Choose Your Optimal Credentialing Tool

Canvas Badges vs. Canvas Credentials

Create skills-based credential systems that connect your students to new opportunities through secure, portable, sharable digital credentials in free Canvas Badges or premium Canvas Credentials.

Discover the difference below, choose the right option for your learners, and watch the digital badges roll in.

Complete Feature List



Canvas Badges

Canvas Credentials

Social Media Sharing

Badge Expiration

Associate Standards with Badge Awards

Manage "Staff" Access to Issuer(s)

Public Pages

Badge Award Data Export via CSV


Certificate Format and Designs

1 template option

9 template options

Bulk Badge Awards via CSV

Limit 50/file


Organization Space


Custom Welcome Space


Pathways & LTI


Advanced Analytics


QR & Claim Codes


Customize your Language


Associated Emsi Skills / Indeed Job Postings


Groups Membership Management


Organization & Issuer Member Lists


Learner Record


Custom SSO


Additional fee

Custom Branding


Additional fee


Canvas Badges and Canvas Credentials
play nicely with Canvas LMS



Canvas LMS Features

Canvas Badges

Canvas Credentials

Five-Minute LTI Setup for Canvas LMS

Course Leaderboard

CSV Progress Export

Issuer Locking


Tracking of External Badge Awards


Organization Analytics Available in Admin View


Two additional badge triggers when using the Groups LTI in Canvas (individual assignments and course grades)


Leaderboard Points

of 4