New Report Reveals Most-Accessed EdTech Across U.S. K-12 Classrooms

New Report Reveals Most-Accessed EdTech Across U.S. K-12 Classrooms

Despite students' and teachers' return to classrooms, edtech remains prominent in K-12 and districts continue to access plenty of edtech tools to support learning and teaching. As the use of edtech in classrooms continues to grow, our team is excited for our first-ever mid-year report that looks at the 40 most-used tools from August 1 to December 31, 2021.

This report includes edtech products accessed most by students and teachers in K-12 districts across the country, and also focuses on the average number accessed per individual student and educator. The report aims to further help educators and other stakeholders understand the role that thousands of digital tools play in the K-12 ecosystem. Here are some highlights:

  • 74: The number of edtech tools accessed by an individual student on average.

  • 86: The number of edtech tools accessed by an individual teacher on average.

  • Classroom Engagement & Instruction: The largest category of tools represented, expanding from 17.5% last year to 22.5%.

To allocate funding and meet regulatory requirements most effectively, having an idea of what is being used can begin to reduce the guesswork often associated with making decisions on which tools to use. District leaders can use this data to focus on making more informed choices about the technology they use in classrooms, asking questions like:

  • Are students and educators overwhelmed with too much edtech? 

  • Are review and vetting processes clear and efficient?

  • Are the tools being used doing what is expected in terms of driving student growth? 

  • How can we use evidence to dig in further?

Before you can understand what is working for students and teachers, district leaders should have an understanding of what is being used in their districts, as well as what is being used across the country. Forward-thinking districts must consider how to implement, manage and support the number of edtech tools needed to reach all students effectively, and what evidence they need (and when they need it) to make informed decisions about continued investment.

Want to see how your district stacks up? Claim your edtech Inventory Dashboard for free.

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