Mastery Connect Certification Course

Looking to elevate your utilization of Mastery by Instructure to new levels? The Mastery Certified Educator program is specifically tailored for educators and instructional leaders keen on maximizing the potential of the Mastery tool.

  • Apply skills and strategies that aid students in mastering content knowledge.
  • Progress through structured learning progression from basic information consumption to crafting assessment material.
  • Collect a deep understanding of ‘how to’ in Mastery and the learning-centered ‘why’.
  • Engage with educators and instructional leaders from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds.
Teacher explaining concept on laptop to students
teacher and student

Learn Best Practices

Core 1: Understanding the Essentials of Assessment

Explore essential components of assessment, and learn how to assess with purpose in order to effectively progress monitor and measure student learning.

Core 2: Teaching with Purpose: Data-Informed Instruction

Dive into Mastery Connect Data reports to learn how to leverage this tool to inform instruction.


Choose from a variety of topics to enhance your learning:

  • Leading with Mastery Connect
  • Mastery Connect for Diverse Learners
  • Predictive Assessments
  • Using the Canvas + Mastery Connect Integration

Earn Credentials

Upon successful completion of each course, participants will earn a digital badge. After earning all 4 course badges, participants will be recognized as Mastery Certified Educators.