2023 State Of Student Success & Engagement in Higher Education [The Philippines]


As higher education institutions across the world seek innovative ways to provide accessible, fluid education for lifelong learners, understanding their needs will be imperative for educators. Download the full study for valuable insights from this year’s findings as we embark upon and shape the current revolution in the Philippines higher education.

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The e-book delves into the dynamic changes and key trends shaping the landscape of higher education in the Philippines. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the evolving educational paradigms, focusing on the following crucial insights:

1. Skills-First Approach: The study explores the transformative shift in higher education towards a skills-first approach. Traditional academic pursuits are increasingly being complemented, if not replaced, by an emphasis on practical, job-relevant skills. 

2. Students' Quest for Skills-Based Learning: Understanding the motivations and expectations of contemporary students and why they are increasingly seeking out skills-based learning opportunities and how higher education institutions need to their curricula to meet these demands. 

3. Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Teaching and Learning: How AI technologies are being integrated into teaching methodologies, educational content creation, and administrative processes within higher education institutions. 

4. Rising Demand for Technology Accessibility: Recognizing the increasing importance of technology in education, the study investigates the growing demand for technology accessibility among students. 

5. Prioritizing Mental Health in Higher Education: The study sheds light on the critical need for higher education institutions to prioritize the mental health and well-being of both students and educators.