Making an Impact


New to impact? Hear from us how we launched the Impact tool to collect Canvas activity, create targeted Campaigns and provide more insight to instructors.

Video Transcript
Good afternoon. Thank you for attending our session, making an impact. We'll we'll be discussing, how we got started with impact, what are our current use cases with it, and what are our plans moving forward or pretty much our future plans with it. So my name is Rafael Perez Junior. I am one of the systems administrators, and also an impact administrator with the Department of Educational Technology Services, which is part of the Division of IT at Florida International University, FIU for short. No Panthers.

It's a lot of energy for five, Miami seven. So my name is Mario Romero. I'm the IT director for ETS, one of the best teams in the country. We're part of, as he said, the division of IT, and, my role across the university is a lot of the enterprise wide tools, and so impact being along with best for us. That's one of our tools as well.

So before we all get it, but too fast. So before we get started, if you were in our previous other FAU session, we're very proud of ourselves, so we're gonna share some facts. We opened our doors in nineteen seventy two So we're kind of young as institutions role. But we have grown significantly, for our size, we're fifty six thousand. International is not just in our a hundred and fifty two countries are represented in that student body.

So there is a lot of international identify. And if you ever have the luck to come by, please visit. It is an open campus, and you'll see a variety of different students. It's a wonderful experience. I recommend it.

We have two hundred and seventy five thousand alumni as you may hear in the back. Thank you. Fourteen thousand employees were among the top ten largest we do have two main campus. I mentioned Miami because that is our main campus. That's where we're located.

But we do have locations worldwide across. And we are currently r one research university. We're also considered a top value. One of the big thing that is important to us is we are a very big first generation school. And so a lot of the efforts that we do is with those things in mind.

Right? Like, the tools we implement the strategies that we take, we're very considerate of our students as I'm sure you all are as well. And so, for today, we wanted to share with you our journey impact was relatively new for Instructure as it a tool is. And it was new to us as well. If you are, I wanna kinda gauge for those who in this room, how many are you actually impacting users in the institutions? Oh, so we grab more fifty fifty. If you are new to impact, you kinda wanna share a little bit what it is and how we're using it.

And that's what you'll see today. We're gonna have images. There's some video prerecorded just in case internet goes out. But there is a few different, options we're hoping to share with you that you can take away and use if you are a current impact user or something that you can learn if you're interested in in implementing impact at your solution. So impact is an ed tech adoption tool.

When I read that, I'm like, what is that? So, but really what you're gonna see today is the few features that impact has. It's going to give you insights to a lot of the ed tech tools that you have embedded in Canvas that you really did not have visibility to before. It has customized messaging, tool analytics, campaign, and instructor course reports, and we have images for all those. But the biggest thing to kind of understand of how Impact works is Impact has a component that is integrated within Canvas, but they also have its own dashboard. So again, if you've ever used it, try to imagine something in Canvas, but also something standalone, which again, a lot of our ed tech tools work that way.

Right? We have an integration. We see it in Canvas, but we have a dashboard impact similar in that way. Yes. Question. Can a person have an impact admin and not be a Canvas admin? So the question is I've been told have to repeat.

Can a person have an impact admin, but not be a Canvas administrator? So the answer I believe Yes. Yes. Thank you. So, yes, that is true. We're gonna show you a little bit of how we use at our institution.

Please, I would like a screamer, how we use it. Doesn't have to be how you use it. So, Bob, we do wanna share again those insights. But thank you for that. And so up, upcoming, you're we're gonna share with you what really? Oh, let me see.

Why we wanted to start with impact? In which, again, half of you are kind of new to this, and it may resonate with you. We really wanted to solve a problem. We have a data issue, as many people do, where we didn't have visibility somewhere Is. Some of our LTIs are extremely robust. They have their own dashboard.

They get us everything. We're good. But some really don't. And so how do we get to get that information to our hands in an easier There really wasn't. Now, again, we did share with us that we are, fifty four thousand students.

I do wanna share that my team is less than twenty. So we're not a really large considering the the teams that we service. I also wanna share that we work with an, wonderful team along our side, which is the you online is kind of the online college. But we in service all the in person courses, and again, like I said, enterprise wide. But still, the issue lies with a group of one, with a group of ten, resources are always scarce.

So how do we get that data easy? Right? So, we have always questions for administrators. We report to our AVP and our CIO, and we always get questions that we really have no way to provide an answer to. And unfortunately, some of our vendors couldn't get this that answer either. So we're always looking for that. We also wanted to know what's our ROI? What's our adoption rate? So we get a lot of funding based on tech fees, which I'm sure many institutions implement as well.

How do we know that the tools we've invested in are giving us the usage rates and the ROI to renew that license. Where is it worth it? Where is it not? We really didn't have visibility to that. So come along. Sim to our other two products, we learned about impact at a conference. It was an instructor.

It was educause, but nonetheless, it was really interesting. Our AVP, so shout out to him. And our IT assistant director, we're Edju Coson. They were speaking to the team. At that point, the impact team was still easy soft, and they're getting some information of what the product was and how it works with Canvas.

And lo and behold, it gets announced. It was acquired Yes. We work with instructure. We get impact. It makes our lives a little bit easier because we have to work with a vendor that we're already comfortable and for miller with.

Right? So that's a little bit about our story of why we got impact. Let me share with you our implementation plan. So our plan wasn't really a plan. And I wanna be really frank with you because I don't wanna say certain things and put a certain standards. That's not the reality that we face in a lot of institutions.

We require this tool in a it takes us a while to acquire tools as it might for you, but it was close to the timing with a launch of a star of a semester. And so the biggest recommendation that the impact team gave us, which I really appreciate, was just set it up. It'll start collecting. So our goal was connect and collect. Forget the planning, unfortunately, but forget the planning.

Forget all that because if we missed out on those crucial data points, at the start of the term, there was no going back. Right? So with other products where you really have a plan and a communication strategy and you know what you're basically doing, this was one that wasn't unfortunately as organized. We I know we haven't met before. I like a list. I like a plan.

This was a little nerve wracking to me, but was worth it. Data was more important than the little bit of my sanity that planning gives me. So with that in mind, we hurried up in launch. We connected collect. Right? So after that, once we knew we were collected, we've started to set boundaries.

How will this be used? Not just for the purpose of communicating to University, even for our own understanding. Impact, as you will see, has a lot of components. How do we start with a tool that we don't know? For the whole university in a fast time. So what we decided to do is let's start doing things little by little. There was no rush on our end.

I know there's budgetary concern, so there's always a I'm speaking English, but truthfully just thinking of do we wanna use it for right now, not for the long term? And that's how we started. We set boundaries, how will it be used, all those features, Then we started to streamline. Our first initial implementation and, I guess, the connect and collect was really for the data. So our focus was with that as well. And then we started to spread the word.

We started to say and share this information what impact is that we've acquired it, and sharing with different universities. We also had a a specific moment where we had to communicate to certain, stakeholders what it's not. Right? What it will won't give us, what what the limitations because even though it was new to us, it's definitely used to others in our institution. So that's also very important. Kind of setting boundaries for yourself, but setting the expectations of what we can at least Q1, Q2, etcetera with this tool.

And then the last part was to collaborate. I did mention we're a division of IT. One of the wonderful things of being central ITs that we work with a lot of people, but one of the other wonderful things is it's not always on us. So it's important for initiatives to be the the shared responsibility of those who own their initiatives. Right? So compliance offices, career offices, vision of IT, honestly, is not gonna know how to work with students and, career readiness.

We're not. But we're gonna rely on them to help use those things, and that's some of the examples that you'll see today. So with that, I'm gonna share actually Ralph's gonna take it away and share a coop a couple of things with our lunch. Go ahead. Thank you very much, Mariel.

Alright. So as she mentioned, the main goal was to get impact launched and get that data coming in. So now that we got that data coming in, one of our next, objectives was to be Okay. Now how can we organize that data. Right? Cause there's all these data that's coming in, how can we organize this so it's a little more clear to understand.

So what of the first things we did is we launched the Impact Course Reports LTI, which is an integration that, instructors in their corresponding sections can view that impact data, so at least they could get an idea of what type of data is coming in from impact. Then the next thing we did is we start our cleanup process. So the cleanup process is we got, we started creating the reporting templates, which are kinda like a folder structure and impact. So we could go ahead and organize that based on roles like, the main ones, teacher and student, but also our, third party tools. So we actually have multiple reporting templates that we could go ahead at least it's visually easier to understand because it has that folder structure.

Now, some of those tools, since many, we do have, like, course level installation, tools that impact. It tends to be a little more tricky to get it configured. We actually leveraged the LTI tools feature in Impact, which currently in beta, but a lot of those features, especially those, I'm sorry, not features, but tools that are account level tools those pretty much will pick them up right away. So there's pretty much like a two click process. You select the tool, give it a name.

So it's a, adds to the reporting template, and you're done. That's as straight as it is. Pretty much a two step process. Now, like I said, if there is any of those tools that are course level, and they're kinda like embedded deep in there. Like I said, impact, since the LTI two feature is in beta, it still has a little bit more work to do in that, tough scenario.

So what we're doing is we're actually creating manual monitors, which are kinda like trigger points to go ahead and start picking up those data points in those particular areas in Canvas. So, again, it could be a link in a course or many a course menu. If you wanna have it track a certain, area in canvas, you could go ahead and create a manual monitor. So we have a common We have an automated process and also manual monitors being created. Alright? So now that we got that data, and we got it organized.

So now we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna start leveraging it. We're gonna start communicating to our, university community. So we're gonna leverage the messaging feature and impact. So what are messages and impact? So, impact messages. There are customizable text or rich content messages.

That can be placed on the man anywhere within Canvas, and they can be targeted at any specific group of users. So if there's any sort message, do you just wanna target, target your students? You could definitely go ahead and do that. But not only can you just target all of your teachers or all of your students, but you could even target a specific group of users. So let's say there's maybe of, like, the thousands of students you have, but you only wanna target a hundred of them. We could go ahead and grab a list of those hundred students go ahead and upload that custom user group and send that communication to that specific user group if you wanna go ahead and go that route.

So right now Impact offers three message types. There's pop up, hint, and systray, and I'm gonna go over each one and how we at FIU are currently leveraging those three options. So first one, papa message. So papa message, as what you're seeing, is pretty much the Canvas dashboard It's pretty much that message right here is pretty much taking up the whole landscape, landscape of the dashboard. But, what we're currently using it for is a course called Panther career readiness.

So this is a course that is required for all students to complete. So since it is a required course that all students need to complete, We wanna go ahead and put it pretty much take up the whole screen to them so that they see like, hey, you have to complete this course. This is where you go to go ahead and do that information. And just like I and since, impact messages is rich content. It's not just plain text.

As you can see, we added an image. We put text in bold. There's even a link in there. There. So you could customize this pretty much however you'd like.

Now the next message type is hint. Now hint, what it does is I pretty much, with this example, we have, we recently launched a third party tool called tidy up, which is by City Labs, Sara City Labs. So since it's a new tool. We wanted our instructors to pretty much put the word out there. Like, look, this tool is available for you to go ahead and use it.

So what better to do a hint, which, as you can see what it's doing is it's kinda actually providing a layout to pretty much point to the instructor. Look, here's where tidy up is. This is what is pretty much a summary of what it is, and we went ahead and created a corresponding instructor article for it so that they wanna have a more idea of what, how to use it, what it's all about, could click on that link, and it takes them directly to that article. One other thing that you're noticing here is you're gonna see that little help message with a thumbs up and thumbs down, that's also part of impact. And that is customizable.

So when I say customizable, you don't have to have this on for all of your messages. You have it offer on. What we decided to do was we wanted to enable it because we wanted number one, we wanted to get an idea of how does this, feedback option work and impact. And number two, we wanted to see if in fact tidy up is being, you know, is it beneficial for instructors? Are they liking the tool? Is it beneficial for them in their course? So what when, when we as impact administrators look at that information, we're actually able to see how many people have, provide the thumbs up, how many people provide the thumbs down, and you give them pride, feedback, text feedback of like, oh, yeah, this is great. I love it, or No.

This is not really helpful for me. So we got a little bit of everything. Now the third message type is SISTRay. So this tray is kinda similar to, a pop up, but as you can see, it doesn't take up as much landscape on the screen. It actually appears on the bottom right of the screen.

So in this type of scenario, we wanted to go ahead and create a SIS train message for our instructors, especially those new instructors that have really never used Canvas before to get so that they know how to go ahead and use the course grade book. So we want to go and provide that resource for them pretty much, again, provide a little summary, what it is. Links. So it takes them to those articles. Little image that we want to add in there just to make it a little more interactive.

And then, as you can see, in this one, we did not add that helpful message because and, you know, we just it was just, consensus agreement. Let's not do it for this one. So So those are the three message types. Now the next feature that Impact offers is called walk through So walk throughs is a step by step guidance of a processing canvas, and it can leverage those three, message types. So when you create walkthrough, you're not limited to just creating a hint or a pop up.

No. You could do a combination of all three, and you actually it allows you to structure it that it has, you could add little, next or previous or end walk through buttons so that you could go ahead and have that sequential order. So in this next slide, I'm actually gonna show you a little gift video here of how we currently use it in the walk the we use the walkthrough. So right here, we have this message that we wanted to go ahead and use for simple syllabus, which is another third party tool that we currently, we recently launched. Simple syllabus is here.

So go check them out. They're great. So we want to go ahead and provide that resource that walk through so that again, those those instructors, whether they're new or existing. You know, they wanna know, what is this simple syllabus all about? We wanted to provide them at least a couple of steps of how they could go ahead and use simple syllabus and get it going. Now, like I said, there is that back and next button that I mentioned.

We did add the helpful, option to get that feedback if this is useful. And let me loop it in again so you could see it. Eventually, once we go through the amount of steps that we, desired, there is that and walk through, so it could go ahead and and the walk through the process. Now, by the raise of hand, can anyone tell me what message type was being used in this walk through? Anybody have an idea? Hint. Alright.

Is there any other message type being used in the used in there? Actually, no. It was a trick question. It was only hint. But, yeah, it's only hip being used. So as you can see, that's why it has a little out, and it's just and it just keeps focusing on the simple syllabus menu.

So I didn't mean to trick you. I'm sorry. Alright. So the next, impact feature is campaigns. So what is campaigns? It leverages the communication aspect of impact, but it also uses insights.

So we're gonna now get more into the more data aspect of impact. So again, it uses a combination of messages, but also support support articles that impact provides, as well as those activity monitors that I mentioned, earlier. Now the support articles they're actually not our support articles. They're actually impact out of the box articles. So if there's any sort of canvas feature, like how showed you the Canvas Gradebook, rubrics, any feature in Canvas, they actually have the corresponding articles that you could ahead and leverage for those campaigns.

So that's why, in here, it is used to promote specific features or tools in Canvas. So in the next slide, I'm show you an example of how we're using a campaign, which actually our campaign is how to create a rubric in Canvas. And Doff the clicking here? You don't mind clicking yet. Sorry about that. It's a little video.

You might need to we had the same issue on ours if you escape out of the presentation mode -- Mhmm. -- and then double up, like, right click it and open up, like, we had to really? Do you want me to download them at that point? It wouldn't play in our heart. Oh, let me see. Actually, if you don't mind going back to the slide or Let me let me see if this works. No.

Never mind. Okay. I saw a button to play, and I thought it was to play the video. Which okay. Thank you for that.

One second. Did they strip it? No, wait a second. Doesn't play. Let's see. But it has a picture.

That's what it is. They didn't save the video. It's okay. Oh. Just skip it.

You're gonna have to use your destination for Canada. Yeah. We're gonna have to use. Yeah. I mean, I could kind of provide, and then if anything, my my Mac is actually, if you don't mind, Next animation.

No. Hold on back. Yep. If anything, You do? Grab my lens. Yeah.

Mhmm. Well While we're trying to set that up anyone have any questions in the meantime? The the walkthrough? Oh, we're we're gonna get it up and running. So you ought to see the the the example of the campaign. Yes. Ralph.

Okay. Okay. Actually, not yet. So okay. So the question was, are have we currently used impact to create a campaign, not just for students, but for our instructors.

Right? Is that the question? Or the other way, not for instructor, but for students. Yes. So Oh, I'll answer that. You get the left. Okay.

So I can She will answer that. So, as the question is. So we've done it for a variety of things. The student wants the example that you saw before where it was a pads or career readiness course. That was only for students that are first year enrollment.

So we actually get our, enrollment or information from our SIS to identify that population. So it's not even all students we segment it. And then what we've also done is I don't know that we explained that in that picture, but we have more than one instance in Canvas. That image is in the academic instance to tell him to go to the professional development and compliance instance and complete it there. So what we're trying to do is how do we bridge that gap between different instances? We're using impacts.

Right? So right there, it says get started. It'll take them to the log in four develop so that they can complete, which is our Canvas catalog, so that they can complete their enrollments there. So in fact, we're not only using it for we're referencing to different locations. And we're reinforcing that. I think Ralph shared that earlier in other systems.

So our SIS also has a hold to complete that. So there's a lot of integrations that happen, but also it's it could be independent as long as the message, and that's what we learned. Right? So our canvases are separate, are in, instances are separate, but as long as students know where to go, they're able to complete it. So, we have about I don't remember the population now, but we had a high, completion rate for this term, the last term. I believe we're at ninety.

And we, again, are considering students that may not reenroll in that ninety percent. So it's been pretty, helpful. Again, students are very visual, like, where many of us are. So as long as they see it, that it's been helpful. I hope that answered.

Yes. Okay. Three questions. You're only for snow accounts. And then, first question, how does it work on a mobile, device? So, one of the previews, and then what we'll show is a little bit.

That's actually to come. That's not a recent release. So, oh, I'm gonna repeat the question. How does it work on mobile devices? So, the acquiring of data from mobile is something that's recently been released in impact. It's kind of on our to do for the next chapter for us, and it will be one of our sites.

And the second question. What can you do that limit by subaccount? What? Can you Any part of any part of it? Can you limit impact by subaccount? I'm assuming it's because okay. It is for your entire instance. Are you limiting the access of the? I work in one instance for colleges and my college is the one that is interested, and the other three fear in anything. So I I wanna be able to say to my district.

Hey, you know what? It's okay. You turn it on for me only and the others won't even So I don't know that we'll be able to parse all the data, but I think there's certain features that you can parse. And then maybe even once it's enabled, you can think of ways to showcasing it to the other departments, because, to be honest, the part that we've seen, like, the communications component and and tracking that, because you can create a custom some user list of your district. It would be a way that you could implement impact without again, it's still connected to the the general in but just reassuring that you're not using the general user group or population or outreach, and you're limiting it to a custom user group that may be a way to mitigate that. And then the third question.

Thank you. Last question was today. Do you have any comments on comparing the the first image you showed of the up over everything versus the global analysis. Thank you. So the question is what is the difference with the pop up message and a global announcement.

So, I do wanna have a disclaimer that we made the size a certain so it fits aesthetic of a Polaroid because it has to be with making moments. And so that was part of it. So, and when you have it in a normal screen, you actually don't see it as full as you do in the sample. So it was just so that if it's, you know, making moments. But with that, there is the, actions of with global announcements, you get the visibility of if someone saw it or not.

But with impact, you actually get the visibility of did they read it? Did they click it? How long were they on it? So you get those additional data points that we were about that we really didn't get with other tools. This is what's going to give you that. You also have that thumbs up and thumbs down. Right? And with the thumbs up or comes down, which, again, we didn't demo. You, but you can then get a as a end user, you get a text box to type it in.

And so with the global announcement, we kinda don't have those type of action. So it does give you a more robust announcement, if you will, if you're comparing it to a global announcement. And back to our regular Oh, one more question. Data from mobile. Alright.

Do the campaign work at mobile? So the question is it will collect data from mobile that campaigns work on mobile? I don't think that we've seen it yet. That is a great question because the now, actually, the the collection of data for mobile was recently released within probably like a few weeks ago. So we are currently exploring that if it does in fact, campaigns work with mobile. But that is a It works in the mobile browser, but not the app. Yes.

I have heard that. It is also something that we have suggested as a feature request. Yeah. So any other questions before? What? Yes, a question. Sir, I get a question about what you guys have mentioned with, manually created monitors, especially for because we've encountered an issue where not all of our LTIs are showing up on that tools page.

And while it's very easy enough, to create a monitor on the MELTS. It shows up on the fourth navigation. We were finding this very hard tool manually created for really hidden tools. Like, let's say, voicethread, the power notes, they're hidden in the external tools link. And especially if you have to really go with them and even go.

It's not picking up the elements that could crack it. We've been able to, but with the help of impact support, believe it or not. Yes. So, wait. The question is, is.

Sorry? Oh, sorry. Yes. The question is, have we been able to create manual monitors for those tools who are not existing in the global nav believe I got that right. And the answer is Yes. So it is possible, but with the guidance and help from impact support, they have a way to do it, But since the the impact tools, LTI is is in beta, we're hoping that once it becomes out of beta, it should clear that up.

And, we actually do have voice to it and have created monitors. So maybe at the end, we'll connect, and and we can share yes. Alright. So we got our presentation up and running again, thankfully. Alright.

Do you wanna press play? So no. It works. I got it with the remote. Yep. Alright.

So back to campaign. So here's a little visual of how we're currently campaigns, which actually is how to create a rubric. So what I'm doing right now is I'm going through, one of the options is I wanted to you is remember I mentioned that, Impact provides out of the box support articles. This is actually one of those that you're currently seeing. So for anybody who wants to know how to add or create a rubric, that's one of the options.

Now, what I'm doing here next is I'm going through the process. I'm going through the steps of this campaign because it does provide that walk through process. So it's asked me, okay, go ahead and click next on the assignments. Now it's taking me to the SIS Trade message to go ahead and open the assignment. So I'm gonna go ahead and click on next, and eventually it should.

I'm gonna go ahead and click on the assignment. And then the next thing it's gonna do, eventually, I go slow so that y'all can see clearly, is the hit message to go ahead and click on that at the plus Rubik button. And then the next step is to load this tray message actually, I'm sorry, not this tray, but a hint to go ahead and create that rubric. And also as we're I go through this walk through process, it is providing me information as some of these walk throughs, are hit messages have those links with the corresponding articles. So it it's a seamless process and flow of how to go ahead and create a you're not pretty you're not, like, stuck on, like, okay.

Now what's the next step? It's actually visually providing you the step by step process on this, which is rate. So I'm going through it, giving it a title. I'm pretty much following what it's telling me to do. And again, this is something that we are finding very useful full, for depending on what type of feature or tool we wanna go ahead and promote. So for this one, how to create a rubric, our instructors are finding this super were helpful, especially those new instructors again that are not really, really never used Canvas before.

They're finding this option to be super useful. So, we're we are exploring, potentially creating more campaigns along with what for other features in Canvas. So, we just wanted to try it out on a couple. We don't wanna overwhelm or bombard our community with so many little steps on walk throughs because then they're gonna have their screen all over the place. So we don't wanna do that.

But at least we could provide that information and these little steps that they find very helpful. The campaign to them? Or Yes. So The question. So the question was so oh, so the let me if I heard it correctly. So your question was if we've able to limit to those individuals that have never used rubrics before to create a campaign for those individuals.

The answer is yes. We are ex yeah. We have because, like, like I mentioned, we're able to pull that data of the of the individual actually from Impact, which I'll show you now the insights option. One of the insights options is those feeds all the features in Canvas. So we could see who actually has access rubrics or who has not, and we could go ahead and, target those individuals who have not used it and create the campaign based on that information.

So, yes, it's just possible. Alright. So that's, campaigns. Now we're gonna go ahead and move on to insights, which I'm sure a lot of are very interested in because everybody loves data. Right? So insights.

So what is impact insights? So it is a collection reports that provides real time data a Canvas environment, it does provide, more information on the native third party tools. So, like rubrics is one of them, collaborations, it has all those sort of features, that you could go ahead and it is trackable. There are multiple report types available. User activity, tooled option, Canvas works activity, and there's even one for you to create custom reports. So if there's any sort of, department chair that wants a specific data set, you could actually ahead and create a custom report from impact and be able to share that information to that, to the department chair.

And I'm gonna show you visual what that looks like. And like I said, the Canvas LTI is available for instructors, which pulls information from the insights. And again, I'm actually gonna show you in a moment, the a visualization of what that integration looks like for the instructors. Alright. So we're now here in our impact dashboard.

We went into the insights menu. So what you're seeing is all the different data sets that are available. We have the user activity. We could go ahead and provide a date range. You have to session time.

You can see the amount of page views, and it does provide different, graph options. So we have to line a graph, but we also could do bar chart if you want. Like I said, we have to date range. You could go ahead and even export these type of graphs. So if you wanna go and export it, let's say as a PDF or CSV those options are available.

The tool adoption. So those reporting templates that I mentioned, those kind of folder structures that I was mentioning about, those are our reporting templates that we currently have. And, we let me see. We're going to the monitor categories. So those ma those monitors, whether it was by the monitors LTI or the created manually.

Those monitors are listed there, and there's the folder structure that you're seeing. So as we select, so what we did here is I'm selecting instructor, and I wanna see all data, that has to do with instructor. So it could communication, collaboration, it provides it's pretty much color coded for you. So at least you get that visual representation of what type of data you can see for that, particular role, and the same thing applies for students. So if you wanna see the type of data for your students, you're gonna get the exact same type of information.

So that's let me see. We're going through. I'm just going through it again. I wanted to do it in a slow process so you could at least get a better understanding of what you're seeing. Alright? So now the next one, course activity.

So if we wanna get an idea of what type of table is occurring in the courses, you could go ahead and search for a specific course, which in my case, I selected my sandbox, but you could see the amount of students that are enrolled. You could get level participation. When was the last time the student accessed the course? When was the last time the instructor accessed the course? And then the tool adoption, charts. Same thing similar to what you saw in the other menu. And just, by the way, this pretty much this type of information that you're seeing right here is a mirror image of what you're gonna see in the course reports l t I, in the integration for the instructors.

Alright. So that's course activity. The last one is my report. So I remember how I told you that you could go ahead and create those custom reports for, so if anybody in your university, institution that wants to go and request specific datasets, you could go ahead and create those custom report types. It does provide all those options.

You could go ahead and do it by, you know, the date range, specific data opt points, you could go ahead and give it a custom report. And the nice thing about that report is that it updates automatically. You don't have to go ahead and run it again. So once you go back and you go to my reports, see it, it's gonna go ahead and update it automatically for you. Alright.

So that's, that's insights Now we're gonna go into the course reports l t I. So the course reports l t I, what you're gonna see here is, again, my sandbox course, but I am an instructor in my course. There is the course menu, the impact course reports. And like I said, the course, the course activity tab that you saw in the impact dashboard, It's pretty much it's a mere image of what of what it is. You're but now this is for the instructors.

But by the but I just wanna mention that the data that you're seeing in the integration in the LTI only pertains to this one course, whereas in the impact dashboard, if you and impact administrator, you could see you could search for a specific course in your Canvas environment and be able to pull their corresponding, canvas activity. But we wanna go ahead. And like I said, we want to get the integration installed right away. So at least our instructors can see the type of that's occurring for each of their course sections. So same fields.

You have the instructor activity, the tool adoption, student activity, you know, have they submitted assignments? How many assignments have they submitted? How many quizzes have they taken? You get all that information within the impact course reports in, LTI. Yes. If you're in a structure with multiple courses, are you able to see that in aggregate or so the question was, as an instructor, thank you for reminding me. As an instructor, are you able to see all courses that you teach because if you're instructor, you have possibility you might teach multiple sections. Are you able to see it in aggregate? And the question is, no.

The would have to pretty much go into each Canvas show. Select the impact course reports integration, and you will get the corresponding impact data for that specific section. Yes. Yes. So the question was, is there a way potentially for for just be able to see all that report, that information, and an aggregate.

And I don't know if Mario, if you'll be able to have information I do not believe so at this time, but that's a great question. Any other questions? Go ahead. Okay. The good question is, and I think I think you saw this that if I'm creating campaign, the end user has to click on the button before they expand to the next step in the process. Correct.

Says, can I create a campaign for my students that wasn't who has been assigned? Absolutely. Yes. Actually, what was the question again? Sorry. I got into answering the question. Sorry.

Confirming that if you do a campaign, the end user in order to successfully complete the campaign, they must click here, type there, click here. Yeah. So pretty much he what he's asking is that, you know, for us, like, as impact administrators, if we're able to create a campaign for, like, that example, for instructor to go through a walk through, can the same thing be done for students? Is that correct? And the answer is yes. You could go and create a campaign for, specific areas for students. So let's say, how do you submit an assignment? And as an example, you could create a campaign.

It actually offered, impact offers out of the box how to, to go ahead and create a campaign just to submit an assignment for students. And then all you need to do is select your audience, which be all students in your campus environment. Or like I said, you could create those custom user groups and impact and just, select that specific target of, students if you on. So, yes, it is possible. I'll take it.

Alright. So I'll leave it to Mary else so she could go and wrap up the presentation. Thank you. You. So what we have learned, you know, that clean up we had to do? So sometimes it does help to start over.

So when we, launched impact, again, connect and collect, that was that was my internal model. We didn't have preview access to there would be an instructor level course l t I. And so the way that we set up our folders may be more so organized. And so the moment that we knew that was going to be an option, and we were going to enable it. We realized, okay, we need to take the work to clean it up.

So that's a big lesson. Sometimes very stuck on how we've done things because we've done them that way. And we have learned that if we stay in that model, it wouldn't really be helpful anyone because the data can be overwhelming if you don't know what you're looking at, especially since this is a new tool. So it does help to start over. We also learned we have lot of tools.

And I'm sure you all do. I know we've heard that all all over in the keynote this morning. But our understanding even our cell how are we going to prioritize what we use, what walk throughs to leverage, it's been a task, and it's one of the helpful things and I I mentioned this earlier is not get overwhelmed that all the features that it has and all the tools and all the data that you're getting, but really breaking it down to start so that this is a significant improvement, not a deterrent just because it is so much. The last thing is to say it with pictures that has to do with the messages and the walk throughs with the students and that big image that they saw for that career readiness course, that was the attracting factor for them to actually read. We also then shared with the, the career department to please put your head your lines, like, put bold, put that at the start because we know, and you all know that users don't read, and even if they read, they read wrong.

So let's do this in a way that that captures them from the start. And then the next thing is where are we heading? And as we mean this, this is as a relatively short term. We actually have a long term But right now, we are really exploring and how can we guide users via walk throughs. Ralph really brought up a good, mentioned that we are always, and I'm sure all to onboarding new faculty, not our Canvas users. So we have this assumption because we've been Canvas at their Canvas, but no.

So what can we use to kinda help them get started. Right? The other thing is let's continue to align with university initiatives. Again, we're Central IT. I don't know what's better for the students necessarily. I know how to implement it, but not necessarily what to say, what to do.

So we actually provide a template so that they help draft the messages, and it's not really drafting it. So it's more in the tones that they know that they communicate the students with. So it aligns with the other tones of the other emails that they get. Right? That continuity in messaging is very important And and the last thing is for us to search with trends. That's something that we wanna do in the recent terms, especially now that we have, I think, over a year so of doing this.

And the course instructor LTI, that's something that we really wanna look for. So let's look at the trends that we are expecting. We're assuming, but we've never confirmed with data. So, in the long term for our what's next, we wanna explore the impact universe. I don't know if you've ever looked into this, but impact has a law of resources themselves, of course, Canvas and Instructure.

We wanna look at those resources. We wanna see what walk throughs are providing out of the box so that we're not recreating it. We also wanna define our needs better. We are a division of, right? We we need to know what we're using, what we're launching, what we're supporting. So we need to do the homework to really define that.

We can't, again, I don't wanna be remiss. No one's perfect. And we can't have that assumption as well that we know. We have to really take the time to work with administration in define what that is. Secondly, because of that, what we've done is internally create a user group.

It's very small now. We wanna expand it long term, but we created an internal user group that is mostly our team members, but even student employees, faculty. So we have some folks in our team that are faculty and kind of understanding what they to see what we explore next. So if you have impact, I challenge you to create your own even internal user group. Even if it's three people at first, four people and it starts growing, I think it's a good opportunity to kinda learn together, but also expand what you're expecting.

Sometimes, again, IT, we don't know. So let someone tell you what what it is if you if you yourself don't know. And then also mobile usage. That has been huge. When we found out we were super related, that we were gonna have visibility to mobile usage because that's been extremely complicated for us.

And again, we're a high institution, we're a high enrollment institution, so that's really important for us to understand how much of our population is in mobile. How can we support them? So that's if for our presentation, if there's any additional questions, please feel free to raise your hand. If there aren't Oh, yeah, there's go ahead. Weird question because we just purchased a tank last year, and you guys were the second that the ability for course instructors to view those course reports, was that an additional So the question is we've mentioned the ability for instructors to view a course report and if that was an additional add on or product. And the answer is no, it was LTI that they release as part of impact as far as what we have, and I don't know that they serve different service package of impact.

So I would actually ask your CS M, there is an integration, but I do implore. Look at your data, clean it up if you can, and then launch it. Because you know, as you know, if you launch something, that may be, visually not helpful for instructors. They may be off putting with all that information. So I would do the same clean up work if you need to.

You may have been organized the start. Any other questions? No. Well, if you want to connect us, this is our linked in QR code. Even if you can message us via LinkedIn, we can connect like some of our teams to to chat if you want to. I know there is an impact user group.

Or the Canvas user group has had impact features too. So if you do wanna learn more, connect with other experts, they have that as well. If there aren't any other questions, thank you for joining us you at the party. Thank you.

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