More thoughtful, inclusive class discussions (for free!) with Kialo on Canvas

Class discussions and online forums are vital for fostering critical thinking and communication skills. But how can you ensure every student stays involved and engaged?

Kialo — the 100% free discussion platform — helps every student find their voice. Its intuitive visual format transforms complex reasoning into clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, making even the most challenging discussions accessible to all.

If you would like to schedule a demo to use Kialo for FREE, click here.

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Key Takeaways

Join Instructure’s Jody Sailor & Kialo's Ian Montgomery, both former teachers, for a discussion about how Kialo and Canvas can:

Boost participation in class discussions by 3-5x

Get everyone involved through features like Anonymous Discussions

Seamlessly integrate Groups and sync with your Gradebook

And much more!


Ian Montgomery, Partnerships Coordinator at Kialo Edu

Ian Montgomery

Partnerships Coordinator, Kialo Edu
Conor Campbell, Partnerships Coordinator, Kialo Edu

Conor Campbell

Partnerships Coordinator, Kialo Edu
Jody Sailor Senior Director, Academic Strategy & Innovation

Jody Sailor

Senior Director, Academic Strategy & Innovation, Instructure
Christina Posma Adjunct Instructor University of Alaska Fairbanks

Christina Posma

Adjunct Instructor, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Schedule a free demo to use Kialo!
