PraxisAI: Meeting Students Where They Are

Video Transcript
David James Clark the fourth. I'm the CEO of Praxis AI. Praxis builds digital twins for faculty using generative AI. It's kind of a cool concept where we personalize a teaching assistant that sits inside a Canvas and helps answer about sixty five percent of the students questions. But it's personalized in a very special way. We use all sorts of data and information from the faculty including a thirty question behavior assessment.

So that's kind of fun. The problems that we're solving, I would say the number one most critical need for students is attention, and the number one most critical need for faculty is time. Those two are kind of at odds with each other. So by giving the faculty more time while students are getting the attention they need is very powerful. And to do it in the LMS, in the Canvas LMS is really important because you have to meet the students where they are.

So our partnership with Instructure has been a really exciting and interesting journey. So we've been integrated into Instructure for many years, but we didn't really become a strategic partner until last summer when, we joined the emerging AI marketplace. And at that time, we started to have a deeper, more integrated experience with each of the schools. We did about sixty or seventy pilots in the fall of twenty twenty three, and that's only taken off from there. It's enabled us to meet the students where they are.

I would say that's number one. And being able to deliver our solution in a very seamless way so it appears as if when they're accessing their digital twin, they're in effect accessing something inside of the LMS that's not only a twin of their faculty, but also integrated into the platform in such a way that it's a seamless experience. Number two, it's helped us from a trust perspective engage many, many more customers because they trust Canvas LMS. They trust Instructure and and by association, they trust us. And so together, we're stronger.

It's always more exciting when the university and the partner and Instructure are all working together for the benefit of the students and the faculty. You have to meet the students and the faculty where they are, and they're in the LMS. So we've had a lot of experience trying to go directly to schools, directly to students, and that really doesn't work. You have to go through the LMS. We're now at a point where a lot of schools say, look, if you don't work with my LMS, I just don't have time for you.

And so find an LMS partner. Canvas is, you know, the, the leader in the higher education space. And find a way to integrate, find a way to collaborate so that it's a seamless experience for the students. That would be my best advice.