Future-proofing higher education: Aligning learning platforms with the Universities Accord


The release of the Australian Universities Accord earlier this year has the higher education sector abuzz. The 400-page final report penned by the Department of Education examined the current state of tertiary education and offered 47 recommendations.

Among the proposals is more than doubling the number of Commonwealth-supported places in higher education from around 860,000 today to 1.8 million in 2050 to meet the skilled workforce demands of the future.


Though much uncertainty remains, there was one resounding point throughout the Accord: in order for Australia to meet the knowledge, skills, and research that the country demands, significant changes are needed to strengthen the higher education system. 

We've created this guide to help higher education leaders like yourself start preparing now for the changes inevitably coming down the pipeline. We delve into how embracing lifelong learning and reconsidering your learning management system can support your institution's goals so you're able to respond to the changing needs of both students and industry.