Measuring Success: Canvas Data for the Rest of Us


How do you measure success with Canvas? Canvas Data makes knowing possible, but it’s easy to get lost in the DataStream. In this session, we’ll explore the new Admin Analytics Beta feature, course analytics and other data points for the purpose of improving instruction and students’ experiences using the platform.

Video Transcript
Okay. So, making, moments, hopefully all of you are making lots of moments. Hopefully you're measuring those moments by the more connections you make. That's how I make my measurements, my connections, my success by meeting more people. Real quickly. My name is Chris Giles.

Most people mispronounce my last name. That's okay. So it's Giles. Canvas admin, innovation strategist or technology integration specialist. Been a classroom teacher for seventeen years, K five I'm sorry, k twelve, but taught Grand Canyon University for five years online.

Campus advocate, And I I'm also a facilitator for the Canvas certified educator and the Canvas certified technical admin program, which is quite honestly a lot of fun. Have made a lot of cool people. I need a lot of cool people. Yeah. Alright.

So take ten seconds and introduce yourself to the person next to you because you're gonna need them today. Alright. Cool. Alright. Okay.

Here we go. So today, the reason why I said, introduce yourself is cause you're gonna see some of these icons today. The goal if you see one icon is you're gonna do what that icon says. So I'll have you chat with somebody have you take out your cell phone? Those are the icons that I'm hoping will kinda help you engage in today's activity. That's the goal.

So that's what you see. If you see something, Our goal is to do it, engage, and kind of work together. So this is the first icon you see. It's a reflection. So you don't need to speak out loud.

But when you think about sitting in your car, I don't have a Tesla. That's a beautiful dashboard, but when you think about your car and you look at your dashboard, What is it that you think about? Which gauge is the most important? So don't answer it. Just think about it, but which gauge is the most important thing when you're sitting in your car. Okay. So just think about that for a second.

Okay. So you're sitting in that same car with somebody who's just learning to drive, chat with your neighbor for like ten seconds, which gauge is now the most important gauge to look at. You're sitting in the car with somebody who's just learning to drive. Are you driving? Nope. You're not driving.

They're driving. Yeah. Cars moving. They're driving. Yeah.

Which gauge is the most important thing to look at. Alright. Okay. So now Now you're sitting in that same car, but now it's your parents driving or your spouse, or somebody that you really know has a rocky driving history. Which gauge is now the most important thing, and how's that changed? So go ahead and real quickly talk to the person next to you.

Is it a different gauge? Is it the same gauge? Which gauge is? Based on a different perspective. Alright. So Thank you. And and I don't know if gauge is the right word to use. I mean, is there a better were to use when you look at your dashboard? Like, is it gauge? Or what would you say instead? What is the Tester drivers? What do you call the readout on your big, beautiful display? What is that called? Those individual, is it gauges? Which status? Status? Oh, that's a good one.

Okay. Like that. Okay. We're just indicators? Okay. Cool.

So now Hopefully, this looks familiar to some of you or most of you. Right? This is this is all the data that's available in Canvas that I could find. We know there's a lot hidden. So reflect, but if you had to prioritize one point above the other, one data point, one indicator above the other based on that huge map of data points you see, reflecting which one do you think is the most important thing? Okay. So not worry about sharing it, but which one do you think is the most important thing and kind of think about why? Alright.

So now let's take a few seconds to chat. Think about your your your organization, your institution. How many are K twelve? I love you. How many are higher ed? I love you. So, hopefully, you're sitting next to someone who's not higher ed in your K twelve.

That's awesome. But let's take a minute or two. Let's take one minute. What's been your method for extracting data and how do you use it? So take a minute, look at your neighbor, share with what you extract data from Canvas and what do you do with it? You probably didn't know you're gonna be coming in for a conversation, but too bad. So So how do you extract? And what do you do? As I told you, I I didn't tell you where I where I'm from.

I apologize for that. We're a small school district in Beaverton, Oregon forty thousand. It used to be forty two thousand. I was hired to implement and roll out canvas. In a district of forty two thousand, in two thousand sixteen.

So many of you some of you are probably OGs older than two thousand sixteen. I bow down to you. But so I was that was what I was hired for. We rolled it out. We went from zero to twenty thousand users in three months.

And then we presented about it at iste because we crushed it. Largest canvas using district in the entire Pacific Northwest, of that size in that magnitude. But this is kind of a roadmap of where we've gone and what her life has been like. And honestly, we two thousand seventeen, we started asking those questions, who questions, why questions, where questions, you probably asked your own questions. Then the EBR came out.

Do you all know what the EBR is, right? If you have a canvas certified, sorry, a canvas customer service manager, CSM, they're fantastic. And then each year or every few months, they would do basically an executive business review, and they would give you all the data and see how you're doing. And so we would use that to kinda help us move towards making decisions. And now we're k twelve, but we're all in the same space. We're all trying to figure out what the freak is going on and how do we make it better? I mean, that's literally what our goal is.

So then we went into, doing personal data collections. And so one of the most powerful moves we made was basically serving our parents and our families. And overwhelmingly, the response from our parents was, we're confused. We don't know how to use Canvas. I got a kid in middle school and a kid in high school, and their teachers use it differently.

So we took that data and we really moved towards making our district Canvas, we we basically create what's called the Canvas agreements. Our whole district decided that this is our goal. We're going to be using Canvas in this way so that when our families log in, their experience is going to be the same. And it worked really well, and it's still consistently working towards that. Then we moved into, you know, the power of BI and spreadsheets, which is not my game, but it's my best friend who works in IT.

And he started taking our data from our SIS data, you started pulling that in, and you started using Power BI and started creating some data tables. Then we went into the new analytics, And now finally, a new analytics meeting, instructor's analytics, the ones that a teacher could click on and see how they're And honestly, how many of your teachers really use those analytics? See, that's exciting. I like that. Okay. Good.

And then we've got into admin Analytics. And that's fine where we're at. So for for some of you who just started this journey, you're starting with admin analytics. It's kind of actually awesome. You're starting at the end game.

For those who have been here for a while, that first question I asked you earlier, how do you extract data and how do you, you know, how do you actually do something with it? Some of you probably have some ingenious ways and I'm not saying that your ingenious ways are going to be replaced by Canvas analytics. I'm hoping that the two of them can become paired together. Right? Alright. Does those look familiar? I mean, seriously, can you read that and figure out what to do next? That's the EBR, right? The executive business review. Like, honestly, dude, no, that is not where my head spins is that data.

So, However, does this look familiar? How many love this? Okay. This is what I call it. Right? I mean, for those of you who've been in Canvas for a while, you've probably realized that while these looked great, they're really just vanity metrics. Right? Because how many have ever clicked on the, the other category to try to to try to dice into what other actually is Did you find stuff? Kind of. Yeah.

So it's kind of challenging. Yeah. So we call them vanity metrics. They're still powerful. Like, I'm still able to compare one subaccount to another sub count for for my space, it's gonna be my high school.

It's how does high school x versus high school y, and because they're in different sub counts, I can pull up these vanity metrics to kind of get some picture. And that was helpful for us because we could say, okay, we see a school that's heavily impacted, a title one school, isn't using Canvas. They're not using discussions very much. So what is engagement, what does that look like? So we are able to use that. That did help us, but it took an awful lot of energy to really make decisions.

So then the pivot tables came in, and using provisioning data and power BI and how many folks have used this method, power BI and all that. You guys are geniuses. I love it. Yeah. So what lens do you use to view through data? And I think I'd like to know that.

Like right now in your in your space, what's an important lens that you'd use? So go ahead just take five seconds, just tell your neighbor. When we're using we're looking at data, this is the lens we're trying to look through. So go ahead just real quickly. Let's find out. Take out your cell phones for me.

And go ahead and scan that if you wanna use the the QR code at the top, but let's take a minute. You've talked to people around you. You probably know what you do, but let's take a moment. Which data most informs your decision? Why those data points and what impact was made. So quickly jump on that slide off for me real quickly.

You can voice text it if you want to. But just real quickly respond to those questions and we'll see what happens when we get some responses from people. I don't remember what the limit is for Slido if it's like fifty or a hundred people, a million. So Oh, I like that. So instructors inform decisions.

I like that. Retention, right on seriously. Yeah. Yeah. I like it.

This is exciting. See, what I love about slide o, and I'm not a, I'm not a massive user, but I've been using it a lot. I like the top You see that? What is it doing with your data? It's already taking in that data and starting to say, I see some trends. Right? Isn't that so cool? So, yeah, Engagement is the big component of it. Right? So Alright? I like it.

I like this trend. Engagement is a huge component, student retention, or students retention, huge components. I love that. I love it. Alright.

So now we're talking about entering admin analytics. So real quickly, how many have had a chance to click and look into the new admin analytics, not necessarily today, but just in the past few weeks or months. Okay. Few. Was there anybody in this room who's been part of the beta group? Yeah.

I don't want to brag, but I think that idea that Carly shared this morning was my frigging idea. As I said to Carly, wouldn't it be cool if I could just type questions using AI and it would find the data for me? So she won't admit that, but okay. That's okay. So, yeah, so we were part of the beta group as the K-twelve school, and then we were part of groups with with higher ed, which I think was awesome, because the perspective is similar, but also different, so I'd love that. Okay.

I don't know if you've seen this video, but I told Carly I would show it. Canvas admin analytics is an in app analytics space for administrators to better see and understand how instructors and students are using Canvas, with its filterable dashboards and dynamic visualization features. Admin analytics helps answer quite around Canvas usage across the institution. Aggregates feature adoption and helps to identify students who may need additional support. Let's take a closer look.

Admin analytics includes three dashboards. An overview dashboard board, a course dashboard, and a student dashboard. For every dashboard, you can filter the data by subaccounts, term. Course, or instructor. You can even create compound filter, You can also export the data for additional analysis or communication.

In the overview dashboard. Administrative can see more details on how Canvas is being used across the institution than ever before. Can see things like courses that have been published, but aren't being actively used. And with one simple click, you can open courses directly in Canvas. You can also export these tables in multiple formats or sort them in this table view.

Using the course dashboard, Academic administrators and instructional design teams can learn more about courses and see who's using those courses and how. At a glance, you can see which canvas tools, like discussions and new quizzes are used widely and which arm. You can also see where average scores are low or view course activity. In the student dashboard, administrators can identify students with low averages, or students who aren't submitting work on time. They can also see specific student data like submissions, course grades, and the latest student activity across courses.

Canvas admin analytics brings data to the surface to enable better informed decision making. Now, your institution can help instructors and students alike. Joy better experiences and outcomes. To learn more about Canvas admin analytics, our other features and products, visit road map dot instructure dot com. Is that new for some folks? Yeah.

Okay. Okay. Cool. So I did tell Carly that I was gonna show it, so I she's gonna show it this afternoon, ma'am. So there's a lot of data.

I mean, obviously, you can I'm not gonna read all that, but you can see where the data has been pulled from. Like Carly mentioned this morning, twenty four hours to forty eight hours is one of the things that you have to be aware of. We'd like to have instant data, and so that's just the reality of that. I did put a little picture down the bottom about updating because they are going to update some of this information. As a matter of fact, how many have been in Canvas analytics, month ago, and then they were in there yesterday, and they went, it's changed.

Yeah. They did the update. I think it was two weeks ago or three weeks ago, they did an update. I had to go back in and update some of my photos. So the point of these little snippets is some of that is going to change.

So I just don't want someone to come back out. Well, Chris, you said. But I do feel it's interesting, participation and view. Two words that drive me nuts, because if you think about it, right? So anyways, Do you like to think about the quizzes? Down the bottom, new quiz page views, not you right yet? Yeah. Okay.

Our ins our inside joke is it quizzes, we love quizzes, is the eternal road map. We do love quizzes, but, yeah, that's the inner eye inside joke. Okay. So here's what we're gonna do to take. So I had mentioned earlier you need your cell phones, which you did great.

We'll do another activity in a few minutes. But I'm hoping you feel comfortable logging in to your instance in a few minutes. I want you to dig in for a few minutes, and I want you to feel comfortable sharing with somebody. Now I know that there's personal information, but you can get to some of these data points with no student information at all. So I know that.

I've done it a hundred times. So I'm hoping that if you're sitting next to somebody who goes, I don't have a laptop, but do you mind if I look on, or do you mind explaining to me? Because there are folks real quickly, how many in this room have not actually done anything with the Canvas admin analytics yet. Is there anybody? Okay. So a few people. So hopefully, you have a chance to at least sit next to or near somebody who can say, here's what we've seen or discovered, and you don't have to go into, like, proprietary or anything like that, or even student information, but just That's what I just want you to know.

For warn that. So like I mentioned earlier, there are three dashboards. You have your overview, your course, and your student dashboard. That's what you can see just like the the video had shown. The course's dashboard, I mean, it does what it does.

Obviously, what you see there is really based off of what subaccount I've chosen or which filters I've chosen, and even the filters and the new updates are changed. So just let you know FYI. And then the student data. I will let you know that as a k twelve institution with assist, that's our our our end game, our grades go into synergy, that's our end game. We don't use Canvas grade book as much as I would love for us to, because in my opinion, that's where the learning to take place.

Right? A grade book is just the final goalpost. So we don't use the grades like higher ed might, you might, or other, it might be schools here who do use the grazing canvas, and I think that's awesome. I wish that our our institution did not. So just one of the reasons why I'm not gonna focus on grades is because just it's not for us. But what's missing is outcomes.

So for love of humanity, I'm hoping that somebody is listening, and we'll put outcomes in here because we crush outcomes in our strict. We use APIs to send outcomes from synergy into canvas for every single course for every single teacher, so they never have to do anything. And all of our accounts are automatically loaded. So that's something we do. Okay.

So here's what we're going to do. We'll take We might have three minutes. I said five, but we might have three. But this is where our goal is, you're gonna open up your instance, go into your admin analytics. If you've never done it before, it's on the left hand side.

But what I want you to do is take a few minutes, open it up, click on a on a course. I'm sorry. Click on a dashboard and just look. And hopefully you feel comfortable with somebody next to you. But I'm gonna set us our timer for about two minutes for you to look at the analytics.

Just take a few minutes, and I'm really hoping that you feel comfortable sharing something with somebody next to you. Yes. I know. It might take a few extra loads. I'll wait a second.

If it's taking forever to load, then I have something else anyways just in mind. But let's take a see how many are actually able to get in and load. You might have to wait a second. We'll see what happens. Spitting ball of death.

You oh, spinning ball of death. Yeah. It's also pretty possible if you jump into a sub account with less courses, which I don't know. That's possible. Yeah.

Yes. So admin analytics is on for every instance, but the permissions of who has access typically root access. But then that admin can set up viewable access at different subaccounts. So it just depends on what sub what access you. Poop full root access.

Right? You should be able to see it. Yeah. There's a feature request. No. This should be on, on instantly.

For everybody. Well, I hadn't turned it on. In the beta, you didn't. Right? Oh, you didn't even turn it on? Well, no. It's it has their feature.

Okay. I apologize. Okay. That's right. If you had us turn it on, it's okay.

Okay. So we may or may not have time to actually do that. But just real quickly, a couple things. If you are going into analytics, Obviously, you can go into the subaccounts. Like, I don't know how many of you got, how many of you all have, how many subaccounts we have.

We have thirty four schools, middle school and high schools. So that's our subaccounts. As much easier for me to go into high school x and start my view in admin analytics from there. And of course, you can go into the filters by terms, and you could do a lot, which is really, really powerful. My little acronym hint, define your search criteria with subaccounts, analyze the data, adjust the data, refining filters, track your performance, identify trends, and act upon insights.

I think those are important things because What is the one if if you how many have actually been doing admin analytics for probably a good month or two? Okay. My model, so far, with Canvas Edelman Analytics, has been, I have more questions and answers. Is that correct? Yes. Okay. Good.

I'm glad that we got some of that. Alright. So you are gonna have to redefine, and it looks like we're probably gonna have We may not be able to jump into some of these because of our wifi and that's Toy Fine. So instead, I have instead, I'm just gonna go here. Alright.

So I'm gonna just blow that up so you can see it. I skipped this slide on purpose, but let's take a second and talk to your neighbor. This is my screenshot in case we didn't have enough wifi bandwidth, but what do you see? What do you notice and what do you wonder? This is from my since there's no PII, there's no personal information shown, but is it possible that you can look at that and see, and then just real quickly stripe up a question with your neighbor? What you see, what you notice, what you wonder, because that is a data point you will see as soon as you open your instance. So take a minute and turn your neighbor and say, what is it possible that you see wonder or notice. Let me zoom in a little bit more for you all.

And that blue is terrible. I apologize. I didn't realize that light blue is horrible. Oh, good question. The purple is at the bottom, you have some participations and then some, paid views.

So the purple is the is the participation. So in your instance, you can toggle those off. If this was live, I could turn that off. So okay. Alright.

Any questions? What do you notice? What do you wonder? What do you see? I'd love to hear from somebody. I know that that blue terrible, and I apologize. I didn't realize it would be so horrible. But any noticing, wondering, or questions? Yeah. Say it again? If you are in your if you're in your instance, you can actually physically click, and that'll turn off.

So you can only specifically look at participations, or only look at page views. So I I personally would do that, would turn off one. So what I like about Canvas analytics is that there's a lot of clicking. Like you can click and go, oh, what a surprise. Something happened.

It and I like it versus the rule of three clicks or less. Here, I don't feel that rules as important to me because I like clicking and seeing something happen. So I'm okay with that. Yeah. Obviously, you can see that files are our our biggest interaction.

Is that is that a is that an engagement point? Like, would you consider a heavy use of files and actual, like, trend of engagement? No. It's really challenging. So even though I might brag that our teachers have loaded up, I don't know, a million files, that's not indicative of engagement. Alright. So I was going to show you this one too.

Since we don't have time to go live, what do you see? What do you notice? What do you wonder? Purple looks better. Let me zoom in a little bit better for you. And again, the same thing You'll see at the bottom where it says concluded with activity or publish with activity. Yes, sir. Yeah, at the bottom.

Yeah. That's what you're gonna ask. Okay. Yeah. And again, you could click and turn one off or or turn both on.

So real quickly with your neighbor, what do you see, what do you notice, what do you wonder? This is from our data point. And I think I was only using high school semester too. So I was using current data. So Yeah. Alright.

Can I ask you a question? Do I care about activity in concluded classes? Like, was that would that be an important thing to consider? Like, would you care about activity in a concluded class or not? I mean, it could be a yes or no question, to be quite honest, but I struggle because in some of this analytics, there is published with concluded, and then there's not published. So, yes, ma'am. Yes. Institution, we have a doctoral program. Okay.

And the closed courses, we wanna say, we live in a state where the students finger back as they work towards their dissertation? As active, like, ongoing or read only. So then technically conclude it, which means they can go into their previous employment in previous enrollments, right? But not currently active means somebody could post something. Right? That's that's a good point. But I I struggle with this. What do I care about concluded courses and activity? And so and and so some type of mind, and you're shaking your head.

Say yes just because -- Awesome. -- in my district, we have people who are constantly going back and looking at courses -- I like that. -- to see how they can move forward with that data. Okay. I like it.

No. I think it was good. I I was really trying to wrestle. Like, why do I care? And I'm glad you said that. I mean, And here's the thing, once you once you leave the space, you're gonna go and find a place with it or internet, and you're gonna start to look at these analytics, and you're gonna click around, and you should click around And my friends from Iowa, I think you are the ones who are shaking your heads, potentially.

You're gonna find more questions and answers. Literally. So just to let you know, right up front. This is not a magic eight ball, and this is not an answering machine. But I do feel like it's a trending, helpful thing.

So it really does help. Okay. We're gonna be zoom out, come back in. Alright. So let's do our cell phone.

I apologize because we didn't get a chance to go in. But just take a second. If you have spent time in your own analytics, share what did you notice and what did you wonder about your own analytics? If you didn't spend time and you just looked at those two slides I had, you noticed. And you wonder, we had two folks share really great information, and I love it. You know, do I care about concluded? Do we, you know, what do we do about doctor of students who are still accessing course.

Like, I think those are great points. So take a second and just share for me what do you see? What did you notice or what did you have questions for? Oh, confusion. I agree with you. Any big slide o fans who've used this a lot? I'm a big fan of this product. Like, I love this product.

Yeah. Love it. Love it. Manta meter is another good one too. Yeah.

Or if you're old school like me, pull everywhere. Use to love that one. I agree with you. That's why I chose this one. Yeah.

I'm a teacher. Give it to me for free. Right. Yes. Yeah.

Absolutely. Yeah. Alright? Why do we have so many unpublished courses? That question kicks ass. And I'm going to tell you in a few seconds why? Some of you might have figured it out, but I'm gonna tell you why that question is an awesome question. So, and there's a couple other ones up there too as well.

So this is awesome. I love this. So what is activity? How many of you have struggled with the question? What is engagement? Like, seriously, like, we're just a K twelve institution, you know, twenty seven thousand active users every single day. But how can I quantify what true engagement is? Now we're face to face. So face to face is different.

Right? Our students are engaging face to face. The instructors or teachers are engaging them here. But I still want them to participate in learning beyond the classroom. Right? So how do you measure engagement? And so one of the goals with an admin analytics in my opinion is for us to be able to look at those trending things and find ways to measure that engagement. Somebody had mentioned that instructors want to know what that looks like.

I think it's important. Okay. So So here's some actions we've taken, and somebody had asked the question about why we have so many unpublished courses. So a couple of things we realized Our SIS was generating courses. That's very normal, but not all those courses needed to be published or created in Canvas.

I don't know if you've ever came across that concept, but, like, for example, this is a k twelve thing. I don't know what higher ed does, but we have a course call we have a class called early start late arrival because we have to deal with where do students go when they are when they when they miss the, bell, and they have to be basically accounted for. Right? Well, that's a, that's a synergy course, but we didn't have to generate a canvas course. And we were generating all these Canvas courses that were unpublished because teachers were like, I'm afraid I needed this class. So that was a great question somebody asked, why am I having so many unpublished courses one of the things we came up with.

So the point of, it is is what actions did we take. One of the things we realized with this admin analytics and when we went back to that the power BI, we were using the data tables from our our provisioning data. We realized we were pushing courses into canvas that did not need to be. So now all of a sudden, we removed five thousand courses. Just like that.

So what do you think that did to our provisioning and uploading to Canvas? Time went it went faster. Right? So that was a big thing we did. We restructured our subaccounts, I don't know, of how many are familiar with this, but we went to an active subaccount and an archive subaccount. Genius, right? Because if it's active, we're gonna put it in an active subaccount, and if I'm using analytics, I'm gonna go there. Why would I go to archive? So everything we moved from, like, we're in two thousand twenty two or two thousand twenty three.

So all of our courses that had just completed this final year we're moving all of those courses into our archived subaccount. Teachers still have access, instructors still have access to those courses. Students can still access them under the previous enrollment, but when we move our data and we provision our data, so faster. So not only do we remove thousands of courses that we didn't need to publish or push into Canvas, but then we also went ahead and restructured our subaccount. So I don't know how many of you have come across this, archive.

That's this our term, I don't know, any and some of you guys have thousands of sub counts, so I don't let you do. I mean, Frickin Clark County has four instances because their district is so huge. So, okay. So then we started asking questions One question was somebody had asked, you know, why somebody unpublished courses? I'm not lying when we said when I say we spent two hours on one graph, one day. And the graphs that you're going to spend the most time on, in my opinion, Oh, it's not going to load, of course.

Okay. Whatever. The grass that you're going to spend the most time on I mean, honestly, this graph here As soon as you start clicking into these graphs and you start looking at it, you're gonna start asking questions, but I also start spending time in here. Let me go find this one. And I took screenshots because I wasn't sure how active our data points is.

It's really hard to see, but at the very bottom, this is the student overview This is the student dashboard. At the very bottom, there's a whole massive spreadsheet, right, from all the students. It's awesome. I blurted up the names. And when you click on them, you can go and look at the information.

But then you start looking at student has seventeen courses that they're not active in. That's really weird. Then you go into those courses and you're like, Wait a second. I see participation. I see that they actually clicked on the page view.

So when we say that you're going to come up with more questions and answers, it's okay. You are going to spend two hours on that frickin graph because you're gonna look into it and you're gonna start diving into it, and then you're starting to realize, wait a second, we have courses that kids, that students do not need. Access to. We have courses that are in there that don't need to be published. So let's start taking it.

So the point of this is what we started doing was the one thing that this truly helped us do. I will say more than anything, was we started to clean up our own data. And then I think probably the most important thing. I mean, Carly's whole thing about Kemp's analytics is to make it useful for us, and they've done an amazing job. But our data currently is only as good as what data exists.

Right? So when we started to realize that we had extra data, extra things that we didn't need, and we started removing those, we got into what we started getting to see clean data. So when I click on a student who has seventeen courses with no activity, it's legit. And then I can start to look at, wait, there's a trend. This student has the same course as this student, as this student. Oh, now all of a sudden, this course that's published and should be active with engagement has nothing going on.

Then we can start to talk to those teachers or those instructors. But it's hard to have those conversations when your data isn't legit. Yes. Quick question. You said that you could remove all the unpublished to the archive? We move, at the end of the school term, we moved all courses -- So -- to the archive subaccount.

Every single course, like, twenty twenty two, twenty three were done, moved every single course until that, to that archive subaccount. And we still have the same structure of high schools, and it's the same structure as the one. So only the courses that we SIS generated for the recording. That is correct. Yeah.

We Because if somebody's working on a course, and it's un Thank you for saying that yes. That's what I wanna declare Yes. We do not move manually and create courses. We we create Sandbox for teachers. We don't move those.

We just let them continue. And we started getting into the habit of of adding SSIDs to manual credit courses just to keep track, but we only move SIS generated once. Thank you for saying that. How does that, impact outcomes? Canvas outcomes? I don't have we have no problem with it. Because the course is still active.

It's still available. It's still visible. We can still see it. We can still go it. Even though the subaccount has changed that Yep.

Because the thing is basically Yes. So far. Now, you might go into your process and go, oh, wait a second. Change, but you can do it in beta or test to try it out. I mean, that's what we've done.

But I will say moving those subaccounts has been a huge reflection on our data. Yeah. From one year to the next? Yeah. Cause they're still gonna be they're still associated with the term that they came from. Yeah.

To be quite honest, once we move those to the archive terms, I don't necessarily spend a lot time in that data space. You definitely might. So, but then going into your beta or your or your test instance to try this out would be a great place to go first. I mean, we all know You could screw up that alley in your instance. I turned on grading.

What is it? What is it? In grading, it's the grading periods? Holy crap. I had so many emails. So, yes. How did you your first one where you are pushing, all of your classes. Sis? Yeah.

Are there how do you do that where it doesn't push all of them? So with our script, we can basically identify courses that are in this and are cis, but do not have, sections, which means by default, no teacher. So don't push those courses into Canvas. So because even though there's a a teacher of record in the SIS, we know that there's no sections, we know that there's no students because they're not going to be pushed through. So that's one of the things we noticed. Okay.

I think we're almost out of time. What's next for your institution? Obviously, you're gonna use analytics to tell a story. You're gonna create professional development around that. Clean up your data is probably the thing that you're gonna walk and start to look at how your data is coming in and leveraging AI. Honestly, like the other day, I just took the the some information from our analytics with without student information, just information.

And I just started asking chat to BT. What do you see? What do you notice? Here's what I love about TatiPT. It doesn't care if the question's stupid. It just asks the question. But then what's cool about it asking the question is then you could say, well, tell me more questions.

And then eventually you get to those nugget questions, you're like, Oh, that's a great question. I never thought of asking, and then you go into your analytics, and you start asking that Like, when this morning when Carly was showing, asking questions and analytics, that's my dream. My dream is I shouldn't actually have to go into analytics and search My dream should be I should be able to type in what are the most engaging courses in this instance, and here are the parameters. That's what I wanna type in, and that's what I wanna So that's my goal. So I've been using ChatT to take my data and just generate questions for me.

And then in our team, we start to look at, well, what can we do? What can we make? Alright. So this is where this is the final thing because we're almost out of time. That bitly will go to the pallet. So on the pallet, I put this slide deck. It's a view only, so you can totally see it.

I put it on a space where you can add your Twitter or your social hound because you've met some kick ass people and I'd love for you to continue to make that conversation happen. So on the path that there's a place for you to say, Hey, here's my handle, or here's where I'm at, love to connect with and then I have some other spaces on it, on the palette of just questions, like Iowa, Michigan, some of those big higher ed. You guys have done some great things, and you ask different questions that K twelve does. What are your questions you ask? I'd love to know, because maybe I would benefit from that question. So yeah.

So it's on the palette then like I said, I put all of our resources. There's some fantastic data resources on there as well. And I guess the last thing I wanna share about touch about analytics is I I don't think of the admin admin analytics an answering machine, I think of it as a as a questioning, wondering, trend idea machine. I really do think that We came up with a lot of questions we weren't looking for until we started looking in the analytics. Yeah.

And then we were able to start making better decisions like cleaning up our data, asking questions that mattered, because really what is engagement? Right? And that's what we're trying to figure out. So Alright. And don't forget about Carly's session. If you didn't sign up for it, she's doing her session at four fifteen. And then finally, our takeaways.

The analytics is arguing to expose your practices. Just be ready for that. Good or bad. Right? It is legit. Yep.

It exposed our habits as learners as our students. It exposed our data, whether it was bad or clean data. It's just like it made to find glass. It it doesn't care about you. It just will show how you're doing. So anyways, thank you.

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