Why do I Teach?

Video Transcript
[MUSIC PLAYING] Why do I teach? I teach because an educator that I had believed that every student's voice was important to hear. Because I enjoy seeing students succeed. Simply to share what I know with others. I teach because I think that a supportive community of learning is one of the most important and wholesome things that we can be a part of. Because I just love it. I was lucky to have a teacher by the name of Jaime Escalante.

Mrs. Flowers. Mr. Amasor. Mr.

Mimic. Mr. Mower. My fifth grade teacher Miss Barlow. They really instilled in me a love of learning.

He was the first person who made me believe in myself. Who gave a little girl a safe place to change her narrative. That's why I teach. That's why I teach. Because education not only benefits the learner but it also strengthens our society and our communities.

Because I wanted to give that same opportunity to students who may not have somebody that believes in them and supports them and sees their potential. We are here-- We are here. --because we care about them. To teach students and other educators to be proud of what makes them unique. Because all kids deserve someone who is ready to listen.

To be part of something that's going to be a lasting thing in that student's life. Because we believe students are worthy and students can learn. And that moment of aha-- JULIE DANIEL DAVIS: That moment when you look across the classroom and you realize they got it STEPHEN TAYLOR: --is the best feeling in the world.