Canvas LMS: Simple to Use, Easy to Love


Canvas offers a user-friendly and intuitive platform that empowers educators and learners alike. More than just a tool, Canvas bridges the gap between teachers, parents, and students, simplifying the teaching process and enriching the learning experience. Watch this video to learn more.

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Video Transcript
I'm really, really happy that we are able to do our classes for these students with Canvas. I can't really imagine doing it a different way. As an instructor, it was so easy for me to set it up. And for the students, it's so easy for them to do. It was clear that Canvas so, for superior, so innovative, and that it was designed by people who understood what it was like to teach online. Canvas is awesome according to my students.

They just love Canvas. With the Canvas app, they are able to really just, with a touch of a button, be able to navigate through the whole site. It's clean. It's simple. Instead of like old and crappy, which is usually what we get, is like it's it's new and shiny.

It's so easy. Anyone with the most fundamental computer literacy could use this system and use it without fear. Canvas gives so much more time for the teaching side of teaching. The students find it very easy to use. They're very enthusiastic about it.

They love the app and the notifications that they can get through the app for things like that. And our staff like it's ease of use. Once Canvas came in full force a hundred percent through the school. All the teachers were bought in. All the teachers were excited.

I mean, we were getting stopped down the hallway saying, I love Canvas. It's been a huge hit with the parents. They love canvas. A lot of times the children are saying, hey, mom, look at my canvas site and they're showing it to them. And the parents just love the wealth of information that they can find all in one place.

The exciting thing about it is that it just works. And it's easy to use. I mean, and ultimately that's what you want.

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