Video: “How We Canvas”


Teachers at a K-12 school district in Utah credit the Canvas learning management system with providing new teaching options and giving students confidence to become “technology problem solvers” and improve their digital literacy skills.

They tell their stories in a new video produced by Iron County School District, whose vision is empower ALL to learn. Teachers mentioned three specific ways that Canvas is helping their students: Feedback, organization, and self-paced learning.

“It helps them stay organized. They don’t lose papers. They don’t forget to turn things in. The percentage of homework completed in my class has skyrocketed since I started using Canvas.”

Kyle Johnson
7th Grade Teacher

Those benefits save time for teachers. The district increased its use of MasteryPaths, a differentiation tool built-in to Canvas that lets teachers assign work based on a student’s individual level, meeting students where they’re at, and allowing them to take ownership of their learning. 

Screen shot of math teacher's Canvas lesson

Cassie Walker, a third grade teacher at Parowan Elementary School, uses MasteryPaths in her math class. Walker recognized that she couldn’t “clone” herself and be everywhere, so she started to record herself teaching a math lesson. Students could watch it, work at their own pace, and take the quiz once they’d completed the content. Walker put in supplementary videos and instructional aids so students who struggled could get more instruction and attention. “I get to work with the students who need it most during the whole math time, because I don’t have to stand up at the front and give my whole spiel to everybody and really only reach a third of the class. I get to reach everybody at their own pace using Canvas and I love that,” she said.

Iron County is another district taking part in a statewide Canvas initiative to increase the use of technology in education. We want to hear how Canvas is letting you innovate in your classroom, school, or district. Just visit our Facebook page and leave a comment or story under this post. 

Keep learning,

Jody Sailor

Canvas K-12 Team

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