Encourage Student Engagement With Remind


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For schools using Canvas, their LMS is where educators keep all the tools and resources they use from day to day. But students don’t always see and engage with the information and content they need to succeed.

When it comes to student engagement, communication is key. And now, you can integrate Remind with Canvas to share content seamlessly and maximize your technology investments.

A direct line for two-way communication

Effective communication isn’t just about what you share with your classes; it’s about how it gets to them, too. With text, app, and email notifications, students can get your messages on any device and send a reply right back—with protected personal contact information, a full message history, and iKeepSafe-certified data privacy policies.

Share content that students can’t miss

When students are on the go, logging into their LMS might not always be at the top of their to-do lists. But you know what they are checking: their notifications. By integrating Remind with Canvas, you can drive student engagement by sending attachments and resources directly to their phones. Each message includes a link back to Canvas to make it simple to stay informed and involved.

Save time with seamless sharing

Students aren’t the only ones who deserve a simpler way to communicate. The Remind integration lets educators save time and improve productivity by eliminating the clutter and confusion of multiple platforms. Along with sharing your Canvas content, you can send students links from over 20 connected applications, including Signup.com, Box, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive. And you can do it all without leaving Canvas.

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For educators like Raquel Lizarraga, Educational Partnership Coordinator at Cerritos College, meaningful communication and deeper engagement add up to one important thing: better student outcomes.

“Remind has been instrumental to student completion and success in the Cerritos Complete Promise Program,” she said. “Communicating via text has increased retention, allowed us to reach students throughout their academic careers, and made college more accessible—which is especially vital because most of our students are first generation.”

Interested in using Remind to increase student engagement? Visit remind.com/higher-education to learn more or request a demo.

Keep learning,

Brad Mauro
Sr. Account Executive, Remind

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