Monitoring Student Performance Across All Courses in Canvas


How Canvas schools use Dropout Detective (higher ed) and Grade Guardian (K-12) to view personalized dashboards of assigned students and their overall performance. Also, automatically identify struggling students by seeing academic progress and engagement in their courses.

Video Transcript
Thank you all so much for joining us. How's my audio? Can everybody hear me A little closer. Alright. Better. Eat the mic. Oh my gosh.

You guys are in for a real treat with my team today. Good afternoon. My name is Kim Munzo. I'm the president and CEO of Aspire EDU. We are in booth sixty right next to instructor's booth in the exhibit hall.

So we hope that you will come and visit with us. First, I wanna introduce my dream team and truly are my dream team. And you're gonna hear from each of those or each of them this afternoon, so I'm gonna allow them to introduce themselves as they come up, but I'm extremely fortunate to have such a strong fantastic team. So we're so glad to be back here. A couple of days ago, on my Facebook memories, which I don't know how many of us are still on Facebook, but I'm old enough that I am.

On my Facebook memories, some pictures came up and I was like, where were we? Where were we? And it was Long Beach, California. That was the last instructure con that was held in person. So we are so very excited to be here with you face to face instead of a zoom screen. Because it's been so long since we happened with you or been able share time with you. We wanna share, some opportunities for how we help you support your student success and also some new things that we've been working on recently.

So I founded our company eleven years ago. I was a director of online education for a college, and I was also a Canvas administrator. And I needed a way to identify my at risk and struggling students. Now, I knew as a Canvas administrator, all the data was there. But it wasn't easy to use.

Like almost any other learning management system, it was pretty siloed by course, So if I wanted to see how a student was doing, I would have to go into each individual course, compile all that, and it's really time consuming. Right? I wanted to see how a student was doing across all of their courses, including whether they were accessing their courses, whether they were spinning assignments. So I belt dropout detective. Dropout detective goes into Canvas every single night. It assesses your student's participation in all of their courses.

It creates a risk score daily for each student and then provides this dashboard for you on a daily basis. We automatically identify the students that need more support from you, and we're an LTI integration. So we live right within Canvas single sign on. We've been a Canvas partner for over ten years now. We support nearly four hundred Canvas schools clients today, which we're thrilled about.

Our first ever client, Richland Community College, you all may know Kona Jones from the Canvas community, They're still with us today. We were in a structure con in twenty fourteen, and it was quite a bit different than it is this week. We were given one hour as a vendor as a sponsor to set up an exhibit table and given one hour to exhibit. So instructor Khan has obviously come a very long way. And so have we, we now have clients all over the world, and we even support our software in Australia for our APAC clients.

Something else is really interesting has happened recently over the past couple of years is that K twelve school districts have come on board on canvas like crazy. It's been an explosion, and it's been really interesting to see. So as that happened, the k twelve districts had just as much interest in finding their struggling students and supporting them as our higher ed client, stead. So because of that, we re re rebranded dropout detective as grade Guardian for our k twelve clients. It's the same system, just a friendlier name that helps support what the secondary schools really care about.

In short, we provide four key benefits to any school, whether it's K12 or whether it's higher ed. One, we automatically identify your at risk students Two, we provide a list of all students and all of their courses and a lot of other data on one screen, a daily snapshot of how that's student is doing. Three, we give you personalized dashboards so that school personnel such as counselors advise sports coaches, deans, principals can have a list to monitor just the students that they're assigned to. So each user can actually have a personalized dashboard of just the students that they're assigned to. And then four, we allow you to manually flag at students, which kicks off an email workflow.

When I built dropout detective, I also had another need. I was responsible for hiring instructors, faculty members to teach courses. And I needed a way to know We've moved the next slide, please. Okay. Thank you.

I needed a way to know who are my best instructors and also those that may need more coaching. And again, all of that data is in Canvas, but for me to have done a course evaluation could have literally taken me hours. To go see? Are they participating in discussions? Are they grading in a timely manner? That grading feedback? And instructor insight has the same goal of drop detective slash grade guardian is to help you to identify the best way to support your students. Now you are gonna hear from my amazing colleagues. These are our business relationship managers, at least three of the four here.

Our business relationship managers are assigned every client when you come on board with us, they plan and lead your initial training, and then they stay with you long term as your ongoing support. They're gonna tell you about how we can help you be successful and also about some of the new capabilities that we've been working on over the past couple of months. Miss Tari? Hi, everybody. My name is Tari. Like, Tari with no way.

Hey. I am one of your business relationship managers, and I was lucky enough to join the Aspire EDU family. This past year and work under Miss Munzo and learn from her and all of her great things that are going through her head. But what is amazing is that every time I get to talk to a new client, they have nothing but great things to say about the product. As you can see, I'm not gonna read to you.

You can all read. But, my former principal, Greg Wylie from Douglas County School District loves and such structured insight. He thinks it's such a great tool to use to see what's going on with teachers, how they're engaging with students, and how he can better support them if they meet those coaching needs. And of course, we have our sweet home district and they're just not need to know why everybody doesn't have it. Why don't you have If you don't have Greg Guardian or dropout detective, come on over and get it today because you want it.

And then of course, dropout detective is has no early alert option. And if you have those teams, those advisor teams that really want to get those students retention efforts, you want to keep them in school, you want them to be engaged, you wanna know how you can make sure that they're coming back and why they wanna be in your institutions because you treat them like family and you care. And our our system gives you the opportunity to get to them their first line of defense before they go somewhere else. And that's what you want. So you can see that people love us and you will too.

And the reason why is because when you join our family, because you are a family when you become part of the aspiring you team, we have fast implementation. It takes no time. You don't need to have a bunch of tech people implementing this. We can it's an LTI. We can have you up within a week.

Kim will do it with you. So you have that personalized, implementation from Kim. You have personalized support. You'll have myself, Tari, maybe Kyle, maybe Marissa, as your personal BRM, you can call us day or night, email us, and we are there for you, and we offer the training for you. So you don't have to train anybody.

You can just call us. Get us on the calendar and we'll do the training for you. We record it for you. You can keep it for your professional development. You can have it for how what however long you want it.

And is taking something off of your plate. You do not have to worry about that. And then, of course, we have prompt response time. We are always ready to answer your questions. We have If I can't answer the question, we have a support email, and it'll go out to all of us.

So if I'm not available, somebody's available to make sure that you have the support that you need, so that everything runs seamlessly for you. And Kyle is gonna give you a little bit of information on athletic edge. Good news gracious. I don't know how I pulled the short straw to follow Atari, but here we go. So my name is Kyle Clapper.

I will be hopefully one of your your BRMs a little bit about myself. I was a classroom teacher for sixteen years. Thirteen of those years, I worked at Mountvert Academy, and some of you might know about that school. It's very much athletically driven, but I will be honest. That is the only woman, the only individual, the only person that could have pulled me out of the classroom.

I love that school. My children will go to that school. My wife still works at that school. And I left that school to be behind her leadership. With that in mind, at Aspire, we have decided to provide this amazing solution to even more students.

And that's where athletic hedge comes in. Unfortunately, not every single school can adopt this solution, grade guardian dropout detective, to all their students. It's just not possible, but we wanna give that opportunity to as many students as possible, and that's what athletic edge allows us to do. We can specifically target students across multiple accounts, across multiple sub accounts in order to provide those students that edge, that opportunity Now, it is athletic edge, but it can be applied to any group of students no matter which group, and it provides them that opportunity. It provides them that chance to excel not only on the field, but in the classroom as well.

Oh, beautiful. But we can take it a step further. We have our dashboard system, where we can break down those unique groups farther and farther in card, we can even go to the level of having positions, infield, outfield, offensive line, defensive line. It doesn't matter. We can break that system down.

In order to provide your coaches, your support staff, and your success coaches an opportunity to view your students with that same unique ability that you find within dropout detective in great Guardian. Now, you can do that through the our API system. You can do that through CSVs, and you can do that manually, but but throughout that entire system, you're gonna have one of your BRMs supporting you through that entire time. We don't count trainings we don't count emails. If you need us to train your advisory staff five, six, seven times, we'll be there to help you.

It's an amazing solution. And I hope you guys join us. Pass it off to Marissa that talk about, mastery. Boy, did I really pull the shortest stick? Alright. So, Kyle mentioned he's a former teacher.

Tari's a former teacher. I'm a former teacher. So we all have found value in gray guardian and dropout detective in our with it in the classroom. And I think that's why you'll notice the three of us are so passionate about it. Something that sits very passionate to me for a very long time I was competency based and mastery based in my classroom.

When I used Canvas, I was solely using the mastery grade book and attempting to use that as my way of showing how students are progressing in my class. And I really found it that I didn't, I didn't get exactly what I needed out of it. I didn't I wasn't able to see in other courses are students mastering, not just my class, but are they mastering other courses as well, and where are they out with it? I had a unique opportunity to be an advisor for a group of students. And so when you're not the teacher for another course, you need to be able to see how students are pro performing in those other courses. And so our mastery feature that was recently developed gives those teachers that are using the mastery grade book the ability to see if students are mastering other courses and see where they're at in their mastery journey.

And so I really love this because it adds an additional area into dropout detective grade guardian. So whether you're higher ed or k twelve utilizing the Mastery Gradebook, this is available to you. So it breaks down each course and lets you know how many, outcomes are available in each course that students will be assessed on, how many they are stream, how many they are not mastering, and where are they at in that mastery scale. It also provides a timely graph. Something that I really struggled with is, yes, the student is mastered in this outcome now, but where were they four, and how did they get here? What was their journey like through mastery? And so I really love these graphs because it takes that scale that teachers are using in their courses for their outcomes, and it really shows you over a time period where the student started in their mastery journey, maybe the beginning of the year and where they're at now and where they have the potential to go.

So as a teacher or even an advisor or a coach, I'm able to see where are the students struggling in which outcome and where do I need to focus my efforts on supporting them? So, yes, they're maybe not performing well. But where am I gonna support them at? And so utilizing the mastery grade book and then seeing where they're at in their mastery journey in gray Guardian or dropout detectives, allows you to see, you know, where you need to focus your efforts. And so you can see this holistically across all courses. And so it really just improves on the fact that not only can you see their grades from the general overview that Kim talked about before, But now you can see the mastery if that's something that your your school is starting to implement. And I know that's been a hot topic over the past several years is competency based learning and Standard based grading and mastery, and they're all us the same way and everyone's still trying to figure it out.

But what this really does is it pulls in that data from the learning mastery grade book to to give it a nice visual that you don't have access to, necessarily in Canvas. So that ends my spiel. And Chris Chris is gonna follow-up on where we're at with our booth and some awesome things that we're doing. Thank you, Marissa. Hi, I'm Chris Munzo, and, I handle sales and contracts.

So on the front end, I help, schedule demonstrations and Kim and I do most of the sales presentations ourselves, work with the contracts and then, put you in the good hands of, of the folks you've already heard from. Just wanted to underscore that that we're down at booth sixty. We're right across the from, the instructor booth and right across from the delorean. So you you can't miss it. And I hope you'll, come down and see us.

I know that when sessions are in, in, going, they've been locking those doors down there. But after this session, we're all gonna go back to our booth. And, and we'll be there for a while. So if anybody does wanna pop in and see us, hope you do, and we'll certainly be there, for dinner tonight, when the exhibit halls open from, from six to eight o'clock. Really would like to open the floor for questions.

I think, I I mentioned earlier that that we're hoping for some audience participation here and You've heard a little bit about Grade Guardian and and and dropout detective, an instructor insight, but, I I hope you all have some questions. And before I do open it up, Can I just get a show of hands, k through twelves here? Okay. Wow. Okay. Higher ed.

Alright. I'd say pretty close. Pretty close. Alright. Well, folks love to open the floor for questions.

Yes. We are just her house not getting letter grades, and we're just using the master reinforcement. Does that work with the grade guardian If there's no letter grades involved in that? Yes. So if you're not using the the letter grades in the traditional grade book, but you are using the mastery grade book. It still is going to work because it's pulling from the our our main overview tab, that you would I would normally see.

Can you go back a couple slides, Chris? I think it's like slide three, where you can see it. One more. Right there. Okay. So our traditional overview tab is like that initial one, and that's gonna give you the overall grade for each course, which is, you know, if you're using the traditional grade book.

The mastery tab that I discussed is gonna be in one. So whether you're using that traditional grade book or not, it's gonna pull in that mastery information. So if you're only using mastery, it's still going to work for you. Oh, you don't have to use the if you don't want to. I can repeat it.

So we have lots of faculty do not enter zeros for missing work. And so when we want to look at how a student is doing, if they've just have done the syllabus assignment to have a perfect two thousand two. Here, currently, the hundred percent known as yours and all that And we know not everybody is one hundred percent on keeping that grade book up to date. I know that may come as a surprise to all of y'all. That's why we also count the missing assignments.

So a missing assignments would be an assignment that's worth points. The student has not yet submitted it the instructor has not yet graded it. We can also take advantage of the missing flag inside the Canvas Gradebook as well. So there's different ways that we can kinda that for you based upon your usage of Canvas. Now once the instructor obviously entered a zero, then we would switch it over from missing to zero.

And on this screen, you'll notice next to the zeros and the missing. If you click on show in our production environment, obviously, it will actually drop down the assignment name and due date So right from this screen, you can be really specific when you're counseling that student. Hey, you're missing assignment one point three. This was due on July twenty first, go back and get that submitted. Good question.

Thank you. So is that issue overall everything or can you break it down by Yeah. You can break it down by course. So whenever you would initially come into instructor insight, you're gonna get that summary row there that's gonna show the highest number of days or the highest number of items from maybe across three or four courses that they may be and then you'll notice the little carrot icon next to the instructor's name. That's where you can drop it down and you'll see each course listed individually.

Each of these courses are separate. Right? Mhmm. And, actually, if you win and if you click on those links, it will take into a much more, robust. Robust. That's much better.

Thank you. Robust data and that we would love to show you Good deal. Yes, ma'am. So is instructor inside a separate product from Great Guardian? And if you were to purchase both, do they live separately or different? They they are they are separate solutions. We have we have many clients that use only dropout detective for for grade guardian some that only use instructor insight and then others that use both.

And we have clients that start with one of the solutions and add the second. That's very easy for us as well. Based upon, like sub location, like school location to you, you know, all my high schools, and maybe all my schools. We we can integrate at the subaccount level or at the root account level. We we point our solutions towards the courses that you want us to support, whether it could be courses that have an O and L in the course code.

If if you wanna support just online courses or just a certain program, them. But I can lower these weights of accounts that will roll up. Okay. I can look at all. Yes.

Building admins that have expressed frustration with their instructor, would you say that this would be efficient in learning and that they have to do in classroom evaluations power and hours and hours. Yes. That's exactly why I built it because I won't wanna be doing those evaluations. And it is a pain and we're not as much of a love pain. It's just really time consuming.

And behind the scenes here, you're gonna see like, how how frequently they're accessing their course? How frequently are they grading? How many ungraded submissions they still have? So even graded yesterday. How many ungraded submissions are still there? How many days per week they're participating in discussions, the grading feedback that they're giving back to students to great feedback, actual discussion posts tons of data. It takes it. That is your new course evaluation. When you drill into a course by clicking on one of those links, there's, a place within, that drill down where you can enter notes.

So as a term is moving along, if you keep notes, all those notes live in one page under the instructor's name. The instructor can also see what you're If you want them to. The instructor can see the charts that you drill down into, but it's only the leadership level, the account level, that'll see them notes. And they will only see instructor insight if you want them to see it. And if we turn if you have us turn that LTI on for you.

And I tell you, in addition to being a classroom teacher, I was also the educational coordinator of of my school, and I can attest that having that level data because I was expected to with the integration of Canvas to see what teachers are using and what teachers need more help. So much time. It so much time it saves. I we don't have time to hunt data. This this is the best hunter in the business.

Exposing the detailed charge to to the teachers and instructors was a stroke of genius on our client's part because it it opened up the trans agency of it. And when folks know what the leadership is looking at, do you tend to get the kind of behavior that that you wanna get? And our school used it as a self evaluation tool for our teachers. So when we open instructor insight instructor insight to for our teachers to be able to see their own graphs and charts of their, like, what what they were doing in the course, it allowed them to be self reflective on what maybe they wanted to improve on so that when you're having those discussions, it put some kind of ownership in the teacher and saying like, oh, I should I I I realize I should, be working on this or maybe I need to, you know, step up in my discussion posts or need to provide, you know, more specific feedback what I'm discussing. So it gives them a different view too to be able to self evaluate themselves a lot easier too. No.

Not currently. But that like, Mastery is new. And so I would love feedback on that because it's something that we're looking to always improve on and see how schools are using Mastery. Everyone does things a little differently. And so if you have, suggestions or things that you would love to see with that, I would be open to hearing lots of suggestions on that.

And and as you can tell, Marissa was was central to developing the master capability. Other questions? I'll let our mastermind tell you. Oh, again, the pressure. There is a a standard algorithm in the background, that that's pretty consistent, most of our schools, but we do have the ability to tweak it. So a good example of would be nursing programs.

And a lot of nursing programs, if you're making seventy five or seventy or less, that's considered failing. So we can tweak some things like online courses. We're gonna be a little bit more assertive on that last course access, latest submission date than we would a traditional in seat course. We can use things like your terms, your grade schemes, your grade scales, or can be really important to us. Even if you're not setting those in Canvas or they're not being set correctly, we have internal places where we can do that as well.

So if if I think the biggest example we see is the grade scale being different for different programs, we can absolutely adjust to that. Two. These these are the data elements that, for the most part, go into the algorithmic calculation. So we're looking at these. We wait them a little bit differently.

So early in the term, we we agreed. Which you would use the dashboard feature for. So Right. Yes. So if if we were supporting an entire school, your football coach could have a dashboard of football players.

The the this academic advisor could have a dashboard of to society to him or her. Trio, any number of examples. Do you have something out of that? Yeah. I mean, when I was working at Mount Vird, we I probably managed about two fifty to three hundred dashboards because we had so many different sports teams. And that's where, you know, using the CSV, that's what I use, but the API comes in incredibly well to manage those.

And it really wants you, you know, figure out from your SIS how you I think we had one more question up here. Does the listening assignment to your account for on paper assignments that don't have an automatic trigger. It depends. That's an excellent question. So we do have the ability.

So our online courses, we're gonna say, if it's missing, they should have submitted that online. But we can also look at the, format of the assignment so that if you say it's on paper, you can make the decision whether you want it that those counted and it's missing or not, or whether you want it to default to the Canvas flag knowing that the instructor or teacher had flagged it as missing if it weren't on paper. So we can be pretty flexible on that. Over Canvas administrators too. So so don't want you to get a lot of knowledge of Canvas? Smart cookies.

Any other? Yes, sir. You made unpublished courses. Do they show on the list there? And so do they still continue with the rest of the score? Oh, good question. So when we do our overnight retrieval, we're only looking for published courses. We're only looking for active courses that are in the current term.

Or if you're not using terms, we can default default to course start and end date, and we're only looking at courses that have student enrollments in them. So we keep out all the fluff and all of the unpublished. No. No. We're gonna put it on the responsibility of the school to maybe take advantage of those new admin account level analytics to identify those unpublished courses and and put it in the school's hands to encourage those faculty to publish those courses.

Correct. Only published. But it's a good way to find those. Like, if they should be published and they're not pulling in to drop off the tech area for Greg Guardian insight and they should be, then you just let one of us know. And then if you haven't figured out that it's not published, then we'll figure it out Yeah.

And that leads me to mention one other thing, and then I'll get your question. There is also a report and drop out detective and great guardian that is super helpful at the beginning of a term. We call it the missing assignments report. If I go in on the first or second day of a term, in a perfect world, no course would have any missing assignments, because nothing should be due yet. But if I go in and I see a course has forty seven missing assignments and I click through on those, I'm gonna see all the assignments and the old due dates that were copied in that need to be updated.

So for our Canvas admins, they're trying to keep things clean at the beginning of the term. That is super duper. Helpful. You had a question? Yes. So you're looking at the the students side of this.

Because there was me exploit those students from for future, for example, they've been on there for the first month. I've been reaching out to them, haven't gotten feedback from them. I don't necessarily wanna see them for the next three months. Is there a way to kinda No. They're still gonna be included in the dashboard.

Now what you could do is on the main page of dropout detective and Greg Guardian, There's there's actually a notes area behind the scenes where you can document your outreach to the student on that main screen is gonna say the last time you entered a note So if you see this student has a risk score of eighty and you reached out to him three days ago, you're gonna be able to say, okay, I'm a hold off for a couple days because I know I already reached out to them. And even beyond this or the screen that the student profile that you saw, you can enter notes on students, you can activate alerts on students, We have concepts of what we call tags to like refer students to tutoring automatically. You can see the history of the student's risk work. Thirty days of the history of their grades, which is awesome to be able to see is their one course in particular. They really need to get the most help in.

And also the contacts anyone that's associated with that student, whether it be a football or a baseball coach, and the teachers all in one contacts there so you know the entire team. So what you've seen is little taste. Yeah. We'll see you all at booth sixty.

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