But Wait, There's S'more: Let Camp Canvas Ignite Innovative PD!


Discover our systematic approach for planning and implementing a division-wide conference. Learn how to develop your own "Camp Canvas" style experience to meet the readiness of all educators in your division. But wait, there's s'more! Walk away with vetted, editable materials to plan and facilitate your own division's Canvas conference.

Video Transcript
You're here today with us, doing, but wait. There's more, igniting innovative PD through VB Camp canvas. So, hopefully, you're in the right place. If you're not in the right place, you'll at least get good for the next forty five minutes. Okay? So here are our learning intentions today. It's a whole lot, but what we're trying to do is thinking with the end in mind, Our goal is to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to hold a successful division wide conference of your own.

And, implementing and refining canvas. So today, we're gonna share some strategies and examples of what we did as our division. If blur ways to replicate it on a micro level and a macro level, because we understand that not every division is as large or smaller than ours. Right? And provide you vetted and ready made materials and resources to get you hitting the ground running tomorrow to implement your own district wide PD. We're gonna have fun, we're gonna laugh, and we're gonna learn some more.

So here are your Camp Canvas directors right here. My name is Britney Ferguson. I'm an instructional technology specialist in Virginia Beach. Like, that's weird. I'm Monica Roach, and I'm also an instructional technology specialist in Virginia Beach.

And I'm Charlie Hinch. I have the pleasure of being their coordinator in instructional technology. Neither in Virginia Beach City Public Schools. And just a couple of things by the numbers for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. So we are a large division.

Virginia Beach covers five hundred square miles. We have over sixty five thousand enrolled students in our division, twelve high schools, fourteen middle schools, fifty six elementary schools, and about five thousand teachers give or take. So if you wanna know kind of where this is in the mindset in the frame, but don't worry. If this isn't like you and if you're a much smaller division, all this stuff is just fit for you as well. So it doesn't matter the size, but it kinda will give you some a moments along the way.

When I was voluntarily told to lead this thing. So, which I'm still having PTSD over in a good way, in a good way because it was And my director's sitting right there, Sharon Schubridge, Doctor Sharon Schubridge. So, and we decided just to, you know, just roll a video. We played this our school board, and we feel like this will equip you enough. And yeah, so we're gonna roll the tape.

One more. Everyone just wanna move to the that way before we start the video? I wish we could. It's weird. Is it another click? No. It's not.

But look at that, don't phone. We are ready. Alright. That's it. You're equipped.

You're good to go. Hey, Britney. Shouldn't we have, started at the beginning? Oh, okay. Good. So the end result was awesome, but there was a lot to get there first.

Alright. So we're gonna start from the very beginning. And right now, we have we had a wonderful, horn bugler in our parking lot Come on attendees, get your butts inside the camp. Campus is about to begin. Yep.

So it was really important to get our leadership on board, not only at our department with the division, between our Director Shupych is up front. The coordinators and our ITS is really needed to determine the best strategy to have this camp be a success and have our learners who attend the conference feel that it's worth their time and that they're also successful in being with it. We needed to determine the best way to have this. We also needed to make sure that we stuck within a budget. It's always important to do that.

We did two sessions with CAM Canvas, one in June and one in August for two thousand dollars. And that includes these amazing t shirts, that flag, which was a good portion of the budget, snacks, and swag. There are four main goals for Camp Canvas that we wanted to make sure that we did conquer. We wanted to provide workshops style learnings pretty much. We wanted folks to come in, have a little bit of instruction and have time to explore.

While they were exploring our ITSs, our instructional technology specialist, where they're helping folks get from one one, one set of instructions to the next. So they're helping each other along the way so that they're not law We don't want them to be there for forty five minutes in the leave and not have a chance to practice. So we made sure that that was happening. We we were kicking off a new LMS. We have we had c pits.

We call them. Canvas by my pilot. Thank you. Canvas pilot ITSs. We had a couple for schools in our division, elementary middle and high who were our pilot schools.

So we wanna make sure that they were involved in this as well, but for the rest of the district, it was a brand new LMS for them. We had a different one that started with an s. Ryan, rhymed with biology kind of, and we don't have that one anymore because we moved to Canvas. So we were kicking off. It's shaw not be named.

Sorry. And so we wanted to make sure that we had this and it was a great kickoff because that what we heard before was kinda true. Five years, We had we had that other LMS for about five years and we wanted to make sure that this was successful. We wanted to develop and curate the resources. Everything that was done at this camp, we wanted to make sure that could be taken and used somewhere else.

Our instructional technology specialist, we wanted them to have the ability to have turnkey presentations at their schools so that if their their teachers didn't come to this, we had a thousand teachers come to this session. We have sixty five thousand. No. We have five thousand teachers. So about one fifth of the the district came for teachers, but we wanted those other four fifths that couldn't come or did it want to come for one reason or another.

Maybe that a vacation who knows to have the ability to learn as well. And then of course provide tracks for multiple pathways. We had an elementary track and a secondary track which we'll talk about in a little bit, but we also know that folks will come into camp with different levels of expertise already, or maybe not at all. So we wanted to have the beginners and also those who are intermediate and a little bit more expert. So the journey to camp, this was our initial brainstorm.

We needed to secure logistics, develop the team, determine the needs and recruit some subcommittees. I wanna add that the journey to can't begin in March. March. First camp was in June. That's why I had so much pressure.

So just like anything just like Instructure Con, they they I'm sure that they have two, three, four years of locations for their conferences coming up. We had fifteen we have fourteen high schools in Virginia Beach that are usually great for this sort of conference because of a number of things. We needed to make also make sure the dates we needed to be when our instructional technology specialists were there. We needed to move around different other events in the in the district and we also needed to make it so that it was close to the end of the school year so that those from the previous kind of are still in that learning mode and also in August so that those who are getting ready for school can kinda get back on that learning mode as well. And, we needed to make sure that those schools weren't having summer school.

They weren't being renovated. There were no projects going on in that school and we had enough parking space. Thousand people think about it as about thousand fifteen hundred spaces with the presenters and everyone else attending. So it was some logistics we needed to worry about. Okay.

So, being well, how many ITS do we have? ITS. There's like so there's ITS or IT RT. There's two at our middle and high schools. We have one at a very elementary school. So we knew that we needed to, utilize all of our ITSs, in order to come up with our committee members.

And so we sent out a survey, to see who would be interested in what kind of role they wanted to take in that as well. From there, we then determined, okay, of those of you that wanted to be involved, who wants to be that team lead, who really wants to has those leadership skills and wants to jump in and and take the lead on these things. And of course, the best way to to put on a big huge conference like this is to divide and conquer. So at the very beginning of the year, we had we mentioned that we had pilot schools, not the beginning of the year. January, February time frame.

Britney sent out a survey to the pilot schools for our ITS's and our library media specialist. And we just wanted to kind of survey and see, okay, where they were halfway through you the school year using Canvas. So we just wanted to see, okay, where are you? What's your comfortability level? What areas do you think that your staff is kind of struggling in or needs a little bit more help with? And then they also sent out a survey to the staff to give them an opportunity to say, you know, I really don't quite understand how do I put a page in my course, or How do I use Mastery? Well, we weren't using Mastery Connect yet, but, yeah, using Brainpop and things like that in, Canvas. So then once we were all together and had our our basic committee, our planning committee, we broke down into seven different subcommittees. So our elementary sessions and our secondary sessions, they looked different.

We called them trails in sticking with that whole summer camp theme. Our elementary sessions We had forty five minutes. They had five. Was it five? Forty five minute sessions that they followed. And then our secondary ones were ninety minutes, and they only had four sessions.

They wanted a little bit more time to play around with it to get in there and get comfortable with we had an advertising team. We had a Camp Vibes team. Logistics. We had a canteen here for the snacks and some more smarcils. Yeah.

Dunkeroos. Yep. So now that we had our committee together, we had a few other things that we had to get dive a little bit deeper into. What we wanted the conference structure to actually look like We had to develop those turnkey presentations to push out to our staff as needed. We needed to get secured, secure our instructors for Camp Canvas.

And then we also needed to determine the trails that our campers would follow. And I'm almost out of breath. Okay. Go. No.

So when we were talking about our conference structure, we really wanted this to be a fun experience for our staff or our teachers and any staff that wanted to come. So we had raffle tickets that we gave. If someone came if anyone that came to our keynote, they got a raffle ticket. If they went to a, morsel, which we'll talk about in a minute, they got a raffle ticket for going to those as well. We all met in the auditorium.

And as you can see there, that is a very packed auditorium. That's the thousand one. Yeah. Yeah. We, I think we actually had like seventeen hundred teachers come total.

We had seven hundred in the June, and then we had a hundred in, or a thousand in August. We met in an auditorium. All of the sessions, like Charlie said, they were workshop style. So it was very much a I I do. We do.

You do. So we definitely wanted to make sure they had support there as they were learning these new tools and our new LMS. Smourcerals were offered in between the different trail sessions so that if, babies were just real quick little snippets that they could go in and and grab and, walk away with something new. For example, like, how to notify your course? So something really quick where you can add some sort of aesthetic or something to really hype, heighten up your course design, something like that, with a five minute session. We also went ahead and auto enrolled our enroll our attendees in Camp Canvas.

So we went into Canvas, and if they signed up, they were automatically put into the course for that. As a student so that they could see what it would look like for their students in the fall. And one of the other really big things that we had was this back channel chat for a presenter. So if something came up in one of the sessions, then we were like, oh, we don't know. Let me go into the back channel chat, and they we were able to get an answer for people pretty much right away.

We had a fantastic support staff there helping us with any kind of technical issues, manning the back channel chat as well. Yeah. Absolutely. Good job. That was a lot.

Alright. So the next thing is is developing those turnkey presentations. And when you get access to this, I'm sorry. I'm left handed feels weird. Alright.

And when you get, access to this, you can have a template example in there, linked in there of our presentations. It is, SEL compatible. So it starts with an inclusive opening, then it goes into your learning intentions, and then your actual learning structure as well. So if your division does this castle competencies, so we divided it by level, elementary, and secondary for those presentations, and we secured the developers. Those were the c pits, not an attractive name, but I'm proud to wear that title.

But here, you know, here I am. So we developed everything. So we that with, Doctor. Schubridge, our coordinators after a meeting one day. I'm like, what do we need to know to be day one ready, to be quarter one ready, or first semester ready? And so we're like, alright, they need to know what the heck they're looking at.

Then they need to know how to push things out. They need to know effective module design, you know. They need to know, how to give feedback, like, all these things. And so we put it into a continuum of need to know right now beginning basics to more of that, like, advanced approach. Right? And then we structured our trails based off of that for elementary and secondary.

Are you guys following me so far? Perfect. So elementary had more because our sessions were shorter. We felt like because, we want to always put students first in every decision that we make and our students coming off of COVID and all that good stuff, we really wanted learning to be in their hands a lot. So they're not largely in front a computer. Now there's pieces and parts, and it's definitely effective, but we wanted to make sure that they were also balancing that as well.

Right? So that's why we had, like, shorter sessions. So maybe they get taste of it, a grasp of it, able to practice, and then move on. Where a secondary is dependent on those things where maybe they have flipped learning styles, or flip learning methods, or they are more on the computer a little bit. And so that they needed, more of an intentional, a stronger approach to that. We also were sharing progress and tweaking.

So I can't say how many times the other c pits, and I got on a meet together and hashed things out, looked at design, looked at aesthetic. We had to make sure that it was cohesive and consistent. And we were delivering the same message, whether you were elementary, secondary beginner, or advanced. Right? Because we wanted to make sure that our message was clear from the jump. And we also share with the collective group to inform and train.

So there's a layered approach. So I'm in a little bubble of sea pits. There's, like, nine of us, but there's a hundred and ten other ITS's who are not using Canvas. They're still using the other one. And so we had to also make sure that they're comfortable in training.

So we rolled out these presentations to them during workshops, and they were able to grapple with it. And they were able to, like, oh, okay. This is how you do it. Alright. So we were kind of, you know, they were they were invested as a student in RPD before they actually went in June and August and trained our division.

So instructors, this is my favorite thing of the whole thing, securing instructors. So we use our ITSs. And we used our LMSs as well, because we have a wonderful partnership with them. We are an innovative learning team. So we wanted to make sure that our ITSs were definitely at the forefront LMS assistance.

We wanted to honor that ten month contract. We, invited them to come along with us too. Also, anybody who's in the ITS LMS pool, application pool. This can be great experience for a future job of getting a, one, a job at our schools. Right? And then any teachers from our C pit schools, They are the boots on the ground.

They grappled with it. They're the ones who had the lessons learned day in, day out with students. And so we often had a twenty to three ratio. So there were about twenty people. We really wanted to cap it at twenty, and we'll go into that a little bit more because we had multiple sessions running at the same time.

And then three instructors at a time. So it wasn't like this. And then, like, here's, this is Google integration. Alright. Lily, anybody need help.

It was a very intimate environment. Oh, and LMS is a library media specialist. Alright. Just in case you didn't you don't use that same acronym. So we also have our trails, and I think we've already touched on this.

So we this is an example of an elementary beginner trailhead, and then an l a secondary beginner trailhead. And as you can see, like, the we have the dashboard overview. That might not be needed for someone who's more advanced, use Canvas in another division. That kind of thing. So that was kind of like, I open up.

I click Canvas from class link. What do I see? Right? Some people are faster learners. They don't need that. Right? So we kind of took that out in the next trail session and they moved them right along, if that makes sense. So for elementary, they could start with module design instead of dashboard.

And continue working. And the next part of our camp was, the camp vibes. Right? So what people feel when they walk into Tallwood High School? And you gotta think back. We had two of these PDs, about fifteen hundred attendees, And about, I think two thousand dollars is is given great, grace. I thought it was like fifteen hundred, but about two thousand dollars.

Right? So, like, what do they feel? What do they see? So we wanted digital hype. We wanted the camp counselors, the ITSs to have some hype, right, to have some skin in the game. And we wanna campus aesthetics to look insane. And I wanted to introduce the ringleader and the camp director of camp vibes. Is this incredibly creative intelligent human Monica who was an ITS and she was in charge of all the signage.

Everything you see in Maine. So I think that's up to you again. I think it is. I'm really sad that our video is not working. Oh, oh, look it is.

Music's not playing, but if any hill music, if you happen to know what that is. So, what I'm doing here in some of our other ITSs and Charlie, we were making that big giant Camp canvas banner that you, have seen in a couple of the and then Charlie's phone fell in the You got the floor. So we just kinda work together, and we, as you can see, like, on the flag, like, the flag that we designed We wanted everything to be cohesive and kind of like that whole summer camp vibe. We also if you've got a cricket, like, if your school has a cricket or you have a cricket, That's how I did so much of what we had, that in Canva, because Canva is awesome. We also created a camp counselor handbook because we knew that our ITS's that were coming our ITS's that were coming in and our, teachers that were volunteering and our LMS's we wanted to make sure that if they had any kind of question about anything, like, this is how this is what we want to do.

Glad I wasn't even born as a workplace bully. You must wear tubes socks. I did not wear tube socks. Just saying, so it was just like, you know, where do I go when I get there? What time do I need to be there? What do I need to wear? Here's your camp canvas shirt. Make sure you have on your fanny pack and your tube socks and your crazy hat.

And and we celebrated with happy hour afterwards. And then there also was the link for the back channel there as well. So that just kind of put all of our presenters at our conference. Just kind of put them at ease to go, okay. I can breathe.

I know where to go to get the information if I have a question. As you can see here, we've got our camp trails, our elementary and secondary. We, they've got anybody ski in here, like Snoski. You might recognize, like, some of the, the dots and the squares and the diamonds. So we base the Cymbals.

Thank you. We based our different trails off of, their tech their comfort with tech. So if you were a complete novice and you're scared to even turn on your computer, you're gonna start on that white trail. Trail one. Trail two is if you're a little bit more comfortable, you know, so we progressed it on that way.

Secondary was the same way. We also created these banners that hung up in the hallway there. You don't see it now, but there's a little campfire there. And one of our other ITSs made them, and they look it was amazing. He even got like little red LED light to turn on and put around it.

It looks so cool. And then we had camp chairs around that campfire where people could just come sit and chit chat throughout the day. Oh, there it is. There it. Yeah.

There. So this was a team from one of our schools. I can't I don't that must be first colonial. Yeah. One of our high schools.

They were so excited they were, like, warming up by the fire there. It was June or August, but still. So this Oh, so it was important for the for the the attendees to kind of have a sense of that this is this is a conference. This is somewhere they wanna be and they were excited to be there. So the first thing that we did, to kinda get everything up and running was to send as a networking.

There we go. To put everything in SkED. So just like we're all using the app on our phones right now for the Instructure con conference, we use something called SkED if you haven't heard a sched before, it's it's a pretty easy, program to use to do a sort of a district conference. We do have a district license for it, so we're lucky that we're able to just tag on to that. FYI, if you go over a thousand, they charge you more money.

We went a thousand and one. So we did get charged a little bit extra money for that one person, which was probably one of us. Anyway, so sched is really great because it allowed us to put all the courses in with the instructors and the room numbers, etcetera, through a CSV file. So it was easy to get that and we can modify real easily. Not only that, we were able to tag sessions by level and elementary, middle specialists, whatever it was so that, attendees could sort the sched themselves, and that allowed them to really, find their paths quicker.

And we had the description there, and we also had, Google Meet links for folks who were out and couldn't attend, and we also recorded some of those. So it was a way to kinda get the, those who couldn't come to attend in person, who couldn't come in person to see the session. We also had a link to our June session on our August, sched and our August session on our June so that folks could see what was going on. Let's do who have not been able to. This is an example of one of our levels.

Graded once it have not been scored yet. I wasn't prepare prepared for it to work. So, again, it was leveled as you saw before with the with the trails, and it really was important because some folks again had no clue what Canvas was. Some used it as a as a student in university or maybe they came from another district. We really wanted them to feel empowered to learn more at this conference, not just start at the very beginning, although it's a very good place to start.

Right? So those those who knew dashboard skipped it. Those who knew modules skipped it, they started with quizzes, and maybe we did, studio, or we went further up to comments, whatever it may be. But then the I've everyone who was there had a chance to really stress their knowledge. Less students who have not submitted, assignments who have been graded. So smorsels, which I just realized is spelled No.

The calendar in canvas is watch this is a this is a up with these courses. From our pilot school, we got two, three, four thumbs up, really just two because we only have two. So we got two thumbs up the calendar. She's one of our coordinators, Laura. So what they had used in the previous l m f that shall be nameless.

Someone has a t shirt on Although someone had a shirt with the name on it and they crossed it all. So it was great about this morsels. Is that as we mentioned earlier, it was tiny bits of information. Maybe it was the discussions. Maybe it was studio.

Maybe it was a quick way to add a gift or or an emoji into your module a way to kind of sort things out. It was five, ten minutes tops. You got a raffle. No. It's like two to five minutes.

Yeah. Three, you got a raffle ticket to be there. It was a lot of fun. It was in between sessions. You can come get a snack on the way.

It was just a way to kinda get people together again, and they really had a good time doing it. Oh, the calendar in canvas. And the lunch in Cantine. You need to feed him. Okay.

So I don't know if you guys have ever been in any conferences in yours. We have done, like, a couple, like, different divisions in our district have, or departments in our district. They've done small conferences along the way. Maybe you go to a Title one conference or the leader leadership conference. Technology, we used to have our own conference that we would do.

And one of the issues that we found and that we wanted to solve with Camp Canvas, because there were so many people coming, is that we didn't want our people to have to leave the campus to go to lunch. So we brought food trucks in. And we had three amazing food trucks that came in. We had these yummy bowls. We had taco truck, I think.

We had ice cream. It was amazing. And they were free. So they just I just called. I cold called people until someone told me that they would show up for free.

And they said that as long as they get exclusivity. So that's something, like, don't get discouraged when you're like, no, we want a five thousand dollar minimum. But we also wanted to make sure we had a canteen and some snacks for our people along the way. We had, I mean, like your typical canteen snack there were pretzels, there were cheetos. I mean, we had the dunkaroos, there we had bottles of water, trail mix, we had to have trail mix.

So it was just nice to kinda have that stuff there for our attendees to grab on their way to their next session. This is more of our, canteen and our lunch Our educators just aren't hungry for Canvas. They're all set hungry for some food trucks. Big shout out to lovable, sweet tweets, and shake your crate for coming out here today. And supporting our educators.

Yeah. So it was just it also just you know, you go you have people that will come conference, and then they'll leave after lunch because they just don't wanna come back for the rest of it or they're tired because they have a full belly. Having them here on campus, they kinda just stayed. We didn't they didn't really have a choice leave. Oh, yeah.

Alright. So swag and giveaways. This was, I think one of the biggest incentives. So This is coming off of the pandemic. Right? And teacher morale might be a little low.

We partnered with a lot of community members, and we got free stuff we did not pay for one of those items on there. So, I was a dolphin watching narrator in Virginia Beach, plug the Rudy Tours. If you ever go there, give you a great tour. But, anyway, I went over there and I went to the company, and I was like, I need twenty dolphin watching tickets. And they were like, okay, in the name of education.

Absolutely. The aquarium, same thing, local restaurants, anything like that. So we didn't pay for anything. I think the only thing we paid for was an obnoxious amount of sores kits, and from Costco. I think it came in like a fifty pack, and one person got a fifty pack of sores kits.

We didn't divide it. But, I wanted to just plug that real quick before you. We went on to do that. Yeah. That's pretty much it.

Yeah. So we also had, what we called the Joy Patrol, and that was really fun. There was a lot of us that were the, like, the directors of the camp, and then our IT director she would come in and help give out these fun things that people had made. So we had, camp canvas coffee mugs that were made. We had, books, Starbucks gift cards.

I mean, all kinds of just fun stuff to give away to our people as a way of saying thanks for coming. We're excited you're here, and we hope that you're excited about switching to this new LMS as well. Yeah. The instructors were like, What's happening? I do wanna say too, like, another thing that you can tap into, like, at my school, I I used I asked a parent. I knew that she worked at Mission Barbeque and I was like, hey, would you I know you guys are really community involved.

Would you mind, like, donating anything? And I was thinking maybe she'd bring like a ten dollar gift card She showed up with, like, a cooler, a full of stuff, and a basket. So don't be afraid to reach out to any of those parent resources that you might have in your building as well. Worse they could do if they know. Yep. Here's an example of, the joint patrol.

Yeah. So that was just a fun way to kinda we started doing this, like, after lunch towards the end of the day. We were just busting the rooms, but in there. So so the biggest thing is if you know you did something well, right, you have the feedback and the data has to show it. So we had two separate sessions.

We had a June and an August session. And the June one came together in about two and a half, three months time, and all of the logistics. And when you see those trail markers, I just wanted to say that sometimes module design, there were six classrooms running at that same time of module design. And it's because we wanted to keep the low student student teacher to ITS ratio. So they felt comfortable.

Our whole thing was faculty and student, or teacher driven. And we wanted to make sure that they weren't, like, how, about switching LMS is we knew the power of Canvas. I knew after piloting it for two months. I mean, I was like, okay. Now what? Like, it works.

You know? So I didn't have to, you know, there wasn't much of a shift, but we had to convince five thousand teachers that that was the same thing, which we got them now. But, that was that was the whole that was the whole thing. So our feedback, we wanted to look at it. And so in June, we got about, I would say, like, six hundred, maybe five hundred or so. And they had to fill out an exit survey.

We also made sure that we did Twitter giveaways, and we wanted to make sure that people were tweeting along the way. So these are just some examples of, teachers. These aren't even people I paid to put awesome things on there. These are actual teachers in the division, loving, Camp canvas, shouting out more soles and, little tidbits that we offered along the way. We also had, people share their learning moments and learning experiences.

And then we went through and actually looked at that's what I love. A little bit of time with playtime at Canvas feeling better about setting up my glasses. Thanks for the resources. And that's what it's all about. Like Canvas was coming, and they needed to be prepared and feel comfortable.

So please come and feel prepared and comfortable. And I just keep on going. I don't know why I keep on going. Yeah. So there's a more, Twitter feedback.

Now, this was actually from the Google form. So they had to fill out an exit survey to get professional development points. Right, or continuing education points. And so what I love, was this last sentence. Overall, I think Cam Canvas was one of the most been pedis I've ever attended, and I'm very excited to share what I've learned with my grade level.

And that just says it right there. And this was the same consistent message. I think a thousand submissions, maybe fourteen hundred submissions when it was all said and done. I quit reading. I was like, well, this is great.

We're good. You know, but it just it just reinforced that like, okay. Like, we did something right that staff feels comfortable, and I really think that it built capacity within their buildings too. They knew who to go to. They felt comfortable like, hey, remember at Camp Canvas when this happened? I'm really having trouble with this.

Can you explain this in the PLC next time? Cause I know if I'm having trouble, my team's having trouble. And just to open up that conversation. I don't know what this is. Oh, yes, I do. Oh, it's my teacher.

So this is a coordinator, a then coordinator with the Department of Physical Education, right, health and PE. And so this is what she had to say. We videoed some people about their feedback. So it was helpful to come and not only experience some of the things I haven't been able to try yet, but also hear other people ask questions so that I know to answer those questions when the teachers ask them. So being responsible for teachers at a variety of levels, I think they're gonna have different questions.

They're using Pampers in different ways. And so being able to go in in different sessions, not just the administrative sessions, but the classroom teacher sessions and see the questions they were asking. I can be prepared with the knowledge and I can, or I can at least let them know, okay, this person knows the answer to this. Or here is the slideshow that will help you figure out. And I don't have to just passing them off down the line to get the answers they need.

Thank you. And also, we didn't oh, no. And also, we didn't know we thought Camp Kamas, we were stoked at happy hour of that day. We cheers. We were like, oh, we didn't.

Like, people feel great, you know. But then little did we know that Camp Canvas, VB Camp canvas, became in the news by the team. So they wrote a report, interviewed, Doctor. Schubridge, myself, and, embedded all of our Twitter pictures and all that stuff. And so if you wanna ever read about it, like there's a write up about it.

And we were blown away. And we're like, oh my gosh, are we famous now? So it was a really cool experience. So that's it. Right? Is that is that? We're dying from Canvas. So how many of you been a camp? Any sort of camp, right, or send your kids to camp.

Right? Does it end when you're done with camp? No. You have stories. You've took away some skills. Maybe it's archery or basket weaving or whatever it may be. You you have those skills for you.

Right? So we the turnkey presentations that we had at the sessions are now available for all all ITS's to bring back to their school. We think that's really important because They don't have to do all the work. Not only that. It's available if if the attendees want to see those sessions again as well and go through it step by step again while they're back at school and they have time to do that. We also have an elementary and secondary playlist.

Hey, this is on YouTube. So you can attend cam canvas yourself, and I'm gonna show you where that is in just a moment. But we took every single session, and we took our ITS's who don't mind recording their voice, because some people like, don't record me. I sound like a frog but they recorded their voices. So every single session that we provided at the Camp canvas, both elementary and secondary trails is here in our elementary and secondary playlist.

In a moment, I'm gonna show you how to access that and then you too can experience Camp Canvas for yourself. This is an example of an elementary example from YouTube, fingers crossed, it works. Yeah. Now, I won't play twelve minutes, but Fingers crossed. Come on.

Everything else worked. We just left how it has the uniform design and layout. Be free to touch the volume if she may get blown away. Hey, guys. Welcome to virtual Camp Canvas.

This session is called module design. Today, I will be giving you the very basics of a module, how to design it, and organize it, in your Canvas sandbox. So if you don't have Canvas open in another tab, make sure you have that open. You can find it in your class link. You're gonna go to the very bottom once it's open.

You're gonna see unpublished courses. You wanna find your your sandbox, which is gonna have your first name, your last name, and sandbox after it. So that's an example of I am Britney Over. An elementary Where is it? I know right. And, we have a secondary example as well, which we'll show you.

Hopefully, I'm just gonna leave it small. Maybe it's easier. Twenty minutes. But it's, you know, for those who couldn't go fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, it's in lieu of you being there at the Camp Canvas, you can watch it over and over again at your your pace pause the video, do it through Canvas, play the video, etcetera, back and forth. We wanted we wanted to have something for all learners.

Hello. Welcome to the course navigation and home page, Camp Canvas, asynchronous session. My name is Jessica Carpenter. I am one of the ITS's at Great Metals School, which was a pilot school for Canvas in the year twenty one, twenty two. Today, we're gonna talk about how you can customize your courses through course settings and also choose a home pay that will work best for you and your students.

This session aligns to the VBCPS and I'll pause it there because you can watch it all you want once you once you get the once you get the link. And it was also important that we developed a site. So once Camp Canvas done. We took all of our resources because you needed to put it at one place, right? Cause if not, you're not gonna know where anything is. So we did develop this site, and I'm gonna take you there.

And so this is our cam canvas site or a canvas site, because cam canvas has has passed. But we have our best practices in elementary and secondary. A quick guide to canvas and glossary. That's just Canvas. And then down here is our elementary playlist, for elementary, and then secondary playlist for secondary.

And then Canvas shorts. Canvas shorts is something we we started earlier this this year way after Cam canvas had passed and it's really, you know, five minutes or two or three four minutes, whatever it may be of some, like, a quick topic. Do this in three minutes and then go and do it on your own. So it starts from, quizzes and creating groups and discussions and adding Google items to modules and accessibility tracker, something really quick. So instead of folks going out and youtubing it in something that doesn't work directly with our division.

These are specific to our division. You know, just little things that we have. It just makes things a lot easier. And ITS will be asked a question and they'll they'll grab this link and send it to a teacher and then say, then come see me, you know, first you, then me type thing. So it's really important that we are able to have that.

Further down does have, some of our elementary and and secondary navigations and other information on here. So great a lot of resources on here. Everything's in one place. We say go to the Canvas site. They know where to go.

We've got five minutes. Alright. We're moving. So we we saved it for questions. Before we get to questions, I'm just gonna so we know we're gonna do questions.

Right? But I wanna put this up so that you have our, What is that called a bitly and a QR code? Thank you. So you have that so you don't have to wait for that. But if you have any questions, we're here to do that in the five minutes we have left. And you'll get a folder of resources along with this presentation. So Yeah.

So at that link, in both of these, is everything that we have done. We've we removed all the personal information may be like, what is this? It's kinda weird if it's an Excel spreadsheet. It probably came from a Google form, but we removed all the personal information, but you can kinda see what we put in there so that you can edit your own Google form. Presentation is in there as well as other documents we used. Any questions? None.

None. Where were we that? How many volunteers did you have on those days? On those two camps? So we had about three people per session. And then we had multiple sessions going at one time. So we at least had all of our ITs as it was nearly a requirement. So about a hundred and ten of those, sprinkle in about thirty or forty other people, whether they were in the application pool or volunteer from the CPitz teachers, we tried to make sure we had a teacher put in every session, at least one, especially the large one.

So they could be like, oh, well, actually, like, it did, it did this or, you know, that kind of thing. So about a hundred and forty. But again, we had to do that because we're a huge district. You might run two of these, you know, and so you might need fifty. Forty, thirty, you know, but it was a three to about twenty, twenty five students or teachers.

So that was just what we felt. Anything else? So, again, this link will take you to documents as well as this presentation. And so the presentation has all the links that we've clicked including the link to our site, which which is open because there's Google. I mean, it's YouTube videos and documents like that. So -- Yep.

-- free to use them. And we're very active on Twitter. So if you guys ever need anything, you can, reach out to us on Twitter on our handles right there. Yes. It was this past August.

A year ago. August twenty two and June twenty two. Yes. It was a year ago. So we always do a division wide conference.

So we have the Department of Teaching and Learning, and there will be Canvas sessions that are in fused with innovation, canvas sessions that are infused with SL, you know, different competencies and different things. So, no, not a canvas, conference lane, but it will just now it's now part of our work. And we do have new teacher training coming up in a few weeks, and there's an asynchronous course. Grow with Canvas that those teachers will take. And then when they get back to their schools, their ITS's will help fill any gaps that they may have.

Yep. Yes. I'm sorry. What'd you say? Yes. The presentation's in that folder.

It's not in there. We'll move it in. Yeah. You'll you have the link, so we'll move it in. Anyway, we were so pumped that you came to this session.

If you saw the panda yesterday, it was a little deflated, so you come in here and pick us up. So we're really happy. Yeah. Now we're pumped in. Thank you guys so much.

Oh, yeah. It's in the notes. Sorry. It is on that slide though. Presentation is in the notes.

So there's feedback on the Instructure app. We thrive off a feedback. So leave us some feedback. And if you scan the QR code, you're good to go.

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