Using Embedded Quizzes, Commenting, and Captioning with Canvas Studio to Promote Student Engagement, Accessibility, and Equity.


Videos without interactivity are passive forms of learning. Videos with embedded activities increase students’ engagement (Global Trends, 2021) and conceptual understanding of content (Mitrovic, 2017). This session demonstrates how to utilize Canvas Studio features to make videos interactive and accessible which promote higher student engagement and improve equity (Wachtler, 2016).

Video Transcript
First of all, I would like to thank you all for choosing the session and taking your time to come here. Hopefully we'll have a great session. My name is, Abusa Furbaseth. I go by AZ. My my colleague, probably it's easy, to call me AZ than Abu Zafar. So I'm the director of, academic technology at OED.

So OED is organizational excellence and development, at Tarrant County College. In Fort Worth, Texas, anyone from Texas. Alright. Great. So, forgive me if I say you all.

Okay? There's nothing intentional. Okay. So Tarrant County College, we have You can see some statistics here. I would like to share So Tarrant County has two million, population. So, it's one of the largest, county in the US, And, the city of Fort Worth, which is like almost one million, people, and Texas is growing.

That's great. Tarrant County, call us. We have, so these are our major programs. We are, Hispanicly serving institute. You probably may be familiar with HSI because, you know, thirty six percent of our, student population, is Hispanic.

Our, total FDE is more than fifty thousand. So we have fifty thousand FTE means, non duplicated head count. So total students including duplicated head count is like close to hundred thousand. So you can imagine, how big it is. We have, six campuses.

We used to have a, each campus was independent, but we merged together now become like one district college with six campuses. We have close to one thousand, full time faculty, like nine hundred something. And including adjunct, more than two thousand faculty. And for academic technology, Michael, my colleague, Michael Radegas, and myself, working as a team with the LMS in the back end. So in the front end, Michael and I are the two people who support all the faculty professional development, training so our training schedule are already built up like next six month to a year.

So you can imagine. What do you enjoy working with faculty? I have been working with faculty for over twenty years and Out of twenty ten years, I worked with, health science curriculum, especially the graduate, medical university and nursing. And things like this. And last ten years with the community college. So I have, that I had the opportunity to work with, like, from community college to, top tier R1 research university faculty.

So I go next. So, the organizational excellence and development of Turn County College, We have four pillars. You can see learning and development, strategic development, compliance, learning and development, which is, the faculty, development and the technology. So Michael and I from the pillar, which is educational technology or academic technology. So now I'm gonna hand over to Michael.

He's the main facilitator of this session. Again, thank you so much, for your time. And if you have any question, please, you know, ask. We'll try to, share, based on what we know. Alright.

Thanks, AZ for that awesome introduction. Again, thank y'all all for being here. I'm saying y'all already, I'm gonna tell him from Texas. This is a great crowd. I didn't expect to have such an awesome crowd and to have people waiting in line to come to this presentation.

So definitely makes me a little nervous, but I'm gonna do my best to you know, keep it engaged and keep my composure and not mess anything up. You know, it's funny because I got here about an hour and a half early. Just to make sure, you know, okay. Do I have everything plugged in? Do I have, you know, all my sites set up and stuff? And, you know, because I don't want any hiccups but how many of y'all work in tech? Right? And it always happens. So I know there's gonna probably be some little hiccup, so I'm just just a disclaimer to put out there.

Okay. So let's go ahead and move on because I know we have about forty five minutes or so. So we already talked enough about, you know, OED and, you know, what we do. So I'm gonna go ahead and skip that slide because AZ went ahead and covered a lot of that stuff. So, so about me.

Okay? Well, I already said I was from Texas, right? You already heard me say y'all so many times. So I was born and raised in DFW. I was born in Dallas and, Oakland. And so I lived there until I was about five six years old, and then moved to, Allen, Texas. So really just an urban environment to, like, a kind of suburb environment.

So it kinda shaped me and who I am, and so I feel like it's important to say that, and so I had a great childhood. I had a good education, and that education inspired me to be an educator. Know, while I was in high school, I was wondering, well, what am I gonna do? Just like all the other high schoolers, and I thought about becoming a scientist, or I had these high, you know, aspiration and stuff. And as I started taking some of the core classes, I was like, I don't know if I'm cut out to maybe find a cure for cancer. Maybe, I should try something else that, comes a little more easy to me.

So, you know, I started learning about history social studies, and I just became so passionate about it. And all the while, technology was in the background, and music was in the background, And so I just stayed focused on those things. That took me to Austin. I went to St. Edwards, University.

And then after that, and I graduated, and I weathered the great recession, two thousand eight. So I was trying to become a teacher in a city that I didn't know anybody in, in Austin. And It was really, well, it's funny now. It wasn't funny then, but there were, you know, I was trying to become a teacher because I was always told, oh, well, there's, you know, a lot job security and teaching and education. But in two thousand eight, there were actually laying off teachers.

So here I am trying to become a teacher and are laying off teachers in district that I'm trying to become a teacher in. So it just taught me patience, perseverance. I was a permanent sub for about three years until they finally said, okay. We're ready to hire teachers again. So I got hired.

So I have a strong k through twelve background, worked, with, you know, high school student, coaching soccer, teaching AP government, AP economics, going on trips, and it was a great time. But then I was, you know, in my journey, I was like, okay, I'm thinking about buying a house, thinking about moving up in life, you know. And so there just happened to be an opportunity, that was opened in Fort Worth, and a school district called Everman. So I had a, at the school I was currently at Austin High School. That's where I was working.

I had a AP that was like, Hey, I see what you're doing in the classroom, and I would like to have somebody like you come with me if you're willing to make that move. We have a lot of job openings. We redesigned a high school. And so I wanna see if you, you would be interested in that. So I was like, okay.

Yeah. Maybe so. You know, I don't have anything tying me down here. So let's try that out. So I went and moved to Fort Worth, and I've been in Fort Worth ever since.

But Everman is important because, that's where it transitioned into EdTech. So I got out of the classroom, and into educational technology, which allowed me to keep my passion of being an educator and working in, to, an education But just to, you know, help people in another capacity. So I was still in a classroom, but just not a classroom teacher. But I loved the job because I still worked with my fellow educators and my fellow teachers, and I always kept them in mind when I was developing trainings, or helping them out, you know, with any questions they had about software or hardware. So I loved it, and I eventually became instructor, a teacher of teachers.

So love the job. Now I am at TCC, and I've met great people like AZ. Thank you for that introduction. And so I'm glad to be here. So now you know a little bit about me.

What about you? Alright. You know, engagement tools. Right? So here we go. Mentometer. Go ahead and get on the phone, go to mentee dot com, and I Oh, no.

I don't know. Let me see. I don't think it's coming up on the frame there. So let's try this so y'all can see that code. So I'll read out that code for y'all.

It's gonna be four one five seven three two seven three. And if you've never used this before, all you're gonna do is get on your phone, get on your browser, and just go to w w w dot mentee dot com. And then you're gonna enter that code, and you're just gonna put what city you're from. Yeah. The code is gonna be four one five seven three two seven three.

I love how squeaky the stage is. Every time I move, squeak, squeak. Alright. Oops. Alright.

Sure. It's four one five seven three two seven three. There we go. There are those responses coming up. Right.

At Memphis. Alright. Taylor Chicago, Kansas City, some places I've I've never heard of before on there. That's great. Thank you all for coming out all this way.

Are y'all having a good time so far in in Denver? Yeah. I I know I am, but unfortunately, you know, coming Texas. I was hoping for a little bit cooler weather. And, yeah, I guess the hot weather followed all of us, Texens over here. Alright.

So thank you all so much for sharing that and being engaged in this presentation. So here are the session objectives that I have for us today. In this session, we will discuss Canvas studio features. I'm gonna give y'all a brief description of what Canvas Studio is for those of y'all that have never used it before. I'm gonna show you recording using a webcam.

I'm gonna show you how to embed quizzes into video and use analytics to promote student engagement And then accessibility. I'm gonna talk to you all a little bit about captions and videos and how to change the language of those captions. And in adding YouTube videos to your studio library, so you can look at analytics and in how to apply captions to embedded videos in YouTube. Because when you take a video from YouTube and you import it into Canvas studio, or you link it those captions don't come along with that. So I'm gonna show y'all kind of, like a back end way to get those captions going on for y'all, and just to make your course more inclusive and more accessible to your students.

Okay. Alright. So got another engagement piece, because I'm curious to know how familiar is my audience with Canvas Studio. So let me go ahead and get out of here real quick. So again, mentee dot com.

And the code is four one seven four four one five seven three two seven three. So while y'all are voting on that? Yeah. I'm just looking at this crowd, I didn't, again, I did not expect to have such a strong showing for this. Maybe it's just my lack of confidence or something. I don't know what it is, but, don't know.

I just, I guess I just assume, you know, oh, man, everybody here just loves canvas and they're all experts on it. And, you know, and I've only been using us for about a year. And I've only been working at TCC for about a year. So a lot of this is still new to me. You know, it takes a little all to get used to all the intricacies of Canvas or any program, really.

So, so, again, thank you all so much for for attending. And I hope that you get something useful out of this, and I'm able to show you all some things y'all can take back to your districts or your, place of work and utilize. Alright. Okay. Okay.

This is good data. Good data. So majority have never used. Okay. That makes me feel a little bit better because I don't wanna be doing like, you know, really basic stuff for experts that's what I want to avoid.

But we do have some experts in the house, so thank you all so much for attending. I hope I don't bore you too much. Yeah. This is great. Great information.

Thank you all so much for sharing. Alright. So Let's go ahead and talk about Canvas Studio. So what is Canvas Studio? Canvas Studio is a communication tool that allows and students to actively actively collaborate through video and audio media. So it enhances student engaged with, self recorded videos, discussions, feedback, timestamped annotations and comments, and embedded quizzes, and also data analytics.

So it gives you a lot of it gives instructors a lot of leverage, when showing videos because I know when I was a teacher in a classroom, you know, movie day or video day kinda has some, you know, negative connotations to it. Right? So how can we make videos in those movies more engaging? Right? So that's what Canvas Studio helps us to you as instructors. So how can we access Canvas Studio. Well, it's built right into Canvas. Okay.

And you can access it from within a course using your rich content editor, or you can access it from the global navigation menu. And I know and my district were able to add it to our, course navigation menu as well. So you have about three places that you can access Canvas video from within Canvas. How are those graphics for y'all? Are you all able to see those graphics okay? Be honest, with me. I don't mind, you know, and I also don't mind doing a lot of hands on stuff.

I am gonna be closing this presentation, going into my own canvas course and showing y'all some stuff So, again, I don't mind, you know, showing that's to teach her in me. You know, I just read my audience and whatever y'all need. I'm gonna try to do my best to give y'all Alright. So recording a video or webcam video. So this is a great tool.

It allows students and teachers to record videos using a webcam. If you select this option from the three dots menu, the resulting box over there will allow for selecting and the testing of microphone and camera options. And then when you're ready, you just hit start recording You'll get a three two one countdown, and then it will start recording. And when you're finished, just hit finish. Or you can hit start over, if necessary.

I know I've hit the start over button probably, fifteen times on average just because I'm just looking at myself. I'm like, man. No. Or I'm hearing my voice, and I'm like, you know, I don't like recording myself, but, you know, it's for the for the students. Right? So Let me go ahead and show y'all what that looks like now.

You'll see the pictures. What does it look like in real time? So Alright. So here I am in my Canvas course. Okay. So like I said, there's multiple ways to access, Canvas Studio, I usually go through my global navigation menu right here.

When I click on that, it brings me to the page I was just at my live Okay. And these are all the videos that I have loaded into my library for Canvas Studio. So I did one, right here, but I'm just gonna do a real time example, just so y'all can see it work. I know that that's how I learn best is by actually seeing it happen not just looking at pictures. So if I hit record, you can go to webcam capture.

And there we go. Just like I said, I'm seeing my face right there for better or worse, and I can go ahead and hit start recording. There's that countdown. And then, hey, everybody. I am here at Instructure Con twenty twenty three.

Thanks for joining me today. Finish. And of course, I'd probably start over multiple times and try to look, make direct eye contact with the camera, all that stuff, you know, but I'm not gonna do that. I'm just gonna try to show you all very quickly how to do a webcam capture. So once I'm satisfied with this video, then I would just give it a title.

Alright. Very creative title. Right? And then I just hit Save Media. And then you'll see the upload start right there. Okay.

So here's one I did earlier today. Just to show you all what it looks like. So after it's uploaded, then you'll see all the, you know, you see video in the library. And then you can click on it and you can get any details, or you can make the add details to it. You can see any comments.

So when you embed it in to your course. Students can comment, or you can comment. And then you have student insights, which is great. I'll get to that a little bit later, and then captions. Oh, no.

Captions are important. Of course, I will get to those a little bit or two. Okay. Because that's the accessibility piece. But any questions so far? Yes.

You know what? So far, we haven't encountered, an issues with time limit on there, but depending on the resolution, And, there's some other factors in there. Sometimes, especially with bandwidth, it can time out. So we try not to make too long of a video. You know, if you're doing, like, I okay. We did have a professor that was doing I think he was, like, a two hour lecture, and he was doing that at, like, max resolution.

It was, like, HD, you know, and, I I'm sure it was a great structure. I didn't watch all two hours of it. I'm I I hate to admit, but, we tried to help him. And, of course, it was some internet issues that were going on. He had recorded two hours, and he was trying to upload it at his house.

And unfortunately, he didn't have good internet at his house. So we tried it you know, at the college, and he was able to upload it. But again, it took a very long time. So just keep that in mind. You know, maybe keep it below two hours in the lecture.

Yes. We've had a little bit of problems with that, and a couple of times we've been able to cough Great. That's that yeah. Yeah. That's that's awesome.

That's awesome. They do have great support. They they're not paying me to say not, but, you know, doing this for free. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say, you know, for that for for your student's sake, don't do a two hour lecture, you know. So Yeah.

Good advice. Yes. I know it says webcam, but I'll go ahead and ask, can you use your phone question? Can you use Can you use your phone? Oh, you know what? Yes. Go ahead. Thank you for that.

Thank you for that. Yeah. I have I I'll be honest. I have not done that yet because I'm always on my computer. So I haven't tried the mobile version yet, but thank you for that.

Yes. You can. You can use Canvas studio on your mobile phone. On the app. If I could have what's your experience with with the mobile app? Is it good? Right.

Stumbled across that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I Yeah.

I I would think there is there would be a little limitations know. And okay. Yeah. Just a processing power. Yes.

Because students can make videos too. Would they still have that studio icon that Yes. Mhmm. Is there any, like, screen capture components? There is. There is.

There is a screen capture component. So let me go ahead and show that real quick. So if I hit record, there is screen capture right there. And it's gonna if you're using it for the first time, it's gonna give you this message right here because it's gonna install some, just some installation that is necessary for this application. So I'm just gonna hit okay open.

And there we go. So then you get this screen. Download screen capture application. I'm gonna hit download, and it's updating right now because they made an update for it. So Do that, and let that load right there.

So, yeah, you can do screen captures, and it's great because you can capture what's going on on the screen. And you can have your face talking too. So if you're doing, like, you know, any math problems or equations and you're writing them out, or, you know, your showing a video and you want to talk over it, and you want to be like, you know, one of those professional YouTubers that have your face in a, in the bottom, you know, while talking, you you can absolutely do that. Yes. Yes.

So so you just brought up something that, you know, I I teach math. Okay. Using the indirect whiteboard and the studio does not have one currently. Mhmm. Yeah.

So what you could do is you could use the Microsoft's whiteboard and just have that open and then do a screen capture And so be writing on that, and it will capture whatever it's going on on your screen. So Yeah. You know, the college is looking at trying to save money. Exactly. Exactly.

I totally understand. So, yeah, as educators, we gotta kinda find work and work with what we have. So you could have that that's a that's an option for you. Yes. Yes.

That so that this is the yeah. This is the screen capture. On this one, you do. Yes. On screen capture, you do have editing.

Not on the, yeah, not on the webcam capture. Once you do the webcam capture, it's pretty simple. Doesn't allow you to do a lot of editing when you do a screen capture. However, if you you'll notice the interface is a lot different. Right? So it gives you a whole slew of options there.

So okay. I'm gonna go ahead and move on. But any everybody with me so far? Am I am I, you know, getting your curiosity going? It's kinda like an appetizer for you to go back and try out, you know, Canvas CD on your own, because as we know video editing and video recording, it takes a lot of time. So just wanna make sure I'm not going over too much. Yes.

One more question. Comment. Yeah. You're editing? Just to let you know if your students used to roll up their expectations with that. Yes.

Yes. You're right. With Chromebooks, there are a lot of limitations. I worked with Chromebooks at my previous school district. Yeah, we had a, yeah, with Respondus LockDown Browser, Yes.

Yeah. So, totally. Again, yeah, that's why, it's always dependent on your broadband, you know, your bandwidth, you know, what internet you're using, and also your devices. Yes. So this is recorded computer audio as well.

Mhmm. Yes. Yes. Alright. So let's see.

I'm gonna hit cancel there. I'm gonna go back here. Make sure I covered everything. Alright. Good deal.

Okay. So now we get to embedding a quiz, how to do that. And we're excited to show you all that because when I when I first started, I was like, okay, I think I got Canvas studio down. Now, I wanna I heard you can do a quiz in Canvas studio, so I wanna try that. And, it's not super intuitive.

I would think that in order to do a quiz, you would just go to, you know, quizzes, but you don't. So let me show you how to that in Canvas. Alright. So let's say I have a video that I wanna, you know, make into a quiz. I already have one right here, but I want to show y'all.

Raise your hand if you want to see me do it. If you want to see me actually embed the quiz and show you, or I can just show y'all a one that has a quiz already to save a little bit of time. Okay. Alright. So here's the cool feature.

So if we scroll down through all of my videos in the library, we we can see here that there's certain icons right there. Right? And so if you have these, that means that there's annotations, or captions. And if you see this little rocket right here, a spaceship, that means there's a quiz attached to it. So if I go into view, We can see that I've made some annotations here, and I can edit those annotations. And then if I go here, I can share Delete the video if I want to.

And let me go ahead and show y'all what the quiz will look like for some, for a student. If I go into quizzes, Alright. So let's go to I think it's in this one. How many of y'all have a lot of canvas courses? I know I have, like, so many, but so many sandboxes. Alright.

Right. There we go. Oh, a little hiccup. Just gonna go back. Alright.

So let's go into my assignments. So here's a studio quiz. So this is one I did recently. So that's where you would find them. You would find them in assignments.

Okay? You would just click on it. And this is what it would look like. So I could I took this video from YouTube, right? And I linked it into my Canvas studio. And then I watched it, and then I created a quiz based on time stamps that I had. So if I get started on here, So it says watch the video, and there will be quizzes or questions that come up on it.

Let's see. And I know I know we're really pushing the internet here. I know we're all connected. So fast forward. Civilization discussed here is different than the modern idea of behaving in a civilized manner.

So it's not about queuing or standing in line manners or attending cultural performances. The first civilizations formed in Africa and Asia. And then there's the question. So my students would be watching and then they would be prompted with that question. And they can't move on until they answer that question.

Yes. Okay. Alright. Let's do that. Yeah.

They're like, okay. Yeah. I like this stuff. I wanna see how you do it. Okay.

Crystallization. Great. People or often So what I would do is I would go to assignments. First of all, I would have the video that I want already. Right? Then I'm gonna go to Create a new assignment.

And for the sake of time, I'm not gonna fill all this out. What you wanna go to is the submission type, the external tool. Okay. You're gonna go to find, and then you're gonna scroll down. Until you see studio So you click on that.

And then it's gonna open up a window that shows you your entire library. So there's the videos I made. Right? So if I scroll down, I can see that one that I want to add right here, traits of civilization, That's the video I want to embed a quiz for. And then I would just hit not standard embed, make sure you hit video quiz embed. And then hit embed.

And sometimes I have to do it multiple times. And then you just hit embed select again, and then there is the embed code right there. And then I'm just gonna hit save and publish, and there it shows up. So again, It's not super intuitive. Again, I thought I was like, I'm just gonna go to quizzes and create a quiz there.

Nope. You gotta go to assignments. Okay? So moving on, because I know we don't have much left. I will answer questions afterwards. I wanna talk to y'all about captions, okay, and adding captions, making your videos more accessible.

So if I go back to studio Okay. So how did you get your video so that you could choose it in that I added it to my video library. So if I go to library right here, then I can go to record. So it's either a video that I recorded or I can choose that add button right up here. Can you all see that right there? If I hit that add button, then I can paste an external link from YouTube or I can upload a video that maybe I recorded on my phone or, you know, like, a fancy camera that I don't own.

So that's how you do that. Put a question in the video quick. Okay. Sure. I just I know I have ten minutes and I do wanna get to captioning.

So, hey, if y'all wanna stay a little later, you know. I'm I'm happy to stay here and show you all that stuff and do the tutorials. Alright. So with captions. Alright.

So let's say I got this video going on. Okay. Now captions are only as good as your articulation and your voice projection. Okay. Now, with this, it gives you a disclaimer.

It's about eighty eight percent accurate or so. Alright. So When I go into here, it'll ask me if I want to upload captions and or, auto populate captions. So I can go into library since I've already did that one. And I can go into this one right here.

And says no captions added. Okay. So I want to request captions for this video So then it'll ask me, okay. We're gonna do automatic captioning for you, which language is spoken. So then I would go in I think I was speaking English.

So I'm gonna hit request, and then it's gonna say the caption generation request has started. And it takes about five minutes or so. And, you'll get like an email notification saying that your captions are finished. Okay. And then you can see there they're processing.

For for the sake of time, I'm gonna show y'all what those look like. So That's a good question. If, it'll auto populate depending on the language that you're speaking. I've only done it in English, but I'm going to show y'all how to translate and how to download these captions. So you can do it into any other language.

Okay. So what you do here, now I have English as my caption. And if I click on these three dots, then I can hit edit, and I can go back and make sure it matches up. Hello. It's so nice to see everyone.

Welcome to Instructure Con twenty twenty three. It is a pleasure to be here, and I hope everyone is having a good time so far. Okay. So if I wanted to Okay. So captioning YouTube videos.

Okay. So when you take a video and you add it to your library from YouTube, It's great because you can see student data. Right? So quickly. Yes. Student data is important because you can see how much time your students spent on a video.

You can see if they skipped around. So it gives you a lot of data and leverage as an instructor. However, when you take a video from YouTube, it doesn't transfer over the caption. So how do you get those captions? Okay. Well, this is a website that you can go to to do that.

Okay? So let's say I wanted captions from Thank you teachers twenty twenty three right here. I would go to downsub dot com, and I would enter that YouTube link. And then I would hit download. And it would it would take that file, the caption file, an SRT file. And then you can download that onto your computer and then you can upload it into canvas.

Okay. So that's how you do that. It's a third party set because right now, Canvas doesn't have support for moving those captions over from YouTube. And so then that puts instructor, instructors in a between a rock and a hard place because You want to make these videos accessible and have captions, but at the same time, you also want to have those tools at your disposal, like annotations, and quiz and captions and comments and all of those good things. So this gives you the best of both worlds until, you know, we can get that going structure can find a solution for those captions.

So again, down sub dot com. Make sure if you get something from this, get that site. Okay? Cause then you can take any video or any caption file from YouTube and get it downloaded. Yes. Yes.

Sometimes they're not accurate. Right? A lot of times it's about eighty percent correct. But then you can go and edit them. Okay? Just like by going over here, like I was showing y'all, and going into there and editing that file. Okay.

And then you can upload as many caption files as you need. Okay. There's another site that I want to talk to you all about. It's called subtitle cat dot com. Once you have this, the caption file, just like an SRT file, you can up it to subtitle cat.

And then you can translate it into I think there's over forty different languages that you can use. And if you saw that slide that AZ presented, we have a large demographic. We have from all over the place, as I'm sure y'all do too. I just used y'all again. So, you know, can do that, you know, can use and leverage those captions, okay, and upload and make your course material more accessible and more subtitle cat dot com.

And unfortunately, it's timing out. Here it worked at worked at my hotel, but here it's not working. So, but subtitle cat dot com. Once you have your caption files, your SRT files, this is where you can go and upload them and get them into as many different languages as you want. And then you can go back into studio and just upload those captions.

Okay. So see where's that upload caption button is. We just hit that. And you can select your languages. And then once you have other videos too, you can upload different captions by using those SRT files.

Okay. So any other questions? So I need to go back and review something? Is there a way to say like, okay, everything I upload just off that connection, or does it have to go through that process? I believe you have to go through that process. Yes. Yeah. Does not auto captions enabled.

I haven't seen that feature in my experience. Yes. Yes, you can. Yeah. Yeah.

If you go into your library, that's a great question. You can hit add collection, and this is how you can build your folders. So, basically, a new collection is a new folder, and then you can put your videos or organize your videos there. Yes. Can I come back to the business? Can you build a quiz as your walk through the video? Or do you have to have You Yes.

So you watched the video and it's same thing with the annotations. Your want yes. As you pause it, you add it. Yeah. Great question.

Yeah. So it makes it super easy to to use. Many question types do we have? So there's about, I think, two or three different question types. Yeah. Yeah.

Three. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Three minutes left.

So let me go ahead and try to add a quiz for you all here. So let's go ahead and build one. So let's see. So you find a video that you want in your library. And then you can annotate the video to create the annotations, or you can create the quiz.

So I'm gonna go ahead and create a quiz. And then it brings up this menu right here. So you enter your quiz title. So this was for Proctorio settings. And you can add any other descriptors that you want.

Now, you can choose to hide question markers on a timeline. So if you don't want your students to know that a question's coming up, if you wanna keep them on their toes. Yeah. You can go ahead and toggle on. And then same thing for allowing display annotations.

If you just want you don't want your students to know, kinda like when YouTube would actually show you when an ad was coming up, it's kinda like that feature. So, yes. Students students can go back. Yes. Students can go back.

Alright. So I'm just gonna go ahead and get started real quick because we've got two minutes left. So then this is how it looks. So it gives me the video. I can hit play.

Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining me for this short tutorial. On how to remove Proctorio settings from a Canvas quiz. If an instructor has it So then let's say I wanted to add a question now. I'm like, okay, that was a good bit of information there.

I would just hit the plus sign, and then I can go multiple choice, true false, or multiple answer. Okay. Say I want true false, then I add my question right there, and I select the correct answer, and I can even provide question feedback for correct answers, incorrect answers, or just general feedback, regardless of their answer. Okay? Yes. So students can't skip past the video like that puzzle and just go to the questions and answer them, like, they actually have to watch Yeah.

So, like, well, with that, what I would recommend is putting is hiding those Yeah, hiding those markers. Alright. So I'm just gonna hit save for that. Oops. Was this a good you.

Alright, Derek. My question has been saved. Okay. So I know we're out of time. So Hang on.

Before everyone head out, please make sure you go to instructor at the very bottom, there's going to be a survey. Please fill this out. It's only one question. Well, it'll also help us, as well as Otherwise, please give a beautiful round of applause. Thanks so much.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so much. Thank you all. I appreciate y'all. If y'all have any questions for me or my counterpart AZ, feel free to stay after for a little bit, and we can help you all out.

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