[De La Salle University] Improved Course Management Using Personal Blueprint

Video Transcript
Awesome. Well, hope you all had a nice quick break. And, if you still wanna eat food, there's still a lot of the back. I'm gonna introduce our next speaker, for for to for today, our second session. And it's actually on a topic that I get asked about a lot as a customer six success manager, and that's on the topic of Blueprints our our next session is on improved course management using personal blueprints. Personalized course management is a cornerstone of effective teaching.

So our next speaker shares insights into harnessing the power of blueprints for tailored educational experience. So our next speaker is, please welcome Michael Maguera, who is a director of academic support for instructional services and technology at De La Sal University, with over a decade of educational experience Michael leads edtech innovations at the university, driving education growth through technology. Please give him a warm round of applause. And then how about or I think most know, if not, three years, four years before the pandemic. Some of you may already been experimenting with Canvas.

I remember in twenty seventeen, when I became a new faculty at the LSU, free version, You know, it's a free version of this pattern. When I tried it with my it was being tried first with College of Computer Science, and with the senior high students. So when I tried it with my engineering students, and during that time, the faculty really don't want to use it. You know, we are already comfortable with what we have. And then, to the point that We are even incentivized to at least even upload a syllabus, and adoption.

And then the pandemic came, and suddenly everybody was mandated to use it. But even now, that we are, we went back. We are going back to the face to face session and some would even really totally don't want to use it anymore. No. With no particular demographics.

No particular, even all across any age range of faculty, there are a handful of people that would still do not want to use an LMS. And whenever sometimes I, whenever I encounter those kinds of people, I tell them my two favorite things about cameras. One is the grading system, you know, any I think any any teacher among you, in my ten years of teaching, the grading system of Canvas makes it a lot easier. The second thing that I'm very, I really like about Canvas is Blueprints, you know, especially when I was still a new faculty, down power point last year. Well, the blueprints can change that.

One thing is I've clarified this with our, legal officer that handles the copper rights, the IP of our institution. And he said that, us, well, that's the IP policy of the l s euro. I'm not sure if that will be the same with with your institutions. Capag, though, any any lecture materials that the faculty does given this data data task, the copyright is owned by the university. So the faculty does not have any right to withhold that to anyone who would need to use it.

Yeah. But of course, you know, so even though we have the kind of policy, was a senior faculty for last year. That's a blueprint of course. So in blueprints, we just assign we associate courses, regardless of, I think from the last, from the last documentation that I read in Canvas. So, And unfortunately, some of our faculty, even though we, we have as we are cleaning models, give it to them.

Some would, still not know this block price, and would still manually import. So why use blueprints? Just some reminder, just to recall, why use blueprints? Because it's easier to share contents. You know, I used to, I used to be a subject coordinator for La Sala studies. Every term, it's about, it's about one hundred and twenty sections. Ganunganami.

It's about one hundred and twenty sections, of about forty students each, then about eighteen forty faculty. I just go deloop you? How will I be able to to push changes to all those one hundred and twenty sections? Ensures consistency of con consistency of content. Of course, my program objective style, my course objectives, although we do give demic freedom to the faculty, you know, but there is a blueprint. You know, I main encounter, she was very enthusiastic, tapas, at the end of the term, the complaining student, Sir, we have double, double assignments, double quizzes. We really can, we really cannot follow the course mode.

You know, a good thing about blueprints is she can lock the content. So the blueprint before I sync it such that it will override any change that the of the program objectives. And of course, pressed, faster preparation. One thing that I, before I became a subject or the author of that subject. It was also just recruited to teach that subject.

No, but still it's just the same because of the blueprint. Any faculty we can just recruit to teach that subject, So this is an example of a list of courses that I teach and then a blueprint. The one thing that's different or I don't know if that's the same how you implement it is automatically, in every course that is created, automatic my blueprint are in a create regardless. If the faculty will lose it or not. So, some faculty will still not use a blueprint.

Again, depending on Sanian, it's, preference on faculty. As much as possible, we, of course, we promote the use of it. This is something that we, was actually out of need. Because of all the academic pre development, we can, boom up, I think since morning. We do have a blueprint, but of course, some faculty would still want to tweak it, some faculty would still choose only No.

One hundred sections, ten faculty, I, are you? Some faculty would even specifically say I don't want my course to be associated to that blueprint. I will only copy what I need. No. So, but we still recognize the need. So what that's why we introduce the creation of personal blueprints.

So it before it before all classes are associated to the default blueprint that we create, you know, automatically whenever a class is created also. We introduce them. Such that, associate of blueprint, the default blueprint. That's something that will be complicated. But, I shared this now because it's something that our faculty really appreciated.

It was really thankful, because of, of course, There were the misconception. Course may be. We are charged per user, So, right? So, for example, this is one of our LC courses. Word of god, l c n word. So rather than before that all sections, usually about fifty fifty of them are associated with call blueprint, we asked the faculty default blueprint.

The association of blueprint, personal blueprint. Canvas doesn't have any, yet, you know, yet any, capacity to do that, but I think I already suggested this to Canvas, probably sometime with the picture, if the person that blueprint is the mother course, the default blueprint is the grandmother course. You know, while I'm creating, seeing the grandmother to mother. Where they, like, I mother to child. So this is an example.

And after an example of how the personal blueprint is implemented, So we have the default blueprint, which is the BP one two two two. So a new, and first digit is twenty first century. And then the twenty two, the second twenty two is year twenty twenty two, and then the last digit is term two. So one two two two. Twenty first century, year twenty twenty two, term two.

Yeah. One two two two. BP is for blueprint, And then the other one on the top is how each section is created. Vaseva Gina Gamed, one section we created per course, Indian one course, as parameters alone. So, one section per course.

And then, if personal blueprints, yeah, b p personal. Difference a name. And then, you initials, new faculty. So, So, yeah. So some issues that we encountered along the way during the implementation.

Faculty and administrators can say is always asking for you know, I said, our our office is the one that supports all this back end processes. Casa, we discovered that, when we tried to do that, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, Kapagna, as a blueprint course, it's a course And it happened before, you know, so we direct access to associate the courses. Sending out, you know, I think first two weeks in a class is to get a glabrio faculty. You know? So, we do not allow that. When not to use a blueprint, With direct interaction is needed between sections.

Casinga, Samin, we do not have multiple sections in one course. We have one section one course, but some faculty would need, direct interaction between courses Now, for example, I used to teach a subject that we allowed intersection, groupings for final project. For those cases, courses. And when all courses need to be strictly the same, ironically, even though I promote the use of personal blueprint, when I was still the coordinator of that classal studies with a hundred further sections, in, one is the the modules. So and second is, it's because it's a very it's a GE course, a general education course.

And how do we do that? How do we ensure in our form Usually, it's only approval of the vice chair or chair department chair, but we added a approval of the subject coordinator. So you know, if the subject coordinator does not approve, then we will not create that course. We need to respect this object coordinator. Yeah. And then this is how I thought very specific that this is this is how we do the form.

It's the first half. It is the second half. So It's the faculty that will tell us, adieu proposed theme for the personal blueprint, and then what sections are included. And we also allow we also allow practically any course to be associated to the blueprint as long as it is within the same term. I mean, of course, doctorate and semester.

By the bank I associated some blueprint by the. So, of course, undergrad ma'am. So she associates So, import, import, import, you know? It's a, it's an import, copy, copy, you can make changes. So, So, things that are done in the back end, and we'll hopefully will really help our faculty. Yeah.

So just some data. Actually, historically for the past three years that we started using Canvas, only six percent are using blueprints, you know? But since we started promoting it more, especially the personal blueprints, We we had we were, we had the recorded increase of use of blueprints, a steady increase for the last three terms, so six, nine, and twelve. But hopefully, Eventually, ninety percent, one hundred percent, especially sooner or later, we will be mandating all faculty to really set up their courses properly, particularly the group weights, the assignment group in, quote, come in and reads, my separate terminal website, encoding code, but there's a move eventually that the faculty will not need to encode. All reach will be directly extracted from Canvas. The system.

No. So at least, they can increase six percent, twelve percent, you know, one hundred and ninety eight and, hopefully, by the time that we implement that automatic extraction of grades from Canvas to go to ninety percent, Diane. So thank you for listening. Awesome. Awesome.

Thank you. Well, does anyone have any questions for for Michael. I've got a roving mic here so I can come to you, and you can ask your question. I've got a question from a a Canvas staff member. Let's see.

Oh, okay. Let's go ahead. It's alright. I'm I'm not here to ask a question. In the slide before, you mentioned blueprints, and then you mentioned personal blueprints.

There was two types of blueprints there. Well, not me, but on your screen previously, can you explain to me what the difference between those two are? And also how you encourage them. I think I know what they are, but I was just asking for a bit of confirmation on it. Well, the purpose itself is the same. No.

It's still blueprints, but the personal blueprints are tailor fitted to a certain faculty. Because we always give academic freedom to the faculty. So even though we have a certain template, and then this faculty would want to tweak it, then that is his own blueprint rather than, force them to all associate to sort of the grandmother blueprint. So it's it's sort of a cultural thing, I think. Some courses would allow that.

Some courses would not allow that. So it still depends. It still depends. But, because we do have this is actually very helpful for courses with a lot of sections. Like, for example, a certain faculty will have ten sections So rather than, rather than manually, import and export contents to each sections, the faculty can have his own blueprint.

Because there is actually, there is a misconception before that, faculty is very hesitant in requesting us for creation, of course, is because they thought that it's another charge. It's another payment for every course. Okay. Awesome. Thank you, sir Michael.

Another question here, Paul. Okay. So I'm Maris Chua, from our Lady of Fatima University. Just a brief background about our university. We have six campuses, from basic education up to college of medicine in graduate school.

So, sir, my question is, since I saw that you have two types of blueprint, the mother blueprint, and the other one is the personal blueprint. Question. So is it still manageable because, in our university, we're practicing standardized course content. So I'm not sure if if if it will, suffer the course content, standard course content? Good question. No.

It really boils down to a certain amount of trust to the faculty. Like, for example, you know, something about ironically, even though I promote this, but specifically for the course that I used to handle, I, I'm actually not allowing this because of that one faculty that really totally changed the modules. But for courses that are, It still depends, you know, usually for courses that are more specialized, then the tweaking is okay, it's improved by the subject coordinator. And as long as, whenever this related topics goes up, complaints goes up to the academic council. The answer is as long as the program objectives is met.

Even though the modality is not strictly followed, even though the actual modules is not followed, but the problem objectives is met, then very good. Oh, there's a risk, but, no, there's a balance between, again, academic freedom and, standard decision. Awesome. Thank you, sir, Mike. Any more questions? Is there anyone here from, Marcel? This this is just a clarification.

When you say personal blueprint, those courses are not actually tagged as blueprint, or are they? That personal blueprint is we tag as a blueprint because it will be associated to the, all the courses assigned to that faculty. Alright. But when you say personal blueprint, so you target as a blueprint. Yes. And then the IT controls to which sections they are associated with.

Alright. So I understood. The reason I'm asking is because I now understand that the arrangement or the setting that you have per section is per course style. And like many of us, we have one course style and multiple sections inside. Alright.

Thank you. Thank you, sir. Awesome. Any more any more questions. Okay.

Great. Well, why don't we give one more round of applause for sir Michael? Thank you. Thank you, sir Michael. That was, that was really great to hear. Really informative.

Probably, use who who, who here uses blueprints? For, for the organization. So a few of you, I think that was, like, the, the best selling of blueprint effort in a long time. For for selling blueprints. So anyways, we're gonna go into the next section soon, but again, we'll give you another, few minutes break, and we'll start up again in, at two fifty five.