Practical Advice for Districts to Apply the Four Levels of ESSA Evidence


ESSA requires federal funding be used for evidence-based interventions, and outlines four levels of evidence products can achieve that are intended to be a regulatory ‘On Ramp’ for evidence. When educators and edtech providers alike think about evidence they tend to go right to randomized control trials (RCT), but while ESSA supports this kind of traditional and rigorous research, it’s not where most can and should start.


In this webinar, we bring together a panel of experienced researchers who partner with innovators across the market–in districts and state education agencies, as well as edtech providers–to decode what the four levels of ESSA evidence actually mean for K-12 district leaders. We’ll discuss:

  • Practical differences between the four levels of ESSA evidence.

  • Effective edtech selection and procurement processes that incorporate evidence.

  • Critical questions to ask about ESSA-aligned research studies.

  • Leveraging ESSA evidence for innovative, equitable instruction for your students.

  • How to engage in ESSA-aligned research internally.

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