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- Explore Canvas for Elementary, designed to meet the needs of young learners
- Canvas New Quizzes has introduced powerful updates for better assessment
- Learn about the latest product updates to Canvas Studio.
- Learn about the latest product updates to Impact.
- Learn about the latest product updates to Mastery Connect.
- Watch this in-depth demonstration of the power and simplicity of the Instructure
- Follow along as Canvas Community pros Rosie Santiago, Sky King, Beth Crook
- Travis loves the flexibility and adaptability of Discussions in Canvas as he
- Watch the Longevity Project present about lifelong learning, remote learning
- Watch this video to learn how the benefits became reality with Canvas LMS at
- SpeedGrader definitely lives up to its name. Canvas Advocate Megan Tolin shows
- Canvas Advocate Cat Flippen discusses the benefits of modules, plus how to make