Canvas Credentials 101


Digital badging doesn't have to be complex. With Canvas Credentials, institutions can ensure that educators have the skills and credentials needed to produce the best outcomes for students. Both educators and learners can track skills and certifications, pursue professional development, and evaluate progress. Watch now to discover how Canvas Credentials prepares students for the future of work.

Video Transcript
[MUSIC PLAYING] ANNOUNCER: Studies show that career readiness is the number one concern for students around the world. With Canvas Credentials, Achievement and Skills Recognition is built for everyone. Improving workforce readiness is easier than ever before. Let's take a closer look. As an all-in-one solution, Canvas Credentials allows institutions to seamlessly issue digital badges that are shareable, verifiable, and data-rich. Learners can demonstrate and showcase their skills across multiple platforms that educators and employers are able to authenticate and leverage.

And badges can tell an even bigger story with skills pathways, giving learners the opportunity to exhibit more than one skill. Through visual, stackable, and shareable pathways, learners can fully illustrate their readiness for today's in-demand jobs. In Canvas Credentials, students are equipped with an e-portfolio. It's a place to showcase all their earned badges and achievements. What they earn in Canvas Credentials can be combined with third-party open badges to display a holistic story of their unique skill sets.

The e-portfolio is portable and available to the learner wherever they go next. Canvas Credentials is not only digital badges and pathways, but it's also a powerful analytics tool for faculty. With Credentials' reporting and analytics dashboards, faculty can see how many badges are earned across multiple courses, which instructors and courses are most effective with badging, and how badge achievers are showcasing their successes on social networks. Progress can be captured every step of the way with Canvas Credentials. From day one, open badges empower students to engage with their learning experience, gather skills, and display the milestones they reach.

Badges give students agency over their learning and career paths. They succinctly communicate employer-valued skills that have either already been mastered or still need to be learned. With clearly-defined pathways, students are able to upskill or reskill throughout their careers, whether they are traditional students, vocational students, or adult learners. Digital credentials are advancing skills-based education and hiring at record speeds. With or without degrees, students are using badges to tout their career readiness by translating learning outcomes into validated skills that can be universally understood.

Learning is a lifelong adventure. Make sure it's verifiable, portable, and personal with Canvas Credentials, the skills-based pillar of the Instructure Learning Platform. Get started at instructure. com/ canvascredentials.