couple parting thoughts as well. So joining me, from Utah State University, is Raini Ebon. She's an associate vice president there. I know you've got a lot longer titles than that.

It was a mouthful, but you can tell everyone when you come and Daniel Bruning, who's a lead applications developer at the University of Denver. If you check the app beforehand, you might have seen Reany's name was actually JT's mum. JT's at the back there, and I I think he kind of I think he coded up things to switch her name in there. And Daniel is known as the Daniel or that Daniel at the University of Denver. And I think during this presentation, you'll see you'll see why that is.

So a little bit about our background. You can probably tell from my accent pretty quickly. I'm not originally from here. I am an American citizen, though. I tell people I'm also a US citizen.

My dad's American. But we started the company back in Melbourne, really like a decade ago now. And the idea like many ideas are were born out of the the frustration we had at the university we went to in Melbourne. I won't tell you which one it was. But a massive university, one thing you may not know about Melbourne is, oh, sorry about Australia, is there's only forty universities in the whole country.

There's probably more within about a hundred miles of here, but, big bureaucratic systems and, you know, we had eight campuses, as I said, a hundred thousand students, things were just really difficult to find and and navigating the experience, was pretty tough. And I co founder of James and I were looking around quite often and seeing what we were using in our everyday life, Instagram was out by then and and other things, and we we felt that maybe we have some credibility in this space because we've been students. So We tackled this problem and started speaking to a bunch of institutions in Australia. And while we were able to get have some really good conversations and get some pilots off the ground, because of how big and bureaucratic they are, they've kind of find it difficult to work with a tiny technology startup. So when there's That's the case, and there's only forty universities in the whole country.

It's kind of difficult to convince investors to back you and and build a big business. So it was really obvious, and again being a US citizen, I was able to make the move over here pretty easily a lot easier than a lot of Australians can, and we relocated to Denver in twenty seventeen, which is where most of our team, is based. And since then, we've, you know, we've spent the first couple years building up a team, kind of getting to know the space over here, but pretty quickly I was shocked that we were able to have meetings with, like, a CIO and a director of enterprise applications. They were taking, like, three years to get to it in Australia. And, you know, in around twenty nineteen, we had a handful of institutions working with us.

And I think now we have around a hundred and ten higher ed higher ed institutions in the US alone, working with us. So something's resonating, I think. But what does Pathify do? Well, this is really the kind of problem, we're trying to solve. So like we saw when we were at Monash University, many of the institutions that we begin working with will have some things connected as you can see by the dotted lines on screen, but a lot of the time there's this, like, ever expanding universe of new systems in different departments. And people themselves are becoming more physically disconnected and siloed from each other.

But as you all know, there's different support services and different clubs and organizations, different resources and content all over the place. So we we do find when we start to work with a lot of these institutions, Hello? That, you know, they students are having the same kind of difficulty navigating this this sort of what we call the digital universe, at your institutions. And so it leads to these kinds of problems that that you see on the screen. I I won't necessarily go through them all, but there was just a, a, an article that came out last week, in inside higher ed. It wasn't the title, but it was one of the sub that caught my attention.

And it was oblivious to the obvious. And it was a research paper that had been done by someone in in the space and inside higher ed about it. And, you know, that's the kind of thing we hear about all the time when we we start speaking with the schools that the problem is twofold. It's not only students are struggling to to navigate this this expanding universe of of stuff, but you've got staff just like many of the staff here working really hard on instructional design, and you've got staff putting in time into resources and new programs and initiatives. And you'd think that the The easy problem to solve would be getting them there and getting them to use it, but, sometimes that's that's kind of the the most difficult problem to solve is to make them aware of what you have available and make them aware of all the hard work that's been put in, at the institution.

So we see this two fold problem, and and that leads to a lot of wasted effort and and wasted money in the end, on behalf of an institution. So we're really trying to help out with that. So we we kind of take this view of where sort of sitting it at the center of a pyramid or the top of the pyramid, if you like, and bringing all of this together and our hope is to provide a really personalized experience that connects all of these things, but does it in a little bit of a different way than the web portal type platforms that you're used to. The traditional web portal at an institution may have come out ten, fifteen, twenty years ago, sometimes. Systems are, that we're replacing.

And we're actually using a middleware platform that sits behind this front end that you say, we reach into those other systems and we pull it out and display it in a way that's really readable and easy to use for the end user so that they can have the kind of consumer grade modern experience that they're used to in other platforms, like a Spotify or, like an Instagram and and etcetera, etcetera. So that's that's a big part of, what we do. That's a bit of a spill, from my side in terms of, you know, the the problem we're solving and and the solution we provide, and and really quickly we'll get into how Canvas plays a part in in all of that. And you can see campus courses at the bottom there, and we'll we'll show you a bit more of that. But before I do, I just wanna invite I think you've got a microphone.

Just Rainey and and Daniel, just to talk a little bit about whether what I said resonated a little bit and and why it was that you brought, Pathify into your institutions. Yeah. I'll go first. So I'm Raini Eborn, and I am the associate vice president, over strategic initiatives at Utah State University. And I have I was Daniel and I were actually laughing and counting how many years we've been in higher education, and we kind of feel old.

And obviously, you know, my son back there, I've been in thirty years. I've been in higher ed and seen a lot of technologies and done a lot of things. And so at Utah State, what I do is I oversee strategic initiatives that bring, change in digital transformation, whether that's processes, whether that's technology, whether that's other things as well. And so I've been doing that for quite a while. I've worked in higher ed, like I said, for thirty years, and I've been at several different institutions doing some strategic things.

I used worked at Southern New Hampshire during their innovative growth time. I worked at Western Governors University during the early days. And so, I I've got a lot of experience in doing some of this stuff. And at Utah State, we decided to go with Pathify a couple years ago, especially during, after COVID, it kind of kind of exploded and we realized that we needed some time of, a platform to bring our communications and our student engagement and faculty and staff engagement to the front and center. So we started looking for pathway at that time.

So I'll stop there and let Daniel introduce himself a little bit. Yes. My name is Daniel Bruning. I am the lead applications developer at the University of Denver, and I joke, but basically that means that anyone anywhere says the word API, I am in that meeting. Which means that I wind up with my fingers and all the different pies.

Currently, one of my big projects is like integrating all of our systems with Salesforce. And, and I have been involved in higher ed for I mean, I'm still kind of a gog at this too. About twenty seven years now, starting off as TAAs and undergrad, managing writing centers to going into graduate school, getting into IT, and then going back to school, trying to get into med school. And then, yeah, here I am. And, yeah, but I've been working at DU since, roughly the year two thousand.

But our choice in Pathify, really came about. I was also involved in the RFP in exploration process, was we came from the Illumian, Luminess Library Platform. And if anyone in this audience is familiar with that, it's a it it's a big big beast of a system that was very, very difficult to maintain. And, we we we had it. We're we're still a banner house and like we forever going to be in this.

There's some seismic change. But what we were looking for when we started searching for a new platform because the woman's life raid, they had basically all but pretended it doesn't exist anymore. So it was really difficult to get support. It was really difficult to maintain, like, if you updated your Java on your box, you're hosed. But we did a lot of, like, focus groups to figure out what what what do our students actually want? And the the the two big things were they wanted search, and they wanted a one stop shop for our, that, that slide that came up earlier fantastic because we have this whole application network.

It's not just we're not a we're not a one stop shop, for the student experience. It's not like, I mean, every single college has their own group of of applications that they manage and maintain. So it's really decentralized. And yeah, the search and the other thing that they were wanting is no social media. And and I laugh because it's like now our the senior leadership at University of Denver is like, we want more social media for our students, and our students are like, we don't want it.

And, trying to try to to to navigate between that. But but given that this application network that we have and it's so rich and so vast, part of the struggle has been like, we didn't want a platform that just became yet another link farm that was just kind of like, okay, go here, and now that you're here, go away, which seemed to be the common experience where it's like you're always going some place to find someplace else whether it's your email or document or PDF and we wanted to try to bring all that into a centralized platform that people could search and find things like a very helpful information kiosk. It's like downtown Boulder where it's like they can go here and be like, oh yeah, the place you want to go is over there. And allow students to experience and explore their experience, on their terms. And I I get I get, some really interesting glares from vice presidents, in meetings because I'm like, yes, I understand we want to brand our stuff, but in students' words, it's like, I just need to go fill up my time sheet.

Well, and our administration is like, well, they should know that they need to use pie airtime. And it's like, can we meet in the middle and allow things to be both. And one of the things that we've learned about Pathify is the whole SEO component of being able to tag and flag things with keywords. So students can find the things that they look for and need on their terms using the terminology that they use. As much as I'd love you to go on.

No. No. No. That's great. So a little bit more about, you know, really why we're here and and amplifying the LMS through this front end platform.

So we've been an instructure partner for about, almost five years now. What's really nice about the partnership? I mean, firstly this week, they had their first partner summit. I thought that was a really cool new initiative. That the Liz and the the team here have, put together. But what what it means for us specifically because we work much on integration is we're able to spin up, you know, a Pathify university type sandbox, and that really helps us get in there and figure out what are the right things, looking through a student lens, what are the right things for us to be pulling out and exposing to them alongside all of the other information that they need.

It probably doesn't surprise people in this audience that Canvas is the most integrated system that we have it's used at over fifty percent of our customers and pretty much everyone has integrated in some way, shape, or form, with our platform. What's nice about that too is because students are coming back and interacting with the Canvas widget, as you'll see when we get into a bit of a demo, in a second they're coming back and seeing that, and then they're seeing a lot of other information that you wanna nudge towards them, at the same time. So I'll do that. I'll I'll move over and you act you can actually see the platform itself and top left, which is where a lot of institutions actually place the Canvas widget, and you have the ability to lock different widgets in different places. But we always think of this kind of idea of one plus one equals three.

So if we can bring in, again, looking through the student lens, key information that they can see to add a snapshot, and really view what's going on in my courses, and then right next to it, I can see my class schedule, and I can see my email, and I can also see what's on the menu at the diner today and all that kind of thing if I if I scroll down a little bit, you get this kind of one plus one equals three idea, and they're it's all pulled into one place. So rather than the idea of a portal where they port out to other places, we bring them here and we're using the integration platform to actually reach in there and give them the modern experience they expect, which is bringing as much as possible and as much as APIs and and different ways. We can integrate will allow us giving giving them up to date information. The Canvas API is usually pretty solid to work with as well. Even within the Canvas widget itself, you can probably see a few different tabs along here.

Whenever we can, we try to get a one plus one equals three within a specific use case as well. So this Canvas courses widget and the integration with it allows a user to see, okay, these are the different things or different courses I'm taking this this particular semester. But at the same time, I can go in and say, okay, I've got a specific assignment, I can go in and click through and and take a look at that. That's across all my courses. I can get a snapshot of the announcements that have been made by my instructors all in one place.

And we just as one of our upgrades, we look at these integrations as features. So we're always evolving a We're not we're not sending it out and then it's it's staying static. We're always up updating based on any feedback. We're getting from our customers and their users. And also our own, intuition having been in the space and using the sandbox.

Just last week, we added the the grade side of this into this part of the tab. And really quickly, we got customer feedback. We knew it was coming. Well, what about final grades? Final grades usually go in the SIS. They get lodged there are they going to integrate with this widget? So we're we're probably going to do a final grades widget where we're working on it this quarter.

And we're also debating whether the final grades sit alongside the grades that are coming from Canvas within this widget as well. Because again, the student doesn't They don't care that this is coming from one system. They're just seeing the front end. They just want the information that they want, particularly at the end of the semester. So I think that gives you a a little bit of a view of that from the student perspective.

We also have a staff and faculty widget, which you can kind of show you afterwards if you're interested in taking a look at. I wanted to jump in if I stop sharing and impersonating a student and I'm logged in as an admin. If I go into the back end of our system, wanted to give just a bit of a feel and, you know, both Rainey and, Daniel will talk to this a little bit, but give you a feel for kind of the out of the box integrations we work with, we call them recipes. But if I go down, people on the team will kill me for trying to do this live, but we'll see how it goes. You've got a Canvas connector.

So this is like your foundational integration with the platform itself. And what you would do here as part of connecting Canvas to Pathify is go in and work through this. You can see that it asks for the client ID of your instance of Canvas It's you can see that it asks you for the secret. You go in and plug that in. Once you have that set up, you've now set up the foundational connection between Canvas and our front end.

Once that's submitted, it's already submitted. So if we go back to the recipe library itself, and I scroll down Now you have the foundation. You can go in and actually set up the Canvas courses widget, that could be exposed to students, for example. And I'll try to run one of these live and see how this goes. As you can see, the Canvas connector is already set up.

So I've got that in place and got the tick next to it. It gives you a view of what this is going to look like. I'm literally going through and installing right now. So what we do is based on our work, again, with the sandbox and our work in the space, we're able to set up and effectively fill out the form on your behalf, and you can make changes to the form. So say we went in and, okay, we're going to expose grades through separate grades widget, so I'm going to remove that.

I might call it. What am I gonna name it? Like, icon. Sorry. I'm gonna be typing with one hand. Icon canvas courses.

It's plugged in different things. There's a few different pieces there that that get plugged in, but this really is me going to the canvas widget canvas courses widget out of the box. And if this goes in and and submits, that's installed success hopefully, you can see it gives me a preview. I remove the grade side of it. Now I can go in and configure that on the platform.

And I can do things like this is a really popular feature hiding widget content in impersonation mode when it's so when any student is being supported, you can choose any specific widget on the platform to make sure they can't see a student's emails or so on and and that kind of thing. So I'll turn that off because I wanna make sure you're all able to see it. If I go down, maybe I expose this to the student role, save that, save the widget itself. You can see it's been added here to the list. And if I go in, refresh, You can see that.

That's coming on the admin side. This is pulling in mock data from our sandbox. But even if I go over to the student, this should impersonate that user. This should show it on Luke Jones's dashboard when I hit there. So it really is, like, we try to get these.

We've tried to do so much back end work and, like, working on the recipes themselves so that once you've set up that foundational integration, You can run these widgets and run these kind of effectively like building blocks of recipes on top of that foundational integration in literally minutes. So it worked. Thank god. So if we we head back, I'm going to invite Reany up. What Reany didn't say, I don't think, is that she's the the exec sponsor of this platform.

Out at Utah State. So she'll give you a little bit of background on how they govern the platform and how they decide new things get added, and a bit of a comparison of how Canvas integrates, and is exposed within Pathify compared to their their prior portal as well. So I'm gonna turn the slideshow back on for you. Thank you. So that's really loud.

So at Utah State, we've been using Pathify for the last. We're going out. We're in our second year of using Pathify. So we've kind of grown with the with the solution. As I mentioned earlier, we selected Pathify because we were trying to solve about ten different problems that we had in in regards to our, student life and our student success.

At Utah State, we really take student us very seriously as many of you do at your institutions and we realized, especially during COVID, that we needed a way to bring a mobile experience to our student because they expect that. And in addition to that, a way for us to be able to support that without a lot of technical debt because we already have a lot of things going on at the institution. So we wanted to do something. It was very simple and easy to use. And so we were able to select pathifying over the last two years.

At first, we started it very simple with a very student focused approach of our implementation, and I'm happy to talk about that separate if you guys want, we had a very really great implementation process and a lot of great student, usage success, which is which was surprisingly honest because sometimes we don't always have that. And so we were very excited about that. So I can talk to you about that offline. But Most importantly, what we were excited about was that our students really got involved with this, project, and it was very student driven because as Daniel said, students sometimes want different things than what administrators and and people think they want or need. And so we actually started off and it started being so successful that all of a sudden all of like the different departments started coming to us and saying we want this in the portal and we want this in the portal and really want this.

And all of a sudden I was like, okay, this has grown way faster than I anticipated. So we set up an advisory group and kind of a governance model around kind of a product management life cycle for us to manage this so that we could be very successful. So we were able to, we started at the very bottom with kind of the the bigger group and we had a lot of people involved in the beginning. We have an advisory then we have a small implementation team that really consists of our IT people that support the platform and my CIO is in the room and his staff help support it and they're very good. They're awesome.

And they, were involved in the implementation and they're involved in helping us with the technical aspect that Daniel and and Chase was explaining. And then from a marketing and a communication perspective, we also have people that are in those leadership roles. So we do go through, for example, when we wanna launch a new widget or something like that, we always make sure that we go through kind of a little bit of an advisory able to make sure that the students really want it. And early on in our first year, we had focus groups, with students and with faculty and with staff. And our students told us, you know, they liked it.

They wanted more features in it. They wanted to have like for instance, the time card in it, they wanted to be able to have, handshake where they look for jobs through career services and so we get a lot of feedback from them. In our faculty and staff focus group, our faculty at first they were very kind of like we don't need another thing. We've got too much like we're not gonna go to this. Unless it has a better integration to Canvas.

Like if if it had if it has all our Canvas stuff in there and it is accurate and it works, then we might be able to. So we're very excited about this this new widget that they've released with the grades feature because our faculty have been asking for So this summer, we're gonna be releasing the my USU is what we call our Pathify instance to all of our faculty and staff, and they'll have their own widgets and not but also they'll have the canvas. The faculty will have their canvas widget. So we're very excited about that. And this is what our what our student portal looks like and this is, a mobile app.

They look it looks this way mobile as well. And we have our, our Canvas widget. And this is we're really excited because as Chase said that they, you know, they released the grades and seriously on Monday, I worked with the IT staff and have them set it up so I could take these screenshots for you so I could show you what it like, and it literally took them like ten minutes to do it. It was kind of exciting because it doesn't always go that that way. So we're very excited about that.

We're excited because We really care about our students' holistic life cycle and we know that being successful in school is is they need to be in the in their learning management system for learning. But they also have all these other things that they need to have for student life and for student well-being. And so we're excited to have that involvement so we can place those things and have that in our portal, like you can see that we have a lot of things for them in that regard. So if like you look down the side and that we have resources for a lot of things, we only have one LMS. We are a Canvas school.

Utah State University. When we went live with Canvas years and years ago, we were one of the very first clients that actually went live with Canvas. So we've had a long term good relationship with them because of their ease of use and their simplicity and there are working partnership with them. It made Pathify a really easy choice because it was very it's very simple as well and it really Dovetailed nicely with our Canvas instance. And so we're glad to have people to be able to, like, pull this widget in and have their courses there.

Students can see all of their assignments, not just per class, but they have all of their assignments rolled up in one place so they can look at that. And then the thing that we learned at Utah State a few years ago. I worked with a gentleman named Kevin Reeves. He's kind of like the godfather of IT in our state. We love him.

And they did a data, project where they took all of the data in Canvas, and they did a heat map, and they watched students navigate they navigated when they would log in to Canvas. And they would log in and they would automatically go right to the Gradebook. They didn't go to the syllabus. They didn't go to the, you know, the other things They go right to the grade because they wanted to see what's due, what I need, and what's going on. And so we're pretty excited that we've surfaced the grades in the grade book, from the grade book into, this widget because I think it's gonna really benefit our students in that regard as well.

So that's kind of what our portal looks like. I'm happy to answer questions afterwards. Like I said, you can go to usu, myushu dot edu, and you can see I have all of our documents online so you can see, like, our implementation, our process, and how it works. And I'm happy to answer questions. But I think Daniel's gonna tell you about what he's done as well.

On to the show and tell portion. Okay. How do I jump, on this? Excuse me. Alright. Okay.

Well, I'm gonna actually show you our our live portal at the moment. And speaking from an IT lens, as far as like why I'm I really enjoy the path platform is when Chase was showing those, recipes and you get those recipes, they're not a black box. You have access to all the underlying codes. So if you wanna fits and futts and, like, really respond to the student needs or the needs of, whomever, you can be responsive to that. And one of the things that right out of the box that we wanted was a little bit more customization within the widget.

And, specifically, what the the course with the my courses widget is showing out of the boxes all of the courses that you have in Canvas. Well, but in, when you're looking at your dashboard in Canvas, you get to, where are the courses? Let's view all courses. And you get to favorite which ones that you're, you know, interested in. And you come back to your dashboard. Oh, there we go.

And see now I only have two. But We wanted that experience reflected in the dashboard proper. So that way there's a little bit more congruity in the customizations that people are making across systems and pulling that in. And the other thing that we loved about, the Pathify, platform as well as, like, you can see I have two distinct different, widgets for email because, unfortunately, like, depending on the college, they have different tenants. So we're reusing the same widget, but just kind of doing some tweaking and customization and through roles being able to target those experiences to those specific people.

And, coming at it from another IT perspective, like I mentioned before, I'm in the, API space at the university. And kind of if I'm gonna talk wax philosophical for a moment, my background as an undergrad was in English literature. And what I love about these widgets is to me, these are like hicoos. And a lot of people, like, are, like, a lot of, our administrators like, oh, we're only getting, like, small little bits of, of, of information in each, and I'm like, this is a great thing because it's like a hiku because there's so much power and so much less. And because it's like you don't wanna overwhelm people.

You wanna kinda give the high level stuff. And what I like and appreciate about the platform with these widgets is through APIs, we can surface kind of like the top three things that people are looking for in a system. Rather than what we had before, which was this kind of byzantine structure that kind of reflected our org chart and if and we expected students to learn, like, alright, if you wanted to know what your GPA was, you had to go this system and click here and go here and go here and go here. And now we have the opportunity to surface that data and provide that high level experience and allow them to do the deep dive. Should they so choose? And on that note, I'm going to jump over into our QA environment.

Because I get to show you more stuff. You're so brave to do that, like, right here. A roomful people, You see? We're secure. That's duo. Right? Yeah.

Yeah. We're using duo authentication. Yeah. Also, one of my mini hats is I've helped set up SSO with Samuel and all that stuff and all these systems. But, so what I wanted to show you is kind of like that whole customized data experience because we have the ability to create custom APIs based on data, one of the questions I get asked is, like, well, didn't your banner shop, didn't she use ethos? And we're like, yeah, and we promptly forgot about it.

And but the great thing about that is that with the working with the banner team with these widgets, we have been able to create custom data models for the things that we need when we need them on the fly. So taking that academic profile, for example, I have two examples here. One is like the student GPA that what their majors are, they're a four plus one student. So they've got the masters. They've also their class.

And as I was mentioning before, if they want to oh, no. Never mind. Not gonna go there. But they can jump over into the system when SSO is properly configured, but because I'm in a sandbox environment, you get where I'm going. But compare that to an incoming master student.

They don't have a GPA. They just started. They don't have advisors yet. And, this was a shock recently to a lot of hire of our administrators. They're like, oh, well, students only have an adviser, you know, like, No.

We we actually have advisors like career advisors. We have their major advisors. We have minor advisors. And it was interesting to see people outside their element and kind of discover this stuff because as we've been developing these APIs and surfacing the data, people are starting to see like, oh, oh, it's the the reality below the surface has kind of been, really interesting for people to to experience firsthand. The other one I wanna show real quick is this faculty course management utility.

Now, we are a Canada shop for undergrads. When it comes to graduate schools, it is the Wild Wild West. And I was actually like doing a check earlier. I was like, I'm not I'm not kidding myself, right? So we've got Canvas, and we have at least five other independent LMS instances. That score.

Yeah. And, well, I I've well, why can't we get all talking to each other? But I I bring that up to point out in our previous system how that would work is that you would have a link to canvas And then the faculty would have to know which of their courses and taught in which LMS and now go into that system and be like, oh, wait, that course is in that LMS. Not this LMS. So one of the things that I worked on was a one stop shop experience where the data and the access to the systems is organized around the course. So for example, this topic's in emergent digital culture, the schedule, final exam information, all this And the Canvas link, which opens Canvas, this class list, which is one banner app, this photo roster, which is a another banner app, but being able to do may dynamically create deep links into those systems from this point.

And also in this example, goes to another LMS, but it's all centralized in one system and one layout, and we don't and the the the faculty member doesn't have to think about it. That can get to all that information all in one one place, and it's aggregated from all these different things whereas before, like I mentioned, it's like imagine going like Okay. To see my class roster, if you don't know this system, know the the CRN or the course code, have to enter that in. And just requiring all this work. Another big one that I, as as a student, I was really, really, really pumped about providing is the financial aid checklist.

Because what I was talking about with our institutional data model, we have this, like, sensibility of, like, well, students should just know that, like, you know, financial aid. Like, if you I'm trying to think of the diplomatic way of of explaining the story. So for example, like, paying off your student loans, like, students are like, oh, yeah, that's financial aid. Financial Aid is like, no, it's not. You need to go and talk to this person.

And then the student goes to that person, they're like, no, that's not us. You need to go talk to the Bursar. And the Bursar's like, no, that's done in this app. So they need to go to talk to person to get access to the app, and I'm just like, you are kidding me. But what we were able to do through those custom views that I was talking about is is ping all these different, systems to find out, like, where is a student at? What are they missing? What is their checklist? And kind of provide a real time experience of like what what's kind of like outstanding, what's missing, and what they have completed But more importantly, we're to go to resolve that issue without having to, like, have that, like, email or that PDF or printout or the website explaining to them like, okay.

Now that you're here, go click here and go click here. Do this. Do that. Do the other thing. Providing that experience for students to not only know what they're missing, but give them that that handshake, that that lift to that other system without having to make them go and hunt for it.

Segue into questions. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that.

And, I mean, Using the LMS example, I think that's a one plus five equals more than that number example of how we bring this stuff together in the front end. So a couple questions. Go ahead so for those of us that don't love writing API stuff, do you have anything pre built for SIS messes like say people soft. Yeah. So a lot of the recipes you would have said we didn't get down that far in the recipe library, but a lot of the work goes into the SAS's.

I mean, the SAS is the one as we all know. There's not really a single use case there. There's about ten, however, many thousand different things that happen there. So we'll look to go in and and connect with given use cases. In the second half of this year, we're also working on a course registration front end.

So if students can select that, we send it over to the SAS, holds and restrictions stuff, all that sort of thing. Be happy to chat with you about that more deeply afterwards. I know we in Texas have a kind of government list of, cloud, approved. Tx RAM? Yeah. We're good there.

If you guys are Yep. We've passed that and I'm working with a number of schools in Texas. Yeah. We do. I was gonna plug that in at the start, and it was gonna be really finicky to to show off.

But, I'll I can show you afterwards. If anyone wants to see the mobile app, it looks a lot like home screen of your iPhone. So click on a widget and then it comes up on your screen and you can kind of move through it once it's popped up. And I'll I'll I'll I'll second what I love that mobile app experiences as you're you're making adjustments on, oh, thank you. As you're making adjustments, it's updating the app.

So you don't have to, like, you know, you know, multitasking like, right? I've updated it here. Now I gotta go over here and update it. It's like when you update it in the main send, main, app, those those changes propagate to the mobile app experience. List about the integrations with all the products that we can go look at. We do.

So there's there's a standard we call it the the standard integrations -- Okay. -- checklist. That's effectively like our out of the box checklist. And there actually are some integrations. We've already built with a number of other systems that are listed in there that don't yet have a recipe around it.

We'll usually build the integration and then we put the recipe behind it, which makes it self-service for you. So there's more integrations than even are in the recipe library right now. The calendar Yeah. Is that pulling from Canvas or is that a different calendar? That's a whole host of different calendars. So one of the things we hear when we go to schools is Yeah.

We've got like seven master calendars. We're like, okay. There might be the athletics calendar. There might be the academic calendar. There might be the student life and activities calendar.

There might be calendars for different campuses. The nice thing here is whether it's coming off ICal, maybe it's coming over via RSS feed. We've got those two use cases covered. But in addition to that, we also wanna bring in here the class schedule that's personal to use. So you can see public and broader calendars while also being able to see your own specific calendar.

Once you've added, you can point specific calendars to specific roles or personas, And once that's been pointed to them, they can they can toggle those off, but they see it by default. Is Workday with your integration? Workday is we've we work with about five or six work day schools. It's probably lagging compared to the rest of the SAS's, but we do enough of, like, the user provisioning, from work day there's a couple other widgets as relates to Workday that we've worked on as well. So we're not a Workday school, but I've worked with other schools that are, and and so that's I was shaking my head. Yeah.

The for the SAS. I have a really good workday contact for you that's a Pathify customer as well and sits on their a reboot down in Florida. Customer two. They're a customer. Yeah.

Okay. Definitely not. We we are moving the path up by right now. Cool. Where are you from? Con College in Texas.

Oh, very nice. I don't think we knew that yet, so. There you go. Good to know. Tell Bayless.

Go ahead. Sorry. You are I feel like we were from the same path. We were also a Luminess portal for way too long. Mhmm.

And then Pathify it. So we've been really pleased with everything. So far, in the campus integration too. I'm really curious if that that dashboard, favorite synchronization. Was that customer? Is that Yeah.

I mean, I literally took the out of the box model and knowing what I knew about the the Canvas API and being like, well, let me just go into the front end scripts that are generating what you see and just kind of tweak it a little bit to pay attention to data that is already coming through with that that model to say, like, his favorite is if it's his favorite true and yeah. The problem with having Daniel up here is he, like, looks at our out of the box widgets and he's like, can I make these better than you guys already have? So I I thought you were gonna be like, what does this do? You need to focus. I know. That's why they don't let me companies. Any other questions? Go ahead.

Customized groups like maybe athletics or organizations. So you can go ahead. Yeah. The question was do we allow for students to opt in out a group? So that's one of the reasons we selected at Utah State was we really wanted the community and the group features for our students. And so we, we do make it we make it available so they can search for groups and find an affiliation and things and then they can ask to join groups, but it's all done very securely and it has to be with permissions that they wanna be in that group.

And, and we have kind of governance around that. How that works, but it's been very successful. We have like a hundred and eighteen groups that we didn't even know we had after we did it inventory. So it's been very nice because then you have your group's calendars as well, and they can post things and put events out there. And so it really does bring into this, the community and the social aspect to the student community.

We've worked through a lot of, like, role based permissioning, and you can require certain things and allow the student to opt out, like, even in group like this, if you have a certain area that says, well, we just wanna be able to post. We don't necessarily want students to comment. You that all kinds of configuration can be made and role based permissions set up throughout the platform, but particularly in groups as well. Other questions. I think we're pretty much at time. So thank you for those those questions and and the attention again late in the day. I know I'm ready for a beer, so I'll I'll see you on the exhibit hall.

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