Your Ideas + Our Expertise


In the 10+ years that Instructure has been offering and supporting Canvas, numerous unique needs have been requested and provisioned by our Services team. Some of our partner institutions needed custom functionality within Canvas, while others requested custom solutions that had nothing to do with an LMS. We’re happy to say we’ve got a stellar track record of responding to schools' requests with creative, timely and innovative solutions to problems across all areas of learning.

Video Transcript
I'm sure more people will be logging in. We'll go ahead and get started. Wanna respect your time. First of all, thank you everybody for coming and being a part of this your ideas plus our expertise webinar here by instructure. Lots of things to go over today and the time that we have, including some guests from JP College, they're gonna be talking about their vision and how they've used custom development to make their CBE vision start to come to reality here. But first, just quick introductions.

I'm Jason Rictor. I am, one of the custom development directors here at instructure. My counterpart, Kellen Hansen, is going to be sharing a little bit here as well. And our director of CX and services enablement, the Tyler Doxie is also gonna be talking about the process through which we start developing some new applications and things for our, clients to be able to leverage. Again, JP College representatives will be here to talk about their CBE initiative, but I know what we're here to talk about.

We wanna get straight to the custom software, the beautiful stuff that can be developed, all of the good things that can be added into not just a Canvas ecosystem. That's part of what we do. But we can develop outside of the LMS infrastructure, which it seems to be one of those things that even though we've been doing custom development here at for many, many years now. In fact, we've done over eight hundred projects for over four hundred clients. It still seems to be a a bit of a hidden secret.

There's a reason for that. And, Kevin here is gonna start kind of going through what we're changing about this focus here at Instructure. Yeah. Thanks, Jason. So as you mentioned, a lot of people like to do some development inside of Canvas, and a structure is mostly known for its marquee product canvas.

In fact, around here, it's a lot easier to just say that I work for canvas than it is to say I work for a structure and then still have to tell them that it's canvas that I work for. But actually in structure is an entire suite of educational technology products. And, sometimes, as we have learned, these out of the box solutions need some enhancement for specific client needs. And for years, we've been doing this as Jason mentioned, and we have worked with our customers to fill those gaps with customizations, whether they came to us because they needed a UI change or they needed us to help with the custom report So, today, what we wanna talk about is how custom development can help you go from an inception of an idea to your custom solution. As we'll see shortly here with Chaffey College and some of the things that Tyler has to share.

But now we do have the ability to not only scope customizations to our existing product suite, but also build custom solutions from the ground up. As you see here, things like user interface design, consultation, all the way to custom learning tools and app locations, we wanna be part of it all. And we have been engaged in conversations heavily, with other clients that are looking to do some of these tools and and different enhancements. And so that's kind of what we're shifting towards is a less reactionary, approach to this and more more excited about the customizations that we're able to provide outside of the platform as well as inside the platform. So beyond just Jason and myself and Tyler, we actually have a team and instructor that is uniquely equipped to help take basically your idea from an idea all the way to live deployment.

And that's what we wanna wanna help you with. And one of the things we wanted to highlight with that is with the eight hundred projects that we've helped build for the four hundred clients that are out there, you know, we at in Instructure are lucky because our community has grown and involved some of the most prestigious institutions in academia some of the most innovative groups that are out there, and part of developing these custom developed projects for them is learning from what other people are doing. I'm a former customer. I was on the customer side before I joined the company. One of the things I loved about in structure, why I wanted to join the company, was being networked to other people to learn from others so that wheels don't have to be reinvented.

And that's ultimately what we're gonna be doing with this webinar today. And with a series of webinars throughout this year to talk about different ideas and visions that are becoming reality. The experience and the insights that we've gained from this really help us with doing this type of project with any institution that's looking to because give you an example. People will come to us and say, hey, We're using Canvas. It's great.

We get some data, but we need a data dashboard to help us intervene with at risk students. That's an incredibly broad question. And it could go to what types of UI do we need? What type of people do we need to get involved with this? Are there different permission sets for the people that are here. These are the lessons we've learned along with this, and to share how we take a question like this, and ultimately build it to a vision. I'm gonna pass it over to Tyler Docsy here to talk about how he does his job.

Yeah. Thanks. So my team is a team that you saw earlier with some solution architects. And our job is really to help take the ideas that you have and some of the problems that you have and translate those two solutions that meet your requirements in terms of not just functionality, but total cost of ownership, ease of use and a lot of those things. So we're not gonna dive too deep in any of the examples we have today, but I did wanna show some examples here that just kind of help you see maybe a layer down of when you've got an idea, you know, maybe you have a really innovative, person on staff, or you've got a a problem that's particularly difficult and and you know kind of where you wanna go, but maybe not all of the ways to get there, that's that's where we can come in and add some value in in building up to that process.

So sometimes we'll build workflows that are really simple like this, right, that can be contained in in one page and really help you flush out who are the users that we're solving problems for, what are their pain points, and what are the experiences that go through that. Or sometimes it'll be really large and complex. So this is not even the full workflow diagram for a project we did to help the full life cycle of assignments. Right? So creation from a student information system grading, flagging items for suspected misconduct. And our our solution architects are gonna work with you as as you go through this process to understand for of that dashboard to intervene with that risk students, well, who's doing the intervention? Right.

What level of intervention? What does it mean to be at risk? And helping figure out between all of the different systems, apartments and and actors in the system, what does that look like? Once we really understand that foundation, we move on to helping you visualize and see what those things might look like. So this is an example of a, some mock ups that we built for a tool, a school rather that has a medical school program And during residency, the American Medical Association has these, they call them entrustable activities or EPA's, but the goal is by the time you finish medical school, you should be able to gather history and perform a physical examination, prioritize differential diagnosis following clinical encounter. So on and so forth, they have a number of them. And as you see here, where we were able to build that tool in a way that it looks just like Canvas. So the educators that are working on this don't have to leave the system.

That sometimes is desirable, as Colin and Jason said, sometimes not desirable or doesn't make sense. But we were able we after we build the workflows, we're able to kind of give you something to see where you can start to say, oh, you know, that doesn't really work or are a little bit different so we can make sure we hit the mark. Another example of this is a a dashboard that does exactly what the, what we talked about as an example of identifying students at risk. So this goes through and on a a weekly basis or more often, looks at different measures of what it means for a student to be at risk and kind of categorizes them based on the institution's definition of what is and is not at risk. So that it's easier for the counselors or academic advisors or faculty members or whoever you need to have access to this data to see who maybe needs a little more attention or where we need to focus.

We also have, and this is, probably familiar to to Matthew and Felicia that are on the call. Right, applications where we're showing how we're going to align outcomes to different badges that that maybe in a micro credentialing program show that you've achieved, an outcome. So we'll go through a process of building out these these mock ups working with you to make sure that you understand the experience, and then we go to moving to to production once the the project is done. There's obviously some development that happens between that. If we go to the next slide, Jason.

We've got we can skip this one because we've already seen that. This is an example of of a tool that's out there in the wild, obviously, because of the the privacy and non disclosure agreements and everything. We have a lot of people can't show a lot of things that are out there in the wild unless somebody else has made it public, but this is an example of a faculty directory that is actually out there. These are real people. If you were to search Hall County Schools teacher pages, this would come right up.

So we're there with you through the entire process, getting things launched, getting them in production, and then working with you as those things are out there to to make sure that they're hitting the mark and doing iterations if if they aren't, this specific tool, for example, we've done four or five iterations since the first release as this, the, institution annually is kind of reviewed and said, you know, this is another need that we have. So those are that's just a high level overview of the the process. If we can look here at this next slide, we have a portfolio, a really large portfolio. We only picked kind of the first two rows, because there's just so much and it's overwhelming. We have a really large portfolio of things that we've done with people who cooperated, helped them innovate, you know, added our ideas and expertise as technologists to maybe level up what they're trying to do and really, on the other side, more heavily learned from them as and educational professionals on what makes sense, and how we can help bridge some of the the gaps that they have and what they're trying to do with the the existing technologies and where they wanna be.

And we can't talk about all of these things nor probably would you wanna listen to us talk about all of them. But Jason and Kelly to have conversations to go over things from our portfolio or just listen to some of the problems you're having and help you at a high level understand how we could help or how our process can add value. So, with that, I'll let Jason take back over and and kind of set us up for reviewing some real live examples of a problem we've solved Yeah. We've mentioned Chaffey here quite a bit, and I'll just say that it it's been an exciting project for me because I'll just say quickly, I I went through a teacher's college twenty years ago and was introduced to the concept and the idea of aligning skills to curriculum that you were gonna do and admittedly the overconfident pragmatist that I was at time said, this isn't possible. There's no way this is gonna happen because it's just gonna take too much time to be able to do something like this to really make any use of it for the student that's going through this type of en environment.

I then became an educator and went through the process of aligning skills with what was taking place in our own version of competency based education, and I had to track it in lots of shared spreadsheets that took hours and hours after classroom instruction time that took away from grading and feedback. And again, I felt like this is never going to work. And then I made the move and I came to a place like in structure. And what I have seen here is and what I have learned through this experience is in an analog world, no, it doesn't. But if you get the technology right, these types of things that have only been aspirational for so long actually become possible.

And that's why I'm happy to now turn it over to doctor Matt Moore, doctor Charisa, to be able to talk about what we've got here, with what's being done in their institution. Matt and Trey, please. Great. Thank you so much. My name is Matthew Moren.

I'm the assistant dean of venture segmental partnership. At Chaffee College, and I'm gonna introduce, my partner in crime here, doctor Trolisa Glassatov. She is the CEO of Digital Learning Innovations, and, Trey has been, an incredible partner to the college, as a as contractor, instructional designer and, data guru, and, she's gonna start us off in this presentation. Thank you, Matt. Good day.

I'm gonna say good day because we're over all these time zones. The chaffey journey started back in twenty twenty. And it started with a question of how could we tell a more richer data informed narrative about our students experience across their curriculum, across the campus. And so I have this Ashanti proverb here that says a wise person who knows the proverbs of the land reconcile difficulties. And what that means to me is when you understand what's most important, what's most meaningful, Then you can identify the barriers and challenges.

Then you can work towards solutions and resolution. And so this journey was framed around employability skills, outcomes, and, credentialing. And so as we took as we started this journey, we really wanted it to be relevant to all of our stakeholders, meaning our faculty, our administrators, our students, it needed to be realistic, which means we wanted to finish this journey. We wanted to make it tangible and not, extra workload for everybody but we also wanted it to be action forward. We wanted our colleges, our faculty, our students to start reframing and rethinking what it meant to learn, what it meant to develop, and how do we acknowledge those those skills, and experiences.

So if we go to the next start slide, you know, Jason told told us about systems and technology, and that's where we started. We said, how can we effectively use what we have access to? And Canvas LMS was a central piece of that because it really allowed us to create the data. We were able to, identify the skills, align them using the features in in the LMS specifically the outcomes and the rubrics feature, and they created a ton of data for us. But we also re recognize that we needed a dish systems to really get a fuller picture. We needed a database to to explore the data, to analyze the data, We need a badger Pro.

You know, we have the badger LTI and Canvas, which is at the the course level, but we were looking at the entire experience across the curriculum, across the campus. And so we needed to do a little bit more, exploration of what what could that integration look like with the credentialing piece of Badger Pro to help us acknowledge and award those credentials And then we needed to tell a story. With all of this data that was coming out of the system, we needed to be able to put it in a way that faculty students and administrators could really digest and use. And so we had to tie in another platform of Tableau tell those visual narratives. So if you go to the next slide, what that what does that look like for us? Well, the process and the framework that we developed was in Canvas LMS as our primary system at the instance of Canvas using the feature of outcomes.

To align the specific employability skills to identify institutional outcomes. And what that allowed faculty to do was to pull it into their course and align it to the work they were already doing through the rubrics. So what this meant was realistic. Right? There was no additional workload for the faculty they could really focus on the engagement with the students, and then the identify identification of what skills am I actually helping students to develop in my course? And then to provide students that access that that assessment and feedback. So I have another proverb here.

A tree does not move unless there is wind. The wind was that rich data that was coming out of the Canvas LMS. Once all of those pieces were align aligned in the system and the user started using it, we were blessed with a whole lot of data, which allowed us to really explore and tell a different narrative around what skills were students truly assessing where and to what level of proficiency. And so this graphic here it's it is expressing just that. You know, at the individual skill level, how many students are on the pathway to earning credentials.

Right? Where it's not the it's not the end results. It's the journey. What are the students doing along the way? And then how do we as as a campus continue to help them support so that they can reach their, whatever they have determined to be a success, transferability, career, opportunity, etcetera. But it also allowed us as a college to start asking more questions and to start being more curious. Because then you have the data.

Once you have the data and you and you present it in a certain way, you start asking a little bit more questions. And so then we started saying, well, as a campus, what skills are we currently valuing? What skills are we identifying? So if we go to the next slide, you can see Based on the data, we can now start create start to create profiles, department profiles, chaffey, college profiles, as to which skills are being assessed? How does that align to what's needed in industry? Where can we strengthen our alignment? We can start having more richer discussions with our faculty, with our administrators, around the the college's mission and vision. But let me turn it over to Matt so we can explore some of the other integrations that we had with other systems. Great. Thanks, Trey.

So as Trey mentioned, a lot of this data that we were pulling out was based on the institutional learning outcomes. And, anyone here who's any accredited college knows that that's a key requirement for our accreditation is to be assessing our institutional learning outcomes as well as program and course learning outcomes. And this was the strategy that we used to start assessing the institution at scale using direct assessment. And assessment is a bad word on most institutional campuses, but we wanted to flip the narrative and rebrand outcomes assessment as a really powerful employability skill initiative for both faculty and students so that what they were teaching in their classes became relevant. And we were able to generate institutional profiles like the one that you're looking at right now that says, this is the fingerprint right now of Chaffey College from an employability skill perspective, and this is our accreditation, requirement for outcomes assessment.

And we wanted to bring the students into that experience too, which is something that colleges have a really hard time doing with outcomes assessment. Springs me to our next section here, which is outcome assessment in the lives of students. And it really was kind of like a Star Wars journey because instead of just doing assessment as a faculty endeavor with the administration that everybody wraps up every year and then puts in a bag for their accreditation requirement, we attach those outcomes that Trey was talking about to micro credentials. For these various skills. And we can continue to expand beyond the employability skill framework into technical skills now.

And so students earn tokens on pathways towards these master skill badges like the one that you're looking at right now. This particular student has earned fifty percent of the adaptability master skill badge. They still have two learning outcomes yet to complete. And the college faculty determine what the, what the requirements are for attaining mastery, which is something that already exists within the Canvas environment. And what's exciting about these micro credentials that are in the Badger Pro or now Canvas credential Pro system is that they include information about what a student did to demonstrate mastery of that particular competency, and they also link out and bridge to our online environment through the hyperlinks that you see below where students when they click on them, they will see live job postings and indeed in our region connected to those subskills.

If you compare this framework, for example, against a transcript, right? This is where we bring skills and learning that happens in the classroom to life in a much more powerful way. I I see this really as the future of transcripts for all of our colleges and universities. But there was one major problem, which was that all these systems that Trey was talking about in the beginning of our conversation, they were all separated from one another and it required a ton of manual labor for us to be able to generate those outcome reports translate that data and access databases, push it out through Tableau, create, merge that information with student data so that we could, create upload CSVs to batch a pro. And as we start to scale, we've issued over ten thousand of these micro credentials so far. It's just not sustainable.

And that's when the custom development team at instructure proved to be the the the the magic that will allow us to bring this to full institutional scale so it'll transform the way that Chaffey College does teaching and learning. So I'm gonna let Trey present the, alignment tool that the that the, custom dev team has developed with us. Right. So we're back to knowing the proverbs of the land, what is most meaningful and impactful. So as we entered into partnership with his structure, we were able to describe, dream, identify opportunity where we could eliminate a lot of the manual integration and a lot of the manual work we were already doing.

And thankfully, it's that instructor team was like, how we got you? And they were able to translate that dream into some some some great prototypes. We were excited. Every time we met with them, we were like, yes. That's it. You you hit it.

So what does that look like? We had two we had three parties, admin, faculty, student, that we really wanted to make sure that we give those stakeholders opportunity to engage with their data so that they can make some informed decisions. Right? So at the admin level, What does that look like? What does that prototype look like? It look like creating a pathway to the credential. Write the control over the outcome to the credential. So it it kinda brings a full circle. You have the outcomes portal, which starts the process.

And then on the back end, now we have that prototype where we have control over what the data looks like at a very high level, which is great because now we can do some reporting. We can pull it. We can get some real time data on What is the process across campus? What is the process for our student population as they progress to their credential? And these drill down. Right? It starts with the the credential, the skill, the outcome, but then we can drill it down to what courses, what departments, etcetera. So from the faculty level, from the faculty lens, what was important to us was to allow faculty to understand how they impact and support students along their journey.

So this view is related to the faculty view that shows for the students who are currently in my class this semester. Where are they on their journey to these skills, mastery of these employability skills? Right. And then how does this course fit in? So you can see with the badges, you have, the alignment of which skills am I targeting this semester in this course for these students. But for this student, have they already demonstrated mastery? Are they in progress? Because now I can help them further develop or strengthen those skills. And then from the student perspective, the student lands, we wanted them to be able to understand where they are in their journey so that they can, advocate.

They can, they can, be empowered to further strengthen and develop their skills. So this course level view shows them not only for this course, what skills am I a am I gonna be able to develop? But it also helps them to connect and make meany. Because if I if I know I've met mastery for a particular skill, I can drill down and understand which courses I did it in, which assignments they were, And now I can contextualize across a whole lot of different ways what this skill looks like. And if I can understand it, I can articulate it. In my resume, in my interviewing, in my in my career development.

So, you know, again, this partnership with structure has been wonderful because they have consistently hit the mark in bringing the dream, the vision, but also to just making the integration of these these systems and tools tighter so that it it can benefit all of our stakeholders in in a centralized way. Any other thoughts, Matt? No. I'd love to hear any questions, or read any questions from the audience. And, and for for any of us here, I think, We pretty much covered it. I'll reiterate.

We do have people monitoring the q and a and the chat. So if you'd like to add questions in here and get those answered either live or in the text response, we'd be happy to make that happen. While you're doing that, I will Matt, if I can take the screen back from you. Thank you. Alright.

Thank you guys for going through all of that. So in addition to any questions you may have for them and their amazing vision that's becoming part of this reality at their institution. In addition, we're gonna be doing several webinars throughout this year as I had mentioned. And so, hopefully, we're gonna be bringing other projects, probably not as innovative as this one. Probably more innovative.

We'll see what's going on with the others that are out there. We've got some fun projects we've been doing working with as a company. I'm just excited about the chaffey one being the educator that I am, but those are the dates for the other webinars that are gonna be coming up. And Kellin and I are gonna be road warriors this year. We're gonna be hitting the road we're gonna be out at a bunch of different conferences.

So if you're gonna be attending Southwest Southwest in a couple of weeks, if you're in Louisiana, going to four or future or else you innovate, heading to Long Beach for the big, California state, community college, conference there. Hopefully, in structure con, it's our first live instructor con in many years, we're all looking forward to it. CB Exchange in Florida or educause, we're gonna be there, and we would love nothing more than to talk with you about your ideas and your vision for what you'd like to be able to do. Example, in the, questions that came up here, somebody had about building dashboards and incorporate data from third party technologies if they've got open APIs. Absolutely.

Yes. We'd be able to do work like that. We'd be able to make those types of things, become part of the vision of what you guys have. Looks like we got a follow-up question for the folks Chapy there, Matt Trail, if you wanna take that one. I can take it.

So it says, Gail ask, can we create subaccounts at the sub outcomes at the subaccount level. I'm thinking of alignment of course level objectives to program level objectives. You certainly can I I think the question would be, would it be valuable to put it at the instance level? The difference between the subaccount and the and the instance level, the main account is that all programs will have access to those outcomes. And it's not automatically pulled into courses. It can be.

You can design it that way, but it's not automatically pulled in. So I would I would probably just, have some consideration questions of what the intent is, how how how big, how widespread does it needs to be across your your campus, And, does it make sense to put it at the instance or the subaccount? Either way works, it's just a matter of over time, will you want to at at some point bring it up to the main? And if so, then start at the main and and then, everybody will still have access to it. So I hope that helps. And just kind of to add on to that and in keeping with the theme, those are are things that customizations can also help bridge the gap in. So if you have, you know, maybe you want them to exist at the subaccount level, but report on them at the root level, or, you know, you you want things moved around automatically or tied in a different way, or you wanna have even, let's say, sub outcomes where once I've achieved all of these out phones, I achieve another one.

Although the Canvas platform itself doesn't accommodate for all of those use cases out of the box, those are things with custom software that we can come in and and tie together and bridges gaps and make work the way that you need to for where you're going because every not every, but, you know, lots of educational institutions have different visions of how they're they're gonna educate students and and get them to achieve things. And for emerging place, emerging practices where there's not necessarily a, industry standard or best practice, we can come in and supplement what the platform natively does with what your roadmap is for delivering on on education and help that work in a way that you want to the same way we did for Chaffey and in outlining how we tie badges to the comes that they have at the account level because their shared outcomes for all of their programs. I also see a question here from Bruce Harris. His question is, how do you determine what outcomes would be taught in specific courses? And, do all the faculty use a common assessment for each outcome? So, we, we actually So the way we structured this is, you know, every institution has, an institutional requirement to do outcomes assessment and every department has, their own, course and program learning outcomes, and the institutions all have our institutional learning outcomes And, what we decided to do was for the next three year cycle, we decided to scrap course program, course and program learning outcomes within disciplines and instead do a campus wide assessment of our institutional learning outcomes across all courses. And we created forty now forty eight because faculty Senate, amended our, institutional learning outcome framework as a result of this project.

We have forty eight different learning outcome rubric that we imported into Canvas, and we didn't, and then we let we basically let the the the accreditation required process run itself by telling faculty through the outcomes assessment committee, okay, this is the new way we're assessment, and it's gonna be way easier than what you were doing before. And now instead of at the end of the semester, you all having a signature assignment for your department and you know, going going and swapping papers or or putting things in digital files. Instead, all you have to do is import any rubric that you feel like is relevant to the assignments that you're teaching in your classes and just grade those students And that really is the first time at the institution level. We've got hundreds and hundreds now of thousands of rows of data about how students are assessing on the specific learning outcome rubrics for the institution. And we wanted to take that chaos theory approach instead of forcing, say, not that we could in a union environment, but, you know, instead of saying like, okay, this department's gonna assess this particular outcome using this signature assignment, and every single department's gonna use the same signature assignment.

Instead, we really wanted the faculty to drive the the outcome alignment to assignment experience with what intuitively they felt like was the closest match for their assignments. So we could start to aggregate some raw data that was that was in some ways, a more realistic picture of what was happening in the classes, because if you think about outcomes assessment processes, typically institutions assess from the top down. But very rarely can you mind kind of scrape big data from the assignment level of an institution and aggregate that data up to see what's actually happening at the assignment level. So so this first phase is where we are actually finally pulling data out of the system to see what faculty think they are actually teaching in relation to our institutional learning outcomes, if that makes sense. Thank you for that, Matt.

We've got a couple of other questions in there. I think Tyler, you've got some answers to some of these. Yeah. So, one of the questions I'll actually answer Scott's first, it was from chat, not through the Q and A feature. Scott asks, is there any clarity on fee and rate structure generally? I understand all projects are different.

Do you have a rate card or similar? All of our pricing for custom development services based on a an hourly rate of two hundred dollars. I say all they're they're very, very few exceptions. That we generally, though, we'll go through and give you an estimate on what the the project is though, because one of the things that to to the all projects are different, we're also working in a environment where we're I would say hypertuned to educational software use cases. And so if you're out on the market shopping for others and telling, you know, we wanna tool that meets the LTI standard that does this thing or that thing, they may not be as efficient, or have tools built. So one of the things that is really valuable for our team.

We already have libraries built that do most of the Canvas integrations that already know how to work with the Canvas API that already know how to build a a tool that means the LTI standard in a way where we're not having to write that code from scratch or go find a library. We have something that we kind of maintain and evolve over time. So everything's based at two hundred dollars an hour in terms of how we do it, but the the number of hours that it may take us might be vastly different from some others. And so if you have other questions or you have a project where you'd like to get some some high range pricing on, just let Jason and Kella know, and we can certainly facilitate that. Justin's question in chat, are we able to request dev work with your Salesforce instance? We have a tier two support and a more elegant approach to transitioning, take instructure to us to be welcomed.

That's something that we can certainly evaluate. I I know that in the past, we have done some work for integrating with other ticketing system. So, then, and we haven't done it for a while, but we had some institutions that had their own system and they wanted us to basically integrate in a way where we would pass tickets over to their version of Zendesk or whatever the soft where it was, out of hours and and try and marry the systems up in a way that they keep track of one another. So it's something that we could definitely evaluate, based on the details of the project and That's something that Jason and Kelly can can help with if you reach out to them or they can reach out to you if you leave your contact information here and we can take the next steps. This next question, are we able to request customized dashboards and features for Canvas hubs that are created purely for faculty, as well as a hub for faculty to go to for directory about certain content and information.

Yes, absolutely. So depending on what you see in that hub, it could be a very different, type of solution or experience. So if it's content and something more aligned to, like, what Canvas comments would do. We can help either, with with things to layer on top of that or make content more easily found. So one of the the things that we showed that was that faculty, directory.

We didn't talk about this, but it's actually integrated with the student information system for that customer and and other things where they create their courses there. And then they wanted to give their faculty a way to more easily identify pre vetted content from the institution that they could import, beyond just what Canvas comments does. So we did that. We also previously have built dashboards where there are faculty specific resources that aren't necessarily educational content, right? Like, think of, a handbook, right, like an employee handbook or, how to apply for research grants, how to get different things budgeted, all those things that go along with operating, a higher education institution. We we were able to build space for that as well so that teachers could go in and get just the things that teacher needed.

So, again, that's something would be great if you have some requirements to reach out to to Jason and Kellen are just wanna talk about it and we can get some, you know, get the ball rolling on some things that we may be able to do for that. Justin asked a question beyond the hourly rate, are there maintenance fees involved to ensure that those integrations did not break from your release? Yes. So We we generally, I I would say, ninety, ninety five percent of the things that we build, we operate and maintain on behalf of the client that we've built it on an ongoing basis. And we do have an annual fee that covers updates so that if something does change, we're able to to keep pace with that, as well as we didn't talk about this, but this is something that I think is really valuable and important that the support for these custom applications is built into the same support process as standard canvas. So if we built a a custom dashboard for you, for example, or a tool that aligned out comes to badges or anything like that and you were to have some problem, you file a support ticket the same way you would for any other Canvas problem or any other problem with any other parts of our, stack.

So if we did some customizations for impact or catalog, it's the standard way that you would file a ticket for any other product or any other problem with an infrastructure product and then internally we route that to the custom development team and make sure that that we resolved that. In terms of now you didn't ask this, but anticipating like rate card for maintenance fees, it's it that one is more variable based on project. So for simple custom reports that that we're adding in Canvas on your account reports page where you click a button and generates a report, those are around two to four thousand dollars a year, generally for back end integrations, it starts around six thousand and goes up from there and then for tools that have a user interface that utilize the LTI standard starts at about ten thousand, and then there are other factors. Like, if we're using live events, when we can go up, but those are all things as well that that hopefully just even even hearing those values as you start to triangulate in your mind what that means for total cost of ownership versus other things you may be paying for. You can see that it's it's quite a bit less, and we're always happy to evaluate the project.

And if you have a budget that doesn't align with that, we're happy to see what we can do and what some things are that we may be able to customize change from an infrastructure perspective to make sure that we're delivering within your budgets. And then, Tyler, there was one more question. On taking over the project, that one that was just in the QA from, I from Scott again. Okay. The last part of the question.

Yeah. Just do you also review re refactor and then take over projects? It's not it's not something we do a lot of. It's we have in the past So in the past, we've had a few things where we've taken something that's open source that, an institution didn't have the staffing to operate on their own. And operated that it's less common for us to take something that that was locally developed, but it's something that we definitely can look at and evaluate. What gets difficult with that is, you mentioned Java there.

Our tech stack is primarily ruby on rails. We do have some people that do Java, but If you had, nobody's using cobalt, so I'm gonna use that as the egregious example. If you had something built in cobalt or fortran, we probably would not wanna take that over. But those are all things that we could we could look at in terms of either taking it and rebuilding an Techstack, we're familiar with. So we could operate it.

Or if it is already in a tech stack, we're familiar with, just taking it, plugging any any holes or, you know, closing any gaps that have formed over time that haven't been kept up with the release schedule and then operating that for you. Thanks for getting that, Tyler. I know we're about a minute away from the scheduled end of this. So I just wanted to take an opportunity. Thank you all for sticking with us and being part of this webinar today.

Again, we're gonna be doing several more of these throughout the year. Kellan and I, as I mentioned, are gonna be on the road. And if you've got an idea that you wanna start seeing, if we can look at to what it would take to make a reality, feel free to scan the QR code right there that'll take you to a web page we have has a web form that you can start filling out, with some information, some of your ideas, and we'll be able to get back to you. Or you can just email us at debit instructor dot com and all of us that are here from instructure, get the email from that one that's, on the screen there. So thank you all very much for being a part of this.

A recording is going to come out as part of a follow-up email once this renders. So, looking forward to hopefully hearing from some of you guys. Thank you.

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