Personalised Learning Tailoring Learning Journeys for Everyone on Canvas


This webinar will show educators how to leverage Canvas LMS to create adaptive learning experiences that cater to individual student needs and preferences. Learn to use data analytics for informed decision-making, timely interventions, and personalised feedback. Gain practical insights into implementing strategies that address diverse learning styles and paces, empowering every student to reach their full potential.

Video Transcript
Hello, everyone again. Welcome to today's webinar. I think that has been a minute, so we'll kick start the webinar. A quick introduction of myself. My name is Ming. I'm part of the solutions engineer team here at Instructure.

I'm based in Singapore. So I'm joining you here from Singapore today. A little bit of my background, I come from an educational background, started my career as a chemistry teacher with Singapore's Ministry of Education. Did that for about four years before transitioning out of a classroom to more of a strategy role, working at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education at a national education level, driving all the edtech projects across our k to twelve schools here in Singapore. Now today for this webinar, we are gonna be talking about how you can leverage the Canvas ecosystem, the Instructure ecosystem to create, that personalized learning experience for your learners.

So a bit of background and introduction to the topic. Over the past few years, we have seen new technology, new advances in technology such as introduction of AI or increase in skill based, hiring as well as digital native students. How all of these technologies have upended education as we know it. Now while we do know institutions may be generating your own guidelines and regulations around these new technologies, there is no doubt that these advancements are only gonna continue to further develop. And therefore, in order to stay relevant, we as educators must be open to thinking of entirely new ways of teaching.

So throughout APAC, we are seeing a shift in our students' learning preferences. For example, in our research done from the State of Higher Education twenty twenty four ebook, which will be published soon, so stay tuned for that. Over two thirds of the respondents in Australia, New Zealand, as well as the Philippines, stated that they are fairly likely or very likely to consider more flexible learning options such as blended learning, micro credentials, and short courses in the future. Now the most important factors in this being that students would like, to study where and when is convenient for them and that they will also like to be able to customize their learning to suit their needs. Interestingly, both regions showed that educators felt that institutions or their institutions were doing a pretty good job in supporting their learners outside of their studies.

While our students, on the other hand, felt a little less positive about their ability to balance studies and their responsibilities outside the classroom. So what I have on this slide over here shows the result from the ANC region. And the next slide over here, now this is a graph showing results from the Philippines region. And you probably have already noticed a similar trend over here, which is that educators are generally, more positive or felt that their institutions were better at supporting students' needs compared to the students' perceptions themselves. So that makes us question, what is happening here? How can we bridge this gap? And this is what we're gonna be talking about today, how you can leverage the Instructure ecosystem to adopt a more innovative and personalized approach to be more learner centric to enhance student engagement and also learning outcome.

Now while I do know that these survey results are, very much focused on the higher education sector, the strategies about that I'm about to share today are largely relevant across k twelve schools, higher education institutions, as well as RTOs. So I will be demonstrating these through three key pillars. Firstly, flexibility, which gives our learners the freedom to choose how they can engage with the material, which empowers them to learn in a way that is more suitable to their pace, their learning style, or their learning needs. Speaking on flexibility, it is also about offering multiple pathways and opportunities for learners to take control of their own, education journey. The next theme will be on learner centric, meeting learners exactly where they are.

And this involves using data driven insights to tailor content and support to each learner's unique strengths and areas of growth, which, like, makes their learning a lot more powerful, a lot more a lot more relevant, and a lot more impactful. And this last theme I have over here is around engagement because we know that active participation is very critical to success. We know that when learners are highly engaged in tasks that resonate a lot with their personal interest, they are far more likely to develop deeper understanding of the content and retain information that you're trying to impart. So surrounding these three themes, let's go straight into my Canvas environment, which is our learning management system. So starting from the dashboard, this is what everyone sees upon logging into Canvas.

Here, I'm logging in from the perspective of Ayesha, who here holds the role of a student. For those of us who are seeing Canvas for the first time, just a quick orientation around the platform. On the left hand side, this is what we call the global navigation bar that allows you to easily access several features within Canvas. Right here in the middle, these are course cards representing the courses that currently Ayesha is enrolled to from a learner's perspective. And if I move on to the right hand side, this is a personalized to do list aggregated with things that Ayesha needs to go in and complete, again, from a student's perspective.

Now apart from just a quick orientation, you've probably already noticed this SysTrade message that is popping up at the bottom of, my page that is addressed to Ayesha. So this leverages Impact, which is our digital adoption tool that provides a personalized message specific to a user or the role that a user is currently holding. And there are different messaging types on, Impact, whether that is a systrain message such as this or a pop up message or a hint message. But while we have the systrain message over here, you can see that it doesn't take up the entire real estate of the screen. So it is not very overwhelming, but at the same time, they are the perfect vehicle to surface these just in time information.

So from a learner's perspective, this can be, nudging them or a quick prompt to go to to tell them to go in and look at their to do list to stay on top of, all of these to do items just like what we have over here. But I am gonna also quickly swipe across my screen to now looking from Chelsea's perspective, and Chelsea here holds the role of an instructor. So if you go to the bottom right corner and have a look at this Systree message, you will see that first of all, now this message addresses to Chelsea. And the content has also been changed to one that is more relevant to an instructor. In this case, it is a walkthrough which helps first time users navigate the platform without your schools or your institutions having to dedicate, training sessions for these first time users.

And all of these message and the walkthrough can be set up very easily at the back end such that when your users first come onto Canvas, they will see information that is the most relevant to them, which allows them to stay engaged on the platform right from the first moment when they log in. So I'm gonna end this walkthrough closing that. Another thing you've probably already noticed at the bottom right hand corner is this little help icon. So clicking on that, this opens up our contextualized support center. Now what do I mean by contextualized? So because right now I'm on my dashboard, you can see that all the support articles that are surfaced over here are related to global navigation and how to get started as an instructor.

But let's say if I were to close that and go into a tool such as calendar and clicking on that support icon again, you will see that now the support articles over here have been distilled into just those pertaining to the calendar such as how you can create calendar events, how you can leverage the scheduler, and how you can access calendar from our mobile apps. And that is the meaning of contextualized. Also worth highlighting that all of these support articles over here are provided out of the box, but at the same time your institution or your school also have the ability to come in and add institutionally specific information. So what this support center really does is that it offers that first line of support which provides that self help mechanism such that some of these issues or many of these issues, in fact, will be resolved before reaching your support or admin team, which alleviate the burden of that team. At the same time, you can see that regardless of the page that I'm clicking, this support center is always hovering on the right bottom right hand corner.

So it is very readily available. It provides that on demand relevant guidance, right, and when guidance is needed, which reduces the overall frustration of technology, and which helps your students and teachers to stay focused on their learning and teaching goals. So if you're already a Canvas user, you will know that, Canvas courses are made up of different modules. I love to think of these modules as chapters or units within our textbook. Each one of these modules can be built up with different elements and activities to help allow our learners progress through the course.

And to add any element to a module, all I have to do is one click on that plus button. This is where we can use a bunch of native tools such as assignment, quiz, file, page discussions to really create that personalized learning experience for our learners. But apart from just these native tools, we can also come in and put in a bunch of external tools. And take note that, you know, these lists I have over here, they are definitely not exhaustive. In fact, there are many other tools out there that can integrate with Canvas.

But you've probably already see some familiar names to use such as Google Drive, Microsoft three six five, Power BI, tab Tableau, YouTube, Vimeo, Zoom, etcetera. And all of these third party tools leverage the LTI framework. Some of you might be already familiar with this. LTI stands for learning tool interoperability, which is a global edtech standard that allows all of these third party tools to be seamlessly integrated within a learning management system such as Canvas. Now double clicking on this topic of LTI, Canvas is easily the most extensible system out there in the market.

We can integrate with over four hundred third party tools out there that can exist not just at your root account level, but also at your subaccount or even at your course level, which gives your institutions the full flexibility to choose, what is the most suitable tool for your teachers and learners. And in addition to that, behind each one of these LTI tools that you're seeing is what we call the LTI placements, which is essentially where we can surface these LTI tools throughout the platform. And on Canvas, we can surface LTI tools at up to thirty six different locations. And what this means is that the right tool will be surfaced at the right time at the right place to meet the needs of your learners, which goes back to that whole point on meeting learners where they are really giving them that personalized experience as they go through their learning. Bit of swiping over here, coming back to the first element within this module.

Now this is a discussion. Hopefully, some of you are already familiar with this tool for some of, for those that are already on Canvas. Now I love discussion. This is me speaking from an educator's perspective because I think it really helps to facilitate that collaboration among our students, which helps to simulate that face to face interaction, but now in an asynchronous in an online environment. But, of course, I'm not here to introduce you a discussion, but rather, we have something that is very exciting that is currently built in here, which is an AI translation piece.

And that is the first AI piece that I'm gonna introduce to you today. So while we know that the Canvas application content such as the global navigation bar, the course navigation bar over here can be automatically translated into a learner's preferred language, the course content itself is not. So this is one of the locations where we are tapping into AI's ability to translate user authored, discussion threads created by these, from rich content editors into a hundred different languages. For example, I am a native Chinese speaker, so maybe I can come in and translate that into Chinese. So you can see that, again, one click of a button, not just the title, the prompt, but rather all of these discussion threads, all the replies have already been translated into Chinese.

So that regardless of maybe the language that I'm most comfortable speaking in, I will be able to have that personalized learning experience regardless of where I come from, the language I'm speaking. You know, everyone is given that same opportunities to learn and to excel. While we're on the topic of AI, we have conducted a webinar, I think, about a month back where our product manager, Ruth, spoke about AI, Instructure's AI philosophy. So if you want at that webinar, I highly encourage you to give it a watch. We are very transparent with the technology we use, the privacy amount, and many other things.

So all of these, how we use the technology can be found on our community page. So if you just search up AI nutrition facts, this will already bring you to our community page. Post translation, that was the one that I was drawn on just now. You will see the model that we use, the data that is being logged, any PI that's exposed amount, and many other things. Now I quite like the name of AI Nutrition Facts because, you know, just like when you do buy new food off the shelf, maybe in the supermarket, you probably wanna know what exactly is in it.

So we are taking that fully transparent approach in our AI features, and I think this is really a key component to our commitment to leveraging AI with a very intentional, very secure, and human driven approach. I am gonna close that. Coming back into my modules page, we can also set up requirements and prerequisites to help our learners see what exactly that they need to do to progress to the next stage. And we can approach this in two ways. The first one is very much instructor driven.

So for example, we can come in and log this module until maybe the end of September such that all of my students will not have access to it until this date. And this can be especially helpful if you are looking to establish a more uniform pace among all of your learners. You know, for example, in week one, everyone looks like this. In week two, let's all move on to the next. So as instructors, as teachers, you can you can really focus on the things that you have designed for that particular week or sudden duration of time without worrying about having to schedule to publish the subsequent content because Canvas can take take care of all of that for you.

And if we think about it from a learner's perspective, they can also focus on the learning objectives for that week without getting distracted by all the other stuff that is coming up within their course. The next approach over here is very much learner centric. So over here, we can come in and set a prerequisite. In this case, all of my learners need to complete module one before module two will be unlocked for them, which makes perfect sense. We can also set up requirements for this module.

And requirements are things that learners need to complete in order for the system for Canvas to recognize that, okay, you have indeed completed the module. So for this module two specifically, I want all of them to come in and view this page to contribute to a discussion and maybe at the end of it, I also want, all of my learners to sit for a quiz to test for their knowledge retention and they have to have twenty out of twenty for that. So once I click save, you will see all of these requirements. View this page, scoring twenty out of twenty, and contribute to a discussion page page such as this, which gives our learners a very clear picture on the tasks that they need to complete, the knowledge that they need to acquire, or the learning objectives that they need to achieve before moving on. So while I did say this approach is very learner centric, but we as instructors, as institutions are the ones setting up these pathways to guide our learners progressively towards completing the course or towards achieving the final goal.

So while we're here on modules, we do know that there are many institutions out there who has a use case where you want to leverage the the same course but to cater to, students who may require differentiated content. So for example, in the k to twelve context, maybe I'm an English teacher and I'm at a at one single point in time, I'm teaching three to four different classes. And each of these classes, while largely similar, they need differentiated content for, you know, certain part of the modules. Or maybe I'm a university professor teaching the same course across different faculties. Or in the RTO context, you may wish to differentiate content for users of or for learners who are, let's say, attending their lessons online to those that are attending their lessons in person.

So traditionally, we could differentiate content at a individual assignment level or at a individual page level. But as you probably can imagine, it can be pretty cumbersome to set up, especially if you have large number of assignment or pages that you will require such mechanism. So this is where we have recently released a selective module release where you can easily and flexibly allocate content to specific students or groups of students so as to provide that content that is the most relevant to the learner's learning journey. So for example, in this module one over here, I can come in and assign that to tutorial group number one. And the subsequent module, maybe this is an adaptation of the previous module, but right now, catering to learners who are, you know, who prefer to learn it much more visually, maybe in my tutorial group number two.

So this is where I can assign that. I can also go very granular into individual learners so that regardless of, where our learners are at in the learning journey, but we are and we we are able to provide that similar mechanism for you to differentiate content, which simplifies that whole process. Of course, we know of institutions who are leveraging things like blueprints to do that, but I think this selective module release offers a much simplified mechanism for you to achieve that. Now speaking on differentiated instructions, if you have watched some of our past webinars, where I talked about my personal struggle back when I was teaching in giving differentiated instructions to my learners in a traditional classroom, It was definitely a struggle, and this is where our tools such as Mastery Paths can come in to provide that differentiated instructions based on how our learners have scored in a previous assessment. So I've covered this in some of the previous webinars.

So, again, highly encourage you to give it a watch. What I shown over here, this is very much of a review. So after my learners have set for, you know, some parts of the course, they can come in and review, and this is where we can guide them to different, different paths to bridge that knowledge gap. But recently, I've also come across a few very interesting use cases of the tool, of the mastery paths tool. So I thought I will share them with you here.

The first one I have over here is on prior, leveraging mastery paths for prior knowledge check. So for example, if you are teaching an elective subject, let's say, and students will come to your course may already have varying levels of, knowledge. Some Some may come with zero prior knowledge completely, while others may already have done some or subset of the content in their core subjects. This is where you can incorporate a very low impact quiz, maybe just out of two points, and I don't want that counting towards the final grades, to test students' prior knowledge. And from there, maybe learners with zero prior knowledge will need to start, you know, right from the beginning.

And some who have some sort of prior knowledge can skip the introductory session of the course. Now by having a low impact with such as this and incorporating mastery path, we are giving our instructors the autonomy to gauge which group of students have mastered a concept and those others whom requires additional additional support and additional guidance and thereby guiding them to their personalized pathways. So all of our learners are seeing something that is more tailored to their needs. Again, meeting learners where they are at. Now going back to my module, another way of using this tool is so called a fake quiz that I'm giving out to my learners.

So what do I mean by fake quiz over here? So while I do have points associated with this mastery part with this quiz, again, I'm not counting that to what's the final grade, but these points are solely used and will only be used to from to differentiate my learners and to guide them to different, learning paths that I've got set up over here. So for example, for the same piece of content, I know me I myself would definitely prefer to watch a video because that is something that, you know, helps me to retain knowledge the best. Whereas some others may prefer to read a PDF, and I also know of learners who will find, you know, even watching video may sometimes be distracting, so they just very much prefer to listen to an audio. So I thought that was a very interesting way of using mastery path by giving our learners the opportunity to choose how they want to learn, which gives them the flexibility to learn in a way that is the most suitable for them and have Canvas automating this whole process. Now with the rapid changes in job markets and technology, there is a growing demand for upscaling and rescaling.

And in response to that, we are seeing a rise in institutions offering micro credentials. These courses are usually self enrolled or self paced, and this is where you essentially want the course to run on its own, once our learners have enrolled to the course. So this is how we support that on Canvas, leveraging course pacing. Course pacing helps in to support instructors with courses that have staggered start dates or rolling enrollments that require differentiated due dates based on when learners have started or enrolled to their course. And I know that it's a lot of words, so I'm gonna explain how this works.

For example, in this certificate three of captive animals course, altogether, I have thirteen pieces of assignment over here. I can come in and set an on average how long it takes for each one of my learner to complete, each piece of of assignment. This is where I can also have settings such as skipping weekends or managing any block out dates such as any winter break or summer break, etcetera. So, essentially, it takes probably about five weeks for my learners from the point of entering the course to completing the entire course. So that regardless of when your learners are enrolled to the course, they will see a differentiated set of due dates.

But having said that, if you're educated like myself, you probably already raised a question by now, which is what if some of my learners require additional support? Or conversely, what if some of my learners are super fast learners? They need less time than usual. And you're absolutely right. So this is where we can further differentiate the pace for each sections of students. For example, like the one over here or if I have to close that, an individual learner level. Maybe Garth, in this case, super fast learner, I can come in and reduce that time for him to complete the course.

So that regardless, of where you are at, again, regardless of when you are enrolled to the course, we re we are really allowing every learner to progress at their own pace, tailoring their educational experience to their unique needs and abilities so that no one is left behind. Now for some of our k to twelve customers or some, teachers that are currently sitting in the room right now, you may think this is very much catered to higher ed or to RTO. But in fact, I think this is super powerful in the k to twelve context when we talk about things like teacher PD. Because you may have teachers joining the school at different times throughout the academic year. They and they'll they will all need to complete, for example, a new teacher orientation course.

Here in Singapore, our academic year follows, calendar year. And I know most schools do try to get all of their teachers onboarded before the start of January. But does that mean that, let's say, if I'm a teacher joining the school in June or in September, I don't get a orientation that I supposed to that I'm supposed to have? Or even if I do, does that mean that my administrative team need to individually go in and adjust all of these assignment due dates? So we don't want such cases where there is a struggle or there's a bad there there's a need to balance between, you know, having that personalized learning experience and too much admin work. So I think this is where really where cost pacing can come in to have these courses run on their own at a defined pace so that every learner will have a personalized set of due dates. Everyone will be able to learn at a pace that they are comfortable with regardless of when you're enrolled to that course.

Now I'm gonna exit that. Actually, let me just go back to that course again. So while I'm on this course, this is me on my main page, on my home page of the course. You will also see that at the bottom, there's a pathway that is currently attached to this course. Now this pathway leverages our credentialing tool which is a digital badging solution that automatically awards our learners with verifiable digital badge upon completing part of the course or the entire course or something that can exist completely outside of Canvas.

These badges can then be stacked into what we call a pathway like what I'm showing you over here. And of course, I am rendering this directly within Canvas. But just for the purpose of this demo, I'm gonna open that up in another window so that we can have a clearer look at it. First of all, I like to think of these pathways as a road map that we build to help our learners visualize their learning journey to work through all the steps that we have designed. And typically, your learners will start from the left and work through the steps that you have built up for them in a progressive manner.

All of these steps are also responsive. So if I do click on each one of these batch over here, we can obtain the information that is currently sit sitting behind them. So let's say opening up this final year one completion batch, we can see all of these batch details, but more importantly, the adherence to Open Badges standard. Now if you haven't heard of Open Badges, if you recall that LTI standard I talked about just now, all of these are issued by one attack. So Open Badges is another, global ad tech standards that, for all the digital badges.

And what this means is that behind each one of these batch, it sits a ton of metadata such as the batch criteria, the description, the skills that I need to demonstrate in order to earn this batch, the recipient in you know, if I am the correct recipient for this batch, the issuer, which likely is gonna be your school or your institution, the issuing date, expiration date, etcetera. And what this open badge is what exactly because of all of these metadata that is sitting behind this badge, this is what makes these badges verifiable. So that if I am a learner and have today on dispatch on year one completion and I've decided to share that on, place such as LinkedIn, the audience who sees dispatch will be able to verify that I have indeed completed and done all the criteria, correct recipient for dispatch. So coming back to this pathway, I think it also gives our learners a very clear overview of where they're currently at in the learning journey and what is required of them to take it to the next level. So for example, having completed the original course on cert three in captive animals, this is where I can present the pathway such as this to my learners and let them know that this is where you can move on into advanced zoology.

And from there, together with a list of core subjects and maybe an optional calculus course, I would then be able to complete semester number one. And together with semester number two, I would then, you know, I'm one step closer to earning that final year one badge in bachelor degree in, in Surajee. So a pathway such as this is highly engaging, but more importantly, it gives our learners the autonomy to visualize and to take charge of their learning journey. And, again, this is just one of the pathways that my students can take. Maybe at the end of completing this course, you can surface multiple pathways to them, which again gives our learners that flexibility, that more opportunities for them to explore and learn.

Now we know there are a lot of content that is currently sitting on your in your Canvas environment. I think just take for example, higher ed in the higher ed context, a student is enrolled to anywhere between ten to twenty courses at a single point in time, and I think that is a lot of information. So we have heard of, from educators and student alike that sometimes finding the content on Canvas, can sometimes be a challenging process, especially if you don't know the exact keywords or the phrases that you're trying to find. In fact, I was just in a demo a few weeks back where that institution described the exact same scenario to me. They were having a test the next day, and the night before, their professors, their instructors were bombarded with messages from their learners asking them where exactly do I find these resources so that I can revise for the test the next day.

So this is where a tool called smart search comes in. This again is the second AI tool that I'm introducing you today. For example, here, I'm gonna search up anything related to design because maybe that is what I'm interested to to learn more. And you can see that, the system is able to return me all the relevant results from things like pages, discussion threads, as well as assignments. Now when I say AI's ability, so it got goes far beyond just search for relevant keywords.

It might not be very obvious to you right now, but let's say I am again, I'm a native Chinese speaker. So I wanna search that up the same word design but right now in Chinese. And you can see that even though my entire course exists in English, but the system is able the technology is able to understand the context of what I'm trying to ask and return me the relevant results again on, design, which we think it will really allow every learners, every all of your students to, to discover their content a lot more quickly to ensure that all of them stay engaged and also motivated in their own learning journey. Now back when I was teaching, I taught on average maybe hundred and sixty students at a single point in time. But I definitely did try to make an effort to connect with each and every one of them on a personal level to really understand their learning behaviors within and also outside the classroom.

But given the large number of students that I interacted with on a daily basis, it was almost impossible to quantitatively and comprehensively measure which are the exact students that require our additional support. So this is where students in need of attention comes in. The dashboard I'm currently showing over here sits within our analytics hub for all of our administrators. So based on institution specific criteria, in my case, students to contact, the system will now be able to provide an easy mechanism to highlight students that are in need of support. At the moment, I'm, rendering this across all of my terms.

So inactive, together with active terms. But of course here, you can filter down to just specific terms, specific course, or specific teachers, or even go into, within a certain date range. Again, right at the moment, there are fifty students here. If I go right to the bottom, I can also see who exactly these fifty students, are. And from here, we can then drop them a message.

And of course, this message, it will be delivered, in the b c c style directly to all of these fifty students all at once directly to the inbox over here. But because this message, it is, it's more like a broadcast that, you know, I'm messaging fifty students at a single, single time, your message over here is probably gonna be pretty generic. But at the same time, I can also come in, at the bottom and look at specific students that I have. Maybe I'm gonna look at Mavis, for example, and because I wanna see how exactly she is doing. So from here, we can gain further insights into Mavis' average grades across all courses together with her last activities.

Scrolling down a bit, we can also look at more granularly the individual enrollments that Mavis is part of and together with the course that she is not meeting the criteria in. In this case, x, highlighted by this exclamation mark. Right at the bottom, we can also track longitudinally, maybe this is spread against time. Now these are usually very helpful indicators to help us identify any trends or anomalies. And so by surfacing such information very clearly and comprehensively to our administrators, we are hoping to catch these signs, for example, a dropping in overall cost scores as early as possible so that we can intervene timely and appropriately to provide all of our learners with that personalized level of support to drive overall educational success.

Going back up a bit, I can also, filter that into specific enrollments that maybe this is part of. For example, biology. I think this is the one that she was not meeting. She was requiring more of our attention. So again, going into this specific enrollment, we can see her current grade, zero, clearly does not so great.

On time submissions, last page view, seventy five days since she last viewed this course. So probably something pretty alarming. And also track Mavis' current score as compared to the rest of the class. Right at the bottom, again, tracking her interactions as compared to the rest of the class as well. And intuitively, when we do see learners who requires our additional support such as this, we will want to drop them a message or reach out to other stakeholders within maybe assist education.

So this is where we can come in and message the learner herself or her teachers or her parent who here holds the observer role. And it is and if I were to go back up into students in need of attention, I mentioned the default criteria that I have over here are students to contact. But, of course, we can also come in and view all the criteria that I've got set up within my environment. And it is worth highlighting that these criteria can sit at a root account level, which is what I have at the moment, but they can also sit at a sub account level to provide that different a further differentiation based on, let's say, different department needs, different faculty, or different arms in your school. Going into each one of them, we can also see the exact parameters that I can set this criteria breaking down into two broad categories, which involves engagement as well as performance.

And just like anywhere else on Canvas, everything is super easy, super straightforward. One click of a button, we can see what exactly do we mean by participation. Essentially, it's things that students can interact with such as posting in a discussion, joining a conference, etcetera. The last thing I wanna touch on over here is on your data. So we know that there are a lot of data that is currently being generated from your Canvas environment, but not all of us here in the room, has a data analytics background.

So this is where we are offering you the capability to ask natural language questions of your data, which will then return a leverage AI's capability, again, the last AI tool that I'm gonna be introducing you today to answer to understand these queries and respond to you, in text or visual responses when that is appropriate. For example, I have a sample question over here, so I'm gonna put that into the chatbot over here. I'm just moving my Zoom bar out of the way. This is where I can submit that. So what this tool is currently doing now is tapping into AI's ability to understand the natural language question that we have just asked, feed that through the large language model, and return the relevant results from our data access platform.

Some of you may know it as CD two, Canvas data two. We can also use this, data to generate things like, so coming back here a bit, right now is giving me a a tape just giving me a table. But at the same time, I can also use that to generate, let's say, a bar chart or a a pie chart or certain other charts if, you know, this is more suitable for that purposes. And because it's like a chatbot, so I can definitely interact with it. Maybe add, oh, that is still in Chinese.

So add a column with course name, for example, and I will let the system, again, do its job. Example, and I will let the system, again, do its job. Just giving that a second to load. Let the system do its job. And there you go.

There's now the system has already returned to me returned me a table with a course name over here. And I can have that, I can also validate the exact SQL query that goes behind this. And maybe if, you know, you do have some level of data analytic background, you can come in and order by it it maybe right now it's ascending. Maybe I wanna change that to descend and then save that query and then have the system rerun that for me. There we go.

And the last thing I wanna say is we can also pin many of these charts or invite all of these charts to a pin bot, which we can revisit later on as well. So just coming into my pin bot, you can already see a number of pins that I've already put up over here. Each one of them is responsive. We can go back and look at the exact charts that are generated this. But going back into the pin bot again, I also wanna highlight that every time you come into the pin bot, these graphs, these charts refreshes.

What this means is that you are always getting the most up to date information and you're always staying relevant to what exactly is happening, which allows you to leverage all of these datas to inform your subsequent in, teaching instructions or, you know, creating that more personalized pathway for your learners. Again, because it's an AI tool, so you can definitely find that AI nutritionist flag on our website. But coming back to this tool, I also wanna say that there are so many use cases that I can think of to enhance personalized learning, whether that is identifying learning gaps, tracking student progress so that instructors can tailor their teaching instructor new instructions just like what I've mentioned. I think the sky is the limit, but, really, we are providing you with actionable insights into student performance and engagement so that everyone, regardless of your expertise in data analytics, can understand and support each student's unique learning journey. And with that, I'm gonna jump into the q and a session.

We've got quite a few questions that I'm coming, that are coming through. So if you do have any more questions, please do leverage the q and a session to ask them, and I will spend the next few minutes looking through them. The first question, is there a default to provide content to all and select only those to opt out instead of selecting to opt in? I'm assuming this is regarding selective module release. So if you're this is coming from anonymous, but if you're happy to clarify that. But, yes, I think I've shown this showed this just now.

So by default, all module all modular content are, assigned to everyone by default, and you can select those that you want to, you want to release those modules too. And the next one coming from I Aisha. Is there any way to use mastery path or something similar across multiple modules so that results from the previous module inform the experience in the next one? You can definitely set up mastery paths across different modules, but but at the same time, you know, there are different tools for you to facilitate that triggering of one module after another. Things like locking the module, things like setting up requirements and prerequisite, etcetera. Right.

Coming from Anne, regarding the use of MasteryPath's choosing mode of content delivery, what does it look like from a learner's interface? So this, for the question for the quiz that I have set up, it was just a very simple quiz question. How do you want to learn? Whether you wanna watch a video, whether you want to, listen to an audio, or you want to, read a PDF. And they would just need to answer that question, and they would then see the subsequent relevant content that you have set up in the MasteryPath. Next one. Hi.

I can't find a course pacing feature. I have Canvas catalog. Should I be able to access this feature? So course pacing, again, this is coming from anonymous. Course pacing currently says within Canvas. So if you just go into your course setting, for example, I think the one I had was within this course, go into settings.

Again, if you're a current customer, please feel free to reach out to your CSM and search that course pacing, and this is where that will be enabled and you will see, navigation such as this show up. Next one coming from Amy. Would institutions need to pay for each certification batch that's being issued on Canvas? We have our own certification batches with Accreditly. I'm sure if this can be implemented on Canvas credentials. So I'm assuming that you are current customers, so I highly encourage to reach out to your CSM who will give you more information on the cost breakdown and the best strategies, moving forward.

Right. Next one coming from anonymous. Great question over here. Can the analytics hub analysis page be used by instructors and not admins? This is a very good question. So currently, at this analytics hub, it says add an administrative level.

But that being said, we do hear a lot of feedback from our customers. You know, things like student in need of attention, for example, will be very useful for instructors or teachers because these are the information that they can really leverage to inform the subsequent decision making processes. So it is something that is in high priority and something that our product team is aware of. So, I do encourage you to keep a lookout on our product road map. Or, again, if you're current current cuss Canvas customer, yeah, reach out to your CSM and they will be the first one to inform you whether it's any update.

Next one from Damandra. Can we download this report? So I'm not exactly sure which report that you're referring to, but if you're talking about anything that is on Canvas, on the analytics page, yes. All of them can be downloaded in a variety of format, whether there is a PDF or a CSV. For some other contenders, also things like TSV, parquet, JSON, etcetera. Great question.

Next one from Graham. Is the LA function available at teacher level or only admin? LA. I may need more clarification on what LA is. If you're talking about learning analytics or this analytics hub, I think I've addressed that just now. So currently, it's just an admin level, but, definitely, we are highly aware of the need to have it at an instructor level, and it is something that is in mind of our product team.

Another question coming from Connie. Can you speak about the ePortfolio solution? So again, if you're a current customer, highly encourage you to reach out to your CSM who will schedule a subsequent call to go more deeply in-depth on the ePortfolio. Coming from Jason, in the analytics hub, is there a way to view outcomes at an institution level to see how multiple subaccount students are doing on a specific outcome. I right. So I think that is probably you're asking on us your data.

So, yes, I would say us your data. It leverages the same set of data as our CD tool, Canvas data too. So outcome is part of that. So it really just depends on how you phrase that question. Maybe, using the ID of the outcome ID or using that specific subaccount ID to to, phrase the question such that the system would generate what you are trying available for you to use.

Next one. Is the smart search feature already available as part of Canvas? Yes. It is available, and you should be able to find that in your course. Next one from anonymous. Is there a communication module which connects with WhatsApp? Also conduct post using WhatsApp integration.

I don't believe we do integration with WhatsApp. So I would say that is a no. But at the same time, I think I just wanna highlight the whole communication nuances, I would say. You know, you want to centralize all of your communication in within a certain channel. And in this case, we do provide that communication all using inbox.

In none other words, I think when, let's say, a new appointment or a new assignment is being scheduled, we probably don't wanna bombard our students with notifications coming from different channels. It's probably not a good experience. So they can leverage you can definitely leverage our our inbox among many other tools to reach out to your learners, which will then send, a notification and also, a pop up, to their mobile apps as well. Right. From coming from Gideon, if I launched a new user tutorial, is there any way I can track who has completed it? Will be great if I could get a batch too.

Yeah. So, yes, you can definitely track who has completed it. I'm assuming you're talking about the new teacher orientation tutorial. Yes. That all of that dashboards, all of those data sit within our impact tool.

So, yes, very powerful tool that you can really track who has completed what which part and who has even, you know, viewed the resources to which allows you to leverage those data to drive further to adoption. Next from Zarina. Is there a way for MasteryPaths to automatically assign the dates that have been preset on a quiz in a path to students? Trying to reread this question again. It's a very long sentence. Is there a way for mastery paths to automatically assign the dates that have been preset on a quiz or assignment in a path to the students who gets allocated to the path? So I would say if you are looking to us to have a date or, you know, let's say a learner has completed item number one or module number one before they can move on to module number two, that will be something that you leverage the module setting features, you know, locking certain module until a certain date or setting requirements and prerequisites there.

So not something that I would leverage mastery paths. But at the same time, if you do want to restrict, let's say, the availability of a specific assignments or the viewing of a specific page to within a certain date, you can do that. So within each assignment, there is dates available to that to your learner. So you can be set it such that, you know, all of my learners will not have access to this assignment, for example, until, the end of September. Is mastery coming from Benedict, is mastery paths only working with quiz scores? Could it be used with survey choices? So I think great question.

So the mastery paths at the moment, it definitely works with a point system or a scoring system. But just like what I've shown just now, you can definitely set up a so called fake quiz and just don't have that count towards the final grade. So in a way, it is a survey. You know, I'm trying to get my learners to choose which path, which is the best way that they want to learn. So, not necessarily having a score per se tied to, that quiz.

Anonymous attendee. What functions in Studio and Backpack? Good question. But I would we will probably need to set up another session, so I encourage you to reach out to your CSM. We can go more further in-depth on that. Graham learning analytics.

Yes. Yes. I think, I've addressed that just now. I think that is analytics app. Coming from Georgie, is the course space pacing feature available to everyone? Yes.

It is available to everyone. So if you can't see it in settings, it might be a feature flight that needs to be turned on by your CSM or yourself. So, yeah, feel free to reach out to them, to get more info on that. Next one from Sherring. Is it possible to upload the module in word format instead of copying and pasting each one individually? Upload the module in word format.

I'm assuming you're talking about the content within the module. So all of them are set up using our rich content editor. At the same time, if you are trying to upload, let's say, a Google Doc or a Word Doc, that is also supported through, you know, uploading of files or integrations with Google Drive, for example. So, yes, possible. Next question.

Can I hide some of the course menu to students but only have certain things visible to teachers? Yes. Absolutely. So if you look at my course over here, all of those with these icons, they are hidden for students. And you can also come in and choose the items that you want, on this course navigation as well. So for example, over here, you can disable that course pacing or you can move it down.

Next one, anonymous. Is there a student app on Canvas? Yes. There is. Please feel free to, you know, search out in your Google Play Store or Apple Store. Is that what it's called? I can't remember now.

Apple App Store. Yes. You have we have native mobile apps for both students, teacher, as well as parent. Next question. With any download downloadable analytics, are they de identified to remove student names for privacy? I'm trying to see where the concern from this question is coming from.

So just wanna highlight that all of this is only available to your own administrators. So if you download that, yes, the student's name will be visible. But if you are thinking about on a higher level, the privacy of these tools, again, I highly encourage you to look at the AI nutrition's, facts that is published on our community. Next one from Serena. You can assign a due date to a quiz that sits in a path, but when a student gets put on a path, the due date is not applied to the quiz.

Okay. I am thinking you are talking about a very specific use case, so I'm gonna assume that you are a current Canvas customer. So, yes, if it's very specific use case, I do encourage you to reach out to your CSM who will work out that case with you. Next one from Dementra. Is the discussion translation available? Yes.

It is. Next one, anonymous. We're having lots of questions coming through. We'll give it to your top of the hour. And, yeah, for any questions that aren't answered, we will collate that and send that to you after this webinar in the email.

So next one, how is Canvas addressing the use of AI plugins extension allowing students to answer quizzes easily? I would need more context to that question. Yep. Next one from Eka. I cannot see the smart search option in my course. What could be the reason? It is probably a feature of light that has to be turned on, at the back end.

So if you can't find it within your own settings, this is where you probably need to reach out to your CSMs to turn on that feature of light for you. So going into settings and all the feature options. Next one. Among these new features of Canvas under institution subscription are present in the open source Canvas. Not quite understanding the question.

So, yeah, please provide more clarity on that. And I think with that, we've come to to the the end of today's webinar. Again, if you definitely still have questions, please feel free to send them through. If you're a current cast customer, feel free to reach out to your CSM. And if you're not, you know, we, we we will be able to have your contacts, and we will be able to follow-up with many of these questions that we have not answered. So thank you, everyone. Have a very good day ahead.