Science Leadership Academy & Canvas: Enabling Inquiry-Driven, Hands-On Education


The Science Leadership Academy (SLA) is a high school focused on project-based learning and managed in partnership by the School District of Philadelphia and The Franklin Institute. SLA focuses on science, technology, mathematics, and entrepreneurship with an emphasis on the core values of inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection.

Science Leadership Academy Canvas MLS

SLA uses the Canvas learning management system (LMS) to “knock down the walls” of the classroom, which enables seamless, student-centered learning that can happen anytime, anywhere. SLA students say the school’s inquiry-driven, hands-on approach helps “connect everything we’re doing to the world outside” and inspires them to “go above and beyond” with class projects—even continuing to research topics outside of school.

SLA Founding Principal, Chris Lehmann, says Canvas furthers the school’s philosophy on “authentic, modern learning” because it gets out of the way and enables teachers and students to “get the work done in a thoughtful, smart way.” He says Canvas “just works.”


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