The CPO Showcase: Instructure Product Updates


Join Chief Product Officer, Shiren Vijiasingam and Chief Technology Officer Michael Lysaght, to explore the latest product updates from Instructure. See how we're innovating the teaching and learning experience in the world’s #1 LMS by Investing in accessibility, streamlining workflows, and enhancing interactions between students and teachers to meet every student where they are. Get a sneak peek into how new access to insights and generative AI will help you drive impact and student engagement, and how our solutions help you build a safe, impactful, and interoperable edtech ecosystem that supports evidence-based decision-making. Lastly, you’ll learn how Instructure products are adapting to evolving learner needs over the course of their lifelong learning journey.

Video Transcript
Hello again. Hello. As everybody's filing in, we are gonna get started. Thank you all for joining me again. I'm sure you're sick of hearing from me, so I'm not gonna spend too much time up here right now. We shared so much innovation, obviously, in the room just now.

But there's obviously so much more to cover, things that were ready now but also more that's coming in the back half of the year that we wanted to take advantage of, the time to share. So, before we do that, I think we wanted to talk foundationally, though, about what's under the hood. What makes all of the things that you saw earlier on stage possible? What are some of the things you're gonna see here? How do we get to this innovation? And to to do that, there's a ton of work that's being done to modernize our tech platform. So it's my absolute pleasure to introduce to you Michael Leissett, our Chief Technology Officer, who's gonna come up here and tell you a little more about it. Thanks, Sharon.

Thank you. Hi, everybody. So I'm incredibly excited. This is my first Instructure client. I'm a newbie.

I joined Instructure about eight months ago. And just to share a little bit about my background, I've got about three decades of experience working from technology startups to massive digital transformations of public companies. And the reason I came to Instructure is I actually come from a family of educators. I've got a couple of reasons, but one of them is I come from a family of educators. I think in the people I spend, you know, holidays with, I've got ten immediate members that are educators.

And I grew up, my dad was a vocational school principal. I grew up listening to him, advocate for student outcomes, for better conditions for educators, and for better tools for educators, and was involved in unions and so forth. And so I feel like I've been brought up with change and the ability to embrace change as part of my DNA. And it's like a full circle moment for me to be in working at Instructure and to be able to do this at scale with all of you. And so it's very exciting for me.

And the other reason I joined Instructure is that it was clear to me from the very start that the foundation of Instructure has always been on based on innovation. A lot of hard work, a lot of grit, but it's been about being innovative. And and that's why today we are the market leaders, but we also know that we can't sit on our laurels and we've got to continue to innovate and do so at pace. And that hard work and that commitment to working with you and partnering with you to deliver the success for you and your students and your educators. So, I'm I'm really excited to be here.

But we've also heard some feedback from some of our customers. We've heard, hey, you used to be a little faster. Used to be a little bit more nimble. Used to manage change a little better. And I'm really excited to talk about some of that stuff.

I'm very passionate about moving forward, moving things forward there. So just to set the stage for me, I think this is a fascinating time in EdTech history. If we think of post COVID, the adoption of technology in in educational institutions, it's it's the the biggest it's ever been. And if you, also think the technology is changing. The the the the you know, no one was talking about GenAI two years ago.

And I feel like the pace of innovation is only gonna increase over the coming years. And when we think of education, right, it's no longer k through twenty. There's non traditional learners or I like I heard the term yesterday that I loved. The new traditional learners and lifelong learners. And it's pushing the boundaries of our current CMS, LMS.

And and also we have technology that Instructure is sixteen years old. So our platform is is getting a little older. And for any of you here who are parents of teenagers, you all realize that sixteen year olds need a lot of love and attention. So I'm here to bring some of that love and attention to to the actual platform that we're we're building. Now the good news is that the way the system has been architected from the early days, it's been cloud native.

But it's also been built on on three fundamental premises. We wanna deliver comprehensive user experiences, comprehensive capabilities, and always with a responsibility around the governance or around all aspects of governance. So these building blocks are in place today. And if we think about the shifts that are happening in technology and education, we're really well positioned to evolve the current building blocks or bring in new parts. And these are the things that I wanna highlight as we think of the innovation that we're trying to do and that we're gonna be working on under the hood to power all those changes.

So I'm gonna start with the user experience. Over the last twelve months, we've been working on a new design framework that we've been rolling out across all of our products. And it starts with some of the simpler things like look and feel, making sure we have a consistent experience across all of the things. It's also meant to be easier to transition from one product to the other product. But that's not all.

Every conversation that I'm having with our customers, accessibility comes up as an it's it's not a nice to have. It's an absolutely expected thing. And this framework is building certain components of that right into our framework. So not alone would we be as we're rolling out, will we be making more of our products, VPAT compatible. But we will also be able to make change faster and easier in the future across our entire product portfolio when it comes to accessibility.

So we're incredibly excited about that. And I would say that, you know, from our perspective, accessibility is a core value that we are deeply committed to. And another aspect around user experience that we're actively working on is sometimes we've heard that, you know, why does it take fifteen clicks to do this thing? And so we wanna simplify that as well. And again, it's all about driving efficiency and efficacy for our students and for our educators. And we've also heard that sometimes certain things feel a little bit slow.

And so at the start of this year, we went right into the core of that and we looked at SpeedGrader, for large classrooms in particular. And I'm gonna show a little video about this, but we have looked at the core technology. We've rewritten much of it. And we've also looked at the way we architect how we retrieve data. So I'm gonna share a quick little video of some of the things that we have done, from one of our Aaron Aaron here is our engineer and he's gonna give a quick little video on SpeedGrader updates.

Five thousand students and a variety of submissions and submission comments. And I wanna show you how long it takes to load SpeedGrader. Let's do this. You gotta love the music. Let's do this.

Ready? One, two, three. So what you're looking at here is SpeedGrader only initially loading what is absolutely necessary for the grader to take immediate action. So that was a quick little insight. We have dramatically improved the speeds of SpeedGrader. This we are about to put it into public beta and we are hoping to release this sometime September, October this year.

And and we've also heard, you know, when I've talked about this with some of our customers who said, can we have the option to turn that on or off? So we are gonna be investing heavily in making sure that this is a seamless migration that is non intrusive or non invasive to you and your normal work day. So we're very excited about this. The other great news is this is just the start. We're gonna look at things like grading, grade book, and all the other things with a particular focus on large classroom support. And and this is the kind of stuff when we're talk talking about under the hood work that we're doing.

It's about creating the internal awareness of of the issues and actually addressing them and then getting them out into public into the public hands. So super excited about that. And then it's not just Canvas that we're working on. We're trying to improve our product portfolio across the entire product suite. So here's an example where we're looking at mastery analytics.

This is our assessment tool. And within mastery, there is a new analytics platform that we have written. It is going to have near real time data loading. It is gonna allow you to export this and manipulate it and sort it and filter it, and and give you the access to the data that you want in a way that you want it. And this one, I'm really excited about.

And I don't think I will ever get to say this line at a party, but I really wish I could. Identity. This to me is a key foundational building block of any great platform. And we've heard some of the needs from our customers. We said, hey, it would be great to be able to log in across all your product portfolio with a single username and password.

We've also heard, hey, we would love to see the usage of our platforms across your product suite. And so we're happy to announce that we are going to be investing in a new global identity platform. And over the coming years, we will be able to have a unique identifier across all our product suites that will solve the login problem, that will allow you to generate richer analytics and reports. It's also gonna give you more. From a security and compliance perspective, we're gonna give you the ability to turn on or off things like MFA.

And it's also gonna make it easier when we're thinking of a, you know, the learner records of our students to connect individual accounts with participating institutions to share their credentials broadly. So this is extremely exciting for the nerds in the house. But it's also we also again, when we're thinking of change management here, we wanna make sure that this happens with minimal impact to to you, the users. So we're gonna be using two things or concepts like data harmonization in the background so that you are not impacted by this. And of course, I'm not gonna let everybody else talk about AI and not get a little bit of sprinkling in it myself.

And so, you know, I think you've just seen AI is is real, especially generative AI. And I think the impact that it is gonna have on education is going to be significant. But there are some constraints and there are things, again, every conversation I'm having, people are saying is my PI gonna be used to in in the model? What about data privacy? What about bias and so forth? So you've you've heard how we're thinking about this. And we wanna make, you know, there's a couple of goals that we have in mind. We wanna make the educators job more effective and more efficient.

And we wanna make more have more student success. And this is how we're thinking of using AI. And but we also wanna make sure that it's affordable and it's equitable and it's not without bias. And and so you've you've heard some of the things that we're already launching and you're gonna hear more of the AI SuperSet tomorrow. But I wanna share one of the ones that I'm particularly super excited about.

We are gonna be releasing a new smart search API that's gonna allow you to retrieve a vector of your canvas course content. And bring that to your own model or one of your partners model that you trust. And then reinject that back into the core LMS and and give the experience that you want. We're using new LTI placements. So this is going to allow you and your partners to bring the models that you want and you get to decide what models you wanna use and bring innovation right into the core of Canvas.

And we think this is really exciting. There's gonna be more, about this tomorrow in the session. I'm gonna get the name of it here. It's innovation means intention at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. But these are the kind of capabilities that again, when we think of how are we enabling the platform that we wanna bring.

So that the product team and the rest of the organizations and you the customer can actually drive more innovation for your customer or for your students and your educators. And finally, in GenAI, we have actually trained every single engineer across Instructure on on this tooling. So as we think of new ideas that we're ready to be able to embrace those and bring them to the market as well. So so that's just a little sprinkling of what we're doing. The reality is that everything you see up here, we're actively working on.

Whether it's security, whether it's privacy, private whether it's data access. All of these things, we're looking at them. We're evolving them. We're in in bringing new technologies to bear so that we can have better success for you, and your students and educators. So with that, I'm gonna pass it back to Sharon who's gonna talk about how some of these new things are being used in the actual product experience.

Nice work, man. Alright. Thank you, Michael. And it's so important that we pay attention to these things, right? So so much of what you saw earlier, so much of what you see is possible. And so it's great that you get to get a bit of a peek behind the scenes.

Some of you asked some questions as I was walking over here, and I said, well, Michael's going to be there. He's the right person to ask. So now I'm gonna talk a bit about what all that platform work that Michael described has enabled for us by investing in our core products, right? So, there are kind of three key thematic areas that we have been focused on. Innovation in the core LMS and leveraging AI in the mix. It's thinking about extending this ecosystem.

We talk about this network of partners. How does that work neatly with the products that you have? How do you drive usage and adoption? And then in the supporting of this lifelong learning journey. So we spent a ton of time in the keynote talking about this first area, showing some of the things that we've already got done. I'm gonna just show a few more things in this space before going through the other two sections. So you heard Rachel kind of talking about rubrics, and you, I don't know if we talk about discussion checkpoints, but I'll spend a bit of time talking about that.

So discussion checkpoints or multiple due dates is the way some of you guys have asked us about it. It's coming. It's coming in the second half of the year. And the way we're thinking about discussion checkpoints is creating multiple points of evaluation. And discussion checkpoints is creating multiple points of evaluation, in the course of the journey.

And then we'll talk a bit about self assessment with Rubrics here. Right? So, I'll start with, thinking about how we're going to utilize the rubric. So creating more flexibility, being able to simplify the interface, improve the workflow for you, being able to sort order from low to high, high to low, the kinds of things that our global educators in particular have asked for. Being able to change, drag, and drop the order, being able to rearrange criteria, copying, duplicating criteria, all of the things that you all have asked for, those customer discovery sessions, have informed this. Being able to preview, being able to draft your rubrics, being able to have your flexibility when doing so.

Those are the kinds of things that we're focusing on. And then what's coming next with rubrics is enabling it for students to do their own evaluation against their rubric. So that's what's coming next, is the ability for students to evaluate their own work against those rubrics as well. And then on Discussions, we'll have a actually, we'll take a look at a quick video here. So you can see multiple checkpoints.

So you can create a workflow. A typical workflow is, you know, go create a post and then go respond to three others, and then they just do it all at once, and then you don't know if they're doing it. Now you can break the assignment up into multiple parts, independently, and then you, as an instructor, can get feedback from each part of that assignment, and you can apply a different value that each of those pieces of the assignment has in the total overall assignment. So again, we're trying to simplify the workflow, to make it really straightforward for educators to use this rubric redesign. Now, we also heard that rubric workflows were a pain point, right? So you heard me talk a bit about how we're gonna make it easier, especially when you're trying to align them to outcomes, and then, of course, being able to support student self assessments.

A little bit more on AI. So we've heard a ton of AI over there. I think one of the things we've been looking at is what are ways that we can natively embed additional things that might make sense uniquely for us to solve? And so personalization is some of the places that we see interest here, but composing text and many of these other tools. So some of these are, you know, in our beta stage. And so, you know, we put them in the coming, in the later half of the year.

But I'll show you just a couple of ways that we're thinking about it, for how we can embed this AI more deeply into the context. And so, here you've got a little tool that invokes a simplified AI assistant. You can just say, hey, I'd like to make some modifications to things like core content. This can, of course, apply to things like syllabus and all of these other places, and embed it deeply within the rich content editor. And then you could simply insert that.

If you like what you do, you could replace it, you could modify it, do the kinds of things that you might wanna do. We're also exploring, and you see it embedded in here, and we're also exploring other ways that you can take advantage of generative AI, right, so experimental ways, feedback that we've heard. So in this case, you can see an example for adjustment of length and tone and audience and simplification, the kinds of things that you expect out of generative content. Again, these are some of the tools that we just think are going to just be default. In this case, actually pulling out key terms and phrases, being able to create a glossary, creating a definition that can be generated based on a piece of content that you've put in and being able to insert that directly into the content.

And then you might wanna be able to modify that to meet the needs of a different audience, right? So you might say, hey, I'm creating this economic content and I think I want to modify it so that it's applicable to the teenagers that I am serving. So you could go, you know, create content for teenagers, generate content, and then it will create a result that, what's up, fam? Like, let's talk about economics. But maybe that's not appropriate for an educational context, right? Maybe you want to just, you know, profess it up just a little bit. So you can go in and change the tone, right? You can select from tone, and you can modify the tone of what's been generated. So lots of different ways we see you can manipulate and modify and create content in all of the different places.

But, again, this is meant to be illustrative of the kinds of things you can do. These are things that you can potentially do with tools that we might make available, through tools that partners are gonna make available, particularly when they're deeply embedded. We're trying to get all of these as embedded as we possibly can so that you can use them contextually in all the places. It's not just about the generation, it's about, hey, I've got to do this repetitive task. Right? How do I, how do I take some of that, that time and focus it? I heard this great, great quote that says, I don't want AI to generate art and poetry so I can have more time to do the dishes and the laundry.

I want AI to do the dishes and the laundry so I have time to generate poetry and art. So how do we incorporate some of that into the work that we're doing? So that's around the space of educational impact in AI. Right? Now let's talk about edtech effectiveness. We didn't spend much time at all talking about our partner network, this network of a thousand plus partners, this ecosystem of tools around you that help make the product stronger, that help make things better for the learners and how we support them. And so we've talked a lot about the the concept of partners and partner tools and transparency, but what exactly does that mean? We've got this marketplace that we've launched that allows partners to tell us about the kinds of things that they're doing.

And you may have heard us talk about this, but it's this idea of creating a simple to understand thing, nutrition facts, like you would find on the back of a package. For those of you who are in countries that don't have, that is just a listing of all the ingredients, the health information, macro, micro, etcetera. And so being able to make these really easily discoverable so that you can understand what model is being used. Is that data to Michael's point earlier, is that data leaving the premises? Is it being used to train a model? Is it an internal model? Is it an external model? Being able to create that transparency so as you get more and more of the requests, or as you faculty who are requesting these things, you can start to make some decisions as an institution based on your risk profile, your interest level, for the kinds of things you'll want to do. So this is something that we now have available as well.

Something we've heard a lot about is the management of tools. Right? So, we have an acquisition that we made, I guess it's over a year ago with Learn Platform that was oriented around organizing and managing LTI tools oriented in the K-twelve space, and we've been working to make it available for a higher ed audience too. But fundamentally underneath that, it's about discovering tools. So there's a public facing version of discovering tools, but for everyone who's already in Canvas, what's an easy way to understand what tools I have available to me? How can I discover and manage and install them? How can I make the installation process not a seventeen step installation process? How do I move things towards LTI Advantage, the one point three standard? How do I simplify this? And if you're an impact customer, how do I pull that data out to understand what tools are being used? You saw some of the examples that Rachel shared earlier. How do I understand what's being used when there's contrast, when there's competing tools? If somebody says, hey, I'd like this tool, and you can understand that there are five other tools like it, and you can help adjudicate between them.

So being able to discover those tools in Canvas. We announced this a little earlier in the year, but, you know, in the spirit of the partner ecosystem that we have, we partnered with Lucid to make available the capabilities of all of Lucid's diagramming. So all of the things that Lucid and Lucid Spark bring, right? Interactive assignments, collaborative whiteboarding, the kinds of engaging activities, and all of that functionality deeply connected into Canvas, available natively in Canvas, and best of all, available to all of you, anyone who's a Canvas customer, for free, included with your Canvas license. Right? These are the kinds of things that we're trying to work on. Yeah, it's It's been great to be able to find needs to be met.

The conversation with Lucid began out of a need that some folks raised their hands and said, Hey, we're using Jamboard and Jamboard's going away. What are we supposed to do? Are you all thinking about it? We said, we could try to build something or we could just go work with an incredible partner, and you can see how, you know, our position, working with Instructure allows us to access the kinds of partnerships and importantly allows us to create the conversation with our partners that says, hey, we'd love to work with you, but you've got to make it available to everyone. It can't just be something else that we add. So, again, free for all of you, an exciting available now piece of functionality. I'll do a quick sort of drive through so you can kind of see, for those of you who are unfamiliar with Lucid, the kinds of templates, the kinds of tools that are available.

They've got over a thousand ready to play templates. You could search for a very specific template. You could search for very specific student activities. You can reuse a previous assignment, so you can create an assignment out of one of these objects. You can see how it's embedded directly in there, and you can see how that flows.

All of those assignments will connect into Gradebook assignments, and you can see all, again, all of the rich kinds of things that are possible with somebody who's been building all of these tools and is making these tools available to our customers as part of this relationship. Okay. We spent a bit of time talking about LTI data, right, but the continued expansion of our partner ecosystem means connecting the dots between these LTI data points, and then pulling that data out of Intelligent Insights or pulling that data out of Impact, you as an institution can understand what's happening, determine how best you want to use this LTI data. And all of this, of course, is also available now. That was our EdTech effectiveness umbrella of things.

And this final stage is talking about the lifelong learning journey, this new traditional learner, as Michael described it. I love that phrasing. But it is really recognizing that the learning journey is no longer these episodic bursts. It is actually a continuum. It starts and stops.

You may have a k twelve learner who becomes a higher ed learner. You may have a learner who left the workforce or had life happen and has come back to education. You may have someone who is entering the workforce and is continuing their education. And so as we think about the strength of Canvas, the LMS, and the orbit of the things around it with catalog and credentials and portfolio offerings and pathways? How do we bring all these pieces together? And we have been curating an intentional pathway, right? We have built some of these things, like catalog. We have acquired some of these things, like Portfolium and and Concentric Skies Badger, and we're bringing all of these pieces together in service of this lifelong journey, and Parchment, of course, being the sort of the latest piece in connecting all of these dots.

And so you've heard Matt on stage at the opening keynote. There's lots of great sessions. But we are already starting to think about what those could look like. Right? It's early days for us, but we're trying to think about how to bring these things together. But even as we do that, there are still things that we know we've got to do in catalog and credentials.

And so we're continuing to work on the roadmaps for those products. We're continuing to work on the roadmaps for Parchment, and we will talk about how all of these pieces will start to come together. So I'd love to share some of the meaningful improvements that are coming now and then a little bit more of a look into the future of where we think all of these pieces are gonna go. So starting with catalog, catalog has had some really exciting things released this year. Some of these things are actually already live.

So the ability to customize the storefront, being able to create lots of flexibility so you can make this look and feel like your institutional storefront. It doesn't feel like catalog, it just feels like a native experience. Being able to add your own user defined fields and it creates more capabilities for you so you can start to collect additional information in these custom fields like how many online classes has the student taken? Is this something they're taking for the first time? And it allows you to mine data. Are they first time users of Canvas, right? That data that helps make meaningful choices that you can make in widening the selection of courses that you have. So all of those things are already live, right, so those enhancements in catalog.

But also coming, one of the things that we heard early and often through some of the conversations with you all, was the ability to connect catalog to a CRM tool. And so we're doubling down, on integrating deeply with a number of different CRMs. So coming in the second half of the year, we're gonna start with, the premier CRM tool out there, Salesforce. So we'll be integrated with Salesforce CRM, and then there's a number of sequence of, CRM integrations that will happen right behind that, and we hope that's gonna help streamline the process of recruitment all the way through enrollment, into course completion and then ultimately with the credentialing that comes on the other side of that. So, lots of work on catalog.

Also, a ton of work that's happening around credentials, interoperability, so underscoring Michael's point about the commitment to modernizing the platform. We spent a lot of time with scaling credentials, right, making sure that credentials could support the kind of scale that some of you were throwing at us, particularly those really, really large courses. But also thinking about ways to make credentials work seamlessly with Canvas so that if I blueprinted something and I create something from a blueprint, those credentials follow along with it. But making credentials more secure, making them more interoperable, and then increasing the quality of the metadata associated with it. So there are these open standards.

For those of you unfamiliar, the Open Badge version three standard, really higher security, higher privacy, much richer metadata, and better interoperability. We're aligning credentials to the OB v3 standard. There is also the CLR two point zero standard. Both of these are one attack standards. We're aligning credentials to the CLR two dot o standard.

Right? So, again, all of these, interoperability enhancements, because credentials is really about that transfer of information, the ability to take what they've achieved and be able to turn it into a career outcome. And so institutions can feel confident knowing you've got a much more secure, scalable, and stable infrastructure, and learners can feel confident that that's gonna be portable. It's gonna travel with them. It's gonna be able to be used as things continue to move into the future with credentials. And so as we start to move into these next couple of slides, we start to get a little bit more into the future, right? So I've heard a lot of questions about, you know, so what about Portfolium or ePathways? What's happening with portfolios? And how will all these pieces fit together? So they're starting to come together cohesively.

Right? So for portfolios, we want to try to unify, all of the different portfolio offerings. There's a portfolio version of it, the Canvas version of it. How do we unify portfolios? How do we connect that, though, to the treatment of portfolio as an authentic type of assessment, being able to assess at a program level? Making it a place where there can be collaboration between faculty and student, I mean, learner, how you can submit a project, you can have reviews, you can comment on it, that can be iterated upon, that can be improved. And then being able to modernize it so that they can connect all of their work products to an achievement, to a credential, it's something that becomes referenceable. It's a proof of work to say, no longer am I just looking at a credential, but I actually click into a credential and see the work that went into it that demonstrates their proficiency, their skill, in being able to demonstrate skill readiness for the work.

So we're thinking about evolutions to the portfolio, so you'll see some of it in action here. More seamless pathways, right, so being able to configure pathways so that you could add projects as requirements to every step of the way. So those projects can then then those assignments can culminate into a portfolio. So you could set projects up at the portfolio stage. You could submit the entire portfolio as evidence of pathway completion.

Right? So you set up a pathway, and then you can complete the pathway. And all of this, again, reinforcing this point, right? Facilitating the evidence. The portfolio is the evidence of the skill, the evidence of the learning, being able to improve alignment to competency, being able to improve the transparency, being able to demonstrate that a specific requirement of a program is being met. So if you pair that with the credential that allows you to externally verify, you can see how all these pieces really start to fit together in a neat way. Authentic student work, authentic engagement, connection with an educator, the iteration and the improvement of the work product, connecting that work product to a pathway, accomplishing the pathway, turning it into a credential, that credential now being externally verifiable, and all the way through that chain, and you can start to see how it starts to shift where that goes.

And so as you think about what that needs to look like for a learner, they need one place for all of it to come together. Right? So we've been working on this experience, what we're calling the journey, that we're working towards a beta in q one of twenty twenty five. So if you're interested in partnering, engaging in this way, please definitely reach out to us. But aligning to those standards, bringing in the credential, bringing in the achievement, bringing in those portfolios, It will allow them to compile all of these pieces of evidence of learning, all the associated co curricular activities, all of those things to leverage all of that in service of career outcomes, in service of education outcomes, as well as getting some recommendations for what their next step might be, their next action, how that's aligned to a pathway that they're on. So all of this is pretty interesting, pretty exciting.

I'll show a quick video here of it in action so you can kind of see what the journey is gonna start to look like. Again, this is early, early days, and we're iterating quickly as we meet and interact with our product council for all things lifelong learning. So if you're, again, interested in participating in the beta, please definitely reach out to us. We'd love to have some inputs. But you can start to see how all of these pieces can start to fit together in a seamless journey for that lifelong learner because this can travel with them for the entirety of their journey.

And probably the last question that's on everyone's mind is, well, with Parchment, what happens? So the short answer is we keep doing all the things we're doing that we've been talking about, but we also start to point towards a unified future, all of these pieces coming together. So you can imagine that learner journey, including the transcripts, the diplomas, the micro credentials, and the portfolios, but also the degree credential. Right? And also all of those pieces and the data that powers all of it together and the connection to, competencies and the assessment of competencies and rubrics. All of those pieces allow them to demonstrate that capability. So there's a lot more to come on this.

Obviously, it's really early in the in the journey for us, but we're planning on bringing and integrating these pieces together into a unified future, for all of our learners. So I know we covered a lot today here, both in that main session and in this session. Hopefully, it gives you a sense of the things we're working on, what's coming soon, what's available now. I invite you to continue to connect with us. There's a bunch of resources if you want to participate in beta.

This is a really easy way for you to get more information, get yourself on a list. And we invite you to connect in our community as well. And stop by our demo hall if you want to get hands on with any of these things. We've got folks who are happy to walk you through the work that we have in our betas and customer discovery sessions. All right. Thanks, everyone.

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