Instructure’s Responsible AI Principles

At Instructure we believe in thoughtful, strategic, ethical implementation of new technologies. We are committed to partnering with our customers and the edtech community at large to develop a positive and responsible approach to the use of AI.

An important first step in this process was to align our internal governance to support the responsible development and use of AI in our products.

Our AI guiding principles serve as the foundation for our governance and approach.


Instructure’s mission to amplify teaching, elevate learning, intensify impact, and inspire everyone to learn together will guide our approach to AI Systems.

Student data privacy and security is always one of our core concerns.

We encourage institutions to develop and share “Ethical AI Use Statements” for students.

We encourage institutions to create guidance and training for educators and students on AI.

We are committed to ensuring academic integrity and working with our partners to prevent dishonest use of AI.

Accessibility should be a primary concern. AI Systems should aim to “level the playing field” for all students.

We do not use our customer’s data for AI Systems without their express permission.


We've developed an AI governance policy for our internal use of AI. These include:


Responsible AI Use

We will use AI responsibly and ethically, avoiding any actions that could harm others, violate privacy, or facilitate malicious activities.

Transparency and Accountability

We are transparent about the use of AI in our products and services, ensuring that stakeholders are aware of the technology's involvement in any decision-making processes.

Bias and Fairness

We actively work to identify and mitigate biases in our AI development. We endeavor to ensure that these systems are fair, inclusive, and do not discriminate against any individuals or groups.

Human-AI Collaboration

We recognize the limitations of AI and always use our judgment when interpreting and acting on AI-generated recommendations. We believe that AI should be used as a tool to augment human decision-making, not replace it.

Training and Education

We are training our employees on how to use and develop AI responsibly and effectively.


Instructure will ensure that individuals will be protected from privacy violations through design choices that ensure privacy protections are included by default. Learn more about our commitment to Privacy.

In addition to the AI governance policy, we’ve committed to:

Establishing an AI Governance Board that provides oversight for our use of AI;

Designating an internal AI Officer to ensure compliance with our policies; and

Joining the EdSAFE Alliance Global Pledge, which advocates for the creation and implementation of global AI and education standards.

Two students using their laptops

To access all of our AI resources

Visit our AI Resource Hub or join the conversation in the Instructure Community.