LearnPlatform by Instructure is an edtech effectiveness solution used by districts, counties, and states to organize, streamline, and analyze their edtech to ensure learning environments are safe, equitable and cost-effective.
In modern hybrid learning environments, an edtech effectiveness solution is critical infrastructure for every school district–it’s just as necessary as learning management systems (LMS), student information systems (SIS), or back-office finance systems.
Dr. Barbara Malkas, Superintendent of North Adams Public Schools in Massachusetts, articulates the need being felt by K-12 districts, especially since the rapid expansion of edtech use due to Covid-19. “Recently, we have had to invest in software to support student learning at a very rapid pace. Technology initiatives normally take three to five years before becoming sustainable, making measuring the impact to student learning a summative exercise. [LearnPlatform] provides the district leadership the opportunity to gather real-time data on its technology investments ensuring that students benefit from these resources.”
[Read the Case Study] Jumpstarting EdTech Effectiveness in the Berkshire Education Resources K-12 Cooperative
While K-12 education agencies lean on LearnPlatform to ensure visibility, communication, and proper vetting in support of their edtech equity and effectiveness initiatives, we also get a lot of questions about the tactics, implementation and purchasing of an edtech effectiveness solution. With the continued reliance on remote learning, changing budgets at state and federal levels, and ongoing financial needs of school districts and states, here are some of the options available to pay for your edtech effectiveness solution. To discuss your specific needs, please reach out to us directly.

How Districts and States Pay for Their EdTech Effectiveness Solution
School District Budget
School districts use a variety of budget categories to fund the purchase of LearnPlatform including: technology, instructional technology, curriculum and instruction, research, innovation, technology infrastructure, equity and access, and more. Often, districts combine funds from multiple budget categories to cover the cost. This collaborative purchasing and implementation is a testament to the organizational value of LearnPlatform across their district.
Federal Programs
The Every Student Succeeds Act sets expectations for and carve-outs to support state and district infrastructure for evidence gathering, management and reporting; professional learning; and direct education technology purchasing.
Since LearnPlatform and its capability for rapid cycle evaluation on specific edtech tools are directly aligned with ESSA and the levels of evidence defined by the federal government, districts and states can utilize existing federal dollars for their subscription and services, including:
- Title I - including 10% carve out for research, evaluation, and reporting on evidence of impact of expenditures.
- Title IIb - can be used for professional learning and educator capacity building, including LearnPlatform’s certified services.
- Title IVa - can be used for educational technology purchases. Further 15% is encouraged to be used for management, reporting and evaluation.
In addition to ESSA, state and local education agencies are encouraged to use their allocations of federal stimulus funding, (ESSER), for the purposes an edtech effectiveness solution can serve. LearnPlatform implementation, cost-saving subscriptions, equity dashboards and capacity-building services address the remote learning and recovery goals of districts and states, and are all eligible expenditures under the act.
State Programs
Different states offer different grant programs, funding sources, and allocations for equity, education technology, capacity building and reporting. Contact LearnPlatform by Instructure Support for additional details on these and other state-specific programs.
- State of Utah - The Digital Teaching and Learning Program offers no-cost implementation for any participating district.
- State of Connecticut - The Connecticut Commission for Education Technology offers discounts for districts.
- State of New York - The Erie 1 BOCES contract allows direct purchase with discount. Additional Ed Law 2d discounts are available for tackling student data privacy.
- State of Texas - Contracts with ESC 10 allow direct, discounted purchasing. Located in Texas, but national in reach, The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) also supports direct, discounted purchasing.
Local Programs
Local education agencies have utilized the following sources:
- Federal allocations, including Title I, Title IV and ESSER allocations
- Local Education Departmental Budgets, including IT, Curriculum & Instruction, Operations, Procurement/Finance and/or Professional Learning
- Superintendent or other discretionary funds
- Philanthropic, chamber or PTO support
Foundation & Grant Programs
Federal, state and foundation grant programs with evaluation or reporting requirements and allocations can subsidize or substantially be used for subscriptions to LearnPlatform modules and/or technical assistance.
Check out database sites like Grants.gov and GetEdFunding to find funding opportunities relevant to your district.
Cooperative Purchasing Agencies & ESCs
LearnPlatform has competed for and been awarded convenience contracts with the following agencies:
- Erie 1 BOCES (NY)
- ESC 10 (TX)
- The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) (National)
- OETC (National)
- CDW-G and LiquidPC
- OMNIA (National)
- Joint Powers Association (CA)
- SWWC Service Cooperative (MN)
Ready to find out more about how LearnPlatform by Instructure can support your organization’s journey towards evidence-based edtech management? Request a demo today.
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