Career-preparedness is key.
In a recent survey we conducted of 7,000+ college higher-education students around the world, career-readiness was their #1 priority. Canvas offers personalised learning pathways that can adapt to students’ interests, as well as e-portfolios they can use to highlight and archive proof of their skills and achievements for potential employers.
Personalised learning pathways
Data to help measure student outcomes
E-portfolios to highlight achievements
Whole-student engagement. Because the whole student matters.
Mental wellbeing has never been more important in education—and in life. So we all need to think beyond the lecture, look at holistic student development, and teach habits for success. Canvas connects the dots with supportive tools for all of the above.
Many ways to stay connected and check in
Student-to-student communication
Flexibility that supports all sorts of learning styles
Educators matter, too.
Our 2020 survey showed that the quality of faculty is a top contributor to student success, and that engaging content and instruction are critical. Canvas is full of tools for interactive collaboration, feedback loops, and video communication.
Student and classroom data in educators’ hands
Dynamic discussions
Enhanced engagement through interactive video
Open up a can of Canvas.
These Canvas tools work together to enrich, support, and connect every aspect of teaching and learning.
The Latest From Instructure
Research Reports
State of Student Success & Engagement in Higher Education
Product Demos & Videos
10 ways to make online learning more engaging
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