Pre-Conference Sessions

It's not often we get the chance to bring together our wonderful Canvas community from across the region, so we're taking full advantage with half a day of pre-conference sessions.

Enjoy extra networking opportunities, interactive workshops from our expert services teams, and participate in engaging roundtable discussions.

Agenda at a Glance


Room / Area



12:00 PM

1:00 PM





1:00 PM

2:30 PM


MR 05.06

WORKSHOP: Empowering Educators: Leveraging Instructure Learning Platform Tools for Efficient Teaching Jess Jones
MR 07.08 WORKSHOP: Empowering Educational Evolution: Iterative Change and Continuous Improvement Jonathan Perry
2:30 PM 2:45 PM 0:15:00 Orbital Shuttle Break and Room Change  
2:45 PM 4:15 PM 1:30:00 MR 05.06 WORKSHOP: Navigating Organisational Dynamics: Optimising LMS Administration and Change Management Rich Wall
MR 07.08 WORKSHOP: Data-Driven Adoption: Leveraging Insights to Maximise Utilisation of Your Digital Education Tool Suite Edwin Suprijatna Ukon, Danny Monaghan, Emily Leask
4:15 PM 4:30 PM 0:15:00 Orbital Shuttle

Break and Room Change

4:30 PM 6:00 PM 1:30:00 TBC Roundtables TBC

Pre-Con Speakers

Our interactive workshops, led by our services team consisting of former educators, ex-Canvas users, and edtech experts, are designed to elevate your Canvas experience.

Drawing from over 60 years of collective expertise in the education sector, their depth of knowledge and practical insights will empower you to excel in leveraging Canvas for educational success.

Jonathen Perry, Senior Manager of Client Services, EMEA

Jonathan Perry

Senior Manager of Client Services, EMEA
Jessica Jones, Principal Consultant for Learning Services

Jessica Jones

Principal Consultant for Learning Services
Richard Wall, Senior Services Consultant

Richard Wall

Senior Services Consultant, Instructure
Danny Monaghan, Senior Services Consultant

Danny Monaghan

Senior Services Consultant
Edwin Suprijatna Ukon, Senior Services Consultant

Edwin Suprijatna Ukon

Senior Services Consultant
Emily Leask, Services Consultant

Emily Leask

Services Consultant

Session Descriptions

Empowering Educators: Leveraging Instructure Learning Platform Tools for Efficient Teaching


Led by Jess Jones, our Principal Consultant for Learning Services, this workshop is tailored for educators aiming to streamline their daily tasks and enhance student learning outcomes. Jess will showcase how the Instructure Learning Platform can significantly reduce teacher workload while boosting efficiency. Participants will explore a variety of tools within our platform explicitly designed to simplify educators' lives.

During the workshop, Jess will discuss the transformative potential of technology in education and demonstrate how advanced tools within the platform can support teaching practices. Attendees will learn to leverage these tools for personalised learning experiences and adaptive assessments.

Moreover, the session will highlight strategies for conducting authentic assessments in digital learning environments, emphasising the importance of aligning assessments with learning objectives and leveraging technology to create meaningful student evaluation experiences.

By the conclusion of this session, participants will emerge equipped with practical techniques and innovative tools to enhance their teaching effectiveness, reduce workload, and foster a more engaging and efficient learning environment for their students.

Empowering Educational Evolution: Iterative Change and Continuous Improvement


Led by Jonathan Perry, Senior Manager of Client Services with extensive experience in change strategy consultancy at Instructure, this hands-on workshop will help to empower institutions to continuously improve the student educational experience through iterative change and goal setting.

Drawing from Jonathan's extensive experience in delivering change strategies and implementing solutions across the region, this session will provide practical insights and actionable strategies for institutions seeking to enhance their educational offerings.

Key focus areas of the workshop include:

  1. Iterative Change and Goal Setting: Participants will learn the principles of iterative change management and practical goal setting to drive continuous improvement in the student educational experience. Jonathan will guide attendees through setting goals aligned with organisational priorities.
  2. Benefits Realisation: The workshop will emphasise the importance of benefits realisation in change initiatives. Participants will explore strategies for identifying, measuring, and maximising the benefits derived from incremental changes, ensuring tangible value realisation for the institution.
  3. Prioritisation Strategies: Jonathan will facilitate discussions on prioritisation strategies tailored to each organisation's unique needs and objectives. Participants will learn how to identify and prioritise initiatives with the most significant potential to positively impact the student educational experience.
  4. Hands-On Practical Exercises: Through interactive exercises, attendees can apply the concepts discussed and develop actionable plans for implementing iterative change within their institutions.

By the end of the session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to leverage iterative change and goal setting to drive continuous improvement in the student educational experience.

Navigating Organisational Dynamics: Optimising LMS Administration and Change Management


Led by Richard Wall, a Senior Services Consultant with extensive experience implementing the Instructure Learning Platform across multiple organisations in EMEA, this workshop addresses the complexities of administering an LMS within diverse organisational structures. Drawing from real-world examples and insights gained from successful implementations, Richard will guide participants through strategies for effectively delegating permissions and responsibilities within the system.

The workshop will delve into the critical aspects of change management, focusing on how organisations can seamlessly incorporate product updates and feature releases into their existing workflows. Richard will explore different LMS ownership and governance models, highlighting the pitfalls of overly centralised control and decentralised chaos. He will advocate for a balanced approach that empowers stakeholders while providing scaffolded support for effective platform use.

Key topics to be covered include:

  1. Blueprints / Templates: Exploring methodologies for distributing power and responsibility for course design across the organisation.
  2. Roles & Responsibilities: Discuss strategies for delegating administrative power within the LMS and establishing clear roles and responsibilities.
  3. Embedding Learning with Impact: Planning for meaningful changes in how LMS functions are owned and adopted, ensuring alignment with organisational goals and objectives.
  4. Staying Current with SaaS Changes: Addressing the question of ownership concerning product release notes and strategies for effectively managing updates.

Participants can share their experiences and learn from each other's best practices throughout the session. The workshop aims to equip attendees with actionable insights to optimise LMS administration and drive positive outcomes within their organisations by fostering a collaborative environment.

Data-Driven Adoption: Leveraging Insights to Maximise Utilisation of Your Digital Education Tool Suite


Join Edwin Suprijatna Ukon, Danny Monaghan, and Emily Leask for an enlightening workshop on utilising data-driven approaches to adopt digital learning tools in educational institutions. In this dynamic session, Edwin will showcase best practices in leveraging Instructure's Impact tool, supplemented by real-world case studies, to effectively communicate with stakeholders, provide contextual support, and enhance engagement with digital learning tools.

Danny will offer expert insights into incorporating nudging theory, a powerful behavioural science concept, into change management strategies. Through practical examples, participants will learn how to design communication campaigns and interventions that leverage nudging theory to promote the adoption of digital learning tools.

Additionally, Emily Leask will introduce the utilisation of Canvas Data 2, a robust data analytics platform, to gather insights from multiple systems. Emily will demonstrate how integrating Canvas Data 2 with Impact can provide comprehensive insights into user behaviour, facilitating informed decision-making and targeted interventions.

By the conclusion of this workshop, attendees will possess a deep understanding of leveraging both Instructure's Impact tool and Canvas Data 2 to drive data-driven adoption strategies. With practical strategies and real-world examples, participants will be empowered to promote a culture of innovation and successfully drive the adoption of digital learning tools within their institutions.