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Elevate by Instructure

Improving the use of data and technology to help solve district challenges and give educators the information they need to make impactful decisions


Old Name

Elevate K-12 Analytics

The analytics solution that brings together data from multiple sources and makes it easy for districts to put the right information into the hands of educators and administrators.


Elevate Data Quality

The data quality solution that ensures districts’ data is accurate, complete, and up to date by implementing a continuous, visible improvement process.


Elevate Standards Alignment 

The alignment and content tagging solution coupled with the largest collection of digitized learning standards. Enabling learning companies to expand product offerings, meet the needs of customers, and reach new markets.

Academic Benchmarks / AB Connect

Elevate Data Sync

A data integration solution that enables the secure sharing of learning data between applications and helps solve complex integration challenges simply and at scale.
