Creating a Home in Canvas for K-8 Students Using Canvas for Elementary


In becoming a FT K-8 online program one of our main goals was to build an inviting and inclusive online learning community. Utilizing C4E we built an inviting environment with seamless navigation that shares the values of our Vermont school with our students and learning coaches

Video Transcript
This is creating a home in Canvas for k eight students using Canvas for elementary. Any quest anybody in the wrong place before we get started? Alright. So, we're gonna start with a quick introduction. The way the presentation is set up, we're gonna basically introduce ourselves. I'm gonna tell you the basics of c four e in case you have no idea what I'm talking about. Then we're gonna talk a little about our journey, which was kind of a crazy thing that I'm sure everybody else had some crazy years.

Then I'm gonna go into, sort of our iconography, what we ended up doing in c four e to kind of try and make it more friendly. And then I'm gonna end up showing you some of the pages we ended up with, and then and how and why we chose to sort of organize them that way. So I work for the Vermont virtual learning cooperative, which is in Vermont. And we are kind of an interesting institution. I put down here twenty thirteen, but we actually started in two thousand and nine.

And we are a public school, and we offer a number of different programs. We currently have full time k twelve. We are not a diploma granting institution, but we partner with schools so that our students can take our classes. And then they'll get the diploma from the local high school. So that's an option.

We have a number of kids who take a la carte classes from us, both both in a traditional school setting and also in what we call on demand. Meaning that they start at any point during the year, and end six months later, usually. Anything else about each VLC? And then, both of us work for VTVLC, and both of our names are Jennifer, which is easy to remember. We are two of the four Jennifer's our relatively small organization. So I am Jennifer Fry's Frybush.

And, I have been teaching I taught in the classroom for about fifteen years. I did some CTE, I did some math. I did computer science. And that's my background science. Yeah.

Let's see. Oh, good. My mic is working. My name is Jennifer Ketchup Hines. So we go by that.

And if you say our Google Calendar, when we have a meeting, it says fries and ketchup, which is you know, that's where that comes from. But I am, a elementary school teacher, twenty eight years under my belt, And you'll kind of find out through our journey. But I was plucked out of that world and placed in this administrative world just a couple of years ago as we've grown our full time k eight program. So, some of this that you'll see today, if you're a classroom teacher at heart, you'll be like, oh, that makes sense. But that's where my heart was when we transformed Canvas for elementary.

And, the person who doesn't wanna introduce herself is Britney Jean. She works for Canvas and the instructional design division. Pretty much all of the images you're gonna see she created the fries and ketchup is actually one that she did as a bit of a joke. And there's a couple other ones that will show you as the thing goes out. I don't think I don't think we put the flying squirrel in.

There there were times when we meet with Britney and she'd be like and she'd have a little funny little icon for us. So our big takeaways, we're hoping that you'll, you'll feel that C4E adds sort of a new option to Canvas, a different way of looking at stuff, that we feel is more accessible for the younger students. We've found that I think are the younger students because we go from kindergarten that they really have an easier time to get around using the C4E interface. And we have done a ton of personalization, which we think the kids really like. Parents and kids have said they like it.

So it's usually a good sign. And, it's got, it's got a really nice look that you'll end up seeing. Who has who is using C4e right now? So a number of people, who is thinking about using C4e? Great. So some okay. What about the rest of you? What did it? Oh, okay.

Well, K twelve? How many people are K twelve in here? And then what about higher ed? I have heard some higher ed schools are using this, that they find it more more easy, more useful than undergrads to get around. So, I know that there's some higher ed using it. I just don't think it's a huge number. And we use it k to eight. So Yeah.

We could use it at the high school level. So the biggest differences are the the dashboard view, and I'm gonna show you on the next slide what that actually looks like. There is something in c four e that's called the homeroom. And basically, you create a class, your enrolled students in it, and then there's a button in the settings that literally says make this a homeroom, and you check that box, and then that course kind of empties out, and it's only used to pretty much figure out what the dashboard's gonna look like. Like, if you post an announcement in that homeroom course, it'll actually show up on the dashboard.

And you can do some settings in there that'll change what menus are available on the dashboard, but it's basically It's not really a course anymore. It's just sort of a placeholder for what kids can see. We actually chose not to use this option, which is, I know I'm talking about C4E, and it's kind of a big part to see for you. And we decided we didn't like it. We didn't think it was enough control.

So we actually ended up making our own courses that very confusingly, we call homeroom, but it's not the c four e homeroom. It's literally just a regular class where that box is not checked. And the kids go in there to get their announcements, their assignments and a bunch of other stuff. And we'll show you that in a minute. It also has a different course view, which I'm going to show you, and then it highlights the announcements a little bit more.

So let's take some screenshots. So the left is probably pretty familiar. There's your normal dashboard. You've got whatever kit I took this off of. Has three classes they're enrolled in.

And then you got your to do list on the right side. On the other side, I actually took this off, third grader. In our school. They didn't have any important dates at the time because school had pretty much ended. But you can see here, it welcomes them by name, by first name.

And then underneath, they have some links to homeroom, which is literally this page you're looking at now, a link to a schedule, which I think we're gonna show you in another slide. Grades, which is just a list of links to the grade books in their content classes, and then resources, which is literally a page. That you can edit with whatever resources you want the kids to have quick access to. You can also see that the course tabs the, what do we call them? The navigation? Course cards. They're course cards.

Course cards. We Britney made really nice little icons for these. These are actually our older icons. We did some iterative improvements over time. And these are actually our early versions of our icons.

And you can see that there is, under them, instead of the little the little icons where you have to sort of click on them, tells the kids what's due that day, and then the any schedule. So it's a little bit easier, unless less, scary with just random icons. And then the next page, Oh, and another thing I don't know that it really matters, but, over on the left, you can see that they're called courses. And over on the right, they're called subjects. Which is kind of a mild change, but I think it makes more sense to the elementary kids.

Question? You wanna know where we get our curriculum from? Oh, our our SRS. So we our courses live in Canvas. All of our courses live in Canvas. We have an SIS, but that is for holding student data. We literally import our courses from a master course.

Yep. And we literally just make we make a our SIS makes a new course for us. And we just copy the master course in. And then the teachers get in there and start hacking away at it. So then the content front page, this is an actual, on the left, it's an English class.

For grade K, on the right, it's a grade two. But you can see the big changes on the left. You have that submenu. You got your major canvas menu, then you got your sub menu, pretty much what you're used to already. And then that extra menu on the right, and then for C4E, you've got the subject banner at the top, which does shrink when you scroll down.

Again, these are all images that Britney made. You can change what you want to put on that sub menu under the banner. So right now I've got modules, schedule and grades, which is usually all we give the kids, but there's more options. There's a resources page, There's a lot more. You can give them quite a few things under there.

And then when you scroll down, we have chosen to do module view on these, and I'll be talking a little about that later. But, for the very young kids, we give them direct links to all the pages they need from the homeroom. So they'll probably never see module view, and the middle schoolers can handle module view. And they like the little the little green check marks as they move through content. And then talk a little bit about our journey about how we added K8 because we were not originally a K12 school.

We started adding K8 in the spring of twenty twenty, which you probably know what was happening then. But VTVLC was positioned quite interestingly the spring of twenty twenty because we were the only virtual school in the state. We had access to full curriculum through what was then Florida virtual and is now flex point. And, they had just put out a new K5 curriculum. Do you guys remember that? Is anybody using Flex Point? They put out a K five curriculum, like literally the year before this.

And we also already had a program that trained teachers to teach online. So the state of Vermont kinda looked at us to lead the way. That's where and that's where I came in. I actually was in this collaborative program. I was one of those one hundred plus Vermont teacher who was hired to collaborate with our school district and Vermont virtual learning cooperative.

And that was my first, like, dip in my toe into canvas. I'd never seen the platform before. I'd heard about it because my You know, I have older kids in college, but we had, a hundred plus teachers in Vermont, now teaching online. We had three thousand five hundred over three thousand five hundred students. And we have this Wolf that came about, somewhere along the line during that year.

Which I have a really weird personal story with Bulls, but it was my high school it was my high school mascot. And then it was my classroom mascot when I was in person for like twenty years. And then all of a sudden, I'm like, oh, here it is again. So here it is. So I was a a collaborative teacher during that year, and then the this year, that we were all, all hundred plus teachers, everybody's landing page in Canvas, looked completely different.

So depending on who you had for a teacher, what grade you were in, I mean, and that's mine. My son's virtual grade six with the feathers. That's something I created because I was like, this is crazy. I don't even know what to do. And that's actually one of my colleagues.

She taught grade three. So, I'm like Tiffany, I'm stealing your your virtual classroom from that you know, that year we don't talk about. And, so everybody's classroom is different. Totally different landing pages depending on what grade you're in. What school, what part of a lot.

So so fast forward one more year. And I got plucked out of that public school, and Ram virtual said, Hey, come, come help us launch the k six program. I'm like, okay. So I became the dean of elementary programs. And I had three adjuncts.

So they're working kind of like part time elementary, k six teachers. We had four adjunct middle schools, so seven eight teachers. And I said, if I'm gonna do this job, I'm gonna name that wolf. He's gotta have a personality. He's gonna come to life.

So I named him Vinny, and I started slapping him on anything, you know, address labels. You name it Vinny, like, became alive. Were not just our kids, but for for me, because well, yeah. Go ahead. So this was that that was still we were like, oh, man.

Like, if you were just think of yourself as a parent, you've got a first grader, and you've got a the fourth grader, and you've got an eighth grader, and you're like, how do I do this? All of our pages still look really different. We're still using Canvas for elementary, but everything was just a garbled, in my opinion, a little bit of a mess. And I really was looking for and, and I guess you'll see that's the elementary teacher in me that wants to organize things. Like, this, this week has stopped this madness. So that's that was my goal.

A part of this. So we lacked consistency, k to six, and seven, eight, even. It was difficult for a parent as a learning coach to, to navigate. You've got multiple kids, You have no idea what's going on. You you you're trying to find your students' assignments.

You're you're trying to communicate with a teacher. You're trying to find information. We also are talking about flex point at that point. So the classroom teacher, and I'm not, like, I mean, if you use it, that's fine, but I wanted something more homegrown. Like, I I want I wanna use NGS S standard.

I want to see you know, the social studies curriculum, I want that to match. I want to do some humanities units. I really want something a little bit more, rich. And we were, we were really struggling to support some kids who were off grade level. So let's face it.

We know there's learning loss. We didn't really feel like Flexoint was offering that flexibility, that entry point for multiple kids. We wanted to make sure we were inclusive. So this really kinda got our wheels turning, and that was a last year was a big or the year before last was a big learning curve rest. So this past year, we expanded our full time program to k to eight.

And we hired eight full time teachers. They came on board, and we started writing our own curriculum. Which was a lot of labor intensive time. People are nodding, like, yeah. But it was it was exciting.

And then we partnered with whose last name is James, and we also worked with this other fabulous designer Miranda Mack and Tosh. See where I'm going. Apple bottom jeans was born. And so we have her little, Apple bottom jeans icon. So we the fries and ketchup and apple bottom beans started this beautiful partnership, really on a kudos to Britney and, and, Miranda, like, just listen to our dream and, that dream big really kind of struck with me.

Like, this was, like, exciting for us. So that's our updated, both benny. Okay. So wow. You ready? Sound good? Oh, perfect.

There you are. So so that was kind of a journey. When we said we had a hundred teachers during COVID, they were not our teachers. They were not BT VLC teachers. They still worked for their school districts.

And the school district just threw them in this cooperative we had. It was crazy. And, We, OBTBLC helped them cheat taught them to teach online. We oversaw their students. We worked with the all with you know, a huge number of districts.

And, if a school put a teacher into the cooperative, then in return, they got a certain number of seats. To put students in full time into our cooperative, which is a model that we still do with our traditional high school classes. If a teacher teaches One West class at their home district. They teach it online for us. Their school gets seats.

For all of the online classes that we offer. So it's a different model. I don't think anybody else is really doing that in the Yeah. It's also a lot of work to oversee. So we're gonna start in on the cool stuff, the mood board and the style guide.

We already had one for VTVLC But for case six, we wanted something that looked cohesive for the parents, for the students, for our support staff across all of our different classes and for the teachers that we finally employed full time, which was really exciting for us. So we're just gonna show you a couple pages off our mood board because it's it's expanded into like fifty pages at this point. Each of our subject areas has a consistent color that's used throughout those templates. Our teachers picked what colors they felt classes were. So science is naturally green.

I think everybody agrees on that. English language arts ended up being this purple color, social studies is yellow, and math is blue. So if you don't agree with that, that is what we ended up using. But everybody, I think everybody agrees science is green. Right? Right.

So over on the right side, we've got that, homeroom again in which you can see the colors are set up for those classes. This is a quick way for kids to have a sense not only of what class they're clicking on, but also where they currently are. When they're looking in canvas. If they're on a page and they see that it's purple, they know they're in an they're in their ELA class. So it's a quick visual for the kids to kind of get a sense of where they are in the system.

Do you wanna talk about the leaves? Sure. We talked about those off grade level kids, I really we really talked about not necessarily having a grade level on curriculum, and we also thought what if we want to do some multi grade, groupings. So we, put our heads together and we came at this idea of using leaves, vermont leaves, you know, for lots, got lots of trees. And so we kind of giggled, kindergarten as ash. We also thought it'd be fun to hear a kindergartner say the word Ash.

Yeah. So again, Britney created these lovely little icons that we actually use, and you'll see them embedded in our curriculum, but the the kids don't necessarily recognize, like, oh, if there's a maple leaf, then that's great for, they don't they don't recognize that. So we could we can be creative with units of study. So if we have a social studies unit that we want to use with third graders, but it was written at a, you know, fourth grade level. It's okay.

We can do that, we can do that cross grade. Matching with curriculum. Here's a sampling of iconography. We we I'll show you at the end that our certain pages ask for students to do certain things with the same icon each time. And we also, like, if there's a pencil, that's a hint for them.

We're gonna have to actually get a pencil out. And then we've also got a number of other ones. Some of them were just fun. These were definitely things that kind of bill organically over time. The math iconography is actually all of the math concepts from the common core state standards.

I wanna give major props to Britney, because when you ask her to come up with, an icon to represent number seven, And we were like, go for it. She actually came up with things that I thought looked like they meant number sense. We also did the same for science and social studies. So we have a full suite of icons for all of those sets of standards. Question? Oh, you want our icons now, do you? Well, I'd like to tell you the person who made them is literally standing right here, and she would probably love to make you a similar set maybe with your own caller scheme.

And honestly, ID services is a reason a fairly reasonable price, and she makes these things pretty quick. No. I shouldn't say that. Takes her a long time to make me. Oh, I feel like we really get a good deal.

Like, Vermont Virtual doesn't have a huge amount of money, and this was a pretty reasonable commitment as far as money goes for us. Whatever their agreement are, I think we bought a certain number of hours. Yeah. But Britney can do I felt she could do a significant amount with a reasonable number of hours. Should I should I stop? We asked to do crazy things.

Look at these icons. Like, what? Like, literally, we just threw it to the wolves. I'm, like, literally threw it to the wolves. Yeah. So, again, this is kinda, Vinnie, I felt very, attached to at this point.

But, really, when you think about all of those things that make a school a school, you have a mascot, and and you splash them on everything. And so we've got, you know, Benny's got a birthday icon so we can, you know, kid's birthday. I send him Vinny with a birthday cake. Like, happy birthday. He's on a t shirt.

He's embedded in the classes. There's a pause and wait button that got, like, vinnie with a little stop paw, you know, like, yeah, pause and wait. He's got bow ties. So at this this this was the fun side of the design, really, truly, but it's become really functional and it's helped create that culture and sense of community amongst our RK eight learners, along with our kids. So the other piece that we're really excited about was to design with Britney, these children that represent all learners across our state.

Remember they were. So we've got, you know, a child in a wheelchair. I know you can't see, but there's I'm a type one diabetic and I wear an insulin pump. So Britney made a a kiddo right there at the bottom with the white t shirt. He's actually wearing an insulin pump, So just that accessibility, so kids see themselves, in the curriculum that we're writing.

So these kids you'll see in some of our pages are embedded within that curriculum. So kids can identify with, with themselves in the pages of our And we we also did a, like, a a whole survey of and let the kids name the kids. Yeah. So they've they've all got really, really cool names. Some of them are cool.

So, we're gonna talk a little bit about what this actually looks like inside canvas. So we are we've talked about the elementary dashboard a number of times. So I'm not gonna really spend much time on that. This is our homeroom course. This is the course that doesn't have that homeroom box checked, which gets very confusing when we're talking to Canvas, and we're talking about our homeroom, and it's not a C4e homeroom.

But, you can see, it's basically across the top. It's got a place for announcements. It's got this menu where pretty much everything lives. So the class meetings, we're gonna show you in a second in the weekly assignments. And then down here, we have links to the content area classes since they're usually grade level.

All the kids generally have the same content area classes. And if we needed to create an extra one for a subgroup, we could do that as well. You can see at the top, we put the teacher's name in there. And the grade. And then, down below, there's a space for some welcome info.

And the teachers, yep, teachers put a lot of stuff in the announcements up there. We're and we're using this template for k to eight. So teachers don't have to, like, fool around with that homeroom page. There's a little section at the bottom where they're able to to do a little bit of personalization because we all know as classroom teachers, like, You know, I want my bulletin board. Right? I want it to be a little bit personal, but at the same time, now we've got some continuity.

So if your child's in first grade or in fourth grade and in eighth grade, they all look the same. I know where to find my kids' class meetings, I know where to find their weekly assignments. We've got some continuity now. So then here is the class meetings page. This There's always a question, how do we keep it accessible? And Britney made this table for us in a way that should work pretty well.

In a screen reader. I take some extra HTML work I don't wanna have to do, and she's really good at it. And then at top, you can see there's actually links to each one of our teachers zoom rooms. They each have a zoom room that they keep for those classes. So the kids could just come in here and click on, like, the math's got the little calculator that's oh, and very confusingly.

Our math teacher and our library teacher actually had the same name, which, the icons. There were four Jenifers. Alright. We got two Ms. Park It's it's just it's not even that big of school.

You can't you can't make the can't can't split. And then down below, there's the general schedule of their synchronous sessions. So the K eight cribs all have synchronous sessions, five day a week, days a week. And you can see for This is a middle school. This is a middle school schedule.

Yep. Alright. And here's our weekly assignments. This is a slightly different version of our weekly assignments. This is actually, our our Second grade teachers, weekly assignments, how she liked to set it up.

She has some color coding. So lessons are in green. Work submissions and quizzes are in blue. And, the order actually changed because she was like, just want you to know, like, your, the subject cards, like, buttons on the home homepage. They don't match the order in which the, weekly assignments were pushed out.

I really like the same order. I feel like, okay. We had to fix that because it's language arts math science, social studies on the homeroom page. And then, apparently, in the weekly assignments was math science, ELA, social studies, We fixed it. It's all perfect now.

Any questions about the the homeroom setup? Yeah. Correct. So the tabs across the top, this is a regular page, and this page is set up in a subaccount that has the l the C4E set up. So all of the classes in that subaccount that has the elementary C4E set will have those, those icons. Instead of that little submenu next to the Canvas menu, they'll all have this automatically.

That's just c four eight. What do you mean by cross listing? No. The those link so that if the yep. Yeah. Those the buttons on that page link out.

So if I if I know I need to go to an language arts assignment, then I'm hitting that language art button and to bring some right to the language art. Yep. We actually had one teacher when we had those hundred teachers. We actually had one teacher who's like, it's too hard for the kids to go between four content area classes, put them all in one class. And I did.

I did that for them. They regretted every every minute after that. It's just too much for a single class. I was a teacher actually deleted all the content out of her canvas, her canvas class, but look at me now. So that's that's Yeah.

That was an interesting year. Go ahead. So in the SIS, the kit is actually enrolled in multiple courses. They're enrolled in the four courses If the family chooses to do an elective, they're enrolled in the elective courses. The electives are optional.

Even a kindergarten. So some of our kids go back to their school to do, like, music, but we do offer PE music in art. Yeah. It's really, it's there's not when I think I showed you all of that kind of what Canvas Romentry does, and it's Yeah. The c forty is just changing the look of the thing.

It's not gonna affect anything about They'll have it. Still gonna be in ten. Yeah. It's not gonna affect it at all. If you I'm gonna throw under the bus, This woman right here on the white top is our our tech and admin, what director of technology.

So, and she We've got a lot of flex point courses if you wanna pick her room. Thank you, Hannah. And what's the best? So this these are pages that we originally thought we would use. We didn't end up using them. These are actually what we were thinking we would use for content area front pages.

So this was it's purple. So that means it's Line, we're just You guys remember that? Okay. It's purple. So that means it's ELA. So what we were originally thinking is that, at the middle school level where the kids have four teachers, that the ELA teacher would put everything on this page because that way they wouldn't have to all be editing the same page for assignments.

And they decided, no, we'd really like to do it all in the homeroom. So we actually ended up not using this page. And we just set the front page to module view instead of an actual page. But this was originally going to be, a week assignment list of basically what the kids were gonna be doing in during the week, and we broke it up by days. Some teachers like to assign things by the week, like, get this done during this period of time, but particularly for the younger kids, we wanted to give them a little more detail than that.

Questions on this? So all of the subjects just have the content. Yep. So, like, this is literally all of their assignments. And this is actually a second grade class. So the kids may not even go into module view.

They may literally navigate particular, at the kindergarten level, they may literally navigate the course from the link she's giving them. Yeah. It's, it's it's a little frustrating for teachers because these are separate courses. The teacher actually has to go into the content course. And pull that link and then copy it in because they're not the same course.

You can't do easy links. But, I mean, the home, yeah, the homeroom does link out to that course. How often are they blocked? Things break? No. That's a that's a great question. I I will say that it went pretty smoothly.

So the kid, you I mean, you'd want the kid to be enrolled in the homeroom and all of those ordinary classes. But I agree. It's an external link to another content class. Yeah. Oh, no.

Yeah. And they literally just copy this. Each week, they just copy us, and they just paste it above it. You you can scroll down and see everything the kids have done all year because somebody's out for a week. The parents or the student support person can just scroll down and see what happened in that course the previous week.

And as far as when we first train them, when you're working in a table, you wanna not hit the delete button too many times. But this teacher was really smart, and she put a little bit of direction at the top, so she's never deleting back and possibly hitting the HTML. So she's yeah. She was a very she was great at this. So I think this one's animated.

Yep. That's right. So, oh, I shouldn't admit this. With my director tech here, but it's possible that we might have spent a little bit of ID hours on actually kind of making this presentation a little fancier. So, for the so So we last year, we redid our whole ELA curriculum for K six.

Yep. And as you can imagine, that's a lot of curriculum. And for the kids and the parents and for us, it starts to become a little confusing about where to find it. Like, what assignment what unit is this assignment in? So we actually changed our numbering system a couple of times, and this is what we ended up with and what we like. So it starts with the unit number.

Then there's a colon, and then the unit has a title, and then there's a dash, and the section is actually the module number. And that that's basically the unit number. At the top of each unit, which may have multiple modules, the top of each unit, there's a teacher's notes section, which is actually like a little lesson plan. It's not It's not a huge lesson plan. It's this is basically what we suggest you do each day, and it's a short version of it.

Like, just so that they can get, like, a quick glance what that unit is to kind of refresh themselves. And it's a place for them to take notes. If something sucks, They can come in here and take some notes about what didn't work so that they can easily, you know, fix it around the next year. This whole section here is at the beginning of our unit. We start with unit attributions, which is, you know, who helped write the thing.

We have a learning coach's guide. So that one is actually to help the learning coaches get some context about what the kids are gonna be learning. Some suggestions for extensions that they can do at home that they might enjoy doing with their kids, and any kind of additional resources we think they might want to look at. Maybe some books, that we think might be related that they could go to the library and find. There's also, unit printables.

Particularly at the younger grade levels, those kids need to have things in hands, some physical stuff. So we list out all everything they should print for the union, for the unit all in one swoop. And it's just a bunch of links. They just click on them, print, click print, click print, and then there's a glossary with the vocabulary for that unit. And then each module starts with an overview, which introduces what they're gonna learn in that section.

Talks about the the glossary, the vocabulary, and then the wrap up kinda tells them what they told them. So there's some context there. And then this numbering system, we also play with it. Yeah. This is, the unit number, then a space, and then a colon, and then a space.

And then the first module in a unit is always one. We number all the pages sequentially in that section, and then the page has a title. And then, assignments, you can put emoji in these names. So we put the little red pencil, the little red crayon. Into our assignments.

It's just it just visually makes them easier to pull out for the kids. Do you want to put them in these strategies? So, this is one of our overview pages, and you can there's a lot going on. You can kinda see but they you can see our kid is kinda introducing what's gonna happen. And in the top bar, you have our grade, which is actually the little leaf that I was talking about earlier, that little icon is actually embedded with within that top bar. It's really a visual cue for the adults, who are using this curriculum.

And the the there's the iconography, you see, like, the brain, what they're gonna learn, and then the vocabulary is always that same icon. So really consistent with using our icons. Also, just I know that's not yes. We're completely online. A hundred percent.

Yeah. Yep. All of our students. Our teachers, our teachers provide daily synchronous lessons. No.

They're in Zoom. They're Zoom. Yeah. So we do field trips. We we have field trips.

We see each other and yeah. Yeah. Oh, The the home so the homeroom page actually, my understanding is, it won't have anything in it. They'll need to go into either our SIS where they can see all the grades, or they'll need to go in each one of the content pages. See the grades.

But my understanding is even if you check that little homeroom button, the grades page on the on the dashboard will literally just be, like, click here to go to your math grades, click here to go to your ELA grades. So there's no combined grade book that I'm aware of at all. We got five minute warning. Oh my gosh. These are just some of our cool looking content pages.

There's a ELA. This part We have a drop down that we can use. It's like a little bit of an engagement for kids. The we have some content blocks to present, like, big chunks of information. And you can see the kids at the top, those those little Beach VLC kids kinda lead the students through the the module.

These are our assignment pages. So Oh, another question. Go ahead. Yes. Yep.

Yep. No. And and now they're So as we're writing more curriculum, like, we have these templates that we can put yeah. So as our as our No. No.

No. It's, you know, just regular regular canvas pages, you just make a copy of the canvas page, you just go in, and you literally just edit, edit them. If I can do it? Remember me, I deleted all that stuff. And catch up learned a a basic HTML. I I in twenty minutes, you can learn enough HTML too.

Go in and and find words you need to change and replace them. About two minutes. Well, oh my gosh. I know. I think we're almost done.

Yeah. This resources. Any questions on assignments? I heard you know. So done. So our goal here was build community, kids have a shared experience, make it easier for those parents to go across multiple kids.

Our student support, people can now find what the heck the kids are supposed to be doing. We wanted it to be inclusive, which I think we did with our kids. A lot of the iconography is, you know, very similar. And, we've got our mood board sample there. I don't know if you're going to get this these slides or not.

Our this is where we're going next. We're looking at AI too. We think it would be really cool if we took those cartoon kids and we used AI to turn them into actual, like, photographs, and we used those for middle school. I've asked Britney if she can do it. She's not sure yet, but she's done everything else.

We've asked her so far. So I'm optimistic. And other questions? Oh, and pets. We have pets. Britney made our pets.

Well, these are literally our pets. Like that, that, is my cat, I believe, over on the right. And, I don't know. Who other bird? And then that you can't have kids without pets. And then, the kid in the middle in the back is called Brian, who we named after our tax.

Got Guru, who's Brian because they kind of look similar. Any other major questions? Alright. We are on time. Thank you.

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