How Did Canvas LMS for Dummies Come About?
On January 21, 2021, we, Marcus Painter and Eddie Small, received an email at our Canvascasters Podcast email address. It wasn’t like the other SPAM-tastic emails that had riddled our inbox up to this point. Nope!
This one came from some guy named Steven Hayes who claimed he was the Executive Editor for John Wiley & Sons Publishing and the For Dummies book series. After both Eddie and I launched into our best internet sleuthing, we discovered that this Steven guy was, in fact, who he said he was! And, for reasons that neither of us truly can grasp even to this day, he wanted us to write a book about Canvas!
Steven said that he saw how prominent our Canvascasters podcast had become within the Canvas community and on social media. He too had done some Internet sleuthing of his own. He told us how much he loved how we engage with our #CanvasFam on social media.
He also told us about how his children used Canvas LMS and he thought it was about time someone wrote a book on it!
There were meetings, there were contracts, and there were a number of moments during those first couple of months when both Eddie and I thought that maybe we had jumped into the deep end of the pool without our floaties.
Though Eddie was working as a Principle Learning Consultant for Instructure at the time, and I was working as the Coordinator Of Digital Learning at Logansport Community Schools, neither of us considered ourselves writers.
Were we EdTech experts in our school districts and the state of Indiana? Sure.
Did we have some experience presenting and leading within the EdTech space in Indiana? Yup.
Were we authors? No way!
However, we endeavored on this project because we are supremely confident in its value to Canvas LMS users, worldwide!
So, What Exactly Is Canvas for Dummies? (And Who Is It For?)
Closer to home, however, we also knew that this book could be valuable to educators because we had both heard, time and time again over the years, that our teachers desired another option for learning how to use Canvas.
We both have had fellow educators say to us over the years, “I just need the Canvas For Dummies book!”. And somehow, with a whole lot of luck, a whole bunch of late nights, a ton of collaboration, and about a year’s worth of effort, we have written that book.
We did our best to write a book that can both teach the “click-by-click”, and inspire ideas within educators who have either just begun their journey with Canvas LMS or those educators who are experienced Canvas LMS users.
We tried to speak to all educators from Pre-K through Higher Education about best practices within online/blended learning, and how to make those best practices come to fruition using Canvas LMS by Instructure. Our hope is that those that read the book will learn a bit about Canvas, continue their learning journey as it relates to online/blended learning, and have a chuckle or two along the way!
Now, Here’s Where You Can Buy Canvas LMS for Dummies
You can order a copy on Amazon, Target, or Barnes and Noble today.
Marcus Painter and Eddie Small
The Canvascasters
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